Bibliography A-Z supplement


Empedocles - Empedocle - Empédocle - Empedokles - Empedoklés - Empédocles - Эмпедокл - Empedoklész - エンペドクレス -  Емпедокле  -  Empedoklo  -  Empedioklis  אמפדוקלס  - إمبيدوكليس 

Supplément à la Bibliographie présentée par Tomáš Vítek, 

avec la collaboration de J.-C. Picot

Le site empedocles.acragas, créé en 2007, a pour objectif de promouvoir les études empédocléennes. La constitution d'une bibliographie la plus complète possible contribue à cet objectif.

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Je n'adhère pas à l'écriture B 17 pour désigner le fragment 17 (= fr. 17 DK). Le "B" signifiant "fragment" est une coquetterie de Diels introduite en 1906. Mais par respect du travail de T. Vítek, qui s'exprime de cette façon, avec B pour fragment, je prolonge ici cette écriture. 

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Je remercie la Fondation Pythagoras ( pour les précieuses indications bibliographiques fournies régulièrement dans sa Newsletter annuelle. Je remercie aussi Alexander Egorov pour ses apports multiples.

Jean-Claude Picot

empedocles.acragas at

Dernière mise à jour : 15/ 07/ 2024

 New titles recently introduced into the general bibliography

Trépanier, Simon, Review of R. Saetta Cottone, Soleil et connaissance. Empédocle avant Platon, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review - BMCR 2024.06.07, 2024,

Jabin, Misel, La métaphore vestimentaire dans le Timée de Platon : de l’anthropologie du corps à la cosmologie, in: Himation : métaphores du vêtement dans l'Antiquité classique et tardive, ed. Delalande J. et al., Pessac: Ausonius éditions 2024, (PrimaLun@ 30), p. 49-69. (Open access B 126.)

Wash, Leon, Avery, Empedocles’ account of wine (fr. 81) and premodern oenology, in: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 64, 2, 2024, p. 162-194. (B 78, B 79, B 80, B 81, B 91.)

Zatta, Claudia, Empedocles on plants’ fructification, in: Φιλοσοφία, 52, 2022, p. 387-391. (Article published in 2024.)

Early Greek philosophy on the question of life: plants’ physiology and life from the Presocratics to Aristotle, in: Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 72, 189, 2022, p. 262-303. (A 70, A 72, A 74, A 86, B 62, B 3, B 77, B 79, B 82, B 99, B 100, B 102, B 109, B 110.)

Ranjbar, Ebrahim, World creating Vortex: reconstructing the concept of δίνη in Empedocles’ cosmogenesis, in: History of Philosophy (Tarikh-e-Falsafe), 2023. 

Kouloumentas, Stavros, της αγαπης αίματα: αναζητώντας την ενότητα τόυ εμπεδόκλείόυ εργόυ, in: Φιλοσοφία, 52, 2022, p. 335-358. (B 105.)

Afonasina, Anna, S., Simplicius on Empedocles. A note on his commentary in Phys 157.25-161.20, in: ШАГИ / Steps, 10, 2, 2024, p. 183-196.

Lucarini, Carlo Martino, Zu Empedokles, D 100 + 178 b L.-M. (= A 66 D.-K.), in: Museum Helveticum, 81, 1, 2024, p. 31-33. (A 66. Tzetzes. φορᾶς instead of φθορᾶς.) 

Skarsouli, Pinelopi, Review of Jean-Claude Picot, Empédocle. Sur le chemin des dieux, in: Philosophie antique, on-line May 2024,

Ponce, Emma, L’œil étincelant de l’amour : une nouvelle lecture du fr. 84 d’Empédocle, in: Revue des études grecques, 136, 2, 2023, p. 205-240. (B 84, B 96, fr. 100. Primavesi’s new edition of B 84 revisited.)

General bibliography  


Acevedo, Angel Eduardo Juan, The idea of Στοιχεῖον in grammar and cosmology: From Antique roots to medieval systems, Diss. The Warburg Institute, University of London, 2018.

– Alphanumeric cosmology from Greek into Arabic: The idea of stoicheia through the Medieval Mediterranean, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2020. 

Adamson, Peter, S., The Arabic Plotinus: a study of the "Theology of Aristotle" and related texts, Diss. PhD University of Notre Dame, 2000. (B 115.) 

The Arabic Plotinus: a philosophical study of the "Theology of Aristotle", London: Duckworth 2002. (Review of G. Stamatellos in Ancient Philosophy 26, 2006, p. 472-475. B 115.)

Ademollo, Francesco, The Cratylus of Plato: a commentary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011. (B 9.)

Adluri, Vishwa, Parmenides, Plato, and Mortal Philosophy: Return From Transcendence, London - New York: Continuum 2011. (Two-Soul Theory: Thumos versus Psukhe, Gomperz.)

