Assignment Eight

Due: No Later than June 15th, 2021.

Please email your assignment and extra credit to Your assignment and extra credit should be emailed separately and in the body of the email NO attachments please. For the assignment please make sure you have this months( eg. September) Lesson or Lesson one. as well as the level in the subject or the email and your HOL name and house in the body of the email. For extra credit make sure you have Extra Credit and the number in your subject area and HOL name and house in the body of your email.

Part A: Short Answer ( 3 points each: Total 15 Points)

Please use full sentences for your answers.

1) Why do you think that Dark Wizards cause harm?

2) Do you feel that genetics play a role in a wizard turning out bad or good?

3) Do you believe a Dark Wizard can change? once they have served time and paid their depths?

4) Do you think Aurors are well trained to handle even the toughest wizard?

5) If you married someone where you find out they come from a line of Dark Wizards, how would you handle the situation in terms of raising your kids? to perhaps prevent them from going dark? even when you know your husband is not affected?

Part B: Creative Writing ( 15 points)

I want you to be the forensic auror. You have been assigned a case where a death of a Muggle has occurred you have been contacted by an Auror to take on the case together. In your own words tell me how you would go on about investigating and carrying out your job. Remember to look at all the evidence and leads and information. Also remember your number one job is to find out what killed the Muggle and what you need to do to find out what caused the murder. Be creative and original for full marks.

Extra Credit: Word Search (30 Points)

Find all 10 words in the word search. Each word is worth 3 points! Good Luck!