Meetings (2019/2020)


Venue: Kindle Centre Belmont Road Hereford HR2 7JE ( Next to ASDA) 7.00 - 9.00pm

Proposed Programme for 2019/2020

Thursday 5 th September 2019

What is the Milky Way

Chris Millington, Herefordshire Astronomical Society

Thursday 3 rd October 2019

Supernovae - the latest research

Dr Mikako Matsuura, Cardiff University

Thursday 7 th November

Observing Planetary Nebulae

Owen Brazell (The Webb Society)

Thursday 5 th December 2019

Light Pollution - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Chris Baddiley (Worcester AS)

Thursday 2 nd January 2020

AGM followed by Members' Evening

Thursday 6 th February 2020

A star

Chris Millington very kindly stepped in at short notice to give a talk about Betelgeuse (don't ask Chris how to pronounce it ...). As always informative and entertaining!

We wish Andrew Green all the best and hope he'll be able to give his talk to us at a later date.

The Hubble Space Telescope - from Imagination to Reality

Andrew Green FRAS FBIS (StarDome Astronomy & Astronautics)

Thursday 5 th March 2020

Astronomy Jargon

Chris Millington, HAS member.

We are delighted to have Chris Millington, HAS member, join us to bust some of the jargon we encounter in the strange world of astronomy that we all like to visit.

Thursday 2 nd April 2020

Herschel to Hawkwind

Pete Williamson FRAS (Shropshire AS)

Cancelled due to Covid-19

Thursday 30 th April 2020

7:00pm - Virtual Talk

Steve Tonkin "Pseudoastronomy"

We are delighted that Steve Tonkin has agreed to give us our first Virtual talk. This talk is deliberately light hearted and we hope it will inform and entertain you

Steve is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and is the author of many articles and several books on practical aspects of astronomy. He is a STEM ambassador with a special brief for astronomy, and has a monthly column in BBC Sky at Night Magazine, for which he also writes equipment and book reviews. Steve also runs The Binocular Sky, a website devoted to the use of binoculars for astronomy (more here ).

Thursday 7 th May 2020

Craters of the Moon - making an impact

Prof. Bill Leatherbarrow (BAA Director of the Lunar Section)

Joint meeting with the Woolhope Club (Geology Section)

Prof. Bill Leatherbarrow (University of Sheffield, Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies, retired 2007). Bill is a long standing member of the BAA - joined in 1965, served as BAA President from 2011 - 2013 and has been Director of the Lunar Section since 2009. He also serves on the Committee of the Mercury & Venus Section. Bill is an active observer of the moon and planets - have a look at some of the photos he's taken on his BAA page here .

Cancelled due to Covid-19

Thursday 28 th May 2020

7:00pm - Virtual Talk

12th Annual Webb Lecture

William Lassell (1799 - 1880): Telescopes, Planets & Drinking Beer

Gerard Gilligan (Society for the History of Astronomy)

Monday 22nd June 2020

7:00pm - Virtual Talk

An introduction to variable star astronomy and cataclysmic variables

Jeremy Shears, Director of the BAA Variable Star Section

Thursday 27th August 2020

7:00pm - Virtual Talk

Venus: Forgotten Planet?

Keith Moseley, MARS (Monmouth Astronomical Research Society