Webb Stories

Stories have been copied and pasted as sent--if there are mistakes let me know.

Story By :Myrtle Earle Webb Dixon

Family time together was the most outstanding time for my family.

The love of our mother and father was an unforgettable memory.

The family had very high family values and church was very important in their lives.

Visiting with our grandparents was a lot of fun.

One of the real fun things that stuck in my mind was riding in her Uncle Ellis and Aunt Hattie's Model A Ford in the rumble seat.

Our father bought, Tommy and myself a Pony named, Buddy when they we were very young.

Tommy and I enjoyed riding in the cart with Buddy pulling, but Buddy was very mischievous and liked to lie down with the cart hooked up.

This would scare Tommy and he would cry.

Our family was musical inclined, and Ray and Wayne played the guitar.

Myrtle Webb Dixon

Stories By : Sherry Ussery

Grandma Webb:

I loved it when Grandma Webb would come over to spend the night or nights with us. Us kids would all want to sleep with her (but usually it was me or Kay who were the lucky ones) cause when we got in that cold bed with no heat in the room, she was our heater, she would say snuggle up to me and I will keep you warm and she did. We did not need a heater once in the bed. She was so soft and cuddly.

First let me say, us six children were blessed, to be so close and to have such great, loving good God gilled parents.

We were blessed, to have good cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Daddy and Mother use to take Kay and I to Wrightsville beach on Sunday afternoons after church, and lunch to swing on the swings at the little park that use to be right beside the second bridge there across from where wings is now.

Oh we loved to go down there, Momma and Daddy would sit there and watch the boats while we swung.

We use to get with the family on Friday nights to go and eat at Fair clothes a good seafood rest. That was there by Wrightsville beach drawbridge.

Daddy loved Fair cloths. Some of my, most fun times were sitting on the back porch with my brothers, sisters, momma, and daddy singing and picking.

We loved to sing, play guitars, while Daddy would play the mouth harp.

Sometimes Momma would play the mouth harp. Those were the good old days. There would be sometimes 15-20 of us out there singing and having a good time. Our Momma was a great cook, every Sunday after church all the family would come over for lunch, she would put on the spread, you name it, and she had it. We had a table that would feed at one time 15; it was nothing to feed 3 tables full on a Sunday.

She never complained. What memories.

I use to love to go and stay with my Aunt Bebe, she was my momma’s sister, she never was able to have children, and she loved for us kids to come and stay with her and uncle Ed.

Their names were Ed and Vera Tompkins. They treated us like we were their own, spoiled us, and boy we had fun.

As a young child one of my best friends were Sue Lackey, her mom and dad were our pastor, and wife of Oak Grove Baptist church, I loved to go to Sue's house. We played dolls, rode bikes, and ate a lot of candy.

We would sit together in church and every sun.

Nights we got in trouble for talking, she would get a spanking and I would get a talking to, she did not think that was quite fair. We laugh about that today.

I started singing in the church when I was three years old, my sister Myrtle would play the piano and sometimes she would sing with me, every sun night the church would want me to sing a song, I was so little they would stand me in a chair. God has truly blessed me, all of us children could sing and play guitars, piano’s, and banjo’s. God did truly bless us all. Myrtle and I still sing in church today and we do quite a bit of funerals even though they are not what we prefer, we are honored to give that person their last wish.

This story is sort of a funny one, when we moved back to Wilmington and we moved beside John and Myrtle of course john loved to plant a garden every year. He also liked for us to pick our own beans, well one day he came over to get me to go down to the garden with him to pick some butter beans, I went and I started out pretty good but by the time I got to the middle of the first row I was ready to quit. I knew after 5 min into it that bean picking was not for me, I had rather buy them.

He and I had a great laugh about this for many years. Every year after he would ask me to lets go pick beans and every year, I would laugh and say NOT! It would crack him up...

One more funny story about one night Myrtle stopped by the house and when she got ready to go Carl, Sandy, Kay, and I were outside playing I found a frog which I knew myrtle was afraid of frogs,

I put it in her car, on the way home that frog jumped on her shoulder, she about died, it scared the pee out on her, she turned around came back, and whipped my tail, I still thought it was soooo funny.

I got those kinds of things from my momma. I had always thought all us kids should have got a whipping since we all were in on it.

These are just a few of good memories I have, hope they will be of some interest.

Thank you for what you are doing.


Daddy once found a baby pig down believe it or not, just running around, he caught that thing brought it home in a shoe box, we fed him off a bottle, got him strong and went into the pig business.

We kids loved the pig, (Porky) got real close to him, he was our pet. When he got big Daddy decided he needed to be killed and eat, well us kids did not like that especially Wayne, I remember when Mr Dixon shot him Wayne was standing at the bedroom window looking out crying.

He did not eat pork for years after that, it was not good, Mother of course said we could never get that attached again to a pig.....

When we ate pig Wayne got something different, I guess you could say he was special!

Stories by Ray and Betty Webb

Ray and Betty met in 1960, Betty was 15 and Ray was 16, and little did we know that the Lord had plans for our lives together.

We were married in 1962 at Oak Grove Baptist Church.

Ray was playing bass guitar with Buddy Skipper and the Jetty Jumpers.

When their second daughter, Tonia was six months old, Betty was saved, and became a member of Ogden Baptist Church.

It took two more years of praying, and then Ray was saved as well.

Ray and best friends John Creech and Gene Patrick started singing gospel music, they were known as.” Yielded life singers “and sang together for 6 ½ years.

God truly bless their ministry, and Ray was led by the Lord to go to school to prepare for their ministry.

Ray and Betty’s first church was Lavonia Baptist Church in Mooresboro North Carolina; they were at that church for nine years.

The Lord led them to Beach Road Baptist Church in Southport, North Carolina,

Ray has been a senior pastor at this church for 22 years.

Ray had to retire in 2010 because of health issues.

God has blessed us in our ministry, so very much, we have seen many souls saved, lives saved, and lives changed to God are the glory.

The Lord blessed us with two wonderful daughters.

They were such a Joy when they were growing up, each with their own personality.

We are so proud of Lisa and Tonia, and the grown women, they have become.

Lisa and Tonia, were both saved, at a young age, and both married Christian men.

We are so proud to call Donald and Mark our sons.

We are blessed with five precious grandchildren; they bring such joy and fun in our lives.

All five of the grandchildren gave their hearts to Jesus, and Ray was so proud that he had the privilege to baptize them.

We are the richest family in the world.

Written by Betty McCormick Webb January 2002