Webb, Mclellan, O'Brien info, Deeds etc

Notes for Tillotson O'Bryan:

Mary O'Bryan, the second wife of Tillotson made a Bounty Land Claim the text is as follows:

State of North Carolina

County of Richmond

On this 6th day of August A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, personally appeared before me, as acting Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid, Mary O'Bryan aged sixty-seven years, a resident of Richmond County in the State of North Carolina, who being duly sworn according to law, declares, that she is the widow of Tillotson O'Bryan, deceased, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War under Colonel Edward Williams, volunteered in Richmond in the state of North Carolina and recorded in said county at the time that he volunteered as a light horse man, had several skirmishes with the Tories, but was in the regular battle, that Phil James was his Captain....He was a pensioner...in Richmond County and drew his money from the pension agency for North Carolina in Fayetteville. That I am now drawing a pension under act of February 3rd, 1853 and refer you to proof made in my application to obtain my pension.

She further states that she was married to the said Tillotson O'Bryan in Richmond County on 12th day of October A. D. 1829 by one John Covington, a Minister of the Gospel and that her before her said marriage was Mary Lassiter and that her said husband died on the Eleventh day of July A.D. 1840 and that she is now a widow at the date of executing of this her declaration.

Richmond County Website