
Ibo Ortgies — Articles

sorted chronologically backwards by publication date

See also entries in

Gothenburg University Publications (database), and the

Wikipedia-article "Ibo Ortgies", section "Veröffentlichungen"öffentlichungen

A selection of acknowledgments, quotations of and references to my work is to be found here.

Currently under editing or in print



"Matthias Weckmann" and "Anmerkungen zur 'sinreichen, außbündigen Orgel-Kunst' Weckmanns"

In: 'Matthias Weckmann. Complete Organ Works.' Léon Berben, Friedrich Stellwagen Organ (1637), Jakobikirche Lübeck; Hans Scherer Organ (1624), Stephanskirche Tangermünde.

AEOLUS Music, Germany, 2020.

AE 11261: 20-29.

[English translation by Stanley Hanks: "Matthias Weckmann" and "Notes on Weckmann's 'Profuse, Ingenious Organ Art' ", 5-15.]

"Gottfried Frietzschs Orgelbau in Hamburg: St. Katharinen und die Subsemitonien."

(Gottfried Frietzsch's organ making in Hamburg: St. Catherine's and the subsemitones)

Ars Organi [Germany, ISSN 0004-2919] 68, no. 3 (2020), p. 146-156.

See even Addenda to my previously published catalogue of organs with subsemitones.

This is a substantial update of the original article "Gottfried Frietzsch and the Subsemitones in the Large Organ of Hamburg, St. Catherine's" which was published in 2019 in the A Festschrift for Prof. Kerala J. Snyder.

This update in German contains even additional information in comparison with the second version, "Gottfried Frietzsch en het grote orgel in Hamburgse St.-Katharinen. Het aantal manualen, hun omvang en subsemitoetsen", that appeared in March 2020 in the Dutch journal Het Orgel [ISSN 0166-0101] (see below).

The new information concerns amongst others

  • The number of manual keyboards that Frietzsch equipped the large organ in Hamburg, St. Petri, with.

  • A "subsemitone network" of musicians, that involved the directores musices and/or cantores Henrich Schütz (Dresden), Otto Gibelius/Gibel in Minden, and Christoph Bernhard in Hamburg, as well as the organists Matthias Weckman in Hamburg, Delphin Strunck in Braunschweig, and (remotely) Franz Tunder in Lübeck.

Click on this link to find an outline of the updated information.

Book review of

Konrad Küster: Arp Schnitger. Orgelbauer - Klangarchitekt - Vordenker. 1648-1719. Kiel: Ludwig, 2019.

Translated into Dutch by Jan Smelik. Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 116, no. 3 (2020), p. 40-41, 43-44.

"Gottfried Frietzsch en het grote orgel in Hamburgse St.-Katharinen. Het aantal manualen, hun omvang en subsemitoetsen."

(Gottfried Frietzsch and the large organ in Hamburg’s St.-Katharinen. The number of manuals, their compass, and their subsemitones)

Translated into Dutch by Jan Smelik. Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 116, no. 2 (2020), p. 20-27.

Abstract in English and Dutch.

[This is a substantial update of the English article which was published in 2019 in the A Festschrift for Prof. Kerala J. Snyder. Click on this link to find an outline of the updated information.]

"Gottfried Frietzsch [Fritzsche] and the Subsemitones in the Large Organ of Hamburg, St. Catherine's." (Translated by the author from the German version )

In: A Festschrift for Prof. Kerala J. Snyder, ed. by Johann Norrback, Joel Speerstra, and Ralph Locke.

Göteborg: University of Gothenburg (Göteborg Organ Art Center), 2019, 13. p.

= GOArt Publications, vol. 4.

[See even Addenda to my previously published catalogue of organs with subsemitones.]

Click on the following link to find Corrigenda and Errata.

"Rysum, Evangelisch reformierte Kirche." [about the organ built around 1440, rebuilt in 1513 and 1736-1738]

"Stralsund, St. Marien." [about the Stellwagen organ built in 1653-1659].

In Schöne Orgeln. Baugeschichte – Klang – Prospektgestaltung, ed. by Franz Josef Stoiber.

Laaber: Figaro-Verlag, 2019, p. 264–269 (Rysum) and p. [ – ].

(= 283. Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde).

"The Temperament of the Utopa Baroque Organ."

