Python OLEDB query

Firstly thanks to

Here is an example of connecting to OSI PI piarchive database using OLEDB driver. It would be the similar for other OLEDB data sources as well.

#need to install pywin32 which seems to call windows ADO library or something like that

#conda install pywin32

from win32com.client import Dispatch

import pandas as pd

conn = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')

#standard oledb connection string, may add uid and pwd as well

conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=PIOLEDB.1;Data Source=ServerURL;database=piarchive" 


sql = '''

SELECT tag, time, value

FROM [piarchive]..[picomp2]

WHERE tag = 'sinusoid'

AND time BETWEEN '*-1h' AND '*'


(result, status) = conn.Execute(sql)

#iteratate through the result object to get all rows

result_list = []

while not result.EOF:

    result_list.append([str(result.Fields("tag")), str(result.Fields("time")), str(result.Fields("value"))])



#save it in pandas for consumption later

df = pd.DataFrame(result_list, columns= ['tag', 'time', 'value'])