The Databricks REST API provide a way to manage the DBFS and other databricks related tasks.

Firstly it needs to generate a personal access token for authentication. This can be done from User Setting-> Generate New Token

Then find out the databricks instance from Compute -> cludter node -> Advanced options -> JDBC/ODBC

Or find out the connection details from SQL end point if any.

The below python script connect to an instance calling the API '/clusters/get' to get a cluster's information

import requests

instance_id = ''

api_version = '/api/2.0'

api_command = '/clusters/get'

url = f"https://{instance_id}{api_version}{api_command}"

TOKEN = 'the generated personal access token'

params = {

  'cluster_id': '1234-12345678-mhxgk123'


response = requests.get(

  url = url,

  params = params,

  headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN },



Query API to list all jobs

The request can return up to 100 jobs in the list. If the cluster has more than 100 jobs, use the offset parameter to query the next 100 jobs.

import requests

instance_id = ''

api_version = '/api/2.1'

api_command = '/jobs/list'

url = f"https://{instance_id}{api_version}{api_command}"

TOKEN = 'dapixxxxxx'

limit = 100

offset = 0

count = 100

total = 0

while count == limit:

    response = requests.get(

      url = url,

       params= f'limit={limit}&offset={offset}',

      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN },


    jobs = response.json()['jobs']

    count = len(jobs)

    total += count

    for job in jobs:

        job_id = job['job_id']

        settings = job['settings']

        name = settings['name']

        if 'continuous' in settings:

            schedule = 'continuous'

        elif 'schedule' in settings:

            schedule = settings['schedule']


            schedule = None

        print(f'{name} {schedule}')

    offset += 100

Update job schedule, and other settings

The job name, description, schedule time, etc can be updated through the api

import requests

import json

instance_id = ''

api_version = '/api/2.1'

api_command = '/jobs/update'

url = f"https://{instance_id}{api_version}{api_command}"

TOKEN = 'dapixxxxxx'

job_id = '1234567' #the job id from the query above, or copied from the web portal 

post_data = {"job_id": job_id,   


                 "schedule": {

                         "quartz_cron_expression": "0 0 0 ? * MON-FRI *", #mondy to friday, 12am

                         "timezone_id": "Australia/Brisbane",

                         "pause_status": "UNPAUSED"




response =

  url = url,

  data = json.dumps(post_data),

  headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN },



Run jobs

run an existing job through api.

import requests

import json

instance_id = ''

TOKEN = 'your token'

api_version = '/api/2.1'

api_command = '/jobs/run-now'

url = f"https://{instance_id}{api_version}{api_command}"

job_id = 12345 #the job id, can be queried by job name through job list api

parameter_value = 'job parameter'

post_data = {"job_id": job_id,   

             "queue": {

                "enabled": True



                "table_name": parameter_value




response =

  url = url,

  data = json.dumps(post_data),

  headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN },


print('--------- {}'.format(response))

Upload file to databricks

This opens a local file in raw bytes format, and attachs it as the body of a PUT command.

The URL has the path of the target file. In Unity Catalog, one can create a new volume under a data catalog, and the path follows :  /Volumes/catalog name/schema name/volume name/folder/file

To read the uploaded file from databricks, use the same volume path in pd.read_excel() or open(...)

import requests

instance_id = ''

TOKEN = 'dapixxxxx'

api_version = '/api/2.0'

api_command = '/fs/files'

volume_path = '/Volumes/dev_nhg_erp/default/test/test.xlsx'

url = f"https://{instance_id}{api_version}{api_command}{volume_path}"

with open('C:/temp/test data.xlsx', 'rb') as f:

    response = requests.put(

      url = url,

      data =,

      headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN },
