
FishBowl: Directions for reserving Fish Bowl and how to connect to the flat screen tv

ROOM ASSESSMENT FORM: Use the form to report issues or problems related to maintenance or facilities. Form is located in the files at the bottom of this page. Return form to Mr. DeVane (electronic or paper).

Maintenance of Facilities

The care of the school buildings and equipment is the responsibility of everyone. Proper attention and supervision is needed to assure that students do not vandalize or destroy school property. Developing in our students a sense of pride in their school and appreciation of the importance of maintaining public and private property will promote proper care of our facilities. A feeling of school spirit, school pride and a desire to keep the school attractive should be among the goals of all school personnel. Teachers are encouraged to plan activities to support these goals.

The first impression a visitor receives of our school is based on its physical appearance. This impression is frequently more lasting than the impression of the instructional program. Cleanliness and orderliness are essential to our image.

Encourage and cooperate with the students in any reasonable plan to make the classroom more attractive.

Make sure all paper and trash dropped on the floor or left in the room is removed before students leave at the end of the period. Custodians are not expected to remove excess paper from desks. Encourage students to assist in keeping hallways, stairwells and grounds clean and attractive.

Instructional boards should be erased daily unless the material is to be used on another day. Update information/material on boards (including bulletin boards) regularly.

Classroom furniture should be neat and orderly. Do not keep papers or other materials lying around. Put them away or destroy them.

Windows should not be opened unless in unusual heating/cooling circumstances. If windows are opened, ensure that they are closed and locked at the end of the day. Emergency evacuation windows should be shut at all times and clear of all items on the shelf and floor surrounding the windows.

Make every effort to secure your assigned areas of instruction and supervision. When you leave your teaching area, lock the door. This reduces possible acts of theft and/or vandalism.

Teachers with unattached chairs are expected to have students place them on the desktops at the end of each day.