"A Star is Born: The Tonal Design of the Cymbelstern."

"Towards a Digital Hildebrandt Archive."

In The Utopa Baroque Organ at the Orgelpark, ed. by Hans Fidom.

Amsterdam: Orgelpark and VU University Press 2018, p. 73–90, 91-98, and 99–152.

= Hans Fidom (ed.), vol. 5/2, Orgelpark Research Reports (ePub).

[The volume contains contributions by Hans Fidom, Ibo Ortgies, Randall Harlow and the late Peter F. Williams.]


[Arp Schnitger/Schnitker/Schnittker, 1648-1719;

Arp Sch. II, 1686–1712;

Franz/Frans Caspar Sch. d. Ä. 1693–1729;

Hans Sch. 1688–1708;

Johann Jürgen/Georg Sch. 1690- 1734 or later;

Frans Caspar Sch. d. J. 1724-1799.]

In Berlin-Brandenburg und Umgebung einschließlich Mecklenburg-Vorpommern , ed. by. Uwe Pape, Wolfram Hackel, and Christhard Kirchner.

Berlin: Pape Verlag, 2017, p. 503–507.

= Lexikon norddeutscher Orgelbauer 4.

"Organs referred to in [Peter F. Williams's article] 'Organs and Their Music'."

In Organ Prospects and Retrospects. Texts and Music in Celebration of Organ Acusticum, Piteå, Sweden, ed. by. Sverker Jullander (texts) and Hans-Ola Ericsson (CD).

Luleå: Luleå University of Technology, 2017, p. 83–86.

[Appendix to Peter Williams's article in the same volume, p. 75–82.]

"Wertvollstes aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Vor 400 Jahren wurde Matthias Weckman geboren." (At the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Matthias Weckman's (ca. 1616–1674) birthyear.)

Musik & Kirche [Germany, ISSN 0027-4771] 86, no. 6 (November/December 2016): p. 392–394.

"Recent Research on Schnitger Organs: New Findings and Attributions."

(Translated from German by the author and by James F. Wallmann.)

In: Keyboard Perspectives IX. The Yearbook of the Westfield Center for Historical Keyboard Studies [ISSN 1943- 0809], ed. by Annette Richards, Cornell University. (2016), p. 119–150. [peer-reviewed]

This article has also been published in German ("Unbekanntes über Schnitger-Orgeln ...") and in Dutch ("Nieuws over Schnitger ..."). S. below.

Click on the following link to find Addenda, Corrigenda, and Errata.

"Unbekanntes über Schnitger-Orgeln: Hinweise, Funde, Hypothesen, Zuschreibungen."

This article has also been published in English as ("Recent Research on Schnitger Organs ...", s. above) and in Dutch ("Nieuws over Schnitger ...", s. below).

"Nieuws over Schnitger: Aanwijzigingen, vondsten, observaties, hypothesen en toeschrijvingen." Translated into Dutch by Jan Smelik.

This article has also been published in English as ("Recent Research on Schnitger Organs ...") and in German ("Unbekanntes über Schnitger-Orgeln ..."), s. above.


[Arp Schnitger/Schnitker/Schnittker, 1648-1719; Arp Sch. II, 1686–1712; Franz/Frans Caspar Sch. d. Ä. 1693–1729; Hans Sch. 1688–1708; Johann Jürgen/Georg Sch. 1690- 1734 or later; Frans Caspar Sch. d. J. 1724-1799.]

In Sachsen-Anhalt und Umgebung, ed. by. Uwe Pape and Wolfram Hackel.

Berlin: Pape Verlag, 2015, 505–509.

= Lexikon norddeutscher Orgelbauer 3.


[Johann/Hans Hinrich/Heinrich Ulenkampf, before 1680–1725 or later.

In Portuguese: Joham Henrriq. Ulemcamp, Joam Henrriquez ambrogez (from Hamburg),

João Henrriquez Hulemcampo, João Henriquez.]

In Sachsen-Anhalt und Umgebung, ed. by. Uwe Pape and Wolfram Hackel.

Berlin: Pape Verlag, 2015.

= Lexikon norddeutscher Orgelbauer 3.

(Together with Léon Berben)

"Zu: Harald Vogel, Bruhns und sein Opus Magnum, das Praeludium e-Moll (ex e). In: Ars Organi 63, 2015, H. 1, S. 20-24, hier der Abschnitt 'Zur Orgelstimmung bei Bruhns' (S. 24)."

Ars Organi [Germany, ISSN 0004-2919] 63, no. 3 (2015): 184-186.

(Contribution to the question of tuning and temperament in Northern Germany between ca 1650 and the first decades of the 18th century as presented by Harald Vogel in the latter's "Bruhns und sein Opus Magnum," in Ars Organi 63, no. 1).

"Johann Sebastian Bach and Temperament."

In The New Baroque Organ at the Orgelpark, ed. by Hans Fidom.

Amsterdam: Orgelpark, 2014: §§ 224–270.

= Hans Fidom (ed.), vol. 5/1, Orgelpark Research Reports.

(This is a slightly revised translation of my article "Temperatur" in the Bach-Handbuch 4: Klavier- und Orgelmusik, 2008 – see below).

Translation (Dutch -> German):

Cees van der Poel:

Ruf und Ruhm. Fünf Schnitger-Orgeln in Groningen.

Groningen: Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken, 2014.

[Here available as pdf-file.]

Translation (Dutch -> English):

Cees van der Poel:

Repute and Renown. Five Schnitger Organs in Groningen.

Groningen: Stichting Oude Groninger Kerken, 2014.

[Here available as pdf-file.]

"Matthias Weckmann."

In Lexikon der Kirchenmusik, ed. by Michael Zywietz.

Laaber: Laaber, 2013: 1374–1375.

"Zur Problematik von Zusammenhang und Disparität zwischen Orgelrepertoire, Improvisation und Ensemble-Intonation."

(About the Problem of the Relationship and Incongruity between Organ Repertoire, Improvisation and Ensemble Intonation.)

Muzikološki zbornik /Musicological Annual [Dept. of Musicology, Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia, ISSN 2350- 4242] no. 2, vol. 47 (2011): 139–152. [doi:10.4312/mz.47.2] [peer-reviewed]


PDF download:

[English abstract]

"Subsemitonien und Aufführungspraxis."

(Subsemitones and Performance Practice.)

In Die älteste Orgel Wiens. Die "Wöckherl-Orgel" (1642) in der Wiener Franziskanerkirche, ed. by Wolfgang Kreuzhuber.

Wien: Institut für Orgel, Orgelforschung und Kirchenmusik an der Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, 2011: 184–189.

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

Translation (English -> German) of:

Massimiliano Guido:

"Die Daniel-Herz-Orgel im Diözesanmuseum zu Trient."

In Die Daniel-Herz-Orgel der Frauenkirche in Brixen. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Chronik und Dokumentation, ed. by Franz Comploi and Kurt Estermann.

Rum/Innsbruck: Helbling, 2010: 396-403.

"Calcanten und Orgelzieherinnen."

(Bellows treaders and female [']organ drawers['].)

STM (Svensk Tidning för Musikforskning) [Sweden, ISSN 1653-9672] 91 (2009): 215–217.

(Book review of: Walter Salmen, Calcanten und Orgelzieherinnen. Geschichte eines ‚niederen’ Dienstes. Hildesheim: Olms, 2007).

11 articles in

Mechanik der Poesie II. Die Orgel im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Greifenberg (Bay.): Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde, 2008. (CD-ROM)

  • "Stimmung und Temperierung - eine Einführung"

  • (Tuning and Temperament – an Introduction.).

  • "Neue Deutsche Orgeltabulatur: Von Albrecht Dürer zu Johann Sebastian Bach"

  • (New German Organ Tablature: From Albrecht Dürer to Johann Sebastian Bach.)

  • "Leufsta Bruk"

  • "Övertorneå und Hedenäset (finn. Hietaniemi). Urspr. in Stockholm, Tyska kyrkan"

  • (Övertorneå and Hedenäset (Finnish: Hietaniemi). Originally in Stockholm, German Church.)

  • "Dresden, Schlosskapelle"

  • "Leiden, Pieterskerk"

  • "Roskilde, Dom"

  • "Noordbroek, Hervormde Kerk"

  • "Zutphen, Sint Walburgiskerk"

  • "Haringe, Sint-Martinuskerk"

  • "Houdan, Église Saint-Jacques et Saint-Christophe"


(Bach temperament).

