Discipline & Classroom Management

A professional teacher has a classroom management plan. He/she has rules, procedures, and routines. What should your plan be? As long as it doesn't directly violate school rules and policies and is conducive to good teaching, it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that you have a plan and you can clearly articulate the plan to the students, parents, and administration. Your plan should be individualized to meet your needs and style and your students’ needs and styles. It should be simple and easy to understand. What's your plan?

Click here for GoogleDocs folder with multiple resources

Click here for directions on how to record an incident in ECATS

Discipline Procedures

Administration Discipline Matrix Guidelines

Remember, our number one goal is to keep students IN class AND learning.

Consider if behaviors, such as running in the hallway, truly constitutes missing 90 minutes of instructional time.

Classroom Management: Maybe It Is Rocket Science!

It’s amazing . . . we can put man on the moon and send robots to Mars, but we may never fully understand the logic and emotions in the vast spaces of teenagers’ minds and hearts! However, just like NASA, we can create plans that foster success, and we can create emergency plans that exhaust all efforts when faced with a challenge.

NASA Director: This could be the worst disaster NASA’s ever faced.

Gene Kranz: With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour. Apollo 13, The Movie. 1995