power bi direct query and performance analyzer


Performance analyzer

Helps to identify run duration of each part of the report

Direct Query

This querys the data source directly instead of requiring a dataset to be imported first.

There are a lot limits on what data Transformation can be done on direct query dataset so don't abuse it.

Direct Query with Slicer

When create dataset, select direct query

Keep the filter column in the query's select list, e.g. Datetime

Note the query doesn't need to have the where clause at this stage. It will auto generate a where clause later based on the slicer value.

When the dataset is created, add a slicer to the report using the filter column

The slicer's value will be passed into the Direct query as a where clause to limit the query range

Moving the slicer below will re-query the data source and refresh the visual

To view the direct query generated with the slicer

Start Performance Analyzer

Use Copy Query to get the query to notepad to view

The direct query is appended with a where clause like below: