Star Parties (2017/2018)

Star Parties

Madley Environmental Study Centre (MESC) - 22nd Feb 2018

We are joining forces with the Madley Environmental Study Centre (MESC) to hold a Public Star Party in Half-Term.

We will be based at the MESC which is right next door to the Madley Satellite Earth Station - a well known Herefordshire landmark. There are some location maps and directions at the MESC web site here.

It would be helpful if members of HAS were available to bring telescopes or if cloudy would be willing to give a quick talk of say 15/20 minutes.

Please let Mark know if you are interested in attending either with just your scope or a quick talk.

Thursday 22nd February 2018

7 - 9 pm

Star Party - MESC

More information here.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust - TBD

Bodenham Lake