Tidig Musik [Sweden, ISSN 1400-5123], no. 4, 2008: 14-17.

"Arp Schnitger. Orgelbauer."

(Arp Schnitger. Organ builder.)

In Geistesblitze. Forscher, Erfinder und Gelehrte im Oldenburger Land, eds. Dagmar Freist and Wolfgang Erich Müller.

Oldenburg: Isensee, 2008: 8–13.

= Crinna Roeserd (ed.), vol. 48, Schriften der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg.

"Die Temperierung als Problem der Nutzung von Orgeln in der Basso continuo-Gruppe." (Temperament as a problem in using organs within the basso continuo group.)

In "…con cembalo e l'organo …". Das Cembalo als Generalbaßinstrument. Symposium im Rahmen der 29. Tage Alter Musik in Herne 2004, eds. Christian Ahrens and Gregor Klinke.

München-Salzburg: Katzbichler, 2008: 169–184.

"Der Orgelbauer Friedrich Stellwagen (1603–1660) – ein Beitrag zu Leben, Werk und Bedeutung."

(The organ builder Friederich Stellwagen (1603–1660) – a contribution to his life, work and significance.)

In Die Stellwagen-Orgel in der Marienkirche zu Stralsund. Festschrift zur Wiederweihe der restaurierten Orgel, ed. Berit Drechsel.

Stralsund: Evangelische Kirchengemeinde St. Marien, 2008: 8–19.

"Volgend Buxtehude-jaar in 2037 of 2038. Gedachten bei een problem uit het Buxtehude-onderzoek."

(The next Buxtehude year in 2037 or 2038? Thoughts concerning a problem in Buxtehude research.)

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 104, no. 1 (2008): 13-17.

Abstract in Dutch , in German, or in English

Complete Article (in German)

A Meeting of Two Temperaments: Andreas Werckmeister and Arp Schnitger.

In Music and Its Questions: Essays in Honor of Peter Williams, ed. by Thomas Donahue.

Richmond, VA (USA): OHS Press, 2007: 75–99.

"Mehr als nur Fragezeichen."

(More than just question marks.)

Review (long version) of an edition of

Dieterich Buxtehude (?) (1637–1707): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein. Choralfantasie für Orgel [in A-Dur]. Erstdruck mit zusätzlicher Fassung in G-Dur. ed. by Pieter Dirksen. Edition Breitkopf 8643.

Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2007.

A much abbreviated version of the previous review appeared at the same time in print in

Musik und Kirche [Germany, ISSN 0027-4771] 77, no. 6 (November/December 2007): 437.

"The Temperament of the Marquand Chapel Organ."

In Fanfare! A new organ for Yale University [Inauguration of the new Taylor & BoodyOrgan (op. 55) in the Marquand Chapel, Yale University].

New Haven/NJ, USA: Yale Institute of Sacred Music, 2007: 20–24 (part I), 37–44 (part II).


([Bach-] Temperament.)

In Bach-Handbuch 4: Klavier- und Orgelmusik, ed. by Siegbert Rampe.

Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2007): 623–640.

= Reinmar Emans, Sven Hiemke, and Klaus Hofmann (eds.), vol. 4 (in 2 vols.: 4/1 and 4/2), Bach-Handbuch (7 vols.).

[Click on the following link to find reviews of this article]

This article has been slightly revised and translated into English: Cf. my article "Johann Sebastian Bach and Temperament," published in 2014.

"Not quite just."

[Book review of: Ross W. Duffin. How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony and Why You Should Care.]

Early Music [UK, ISSN 0306-1078] xxxv, no. 3 (August 2007): 452–454.

"Buxtehude med nya ögon – forskning, uppförandepraxis och bibliografi."

(Buxtehude seen with fresh eyes: Research, performance practice, and bibliography.)

Kyrkomusikernas Tidning (KMT) [Sweden, ISSN 0281-286X], no. 8 (2007): 16–19.

"Stellwagen, Friedrich." and "Subsemitonium."

In Lexikon der Orgel. Orgelbau–Orgelspiel–Komponisten und ihre Interpreten, ed. by Matthias Geuting and Hermann J. Busch.

Laaber: Laaber-Verlag, 2007: 739, and 752–754.

Click on the following link to find Addenda to the article on subsemitones (organs).