Afonasina, Anna S. [АФОНАСИНА, Анна, Сергеевна], The birth of harmony out of the spirit of tekhe, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 6, 1, 2012, p. 68-75. (Empedocles connects harmonia with Aphrodite – one of the creative powers. It was important for him to represent the multifaceted character of harmonia by means of different crafts. In his philosophical views we can clearly see the process of development of the term of harmonia from its technical to abstract meaning.)

– Эмпедокл о дыхании, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 9, 2, 2015, p. 353-362. (In Fr. B 100 DK Empedocles famously compares the principle of breathing with this of clepsydra. This simile provoked a scholarly controversy. This article is the first part of the future analysis of Empedocles’ views on physical mechanisms of living beings and their sense perceptions.)

Страсбургский папирус Эмпедокла. О реконструкции текста и задачах на будущее, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 10, 1, 2016, p. 214-226. (The Strasbourg papyrus of Empedocles. A note on its reconstruction and future tasks for studies).

– Эмпедокл в диалогах платона. свидетельства и преемственность идей, in: Intellectual traditions in past and present, 4, 2018, p. 197-208. (Intellectual traditions in past and present = Интеллектуальные традиции в прошлом и настоящем (исследо- вания и переводы). Empedocles in Plato’s dialogs. Evidences and the continuity of ideas; B 29, B 73, B 84, B 86, B 87, B 96.) //

– Фрагмент В 17 Эмпедокла (перевод и комментарий), in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 13, 1, 2019, p. 375-381. (A new commented translation into Russian of Empedocles’ fragment B17 with the addition of several new lines available in the Strasbourg papyrus.)


ИСТОЧНИКИ ДЛЯ ОБРАЗА АФРОДИТЫ У ЭМПЕДОКЛА [Sources of the image of Aphrodite in Empedocles], in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 14, 1, 2020, p. 293-308



Страсбургский папирус Эмпедокла. The Strasbourg papyrus of Empedocles: A translation into Russian and commentary by A. A., in: ΣΧΟΛΗ Supplements, III, Novosibirsk 2021.

The image of Empedocles in the Hippocratic treatises and the interpretation of some biographical evidences. in: Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38, 3, 2022, p. 293-306. (In Russian. Образ Эмпедокла в трактатах гиппократовского корпуса и интерпретация некоторых биографических сведений, in: Вестник СПбГУ. Философия и конфликтология. 2022. Т. 38. Вып. 3, p. 293-306. (B 17, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 128, B 136, B 137.)

Загадочные тонкие полотна: Эмпедокл о зрении, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 17, 2, 2023, p. 1098-1108. (= “Mysterious filmy veils: Empedocles on vision. B 84, B 87. The author does not take into account O. Primavesi, "Empedokles’ Theorie der Augenfunktion und der Text des Laternengleichnisses", 2022.)

Как Эмпедокл становится платоником: Симпликий, «Комментарий на Физику», 157.25–161.20, in: Платоновские исследования, 18.1, 2023, p. 115-133. (On-line.)

Simplicius on Empedocles. A note on his commentary in Phys 157.25-161.20, in: ШАГИ / Steps, 10, 2, 2024, p. 183-196.

Allison, June W., Antithesis and the One/Many in Aeschylus' Septem, in: Mnemosyne 66, 2013, p. 566-592. (B 17, B 22, B 27, B 30, B 35.6, B 59, B 96, B 109, B 134, a MP.)

Almqvist, Olaf, Chaos, cosmos and creation in early Greek theogonies: an ontological exploration, London-New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2022, (Classical literature and society). (B 21, B 28, B 29, B 31, B 35, B 115, B 128, B 130, B 137, B 139.)

Ambrosano, Giovanna, Cosmologia e daimonologia in Empedocle, in: Incidenza dell'antico. Dialoghi di storia greca, 9, 2011, p. 101-121.

La respirazione empedoclea, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 6, 12, 2012, p. 6-38. Released in October 2014. (B 100.)

La relazione tra sensi e nous in Empedocle, in: La parola del passato, 70, 1, 2015, p. 63-90.

Andolfi, Ilaria, Empedocles arbiter symposii: luxury, political equality, and bizarre dinner parties in fifth-century Acragas, in: Histos, 14, 2020, p. 206-230. (A 1.)

Designing a cosmic Architecture: Craftsmanship in Empedocles’ Poetry, in: Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman didactic Poetry, ed.  J. S. Clay & A. Vergados , Leiden-Boston: Brill 2021, (Mnemosyne, Supplements, 450), p. 63-81. (B 34, B 71, B 73, B 75, B 86, B 87, B 93, B 95, B 96, B 98.)

A grammar of self-referential statements: claims for authority from Hesiod to the Presocratics, in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 117-136. (B 3, B 21, B 23, B 77, B 112, B 129.)

Doric features in Empedocles’ poetry, in: Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale, 64, 2, 2022, p. 347-358. (B 17, B 20, B 22, B 35, B 128, a(ii) 26-27.)

Arena, Renato, “Ἀμόρβος, ἀμορβεῖν,” Rendiconti (Lett., Istituto Lombardo), 111, 1977, p. 285-302. (Useful for B 84.3.)

Arieti, James, A., Empedocles in Rome: Rape and the Roman ethos, in: Clio, 10, 1, 1980, p. 5-20.

Aronadio, Francesco & Erminia Di Iulio & Francesca Masi (ed.), La natura corporea delle immagini, da Empedocle a Lucrezio, Naples: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Press, 2022, (Dynamis. Il pensiero antico e la sua tradizione: studi e testi, 6). (A 86, A 92, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 84, B 89, B 106, B 108, B 109, B 110.)

Arseniev, Arseni, Empedocles - philosophical and medical views, in: Asklepios, II (XXI), 2008, p. 77-82.

Asín Palacios, Miguel, The mystical philosophy of Ibn Masarra and his followers, translated by E. H. Douglas and H. W. Yoder, first published as Abenmasarra y su escuela, Orígenes de la filosofía hispaño-musulmana, Madrid, 1914, Leiden: Brill 1978. (P. 43-72: Pseudo-Empedoclean Doctrine of Ibn Masarra, Historical Criticism of the Pseudo-Empedoclean System.)

Ashton, Susannah, Chance, relativity, and Empedocles’ cycle(s) of time, in: Conceptions of time in Greek and Roman Antiquity, ed. R. Faure, S.-P. Valli & A. Zucker, Berlin - Boston: W. de Gruyter 2022, p. 49-77. (B 30, B 62, scholia Aristotle.) 

Athanassakis, Apostolos, N. & Benjamin, M. Wolkow, The Orphic Hymns, translation, introduction, and notes by A. N. A. & B. M. W., Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press 2013. (Emp. on Ether, Fates, Moon, HephaIstos, Fire, Sun.)

Aubin, Nicholas, Natural Teleology versus Material Determinism and Chance: Al-'Āmirī against Empedocles and Galen on Nature and Soul, in: Journal of the History of Philosophy, 59, 3, 2021, p. 429-456. (Anbāduqlīs. Empedocles arabus. Cf. De Smet.]

Aubry, Gwenaëlle, Démon et intériorité d’Homère à Plotin : esquisse d’une histoire, in: Le moi et l’intériorité, G. Aubry & F. Ildefonse, Paris: J. Vrin 2008, p. 255-268. (Emp.: p. 259-260.)

Aulotte, Robert, Amyot et Plutarque : la tradition des « Moralia » au XVIe siècle, Genève : Droz 1965. 

Avanesov, Sergey, (Аванесов, С. С.), ЭМПЕДОКЛ: БОЖЕСТВЕННОСТЬ И САМОУБИЙСТВО, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 1, 2, 2007, p. 147-171. (A 16, B 3, B 114, B 115, B 126, B 127, B 129, B 120, B 146.)

Azevedo, Cristiane A., Parmênides e Empédocles: entre as sensações e o intelecto, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 10, 19, 2016,


Bachelard, Gaston, La psychanalyse du feu, Paris: Gallimard 1949. (Emp., p. 31-40, 'Le complexe d'Empédocle'.)

Bader, Françoise, Autour de Polyphème le Cyclope à l’œil brillant : diathèse et vision, in: Die Sprache, 30, 2, 1984, p. 109-137. (B 84.)

Introduction à l’étude des mythes indo-européens de la vision : les Cyclopes, in : Studi indoeuropei, ed. E. Campanile, Pisa: Giardini 1985, (Testi linguistici, 8), p. 9-50. (B 84.)

De Pollux ä Deukalion: la racine *deu-k- "briller, voir", in: O-o-pe-ro-si: Festschrift für Ernst Risch zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. A. Etter, Berlin-New York: W. de Gruyter 1986, p. 463-488.

Bader, Nico & Marie-Anne de Roode, Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter, 28, March 2023.

Pythagoras Foundation Newsletter, 29, March 2024. 


Baeumker, Clemens, Das Problem der Materie in der griechischen Philosophie, Münster: Aschendorff 1890. (Emp..: p. 67-72.)

Bailey D. M., A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum, 1, Greek, Hellenistic, and early Roman pottery lamps, London: British Museum Publications 1975. (Useful for B 84. P. 225-227, 294-299, plate 98, Q 495, Q 496.)

Bailly, Anatole, Dictionnaire Grec-Français, Paris: Hachette 1935. 

Baird, Forrest, E., Philosophic classics, sixth edition volume I, Ancient philosophy, London-New York: Routledge 2016.

Ball, Philip, The Elements: A very short introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, (Very short introductions).

The elements: A visual history of their discovery, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 2021.

Baloyannis, Stavros, J., Empedocles: Neurophilosophy and neurosciences- prophecy and reality, in: Journal of neurology & Stroke, 1, 6, 2014, 00037. p. 1-5.  

