Goodbye First Love

15 year old Camille is infatuated with conceited and tousle-haired college student Sullivan. He does not share the intensity of her commitment, having explained his plans to drop out of university and go on a backpacking tour of South America with a couple of friends. Sullivan envisages this trip involving many new kinds of experience and chastity isn't one of them.

He and Camille have a final idyllic summer together at her family's lakeside house. Inevitably, calamity ensues: Camille grows up, becomes a brilliant architecture student, and a new relationship with a charismatic professor begins to heal her heartbreak. Almost a decade later, Camille runs into Sullivan. Things have changed. Or have they?

The film doesn't fob us off with the condescension of young love that if we could only meet our former selves and tell them it's all right, and it doesn't matter. Of course it matters. Camille's architecture career shows her misery: designing student accommodation blocks with impractical water features and misconceived spaces for long, dreamy walks which are governed by her yearning for that lost summer of love.

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