"Arp Schnitger."

In Neue Deutsche Biographie [NDB], vol. 23, ed. by Hans Günther Hockerts for the Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2007: 326-328.

[online, URL:]

"De orgels van Buxtehude in de Marienkirche te Lübeck."

(The Organs of Buxtehude in the Marienkirche in Lübeck.)

Orgelkunst [Belgium, ISSN 0776-9350] 30, no. 2 (2007): 52–61.

[Announcement in Flemish]

Summary (one pdf-file, 200 KB only) in French and in English

"Buxtehudes Orgeln in Lübeck."

(Buxtehude's organs in Lübeck.)

In 'Ein fürtrefflicher Organist und Componist zu Lübeck'. Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707) [Katalog zur Ausstellung "Ein fürtrefflicher Organist und Componist zu Lübeck – Dieterich Buxtehude." Lübeck, Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte (St.-Annen-Museum), May, and Utrecht], ed. by Dorothea Schröder.

Lübeck: Verlag Dräger, 2007: 57–68 (fotos: 56, 69–83).

Click on the following link to find Corrigenda and Errata "Buxtehudes Orgeln in Lübeck".

"Arp Schnitger, Organ Builder – Organ Itinerary."

In Google Earth Community.



(Together with Mark Lindley) “Bach-Style Keyboard Tuning.

Early Music [UK, ISSN 0306-1078] xxxiv, no. 4 (November 2006): 613-623.

Click on the following link to read the article online or on this link to download a pdf-file.

Click on the following link, Bach-style keyboard tuning,to see additional material, which will be published with the publication of the Early Music-article in print.

Click on on the following link to find Errata and Corrigenda to Lindley/Ortgies: "Bach-style keyboard tuning".

Translation (Swedish -> German) of:

Martin Rost, Niclas Fredriksson, Kristian Wegscheider:

"Beschreibung der Stellwagen-Orgel in St. Marien zu Stralsund."

(Description of the Stellwagen organ in St. Mary's, Stralsund.)

In Die Stellwagen-Orgel in Sankt Marien zu Stralsund. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Chronik und Dokumentation, ed. by Martin Rost and Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Marien Stralsund.

Öhringen: Verlag Organum Buch, 2006: 165-223.

"Das 'Bauwregister' 1652-1712' im Kirchenarchiv Stralsund St. Marien."

(The 'Bauwregister 1652-1712' in the church archive of St. Mary's, Stralsund.)

In Die Stellwagen-Orgel in Sankt Marien zu Stralsund. Eine Bestandsaufnahme, Chronik und Dokumentation, ed. by Martin Rost and Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Sankt Marien Stralsund.

Öhringen: Verlag Organum Buch, 2006: 13-55.

"Spekulation und Hypothese. Zur Diskussion um die Zellerfelder Orgeltabulaturen in Concerto Nr. 207/208. Eine Replik."

(Speculation and Hypothesis. A contribution to the discussion about the Zellerfeld organ tablatures in Concerto no. 207/208. An answer.)

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944] no. 209, 2006: 22-24.

Click on the following link to find further material.

"Friederich Stellwagen."

In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personenteil. Vol. 15 (Schoo–Stran), ed. by Ludwig Finscher.

Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2006: col. 1411-1412.

"Über den Umbau der großen Orgel der Marienkirche zu Lübeck durch Friederich Stellwagen 1637-1641."

(On Friederich Stellwagen's rebuilt of the large organ of St. Mary's in Lübeck in 1637-1641]).

In Orphei organi antiqui, Essays in Honor of Harald Vogel, ed. by Cleveland Johnson.

Seattle: Westfield Center, 2006: 313-335.

Click on the following link to find Corrigenda and Errata Vogel-Festschrift.


In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Personenteil. Vol. 14 (Ric–Schön), ed. by Ludwig Finscher.

Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2005: col. 1529-1532.

Click on the following link to find Corrigenda and Errata Schnitger MGG 2.

"Bartold Hering, Organist und Orgelbauer in Lübeck?"

(Bartold Hering, organist and organ builder in Lübeck?)

Ars Organi [Germany, ISSN 0004-2919] 52, no. 2 (2004): 70-74.

"Pipe Organs with Subsemitones, 1468-1721." and "Historical Organs with Subsemitones, 1468-1721: Appendix B."

