Change Data Capture (CDC) 

CDC captures all the changes (insert, delete, update) to a table into a separate change table. SSIS can take advance of this feature to implement incremental load of data. This is very beneficial when the source data table is very large and takes long time to load.

Firstly, enable CDC on the database

USE EDW_000_Source_Database


EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db;


Secondly, enable CDC on the table

USE EDW_000_Source_Database


EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_table

@source_schema = N'dbo',

@source_name = N'CLIENTDETAILS',

@role_name = NULL,

@supports_net_changes = 1;


The database will create a few cdc tables and stored procedures subsequently in the System Tables and System Stored Procedures to accommodate the capture of change data. All the changes are stored in cdc.dbo_XXX_CT table (here XXX is the original table name). The following an example:

__$end_lsn __$seqval                             __$operation __$update_mask __$start_lsn                         ClientID Given Surname

NULL        0x0000003A000001400002 2                 0x01FFFF                 0x0000003A000001400003 9738258 HELLO      KING

__$start_lsn is the ID of the transaction that makes the changes.

__$operation is the type of change. 1: delete, 2: insert, 4: update

__$update_mask is the bit mask that indicates which columns of the table changed.

__$seqval is for ordering changes if there are more than one changes in a transaction.

__$end_lsn is reserved.

plus all the columns from the original table.

This CT table is updated every 5 seconds and all the changes are kept for 3 days by default.

Assuming ClientID is the primary key for the original table, the following query returns the last change for each transaction.

select *

          ,sys.fn_cdc_map_lsn_to_time(__$start_lsn) as Change_Time



select *

          ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ClientID, __$start_lsn order by __$seqval DESC) as RowNumber

  from cdc.dbo_XXX_CT


where RowNumber = 1

To disable CDC

USE MyDB GO EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_db GO