Venue and travel information

Google map of down town Reykjavik, showing conference venue, reserved accommodation options (listed under Accommodation), bus terminal and Tourist information centre, and other points of interest.

Traveling to and from the airport:

Our international airport (KEF) is located near Keflavík, approx. 45 min. drive from Reykjavík city centre. Buses between the airport and the city are quite frequent, and connected to incoming flights.

Two lines are available, Flybus and Grey Line, the ticket costs 2.500 and both offer drop off at your hotel or guest house, if specified when the ticket is bought. More information: - .

Taxis are also available at the airport, the taxi ride costs 16.000 ISK for 1-4 passangers and 21.500 for 5-8 passangers.


University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands)

Sæmundargötu 2

101 Reykjavík


The presentations and poster sessions will be held in the university building called Háskólatorg. The presentations will be in room 102, aka HT102, and the poster presentations on a wall near by. Please note that if you enter from a different building through walkways this is the first floor, and that the "ground floor" when you enter through the front revolving door (or the back door by the information desk) is the second floor.


University webpage:

Conference dinner venue:

Bergsson RE, Grandagarði 21, 101 Reykjavík



In case of emergency, you can call the central alarm number 112, which is free from any phone.

If you have any questions about the information above or would like to know more, please contact the local organizing committee;