How to attend ?

Talks and Posters

All the talks and poster presentations are asynchronous: the videos will be put online on the website on Monday, June, 22nd along with a recommended watching schedule (Program) that you are free to follow or not. Each talk/poster will have a dedicated page on this website.

When watching a video, do not forget to activate subtitles.


The question/answer sessions of talks will be held live, using Zoom, following the program. The discussion will be interpreted.

The registration is now over.

The Q/A video will remain online for the time of the conference.

Poster sessions

There will be three poster sessions, indicated in the Program, which will start by the diffusion of lightning talks video. Attendants have then 45 minutes to go on each poster's webpage and to engage in autonomous group chats (link on each poster page) allowing to send either video or text messages.

You need a Skype account to engage in group chats.

Social events

  • Tuesday, 23rd at 6 pm (Paris time): we invite attendants to launch initiatives and engage in social remote events. After registration, attendants will receive a link to participate to the dedicated shared sheet.
  • Wednesday, 24th at 6 pm (Paris time): Live introduction of the documentary 'We were there... we are here', on Zoom, by Roland Pfau, Vincenza Iadevaia and Delfina Aliaga.
  • 6:15 pm: Let's watch together 'We were there... we are here', from the European SIGN-HUB project, on which more than 7 countries (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Israel and Turkey) have contributed to collecting interviews and life testimonies of elderly Deaf people. The interviews were conducted and filmed by Deaf collaborators and the result is fantastic and will contribute to the preservation and transmission of these different signed languages.

You can already watch the trailer here !