
Rules for Quidditch-

All players trained in Broomstick gain a +2 to AC while riding a broomstick. Those who are not trained take a -2 Penatly to AC, and to all attack rolls, while riding a broomstick

There are 7 different players for Quidditch and each of them has different roles.

Beaters- There are two beaters on the field at any given time. Their role is to hit the bludger away from their own team, to the other team. To hit the bludger the beater, must make a melee attack roll with their beaters club. The AC for the bludger is 15, and should it be hit, the beater can choose for it to attack the closest opposing team member. The bludger has an attack roll modifier of +8.

Chasers- There are three chasers on the field at any time. Their role is to gain control of the Quaffle, and to score points by throwing it through the goal posts. The goal can be from either side, and is worth 10 points.

Keeper- There is one keeper on each Quidditch team. Their role is to block the Quaffle, to prevent goals from being scored. A keeper may block any one of the 3 goals as long as they remain no more then 10 feet away from the goal. Deflecting a goal is like Magical Counterspelling only instead of a magic skill check they make a Broomstick check. Also, stopping a goal in this manner allows the Keeper to retain possession of the ball, or to deflect it to fly away 30 feet.

Keeper- There is one keeper on each Quidditch team. Their role is to block the Quaffle, to prevent goals from being scored. A keeper may block any one of the 3 goals as long as they remain no more then 10 feet away from the goal. When a keeper is within 10 feet of the goals an opponent must beat the keepers AC and not that of the goal. Otherwise the normal AC of the goal is 10. Deflecting a goal is like Magical Counterspelling only instead of a magic skill check they make a Broomstick check. Also, stopping a goal in this manner allows the Keeper to retain possession of the ball, or to deflect it to fly away 30 feet.

Seeker- There is one seeker on each Quidditch team. Their goal is to catch the golden snitch, which is a small walnut sized golden ball. Only the capture, of a golden snitch can end a match and it is worth 150 points, to the team who captures the snitch. No other player may touch the golden snitch.

The Different Balls-

Bludger- The bludger is a small iron ball, that zooms around the Quidditch pitch attemping to knock players off their brooms. The AC for the bludger is 15, and should it be hit, a beater can choose for it to attack the closest opposing team member. The bludger has an attack roll modifier of +8. Should a bludger hit a player, one of two things can happen. If it hits the player and its attack roll does not exceed the AC by 5 or more, the player takes 1d6 points of non-lethal damage. The player must also succeed on a Broomstick check or be stopped in place, and drop the ball. If the Bludger exceeds the AC of the player by 5 or more, the player is knocked off their broom, and must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save, or plummet down to the ground, in addition to suffering all the other previous effects. Should they make the save they hold on to the broomstick by the tips of their fingers and must succeed on a DC 10 Strength check to pull themselves back up, as a move action. If they succeed on a DC 20 Broomstick check, however they manage to direct their broomstick to the ground with them as they fall treating the distance fallen as 20 feet less. Should the bludger miss it will begin to move for the other closest player. At the beginning of the match the bludgers just fly around, and go to the first player closest to them. The bludger has a fly speed of 150 feet (perfect).

Quaffle- The Quaffle is a small red ball, that chasers use to score goals. The quaffle begins the match being tossed up in the air, and the chaser with the highest initiative can make the first attack roll to attempt to grab the ball. The ball has an AC of 10, and is very easy to hold capable of being held only in one hand. The Quaffle is also magically enchanted, to fall more slowly and on any given round that it is falling to the ground it only falls 20 feet. For another player, to grab the Quaffle away from a player they must make a Disarm check. Due to the magical nature of the Quaffle it has a Range Increment of 25 feet.

The Golden Snitch- The Snitch is a small golden walnut sized ball, that is used to end the game of a Quidditch match. The Snitch is worth 150 points, and is released at the beginning of the match. Capture of the Golden Snitch ends the game. It has a fly speed of 250 feet per round (perfect). It is also suggested that for simplicities sake that the DM has a predetermined path for the snitch, so as to save time during gameplay The golden snitch has an AC of 18. The Snitch has a +15 hide check.

The Pitch- The Quidditch pitch is an oval shaped field about 500 feet long, and 180 feet wide. In the center is a small circle that is two feet in diameter which the 14 players stand on before the game starts. There is no limit on to how high a player may fly during the game, but they must remain within the stadium limits. If they do not and are discovered the other team is awarded a foul.

Rules on the Pitch-

1. Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary (it is unknown what the penalty is if a player on defense leaves the pitch).

2. 'Time out' may be called at any time by the Captain of a team. Time out may be extended to two hours if a game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch after this time will lead to the team being disqualified.

3. Penalties can be awarded to teams by the referee. A single Chaser may take the penalty by flying from the central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to stop the shot being scored, but all other players must not interfere (it is unknown if the seeker may still attempt to catch the snitch while a penalty is being attempted).

4. Contact is allowed, but a player may not seize hold of another player's broomstick or any part of their anatomy.

5. No substitution of players is allowed throughout the game, even if a player is too injured or tired to continue to play, unless there are reserve players present.

6. Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators.

7. A game of Quidditch will only end once the Golden Snitch has been caught, or at the mutual consent of both team Captains.

1. 10 Common Fouls- Blagging: No player may seize any part of an opponent's broom to slow or hinder the player

2. Blatching: No player may fly with the intent to collide

3. Blurting: No player may lock broom handles with the intent to steer an opponent off course

4. Bumphing: Beaters must not hit Bludgers towards spectators

5. Cobbing: Players must not use their elbows against opponents

6. Flacking: Keepers must not defend the posts from behind by punching Quaffles out of the hoops - goals must be defended from the front

7. Haversacking: Chasers must not still be in contact with the Quaffle as it passes through a hoop

8. Quaffle-pocking: Chasers must not tamper with the Quaffle in any way

9. Snitchnip: No player other than the Seeker may touch or catch the Golden Snitch (unknown what would happen if this occured by accident)

10. Stooging: No more than one Chaser is allowed in the scoring area at any one time (in game terms this means that no more then 1 player may approach within 20 feet of the scoring area, when a player has a Quaffle. within that area.