Conference Venue:

Auditorium Santa Margherita, Venice

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June 18, 2018

8:15-8:45 Registration

8:45 Welcome and opening

9:00 TBA

Meltem Kelepir - invited speaker (Boğaziçi University).

9:50 Are plain verbs really plain?: Location as the exponent of agreement in Brazilian Sign Language.

Guilherme Lourenço (Federal University of Minas Gerais), Ronnie Wilbur (Purdue University).

10:30 Causativity and transitivity in classifier predicates in Tianjin Sign Language: a case study.

Jia He and Gladys Tang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong).

11:10 Coffee break

11:40 Word order asymmetries in NGT coordination: The impact of Information Structure.

Iris Legeland (UvA), Katharina Hartman (JW Goethe University Frankfurt), Roland Pfau (UvA).

12:20 Phonological priming in the visual world: An eye tracking study on German Sign Language.

Anne Wienholz (University of Göttingen), Derya Nuhbalaoglu (University of Göttingen), Markus Steinbach (University of Göttingen), Annika Hermann (University of Hamburg), Nivedita Mani (University of Göttingen).

13:00 Lunch break

14:20 Iconicity matters: Signers and speakers view spatial relations differently prior to linguistic production.

Francie Manhardt, Susanne Brouwer, Beyza Sumer, Asli Özyürek (Radboud University, Netherlands).

15:00 It’s not all ME, ME, ME: Revisiting the Acquisition of ASL Pronouns.

Diane Lillo-Martin (University of Connecticut), Deborah Chen Pichler (Gallaudet University).

15:40 Poster presentation

16:10 Coffee break

16:40 Poster session

17:20 SIGN-HUB session: sign language assessment

17:50 Insights from the development of Swedish Sign Language assessments - some issues and challenges

Krister Schönström - invited speaker (Stockholm University)

18:40-19:00 Business meeting

20:00 Social dinner

June 19, 2018

9:50 Quotation in RSL: insights from a corpus study and elicitation.

Vadim Kimmelman (University of Amsterdam), Evgeniia Khristoforova (Russian State University for the Humanities).

10:30 Does INDEX matter? Selecting referents in German Sign Language and Turkish Sign Language.

Derya Nuhbalaoglu (University of Göttingen)

11:10 Coffee break

11:40 A preliminary description of evaluative morphology in LIS.

Elena Fornasiero (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)

12:20 Watch my lips: expressing attitude and irony in LIS through non-manuals.

Lara Mantovan (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, University of Milan-Bicocca), Beatrice Giustolisi (University of Milan-Bicocca), Francesca Panzeri (University of Milan-Bicocca).

13:00 Lunch break

14:20 Path and (a)telicity in space: Motion predicates in LSCu (Sign Language of Cuba).

Alicia Calderon Verde (CENDSOR, Cuba), Donny Wilson Limonta (CENDSOR, Cuba), Gilma Cervantes Soliño (CENDSOR, Cuba), Ariel Hernández Hernández (CENDSOR, Cuba), Elena Benedicto (Purdue University).

15:00 Directness of causation constraints on resultative constructions in ASL and English.

Cornelia Loos (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen).

15:40 Poster presentation

16:10 Coffee break

16:40 Poster session

17:20 SIGN-HUB session: sign language Atlas and grammars

17:50 Interviewing Deaf elderly signers: methodological issues and practical problems in Italian SIGN-HUB interviews

Luca Des Dorides - invited speaker (Istituto Statale Sordi di Roma)

18:40 Getting ready for the cinedeaf

19:00-20:00 Cinedeaf (Istituto Statale Sordi di Roma)

June 20th, 2018

9:00 TBA

Carlo Geraci - invited speaker (Institute Jean-Nicod)

9:50 What looks like a question followed by an answer in LSF.

Charlotte Hauser (Université Paris Diderot Institut Jean Nicod), Caterina Donati (LLF, CNRS).

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Feeling phonology: The emergence of tactile phonological patterns in protactile communities in the United States.

Terra Edwards (Saint Louis University).

11:40 “Rhythm ratio” in sign languages: A measure of phrasal rhythm.

Diane Brentari (University of Chicago), Joseph Hill (Rochester Institute of Technology-National Technical Institute for the Deaf).

12:20 Closing session


June 18th, 2018

Word order and intonation in embedded polar interrogatives in TİD.

Emre Hakguder (The University of Chicago).

(First alternate)

Verb types and semantic maps.

Marloes Oomen (University of Amsterdam).

Starting to make sense: Further developing a nonsense sign repetition task.

Ulrika Klomp (University of Amsterdam).

Grammatical and iconic constraints on serial verb constructions in TİD.

Ayşe Özçiçek, Kadir Gökgöz (Boğaziçi University).

Age of sign language acquisition affects processing of word order: EEG evidence.

Julia Krebs (University of Salzburg), Evie Malaia (University of Freiburg), Dietmar Rohem (University of Salzburg).

Modal signs and scope relations in TİD.

Serpil Karabüklü (Purdue University), Fabian Bross (University of Stuttgart), Ronnie Wilbur (Purdue University), Daniel Hole (University of Stuttgart).

June 19th, 2018

Coordination in Catalan Sign Language: CoPhrase.

Giorgia Zorzi (Pompeu Fabra University). (Second alternate)

A negation-tense interaction in Georgian Sign Language.

Roland Pfau (UvA), Tamar Makharoblidze (Ilia State University).

Can formal features be predicted from form? Using Machine Learning to predict transitivity class from the form of pantomime and ASL classifier constructions.

Chuck Bradley (Purdue University).

The dialogic nature of epistemic markers in two unrelated sign languages.

Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen (University of Copenhagen).

Distribution of Lexical Contrast in Kenyan Sign Language.

Hope Morgan (University of Haifa).

Manual and nonmanual cues for speech act perception in DGS.

Elisabeth Volk (University of Göttingen).