2013/2014 Season

Star Parties

Saturday 9th November - Berrington Hall

The Society has been asked to assist Berrington Hall with a Star Party on Saturday 9th November.

We hope members will come along with their families and lead or join in activities.

Berrington Hall will be open to the public that day as normal (until 4pm) with access to the grounds extended for the Star Party.

The plan of events and responsibilities will be drawn up after the Society Committee visit Berrington on the 21st August. The provisional schedule looks like:

2 - 5 pm

  • Talks

  • DVD’s

  • Indoor demonstration of equipment and books

  • Solar observing

  • Hereford Starlab planetarium

  • Radio telescope

  • Finding micro meteorites.

6 - 9 pm

  • Night-sky observing - Venus, Jupiter, The Moon, comet ISON

  • Laser show

  • Planetarium

  • Talks

A number of speakers will be invited to give talks/demonstrations and run activities.

Heads of Science at local schools will be contacted to advertise the event within the schools.

There will be a charge for adult non-members of HAS.

Consideration is being given to providing a shuttle-bus between the Hall and Leominster.

Berrington Hall is off the A49 Leominster to Ludlow Road at postcode HR6 0DW - map on the Observing page

Thursday 3rd to Sunday 6th April 2014 - SGL9

The Star Gazers Lounge is an online astronomical community which has an annual star party - for the past couple of years held at Lucksall by the River Wye. Their 9th star party is planned for 3rd-6th April 2014 - information about SGL9 will be put up on their website as it becomes available.

Have a look at the StargazersLounge website and join the forum if you like what you see:
