Astrophysics & Cosmology Journal Club (ACϟJC)
The AstroCosmo JournalClub (ACϟJC ) is a weekly meeting with the goal of discussing the latest papers and findings in Astrophysics and Cosmology.
If you would like to participate in ACϟJC, please contact us.
We keep track of papers to discuss on the ACϟJC journal club benty-fields and this Google document.
We also have a Slack channel, feel free to use this invitation link .
You can check out the exact dates of the Journal Clubs in the ACϟJC Calendar.
We also host short talks by members of our community or visitors. Please let us know if you are around, and you would like to share your exciting new results, you are puzzled about some difficulties you can't overcome, or you simply would like to share the enthusiasm for a new field you found about.
We commit to keeping the meeting shorter than one hour, and we commit to discussing as many papers, and as many subjects as possible.
If your favorite area is missing for a few weeks, it is definitely time you post a paper yourself!
Students are especially encouraged to attend.
Next Journal Club: Monday November 13.
Links to papers discussed in previous editions: 2020, 2021, 2022-I, 2022-II, 2023-I