Further information

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Useful information:

There is no tipping in Iceland.

Almost every place of commerce or merchandise takes credit cards.

Don't buy bottled water. The Icelandic tap water is perfectly safe to drink (bottled still water is basically tap water).

Travelling within Reykjavik:

Public bus service

If you have accommodation in a central area, it is not likely that you will need to take a bus, since most locations during the conference are within reasonable walking distance. Should you want to travel further the public bus network in Iceland is called Strætó, and you can find information on bus fares, routes in the capital area, and buses outside of Reykjavík on Strætós webpage; www.straeto.is. Here is a link to a map of the bus routes [MAP]. As you can see on this map, busses no. 1, 3, 6, and 14 all stop at a bus stop called Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland) at Hringbraut. This stop is a 5 minute walk from the conference venue. Busses no. 12 and 15 also stop close to the conference venue at bus stops called Þjóðminjasafnið (The National Museum) and Stúdentagarðar (Student residences).


There are three main taxi services in Iceland. You can find information about day and night rates on their websites.

BSR, tel. +354 561 0000

BBS, tel. +354 552 2440, http://www.borgarbilastodin.is/english/home/

Hreyfill, tel. +354 588 5522, http://www.hreyfill.is/en/

Travelling around Iceland:

Deaf Iceland Tours

A deaf run Travel Agency. Web page: http://deaficeland.is/en/home/

Tourist information

There are many tourist information centres and tour guide companies in Iceland. The city´s official tourist information centre is located in the city centre. The Tourist Information Centre is located at the Ráðhús (The Town Hall) in Tjarnargata 11. Their webpage contains a lot of useful information:http://www.visitreykjavik.is

Local Organising Committee Recommends:


Iceland is famous for outdoor swimming pools, and it just so happens that there is one quite a short way from the conference veunue, Vesturbæjarlaug (The West Town Pool). It is marked on the Google Map. More information here: http://www.visitreykjavik.is/swimming-reykjavik-0

Aalto Bistro

Located in the University area, at the Nordic House. Top notch food within walking distance.


Horseback riding

The Icelandic horse is a unique breed. Popular with preschool children and professional sports riders alike. Eldhestar has various ways for you to get to know each other.


Ice cream

There are many ice cream parlours in Reykjavík. Ísbúð Vesturbæjar is one of the popular, classic ones. They are a chain with several locations. For gelato and sorbet Valdís is your best bet. It is located by the Reykjavík Maritime Museum.




In case of emergency, you can call the central alarm number 112, which is free from any phone.

If you have any questions about the information above or would like to know more, please contact the local organizing committee; feast2017@easychair.com