–  Empedocles and Neurosciences, in: Encephalos 51, 2014, p. 66-78.

Baltussen, Han, Philosophy and exegesis in Simplicius: the methodology of a commentator,  London - New Delhi - New York - Sydney: Bloomsbury 2008. (Chap. 2.2.2 Empedocles: p. 74-78.)

Simplicius on elements and causes in Greek philosophy: critical appraisal or philosophical synthesis?, in: Causation and creation in late Antiquity, ed. A. Marmodoro & B. P. Prince, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2015, p. 111-128. (B 6.)

Theophrastus’ De sensibus in the A-fragments of Diels-Kranz. Revisiting the Testimonia and their Value, in: Rhizomata, 7, 2, 2019, (Special Issue: Topics in Theophrastus’ De sensibus), p. 120-145.

Baltussen, Han, M. Share, M. Atkinson & I. Mueller, Simplicius. On Aristotle, Physics 1.5-9, translated by B. H et al., with an Introduction by R. Sorabji, London - New Delhi - New York - Sydney: Bloomsbury 2012, (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle). (Simplicius p. 179.20 - 257.30; B 8, B 17.)

Bargrave-Weaver, D., The Cosmogony of Anaxagoras, in: Phronesis, 4, 2, 1959, p. 77-91. (B 38, fire, air, ether.)

Barker, Andrew, Empedocles Mousikos, in: Musica, culti e riti nell'Occidente greco, ed. A. Bellia, Pisa - Roma: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali 2014, p. 87-94. (B 17.)

Baron, Christopher A., Timaeus of Tauromenium and hellenistic historiography, Cambridge - New York: Cambridge Univeristy Press 2013. (Emp.: p. 164-169. B 129.)

Barros, Nayra, Sousa & Rafael, César Pitt, A presença de elementos míticos na filosofia de Empédocles. Mythic elements in Empedocle's philosophy, in: Investigação Filosófica, 11, 1, 2020, p. 105-114.

Bartoš, Hynek, Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic On Regimen: a delicate balance of health, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2015, (Studies in ancient medicine, 44). (B 8, B 17, plus p. 197-198, Jouanna.) 

Baskevitch, François, La théorie de l'audition chez Empédocle, 2012, on-lineéorie_de_laudition_chez_Empédocle_et_les_présocratiques  (B 99.)

Battegazzore, Antonio Mario, “La magia della parola in Empedocle e Gorgia,” Giornale di Metafisica, 21, 1-2, 1999, p. 67-99.

Beardslee Jr, John Walter, The use of ΦΥΣΙΣ in fifth-century Greek Literature, Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1918. (B 8, B 63, B 110.)

Belloni, Luigi, Aspetti dell'antica ΣΟΦΙΑ in Apollonio de Tiana, in: Aevum, 54, 1, 1980, p. 140-149. (Vita e Pensiero.)

Bénatouïl, Thomas, Mouvements et vie chez Aristote : quelques remarques « autour » des plantes, in Anais de filosofia clássica, 13, 25, 2019, p. 1-20.

Benitez, Rick, Plato and the secularisation of Greek theology, in: Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion, ed. Kindt, J. - Eidinow, E. and Osborne, R.,  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016, p. 301-316.

Benn Alfred, William, Early Greek Philosophy, London: Constable 1914. (Emp. : p. 57-64.)

Benzi, Nicolo, Chapter 4: Empedocles, the divine poet, in: Philosophy in Verse: Competition and Early Greek Philosophical Thought, Doctoral thesis, Durham University, 2016, p. 121-154. (B 17.)

The Redefinition of Poetic Authority in Early Greek Philosophical Poetry, in: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, 44, 2, 2018, p. 15-41. (Emp.: p. 31-37. Muse. B 3, B 112, B 115, B 131.)

Bernabé Pajares, Alberto,  Hom. ἀμφίβροτος y mic. a-pi-qo-to, ¿un caso de etimología popular?, in: Corolla Complutensis. In memoriam J. S. Lasso de la Vega, ed. L. Gil et al.,  Madrid: Editorial Complutense 1998, p. 39-48. (B 148.)

Textos órficos y filosofía presocrática: Materiales para una comparación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta 2004, (Estructuras y procesos, Filosofia). 

Eἶδος en los filósofos presocráticos, in: ΤΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΜΟΥ ΕΔΩΣΑΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ. Homenaje a la profesora Penélope Stavrianopulu, ed. F. García Romero et al., Berlin: Logos 2013, p. 91-104. (B 22, B 23, B 27, B 71, B 73, B 98, B 115, B 125.)

Los filósofos presocráticos: literatura, lengua y visión del mundo, Madrid: Ediciones Evohé 2013. (B 22, B 23, B 27, B 71, B 73, B 98, B 115, B 125.)

