Join HAS (2016/2017)

HAS Membership

Individual Annual Membership is £10

Family Membership is £20 (and includes children up to 16 years old)

Student Membership (16-21 years old) £5

There is an entrance fee for each meeting of £2 which includes refreshments and is payable on the door.

Visitors are very welcome and are asked to pay the entrance fee of £2 - you can be a Visitor up to twice in any year.

New members:

First contact: Paul Olver

Print and fill out or email your details as detailed on form: Membership Form.

Subscription cheques should be made out to: "Herefordshire Astronomical Society"

and sent with the application form to the Treasurer :

S Olver,

The Buttridge,

Wellington Lane,

Canon Pyon,



Membership Renewal:

Subscriptions are due on 1st September. Please pay at the first meeting attended and by October meeting, if possible.

Please make cheques payable to "Herefordshire Astronomical Society".

Please bring the committee up to date with any changes of address or email.

The Society is a Member of the Federation of Astronomical Societies

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