In The Mathematical Theory of Tone Systems, ed. by Ján Haluska.

New York: Marcel Dekker, 2004: 141-146, and 369-374.

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

Translation (English -> German) of:

Joel Speerstra:

"Geometrische Konstruktionsprinzipien in Johann David Gerstenbergs Pedalclavichord."

(Geometrical construction principles in Johann David Gerstenberg's pedal clavichord.)

In Fundament aller clavirten Instrumenten, das Clavichord. Symposium im Rahmen der 26. Tage Alter Musik in Herne 2001, ed. by Christian Ahrens and Gregor Klinke.

München: Katzbichler, 2003: 73–88.


"Reyne harmonie in Alkmaar. Stemming en temperatuur in Nederland in de 17de en 18de eeuw."

(Pure harmony in Alkmaar. Tuning and temperament in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and eigtheenth Centuries).

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 99, no. 5 (2003): 43-44.

(Together with Frank van Wijk) "Reyne harmonie in Alkmaar. Stemming en temperatuur in Nederland in de 17de en 18de eeuw."

(Pure harmony in Alkmaar. Tuning and temperament in the Netherlands in the seventeenth and eigtheenth Centuries).

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 99, no. 3 (2003): 12-36.

Click on the following link to find an Abstract in Dutch or in English.

"Subsemitones in organs built between 1468 and 1721. Introduction and commentary with an annotated catalog."

In GOArt Research Reports. Vol. 3, ed. by Sverker Jullander. Göteborg: Göteborg Organ Art Center, 2003: 11-74.

– The Table of Organs with Subsemitones (in German, with additions since 2003). For the English text and the annotated catalogue see the printed version).

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

"Vallotti in het Groningerland. Over de restauratie van temperaturen."

(Vallotti in the Dutch province of Groningen. On restoration of temperaments.)

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 98, no. 5 (2002): 27-39, and

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 99, no. 1 (2003): 28-35 [brieven/discussion].

Click on the following link to find an abstract in Dutch or in English.

"Ein Modell für Dresdens Frauenkirche: Eine Prozeßrekonstruktion der Silbermann-Orgel ist möglich!"

(A model for the Frauenkirche in Dresden: A process reconstruction of the Silbermann organ is possible!), 19.03.2001, revised 16.04.2001.

Fulltext available here: Silbermann 2001

"Organs with Split Keys or Added Keys fewer than 17 tones per octave (but more than 12).", 11.03.2001.

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

"Subsemitoetsen bij historische orgels tussen 1468 en 1721."

(Split keys in historical organs between 1468 and 1721.)

Het Orgel [Netherlands, ISSN 0166-0101] 96, no. 6 (2000): 20-26.

Abstract in Dutch or in English.

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

Published originally in Swedish, "Subsemitoner i historiska orglar. En överblick över utvecklingen mellan 1468 och 1721."

Translated by Reine Dahlqvist.

Tidig Musik [Sweden, ISSN 1400-5123], no. 2, 2000: 26-31),

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

and subsequently

in German, "Subsemitonien in historischen Orgeln. Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung zwischen 1468 und 1721."

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944] 17, no. 156, 2000: 22-25.

Click on the following link to find Addenda (organs).

(Together with Martin Rost) "Hanseatiska fynd - inventering och dokumentation av Stellwagen-orgeln i St. Marien, Stralsund."

(Hanseatic findings - stock taking and documentation of the Stellwagen organ in St. Mary's in Stralsund.)

Orgelforum [Sweden, 0280-0047] 22, no. 3 (2000): 118-123.

Published originally in German, "Hanseatische Funde. Bestandsaufnahme und Dokumentation der Stellwagen-Orgel in St. Marien zu Stralsund."

Orgel International [Germany, ISSN 1433-6464], no. 3, 2000: 180-184.

Click on the following link to find an abstract in English.

"Carl-Gustaf Lewenhaupt." (Obituary)

Ars Organi [Germany, ISSN 0004-2919] 48, no. 2 (2000): 125-126.

[Addenda to:

Thomas Röder: "Weckmann, Matthias."

In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL), vol. 13.

Herzberg: Verlag Traugott Bautz, 1998: col. 577–579.]

"Beim Spielen singend denken. Im Gespräch: Siegbert Rampe."