Vegetarianismo en la Grecia antigua, in: Mare nostrum, 10, 1, 2019,  p. 31-53.  (B 115, B 117, B 136, B 137, B 139.)

Fragmentos presocráticos. Edición bilingüe de los textos, selección de testimonios, introducciones y notas de A. B. Madrid: Abada Editores 2019. (Emp.: p. 293-374. Based on Graham 2010 and Diels-Kranz. Published in 2019, but does not take into account new things after 2008.)

¿A quiénes se refiere Heródoto 2.123?, in: Deisidaimonía. Religiosidad y superstición en la Grecia Antigua. Homenaje al profesor Emilio Suárez de la Torre, ed. J.-M Nieto Ibáñez & Á. Ruiz Pérez, Bern: Peter Lang Publishing 2020, p. 309-331. (B 115, B 117.)

Berve, Helmut & Gottfried Gruben, I templi greci, Florence: G. C. Sansoni 1962. (B 6, Nestis, p. 248.)

Berti, Enrico, Conclusioni, in: Giornale di Metafisica, Nuova Serie, XXI, 1999, p. 243-250.

Berz, Peter, Respondenz zu Oliver Primavesi„Tetraktys und Göttereid“, in: Götter und Schriften rund ums Mittelmeer, ed. Friedrich Kittler, Peter Berz, Joulia Strauss, Peter Weibel, zusammen mit Gerhard Scharbert, Parderborn: Wilhelm Fink 2017, p. 317-410.

Betegh, Gábor, Eschatology and cosmology: models and problems, in: La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell’età dei Presocratici / The Construction of Philosophical Discourse in the Age of the Presocratics, ed. M. M. Sassi, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale 2006, p. 27-50. (P. 45-46: B 105, B 115.)

Fire, heat, and motive force in early Greek philosophy and medicine, in: Heat, pneuma, and soul in ancient philosophy and science, ed. Hynek Bartoš & Colin Guthrie King, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press 2020, p. 35-60. (Emp.: p. 41-43; A 37, A 70, B 62.)

– “Thinking with Empedocles: Aristotle on the Soul as harmonia,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 59, 2021, p. 1-44. (B 96.)

Betegh, Gábor & Pavel Gregorić, God’s relation to the cosmos (Chapter 6), in: Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On the Cosmos). A commentary, ed. Pavel G. & G. Karamanolis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, p. 176-212. (B 21.)

Bett, Richard, Arnot, (trans.), Sextus Empiricus. Against the Logicians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005, (Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy). (A 1, B 109, B 110.10.)

– (trans.), Sextus Empiricus. Against the Physicists. Translated and edited by R. B., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012. (B 6, B 17.18-20, B 136, B 137. Conflates roots and elements.)

– (trans.), Sextus Empiricus. Against those in the disciplines, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018. (B 109, B 112.4-5, B 113.)

Bianchi, Emanuela (ed.), Sara Brill (ed.) & Brooke Holmes (ed.), Antiquities beyond humanism, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019, (Classics in Theory). (B 6, B 115, B 117.)

Bianchi, Ugo, Péché originel et péché « antécédent », in: Revue de l'histoire des religions, 170, 2, 1966, p. 117-126. 

Selected essays on gnosticism, dualism and mysteriosophy, Leiden: E. J. Brill 1978, (Studies in the history of religions; 38). (B 109, B 115, B 126.)

L’anima in Origene e la questione della metensomatosi, in: Augustinianum, 26, 1/2, 1986, p. 33-50.

Biedrzyński, Dawid, Pojęcie harmonii w filozofii empedoklesa, in: IDEA – Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych, 26, 2014, p. 5-18,

Bierl, Anton, “Riddles over Riddles”, “Mysterious” and “Symbolic” (Inter)textual Strategies, The Problem of Language in the Derveni Papyrus, in: Poetry as initiation - The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni Papyrus, ed. I. Papadopoulou - L. Muellner, Cambridge (Ma) - London: Harvard University Press, 2014, p. 187-210.

Bilić, Tomislav, Early Identifications of Apollo with the Physical Sun in Ancient Greece, in: Mnemosyne, 2020, p. 1-28 (ahead of print, online), 74, 5, 2021, p. 709-736 (printed version). (A 23, B 134.)

Billings, Joshua, The philosophical stage: drama and dialectic in classical Athens, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press 2021.

Bocayuva, Izabela Aquino, Filosofia como tradição e a "presença" de Empédocles no Banquete, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 6, 12, 2012, p. 68-73. Released in October 2014. (A 86, B 107.) 

Bodnár, István & Michael Chase & Michael Share (transl.), Simplicius. On Aristotle Physics 8.1-5, London: Bristol Classical Press 2012. Paperback in 2014 by Bloomsbury.

Böhme, Hartmut, ElementeFeuer Wasser Erde Luft, in: Vom Menschen. Handbuch historische Anthropologie, ed. Ch. Wulf, Weinheim-Basel: Beltz 1997, p. 17-46. (B 6, B 86, B 89.)

Böhme, Gernot & Böhme, Hartmut, Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Elemente, Munich: C.H. Beck, 1996, 2004, 2010, 2014, p. 48-49, 93-100. (B 6, B 8. B 17, B 26, B 27, B 28.)

Boissonade, Jean-François (ed.), Tzetzae Allegoriae Iliadis accedunt Pselli Allegoriae quarum una inedita, Paris: Dumont1851. (P. 18-19, v. 288-309: storm of the elements.)

Bollack, JeanUne histoire de σοφίη, in: Revue des Études Grecques, 81, 386-388, 1968, p. 550-554. (Discussion of B. Gladigow, Sophia und Kosmos, Hildesheim 1965. B 129.)

– "Empédocle. L'atelier d'Agrigente", Interview France Culture in "Une vie, une Œuvre", 3 mars 1998.

– Parménide. De l'Étant au Monde, Lagrasse: éditions Verdier 2006, (Poche). (Emp.: several pages. B 8.)

– The art of reading: from Homer to Paul Celan, translated by C. Porter and S. Tarrow with B. King, ed. C. Koenig, L. Muellner, G. Nagy and S. Pollock, Cambridge (Ma)-London: Center for Hellenic Studies 2016, (Hellenic Studies, 73). –– (Chap. 6: Purifications, p. 65-88; Chap 13: Reading the cosmogonies; p. 165-166; Chap 14: Empedocles: a single project, two theologies, p. 167-180; The scientist model: Freud and Empedocles: p. 249-256. In short: several texts written by Bollack and translated into English. Useful on-line, the book: 

Bonnechere, Pierre & Cursaru Gabriela, ᾿Aρχή and δῖνος: vortices as cosmogonic powers and cosmic regulators. Study case: the whirling lightning bolt of Zeus, in: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 21-22, 1, 2020, p. 449-478. (B 35.)

Bos, Abraham P. & Rein Ferwerda, Aristotle, On the life-bearing spirit (De Spiritu): a discussion with Plato and his predecessors on pneuma as the instrumental body of the soul. Introduction, translation, and commentary by A. P. B. & R. F., Leiden -Boston: Brill 2008. (A 78, B 8, B 96, B 100.)

Botteri, Gerardo & Roberto Casazza, El sistema astronómico de Aristótele: Una interpretación, Buenos Aires: Biblioteca Nacional 2015. (Emp. in chapter II, La esfericidad del Todo en la filosofía presocrática, p. 35-54, sp. p. 46-51.)

Bouché-Leclerc, Auguste, Histoire de la divination dans l’Antiquité, I, Paris : E. Leroux, 1879.

Histoire de la divination dans l’Antiquité, II, III, Paris : E. Leroux, 1880.

Boyancé Pierre, Sur quelques vers de Virgile (Géorgiques, II, v. 490-492.), in: Revue archéologique, Cinquième Série, 25 (Janvier-Juin), 1927, p. 361-379. (B 129.)

L’Apollon solaire, in: Mélanges d’archéologie, d’épigraphie et d’histoire offerts à Jérôme Carcopino, ed. J. Heurgon, W. Seston & G. Charles-Picard, Paris, Hachette 1966.

Blavatsky, H.P, Isis unveiled. Collected writings, vol 1-2, New York - London 1877, Theosophical Pub. House 1972.

Brás dos Santos, Evaniel, Vestígios da cosmologia de Empédocles em fontes latinas dos séculos XII-XIII, in: Dissertatio, [44] 131, 2016, p. 131-150.

Breidenstein, Joseph I., Parmenides and Empedocles, in: J. I. Breidenstein, Nietzschean, feminist, and embodied perspectives on the Presocratics. Philosophy as partnership, Cham (Swiss): Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) 2023, p. 191-254.  (Emp.: p. 217-248. A 1, A 43, A 95, B 2, B 6, B 11, B 13,  B 17, B 20, B 23, B 27a, B 30, B 31, B 35, B 57, B 61, B 62, B 96, B 105, B 110, B 112, B 115, B 124, B 126, B 127, B 128, B 129, B 134, B 146, B 147, B 153.)

Brémond, Mathilde, Le logos d'Empédocle : reconstruction d'une lecture stoïcienne, in: Elenchos, 38, 1-2, 2017, p. 127-149. (B 2, B 3, B 109, B 110, B 131.) 

Les Présocratiques (A), in: L’Encyclopédie philosophique, ed. M. Kristanek, 2019, On-line:  (A 30, B 6, B 17, B 20, B 30, B 57, B 61, B 84, B 100, B 109, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 137.)

Éléments et zones du monde d’Homère à Empédocle, in: Philosophie antique, 21 (Les éléments), 2021, p. 7-29. (A 30, B 17, B 21, B 38, B 52.)

