The secrets of winning with racing pigeons
The Spring is finaly here. After a long cold winter your birds are waiting anxiously for their first liberation to feel again the fresh air on their wings ... One by one they leave the loft flying in all directions aiming towards the hights of the blue sky ...after a short time, just like a magnet pulling them together, they gather on a compact grup and start to fly higher and higher and higher until your eyes can barely see them anymore .
Your long waiting has come to an end now ... and you can t wait for your first racing day to arrive ,Who`s going to be the first one ? you ask yourself on your mind, and you start to name a few ... you picture yourself waiting on your confortable chair drinking peacefull your coffe, looking far far away on the sky for your beloved birds ... finally a little shadow appear and full of emotions and overwhelming joy you whisper "Here They Come - Welcome Home"...
Dear Friend
The idea of this site is to share with you my 30 years of personal experience in racing pigeons and knowledge accumulated from buying and reading over 190 books in 4 languages about racing pigeons ,watching over 400 dvd`s and visiting top lofts all over Europe.
If you think this could help you please read on ...
Here are a few things to take in consideration before basketing your pigeons and send them on their first race .
This thing is so important that is the first factor that you have to have in mind
each and every day .
I can not stress you enough with this - All your eforts are wasted if your birds are not 100% healthy when you send them to race.If you want to be on top, then your pigeons need to be in their top health condition more
Motivate your birds applying systems like Widowhood ,Darkness, Natural ,Jealousy,Celibacy and more
-If the first two factors are met which pigeon will be the first to arrive home from the race ????
-Yes you are right - the one wich is better trained !
ON this page i want to talk about Young Birds Training !Please check loads more advice and tips under the Topics section...
Young birds training
When your young birds have become 4-5 weeks old you will separate them from the parents and move them in the young bird loft wich is very indicated to have an aviary so they can see the surroundings and get familyar with the new locatian as soon as possible.The presence of an aviary is very benefic fo the young ones because they will be able to see the older birds around their loft and that will give them trust and confidence in themselfes.
After 5-7 days you can let the young birds to come out the loft for their first time.
I personally release them at around 11-12 am and the reason for that is that the prey birds are less likely to be around ,in all this time the older birds are locked inside their loft so the little ones can explore at their own will the surroundings .
With cautious and shy moves they will complete little circles around the loft which will increase day after day in size and time spent in the air ... these birds my friend represent the future of your loft and for that reason you should keep a close eye on them.
From these early days you will realize which birds are the ones who deserve their place in your well looked after loft.
Your knowledge will tell you that you need to select the gifted ones from the less gifted ,what i mean is that in your loft there shouldn` t be place for young birds who:
1) Struggle to find the entrance
2) Fly away from the group when practicing and landing on different buildings or places with no quick desire to return to the loft .
3) Sleeping overnight outside the loft
4) Not responding when called .
If there is a shadow of a doubt regarding what i say ...ask yourself this question :
- How can a pigeon who can not find his entrance circleing around the house will find his way home when raced from 100 km ???????????????
-What will be its desire to return home if he spend the night all over with no interest in his own loft ?????????????????
You can always find more advice on my books
The ideea here is that you need to be selective if you want to achieve top results.
Make notes about these birds keep closer look on their brothers or sisters and according to that keep or get rid of the parents
With each day gone the self confidence of your young birds will increase ...your presence in their loft will be awaited and associated with feeding time ,their confidence in you as their master will increse and they will start to get used with your voice and movements in the loft.
In a gesture of showing you their confidence they will often come close to you and use their beak to touch your shoes ,they will look straight in to your eyes trying to read what sort of a person you are ...the brave ones will even let themselves handled with ease while the other ones will come when called and eat right from your hand.
Establishing a trustful strong relationship between you and your bird plays a big role especially when your racing pigeons training sessions begin ...and so when they return from their training or actual race and hear your voice they will definately answer when called.
When inside their loft try using a calm ton in your voice and try not to make sudden movements wich could scare them away trying to find a place to get out from the loft or to hide. When cleaning inside the loft i suggest you keep your birds in the loft during the process ...this is another period of time between you and your birds spent together especially if you are a busy person and you can t afford much time with your birds.
After 6 weeks from their first release from the loft you will make your first move towards your racing pigeons training commencement .
From now on you will place your young birds in the basket take them outside their loft keep them for :
10 min - 1 st day and release them.
15 min- 2 nd day and release them.
20 min- 3 rd day and release them.
So in about 5 days your young birds will spend 30 min together in the basket prior to release in the morning ...
The purpose for this exercise is to make the birds fill confortable with the basket and eliminate the stress as much as possible.
I recommend you start your first training of your racing pigeons from 5 km ,make notes about their arrival and then repeat at the same distance BUT slightly other direction that way in about five days your young birds would have completed 5km training from all point directions N,E,S,W.
Personally i give the young birds 5 training sessions per week but i will not increase the distance over 30 km ,these type of training will keep your young birds active and mostly will not fatigue them.
The real training starts 4 weeks before the first race and this is how i do it ;
Week 1 :
5 km toss -day1
10 km - day 2
15 km - day 3
20km - day4
25 km - day 5, followed by 2 days break.
Week 2 :
20km - day 1
25 km - day2
30 km - day3
35 km- day4
40km - day5 , followed by 2 days break .
Week 3 :
40km - day1
45km - day2
50km - day3
55km- day4
60km - day 5,followed by 2 days break
Week 4 :
50km - day1
60km - day2
70km - day3
70km - day4
On the 5 th day pigeons will stay home inside the loft relaxing presuming this is
the basketing day ... Be Confident your pigeons are READY FOR THEIR FIRST RACE
Do your best and try to determine your birds to get inside the loft immediately after returning home from training so when racing season starts they will know what they have to do.
During the racing season you can train your birds 4-5 days a week at minimum 60 km with relaxing in the basketing day...BUT this training should only be pursued for the birds that will be sent on sprint and middle distance races.
The training for long distance marathon and extreme marathon it has been explained in the Training page which you can find it under the Topics section
Extremely important is to keep a close eye on their moulting stage ,checking each pigeon before basketing is a must their wings and look for gaps (flying feather dropped )...if your pigeon has reached moulting at the last three flights then i suggest to stop basketing him until the next year .
You can read more about racing pigeons in my published books
Fantastic results have been obtain on the young birds races with the darkness system ...see why by checking the Racing Systems on the topics section.
" A true fancier is the one who`s birds are always on top, whether they race under his management or somebody elses generation after generation,a true fancier is the one who love competitions and speak highly about his competitors ...Above all ,a true fancier is the one who teach others into the sport and gladly talk about his winning ways "
Dacian Busecan.
Older birds training- read more
brought to you by Dacian Busecan.
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