(Thinking of singing while playing. A conversation with Siegbert Rampe.)

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944] 14, no. 122, (1997): 26-31.

Click on the following link to find abstract in English.

[CD-Review] Anmuthige Clavier-Übung. Cembalomusik von Bach, Lübeck, Krieger und Kuhnau. Ingelore Schubert [harpsichord].

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 113 (May 1996).

[CD-Review] Rosenmüller, Oratio Traditi, Heinrich Schütz: Venezianische Vespermusik. Musicalische Compagney Berlin.

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 111 (March 1996).

[CD-Review] Heinrich Scheidemann u. Delphin Strungk: Sämtliche Orgelmotetten mit Vorbild-Motetten von Lassus, Hassler, H. Praetorius und G. Bassano. Musicalische Compagney Berlin, Klaus Eichhorn (Orgel).

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 110 (February 1996).

"Ze 1: An Autograph by Matthias Weckmann?"

In Proceedings of the Göteborg International Organ Academy 1994, ed. by Sverker Jullander and Hans Davidsson.

Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, 1995: 155-172.

Click on the following link to find the FULLTEXT.

[CD-Review] Nähe und Ferne. Kammermusik der Bach-Zeit. (Musik von Telemann, Danican-Philidor, Marais, Händel und Bach). Marais-Consort: Gudrun Heyens (Blfl.), Hans-Georg Kramer (Vdg.), Ingelore Schubert (Cemb.) (Nomos, Hauptstr. 5, D-21614 Buxtehude)..

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 99, (December 1994/ January 1995)

"Die Wolfenbütteler Handschrift Der 128 Psalm a. 5. H. J. Br. Ein Autograph Matthias Weckmans?"

(The manuscript 'Der 128 Psalm a. 5. H. J. Br.' An autograph by Matthias Weckman?)

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 89, (December 1993/ January 1994): 22-31.

Click on the following link to find an abstract in English.

"Matthias Weckman (1616-1674) und seine Autographe."

(Matthias Weckman [1616-1674] and his autographical manuscripts.)

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 88 (November 1993): 30-31.

Click on the following link to find an abstract in English.

"Neue Erkenntnisse zur Biographie Matthias Weckmans: Biographische Skizze und Zeittafel."

(New findings about the biography of Matthias Weckman: A biographical sketch and chronological table.)

In Proceedings of the Weckmann Symposium Göteborg 1991, ed. by Sverker Jullander.

Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet, 1993: 1-24.

[CD-Review] Il concerto palatino di Bologna. North Italian Music for Cornetts and Trombones 1580-1650. Concerto Palatino.

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 74 (Juni 1992).

"Johann Sebastian Bachs 'Kunst der Fuge'. Bedeutung, Entstehung und klangliche Darstellung."

(Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Art of Fugue'. Meaning, Origin and Performance.)

In Dollart-Festival 1991 [Program book] ed. by Hermann Harms and Ibo Ortgies.

Aurich and Bunde: Verein für Orgel- und Musikkultur, 1991: 73-78

(includes translation into Dutch by Birgit Zeunert and Enno Schmidt: "[J. S. Bachs 'Kunst der Fuge'.] Betekenis, ontstaan en presentatie van de klanken." ).

[CD-Review] Div. Orgelwerke. (+ Scheidemann, Orgelwerke). Klaus Eichhorn an der Renaissance-Orgel zu Stellichte.

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 53 (May 1990).

[CD-Review] Europäische Orgellandschaften: Basedow, Gercke-Herbst-Orgel. Norddeutsche Orgelmeister. Klaus Eichhorn.

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 53 (May 1990).

[CD-Review] Dietrich Buxtehude. Orgelwerke. Ton Koopman an der Schnitger-Orgel der Ludgerikirche zu Norden.

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. 53 (May 1990).

"Von den alten Orgeln: Die Orgellandschaft Ostfrieslands. Eine Einführung."

('About the old organs'. The organ landscape of Ostfriesland (Northwestern Germany). An introduction.)

Concerto [Germany, ISSN 0177-5944], no. VI/7-8 (1988): 12-18.

"Dollart-Festival 1987. 500 Jahre Orgelkultur in Ostfriesland."

In: Ostfriesland Journal [Leer: Sollermann], no. 8 (1987), p. 22-23.

List of Publications

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