Brenk, Frederick E., “A most strange doctrine.” Daimon in Plutarch, in: The Classical Journal, 69, 1, 1973, p. 1-11. (De esu.)

An imperial heritage: the religious spirit of Plutarch of Chaironeia, in: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, II, 36.1, (Historische Einleitung; Platonismus), ed. W. Haase & H. Temporini, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter1987, p. 248-349.

Plutarch’s Daimonology, in: Frederick E. Brenk on Plutarch, religious thinker and biographer. “The Religious Spirit of Plutarch of Chaironeia and “The Life of Mark Antony,” ed. L. Roig Lanzillotta, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2017, (Brill’s Plutarch Studies, 1), p. 43-65.

Bröcker, Walter, Die Geschichte der Philosophie vor Sokrates, Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann 1965.

Broze, Michèle, Les sept propos de Méthyer. Structure narrative et théorie du savoir dans la cosmogonie de Neith à Esna, in: Bulletin de l’Institut français d’Archéologie orientale, 99, 1999, p. 63-72. (B 6.)

Bruhat, Marie-Odile, L’écriture du savoir chez Tertullien. De anima, X, 1- 7 et De pallio, III, 1-3,” in: Écritures des savoirs dans l’Antiquité aux premiers siècles de notre ère, ed. V. Naas & M.-P. Noël, Paris: Classiques Garnier 2023, p. 353-383. 

Brunschwig, JacquesReview of Empédocle, I : Introduction à l’ancienne physique, 1965, by Jean Bollack, in: Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger, 157, 1967, p. 128-133. 

On Generation and Corruption I. 1: a false start?, in: Aristotle: On Generation and Corruption, Book 1, Symposium Aristotelicum, ed. F. de Haas – J. Mansfeld, Oxford: Clarendon Press 2004, p. 25- 63. (§9 - The trouble with Empedocles, p. 48-50; §10 - 314b7–8: the quotation of Empedocles fr. B8. 1 and 3 DK, p. 51-55; §11 - 314b15–26: Empedocles makes alloiôsis impossible, p. 55-58; §12 - 12. 315a3–25: the last salvo of criticisms against Empedocles, p. 58-60 – B 8, B 21.)

Brunschwig, Jacques & Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd (eds.), Greek thought: a guide to classical knowledge, Cambridge (Mass.)-London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2000, (Harvard University Press reference library). English version of Le savoir grec (1996), without the chapter about Empedocles.

Buchheim, Thomas, Die Vorsokratiker: ein philosophisches Porträt, Munich: C.H. Beck 1994. (Chap. V: Die Wurzeln des Wachstums: Empedokles von Akragas, p. 145-182; p. 37, 239-241. B 6.)

Bufalini, M. et al., Geo-environmental changes and historical events in the area of the Greek archaeological site of Selinunte, in: Caminhos da História, 27, 1, 2022, p. 70-90. (A 1.70.) (pdf)

Buffière, Félix, Les Mythes d’Homère et la pensée grecque, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1956. Reprint Les Belles Lettres: 1973. (B 6, B 120, B 126, B 127, B 137, B 139.)

Bulcão, Marly, En retrouvant Empédocle: un prétexte pour philosopher, in: Diotima 43, p. 121-130, 2015. (Empedocles and Bachelard.)

Burstyn, Harold L., The empirical basis of the four elements, in: XIIe congrès international d'histoire des sciences, Paris 1968, Actes Tome IIIa, Science et Philosophie, Paris: A. Blanchard 1971, p. 19-24. (A 28, A 30, A 49, B 115.)

Bussolini, Juan, Concepción cosmológica de los Presocráticos, in: Ciencia y Fe, 15, 1-2, 1959, p. 3-21. (Emp. p. 15-16.) 

Butler,  Edward, P., Perceiving Aphrodite: Empedoclean Metaphysics, in: Walking the Worlds, 4, 2, 2018, p. 40-53. (B 2, B 20, B 6, B 84, B 109, B 110, B 128.)


Caballero, Raúl, La tradición manuscrita del De exilio de Plutarco, in: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, 2000, IV, 5, 1, 2000, p. 159-185. (B 115.)

Caballero Sánchez, Raúl, Plutarco. Consejos políticos sobre el exilio. Introducción, traducción y notas de Raúl Caballero Sánchez, Madrid: Alianza Editorial 2009, (Biblioteca temática, 8304). (B 115.)

Caballero, Raúl & Giovanni Viansino, Plutarco. L’esilio. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento a cura di R. C. e G. V., Naples: M. D’Auria 1995, (Corpus Plutarchi moralium, 21). (Emp.: p. 78-81, 112-113. B 115.)

Cabral, Izabela, Silva, Aphrodite zeídōros: a study of Philotes functions and expressions, according to Empedocles, in: Revista Est. Fil. e Hist. da Antiguidade, Campinas, 39, 2, 2022, p. 51-83. 

