5 Handy Excel Tips  Probably Already Known By People, But Nobody Applies

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


5 Excel Tips

In this blog I share 5 useful general tips when using Excel.


Before I edit an Excel file, I will make sure to save the original in its original state, so that I can always go back to it if something goes wrong. This also applies to other files such as Word, data files or photos that I edit. It is best if I am not sure how my next step is going to turn out, too also make copies of my work in between. Then I can always go back to an earlier version if something goes wrong.

Turn On Follow Steps

In the new versions of Excel, I can even enable a button that records all the steps I take, giving me a history of what I've done. This allows me to undo a step or retrace my steps. Very handy!


Use shortcuts! It makes me work faster, but another very important point for using shortcuts is that it prevents repetitive actions. With shortcuts I use the mouse less, which reduces the chance of mouse arm, RSI. 

Help Function

Nowadays, the Help function of programs such as Excel are very extensive. Sometimes they even include examples and I just need to follow those steps. Take advantage of this. If I do not understand the Help or if it is explained too briefly. Almost everything I want to do in Excel has already been done by someone else before and sometimes there is even a step-by-step plan made for this. Google is definitely my friend here. And if I really can't figure it out or don't want to spend hours looking into this, I can always knock on the door of an Excel specialist  or follow an Excel eCourse.


No, the last tip is not a button in Excel, but a button in myself that I have to turn on. Make a copy of my file and have fun messing around in Excel if I have the time, because I'll get a lot out of it. There is always a solution and doing it will get me there. So dare to click in Excel!