The Tanker War (1984-1988)

The Tanker War (1984-1988) wikipedia

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This mission was adapted directly from GDWs "Air Superiority" boardgame, designed by JD Webster.

"Arabian Eagles, 1984

Background: Frustrated in their attempts to defeat each other, Iran and Iraq began to attack neutral oil tankers in the Persian Gulf in order to cut off each other's oil revenues. In response, the US provided Saudi Arabia with AWACS aircraft. The Saudi Arabians for their part promised to protect neutral shipping in their waters. In 1984, they made good on their promise when two of their F-15 Eagles intercepted two Iranian F-4Es and shot one down."

Mission goals:

Iran: Drop your bomb loads on the neutral tanker in an attempt to sink her, then defend yourself as best you can.

Saudi Arabia: Destroy the aggressors!


During the mid-1980s, a side product of the Iran-Iraq war was the Tanker War, in which Iranian and Iraqi aircraft started attacking oil tankers plying the Persian Gulf in an effort to damage the economy of their opponent. Because the US was (is) heavily dependent on Middle Eastern oil (in particular oil from Iraq), many tankers were reflagged to carry the Stars and Stripes, and aircraft from Carrier battle groups patrolled the Gulf. On several occasions, F-14s escorting P-3 patrol aircraft were approached by Iranian fighters. On August 8, 1987, two US F-14s escorting the P3 were approached by two Iranian fighters. The Iranian fighters matched the maneuvers of the American planes and continued to approach in a threatening manner. When the bandits closed to within 10 miles, according to the rules of engagement, the F-14s were allowed to fire. The bandits closed to within 10 miles, and the Americans locked on and fired Sparrow missiles. The results of these attacks are unknown. One US pilot claims that he saw one of the Sparrows explode, however, suggesting a possible hit.

Since the P3 is not modeled in FC2, I have used the British Nimrod as a substitute. In the actual encounter, the P3 had another pair of F-14 escorts which were not allowed to leave the side of the P3.....thus, they are not modeled here, as they did not take part in this combat.


During the mid-1980s, a side product of the Iran-Iraq war was the Tanker War, in which Iranian and Iraqi aircraft started attacking oil tankers plying the Persian Gulf in an effort to damage the economy of their opponent. Because the US was (is) heavily dependent on Middle Eastern oil (in particular oil from Iraq), many tankers were reflagged to carry the Stars and Stripes, and aircraft from Carrier battle groups patrolled the Gulf. On several occasions, F-14s escorting P-3 patrol aircraft were approached by Iranian fighters. Usually the approaching fighters turned away before the shooting started. However, on at least one occasion, F-14s fired missiles at their Iranian opponents, with unknown results (see reflag.btl).

Since the P3 is not modeled in FC2, I have used the British Nimrod as a substitute. In this encounter, the Iranians are very keen to down the P3 reconnaissance aircraft and send their best and most heavily armed assets against the P3 and her escort.


During the mid-1980s, a side product of the Iran-Iraq war was the Tanker War, in which Iranian and Iraqi aircraft started attacking oil tankers plying the Persian Gulf in an effort to damage the economy of their opponent. Because the US was (is) heavily dependent on Middle Eastern oil (in particular oil from Iraq), many tankers were reflagged to carry the Stars and Stripes, and aircraft from Carrier battle groups patrolled the Gulf. On several occasions, F-14s escorting P-3 patrol aircraft were approached by Iranian fighters. Usually the approaching fighters turned away before the shooting started. However, on at least one occasion, F-14s fired missiles at their Iranian opponents, with unknown results (see reflag.btl).

Since the P3 is not modeled in FC2, I have used the British Nimrod as a substitute. n this encounter, the Iranians are very keen to down the P3 reconnaissance aircraft and send their best and most heavily armed assets against the P3 and her escort.