Family Letters

All Letters are typed as written- there could be lots of errors in letters.

Letter from Virginia O'Brien Webb--mother of Irnie C Webb.

Dear Bro and Family

This morning though I am sick in bed, I am going to try to write to you.

I have written to all my brothers in the past few days.

Also to Sallie.

Intended writing yesterday but did not feel able, but I am worse this morning

Have a severe pain in my side and can't get up.

But I want to write to you and I am afraid to wait until Monday for fear I wont be able to write at all, but I hope I will feel better.

I have had a severe Cold for two weeks and cough all of the time.

and I was taken with pain in my side last night , and I am suffering right much this morn.

Well I hope you all are well, hope your health is better and Lucy well.

Is any of the children at home with you?

I am here with Clyde and the children, have my heart and hands full.

I saw in the paper where David , Benson and Lucy was coming home for Christmas.

I know you will enjoy Christmas.

I would be glad if one of mine could be with me.

Jenkins , Clyde and Irnie-are all here.

Jenkins ---? he has been off at work but is coming home tomorrow.

They are all getting along well.

Clyde and Irnie are with Coast Line Co, they are making good.

Winston is in Maryland, Elijah is in Waycross Ga.

Annie in Robison, how are all your children well I hope and doing well, would be so glad to see you all.

Would love to go to the old home once more but my health is bad and I am getting to old to travel around much.

You wouldn't hardly know me I have broken so much, I don't weigh more that 110 or 115 pounds if that.

So you know I don't look like I did when you saw me last.

Well I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Happy new year.

May God Bless you and all of yours and may we all please God and be ready when the call comes.

Love to you and Lucy and all of the children.

May they all think of me with Love--Love and best wishes for you all.

Write to me--Your Loving Sister--Jenny

The original letter was written in pencil so it has faded out somewhat.

Frank O'Brien had this letter and gave to our family --Frank is the grandson of E.B. O'Brien