Meetings (2018/2019)


Venue: Kindle Centre Belmont Road Hereford HR2 7JE ( Next to ASDA) 7.00 - 9.00pm

Proposed Programme for 2018/2019

Thursday 6th September 2018

George With - Hereford's famous mirror-maker

Talk by Mark Robinson

Thursday 4th October 2018

Mars - observing the Red Planet

Talk by Richard McKim, BAA Mars Section Director

Thursday 1st November 2018

11th Annual Webb Lecture: William and Caroline Herschell

Talk by John Harris (Cotswold Astronomical Society)

Thursday 6th December 2018

Beyond Neptune

Talk by Dr Keith Moseley (MARS - Monmouth Astronomical Research Society)

Thursday 3rd January 2019

AGM followed by Members Evening

Talks by members of Herefordshire Astronomical Society

Thursday 7th February 2019

Video Astronomy

Talk by Gordon Haynes, Internationally renowned astrophotographer

Thursday 7th March 2019

William Dawes and WIlliam Rutter Dawes

a father and son who supported and contributed to early 19th Century astronomy.

Talk by Bob Marriott, Consultant on Ast ronomical Instruments

Thursday 4th April 2019

From Myth to Moon Landings

Talk by Peter Williamson FRAS (Shropshire Astronomical Society)

Thursday 2nd May 2019

Galaxies in 3D

Talk by Prof Alfonso Aragon-Salamanca, University of Nottingham

Thursday 6th June 2019

Heavens above: the Keys of Stretton Rectory

Talk by Paul Haley, Herefordshire Astronomical Society

Thursday 4th July 2019

Replaced by "A Giant Leap" event on 13th July