


   Environments has a base pre-installed environment and one can create new environments.

   This is similar to Python's virtual environment which keeps separate versions of python and its libraries.

   When create a new environment, select Python/R and the language version. From command line:

      $conda create --name py35 python=3.5 

Then you can activate the environment. This will switch the command line to the py35 environment.

    $conda activate py35

To install libraries, e.g.

    $python -m pip install matplotlib


   Channel points to a conda repository. There is usually a default repository point to

   One can add new repository, e.g. conda cloud


Install packages

   from Anaconda navigator, one can search for packages and then install them. those packages will be applied to your selected environment only.

   from command line:

      $conda install -n env_name -c conda-forge xyz_package.

   -n is for environment name, -c is the channel

Run editor

   from Anaconda navigator under Home section, there is a list of applications for launch / install

   Select to run VS Code, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, etc.

   The editor will use the selected environment