Summer School 2017



LABEX Summer School

in Sign Language Linguistics

Gargnano (Garda Lake, Italy), 8-12 May 2017

The SIGN-HUB Summer School 2017 addresses theoretical and experimental issues in sign language linguistics including research in the domains of the phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics of sign languages.


The summer school is open to master students, graduate students and junior researchers who:

  • (i) already have familiarity with sign language research but are not trained in formal linguistics
  • (ii) are trained in formal linguistics but are not yet familiar with sign language linguistics.

In order for the two groups of students to work fruitfully together in the classroom, a list of preparatory readings will be provided before the summer school starts.

The summer school will take place at the scenic setting of Palazzo Feltrinelli in Gargnano (Garda Lake, Italy) from May 8-12, 2017.

Recommended Education Level: BA


The languages of the Summer School will be English and ASL/IS. Interpreting between ASL/IS and English will be provided.


The SIGN-HUB Summer School 2017 is the training school of the Horizon2020 project “The Sign Hub: Preserving, Researching and Fostering the Linguistic, Historical and Cultural Heritage of European Deaf Signing Communities with an Integral Resource” (2016-2020) funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program, and it continues the series of COST SignGram summer schools. For information about this project visit:

This event is part of the H2020 project SIGN-HUB (69334), financed by the European Commission.

The SIGN-HUB Summer School is partly funded by

Labex EFL Empirical Foundations of Linguistics, a network of Linguistic labs based in the Paris area,

Fondation Fyssen Research Grant (PI Carlo Geraci)

and is hosted in the Gargnano facilities of the University of Milan (Department of Philosophy).