Amazing EV3 demos

Actually some of these use the previous version of the Lego robot, the NXT, rather than the new version, the EV3. But of course anything the NXT can do the EV3 can do better... Be sure to check out

EV3 sets new Rubik cube record!

posted 13 Jul 2015, 06:38 by Nigel Ward

This video shows a robot made from mainly EV3 parts breaking the world record for the solving of a Rubik cube by a Lego-based robot. Cube Twister can solve randomized cubes in about 2.2 seconds, on average, smashing the previous record held by Cubestormer 3 which could only manage about 3.5 seconds. The most remarkable thing about Cube Twister is that it doesn't run the normal Lego EV3 software, it runs instead EV3 Basic which was developed to allow Lego roboticists to learn textual programming, the kind used by professional programmers. Learn more about EV3 Basic on my site Note that the EV3 can also be controlled by the world's most popular textual programming language, Python, which is much more modern and powerful than EV3 Basic. See my site

Drawbot — Aug 31, 2016 3:36:34 PM

Amazing LEGO Machines Compilation 2014 — Aug 10, 2015 8:42:24 PM

Little Talks Guitar Cover by Lego Mindstorms EV3 — Aug 10, 2015 8:37:05 PM

Charlie the chess-playing robot — Jul 30, 2015 10:35:49 PM

An inspirational piano-playing robot — Jul 30, 2015 10:31:31 PM

EV3 aims to set new Rubik cube record — Mar 13, 2014 8:22:22 PM

Great Ball Contraption — Sep 22, 2013 5:59:08 PM

HockeyBot — Sep 22, 2013 11:57:57 AM

Bridge layer — Sep 19, 2013 3:35:33 PM

3D milling machine — Sep 19, 2013 3:22:01 PM

When things go wrong... — Sep 19, 2013 3:18:02 PM

Car factory — Sep 19, 2013 2:58:19 PM

Aeroplane factory — Sep 19, 2013 2:38:21 PM

Domino building machine — Sep 19, 2013 2:32:37 PM

Automatic 4 speed gearbox — Sep 19, 2013 2:26:39 PM

Rubik's cube solver — Sep 19, 2013 12:40:01 PM

NXT JennToo radar — Sep 11, 2013 8:43:34 PM

Arduino + NXT motors = Segway — Sep 11, 2013 7:52:30 PM

Remote-controlled Arduino/NXT robot — Sep 11, 2013 7:49:34 PM

4 wheel drive car with split-chassis steering — Sep 11, 2013 7:32:16 PM

Self-parking car — Sep 11, 2013 7:27:59 PM

NXT walking biped — Sep 11, 2013 7:21:40 PM

LEGO motor scooter — Sep 11, 2013 7:18:55 PM

Lego Segway — Sep 11, 2013 7:12:42 PM

Time Twister — Sep 9, 2013 7:27:04 PM

Rubik's Cube solver — Sep 9, 2013 7:25:44 PM

Sudoku Solver — Sep 9, 2013 7:24:30 PM

Factory makes spinning top — Sep 9, 2013 6:21:30 PM