Gratitude towards Google


I hereby would like to express my gratitude towards GOOGLE.

Google enables me to have a web page to promote empedoclean studies. There is no condition for that and it is free of charge.

Google enables us to have an easy access to old books via

Google enables us to update our knowledge concerning new titles, via

Google has put

in its search engine.

Google does not hesitate to put on line technical documents that only a few specialists will consult.

All this is free.

Yet I do not ignore that Google is not a philanthropic company. It does not voluntarily want to promote empedoclean studies. It uses "philosophy" as a content among others such as "gardening", "D.I.Y.", "entertainment", and so forth.

Of course Google has not the same aims as me.

Nonetheless Google helps. It is a fact. Google helps with huge means. And today I see no bad side effects tu use Google for my purpose.

So, I sincerely express my gratitude towards Google.

December 12, 2007

Jean-Claude Picot