Universiteit Utrecht Master Sociale Geografie

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Too Much Numbers

After too much numbers it was time to do something with it! I went to an information night at the department of Human Geography and listened in on Economic Geography. It was so promising that I filled in a form and with the form had to send like 100 other copies of documents! I was excepted and excited to start a 'schakeljaar' at the department. During the first day I had a diversity of lectures and asked to switch to Urban Geography. This was granted and I got my schedule. 

Student-assistent At The Department Of Urban Geography

One of the first lectures of Urban Geography was given by late professor Ronald van Kempen and after the lecture he said the first one down can be my student-assistant for a year. I was the first down because of the typical meeting culture of the other students. And my new side job was born.

My Literature Thesis 'Indianen & Casino's'

I finished my 'Schakeljaar' with my literature thesis 'Indianen & Casino's'. I had to do a 'Schakeljaar' of  one year, because my bachelor in Business Administration was not a total fit on the master Urban Geography. In the ' Schakeljaar' I shopped in courses of the bachelor's degree of Human Geography. After the 'Schakeljaar' I did the one year master Urban Geography.

Excursion To New York

I finished the master after two and a half year. I handed in a Literature thesis and a finishing thesis during this study. But my most fond memories were that with the subject American studies I could go and see New York through the eyes of other Urban Geographers and their work in the Big Apple!

My Thesis

My finishing thesis competed in the Marc de Smidt Scriptieprijs and I wrote this thesis with the data I worked with at E-Quality for a sports advice to municipals. I am allowed to use the title MSc (Master of Urban Geography).