From Mandatory Desk To Self-Chosen Place To Work

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


A Combination Of Entrepreneurship And Part-Time Work

Now that I'm in the contemplation period of my entrepreneurship and want to make a combination of entrepreneurship and part-time work, I walk through old online documents. This was back in 2016 not now. To my great annoyance I come across a report written as a group in the 4th year business economics, in which I link time management to ergonomics. The time management is something I always try to get under control, but usually I run into a system or other incidents that points out that some parts of the time management are not controllable by me.

Ergonomics Is The Science Of Work Based On The Truths Derived From The Discipline Of Natural Sciences

Back to ergonomics, a word I didn't know, but when it was discussed, it was already used in my daily life. The way of lifting a box, way of walking, etc. Ergonomics even turned out to be defined in the law. Something that I find so strange, my sitting position behind the desk is legally determined, regardless of how I am built, but only taking my height into account. A law that came into existence in 1889 and developed further as knowledge about this increased. But was only introduced in 1983 in working life.

Year Events

The Working Conditions Act Can Be Found In Detail On The FNV Website

In this law work, operating resources, office chair and worktable are discussed in detail. On the mm how they should be adjusted. As I read through it, I find it both interesting and agree that there should be rules about the setting of attributes. What I run into is that no alternatives are offered, so that small entrepreneurs who do not have an entire department to delve into it have to investigate the Working Conditions Act and ergonomics themselves or have them checked out. A cost item that I didn't think about when I started entrepreneurship and later wish I didn't have to spend money on it.

Ergonomics Can Indeed Prevent Bad Posture And Perhaps The Well-Known RSI

RSI is a broad concept, because it concerns a collection of complaints for which it is not always possible to determine the cause. That action must be taken on those complaints is something that is certain because my body warns me. RSI is actually a trauma from the muscles that screams for attention in one way or another, namely rest or a lesser load on it can help. It can also be a nerve that is pinched, but even then, it has to do with shifts of bones, muscles, cartilage in my body that indicate a new position that my body has to get used to slowly that makes me more flexible or a warning that this is an attitude that is not ok for me. Which one it is depends on the person. It is clear, however, that if these complaints persist for a long time, this is not okay, and I should let go of the attitude and perhaps visit my doctor.

Small RSI Complains

The reason why I am re-reading this report is that during my salaried period I suffered quite a lot from RSI complaints when I think about it now, but I have never encountered it in my entrepreneurship. Therefore, the freedom to work part-time or for a certain period of time for a boss will mainly depend on the freedom I can get to be able to apply the ergonomics that I have mastered in my entrepreneurship. Think of not too long days, no full-time job, working from home and not sitting in front of a laptop all day.