jupyter dark theme

To install different theme, such as dark background

pip install jupyterthemes

jt -t onedork -T -N

The 'onedork' is the theme name. Can search for different themes available with jupyterthemes. The mysterious -T -N parameters are for displaying the toolbar on jupyter, otherwise it disappears. 

Available Themes:










It actually creates different port for different themes. 8888 is the original. 

jupyter notebook list

Currently running servers:

http://localhost:8891/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy

http://localhost:8888/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy

http://localhost:8888/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy

http://localhost:8892/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy

http://localhost:8889/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy

http://localhost:8890/?token=xxx :: C:\Users\yyy