– Afrodite zeidoros, Dissertação de Mestrado, Brasilia-Manaus 2022.

Caetano-Anollés, Gustavo & Richard Janko, Foresight: Empedocles’ On Nature, P. Strasb. Gr. Inv. 1665–6, a theory of networks and evolutionary growth ~2,400 years before Darwin, in: Untangling Molecular Biodiversity, World Scientific 2020, p. 599-648. 

The rise of hierarchy and modularity in biological networks explained by Empedocles’ double tale ~2,400 years before Darwin and systems biology, in: Frontiers in Genetics 13:973233, 2022, p. 1-6. On-line.

Cairns, David, The Imagery of Erôs in Plato’s Phaedrus, in: Erôs in Ancient Greece, ed. Sanders - C. Thumiger - C. Carey - N. Lowe, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013.

Calame, Claude, Pratiques poétiques de la mémoire.  Représentations de l'espace-temps en Grèce ancienne, Paris: éditions La Découverte 2006, (Textes à l'appui, histoire classique). (B 6, B 115.)

Calame, Claude & Roger Chartier (eds), Identités d’auteur dans l’Antiquité et la tradition européenne, Grenoble: Jérôme Millon, 2004, (Horos).

Calenda, Guido, Un universo aperto: la cosmologia di Parmenide e la struttura della terra, Bologna: Diogene Multimedia 2017, (Storia della filosofia antica). (A 67, B 17, B 45, B 52, B 108, a(ii)13-14.)

Calogero, Guido, Storia della Logica Antica I, L'età arcaica, Bari: Laterza 1967. (Chap. V: Empedocle, p. 209-249. Il vario eleatismo dei pluralisti, Nascita come coesione, morte come scissione, Empedocle tra Parmenide e Melisso, Il vuoto e il pieno, L'eterno e il transeunte, Realtà dell'immortale e realtà del mortale, L'ideale dell'idcntità, Filosofia e poesia in Empedocle, Visione delle cose e visione dell'assoluto, Lo splendore del transeunte e la monotonia dell'eterno, Lo Sfero e la totalità delle cose, L'immortale Afrodite, La metempsicosi, Gusto della vita e timore della morte, La scoperta del molteplice immortale.)

Cambiano, Giuseppe, Filosofia e scienza nel mondo antico, Torino: Loescher 1976.

Campbell, Gordon, Lindsay, Strange creatures: anthropology in Antiquity, London: Duckworth 2006. (P. 6-9, 21-22, 30-32, 42-43. B 12, B 23, B 26, B 57, B 59, B 61, B 62, B 71, B 96, B 98, B 128, B 130, a(ii) 23-30.)

– (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of animals in classical thought and life, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014.

Campbell, Malcom, Studies in the third book of Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica, Hidelsheim-Zürich-New York: Olms 1983. (Supplementary notes, III. Apollonius and Empedocles, p. 129.)

Candido, Maria Regina, O saber mágico-filosófico de Empédocles de Acragas na Atenas clássica, in: Phoinix, 12, 2006, p. 189-198. 

Caneva, Stefano, Raccontare nel tempo: narrazione epica e cronologia nelle Argonautiche di Apollonio Rodio, in: Caneva, S. & V. Tarenzi, Il lavoro sul mito nell’epica greca. Letture di Omero e Apollonio Rodio, Pisa: ETS 2007, p. 67-135. (Emp.: p. 77-82.) 

Cappelletti, Angel, Mitología y filosofía: los presocráticos, Editorial Cincel Kapelusz 1987², (Historia de la Filosofía, 3). (Emp.: p. 142-165.)

Caprini, Rita & Rosa Ronzitt, Studio iconomastico dei nomi della ‘pupilla’ nelle lingue indoeuropee e nei dialetti romanzi, in: Quaderni di semantica, 28, 2, 2007, p. 287-325. (B 84.)

Caramico, Anna, L’aggettivo ὠγύγιος in Eschilo, Pers. 38 - in: Ítaca. Quaderns Catalans de Cultura Clàssica, 27, 2011, p. 25-34.

Cardoso, Diego Soffritti, A física das percepções em Empédocles e Demócrito, in: Revista Aproximação, 4, 2013, p. 4-13. 

A Teoria dos Eflúvios em Empédocles e suas Reverberações, Diss. (Mestrado em Filosofia) Faculdade de Filosofia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2017.

Carter, Jason, W., Aristotle on earlier Greek Psychology: The Science of Soul, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019. ("Empedocles and the Harmony Theory": p. 134-136; "Empedocles’ Psychology": p. 143-167; A 86, A 87, A 92, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 22, B 23, B 103, B 109, B 110.)

Cartlidge, Benjamin J.,  Empedocles Physika 1 278 (P. Strasb. gr. Inv.1665—1666, a(ii)8), in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 203, 2017, p. 53-55. (a(ii)8.)

The author of P.Oxy LXXXIII 5349 as a reader of Empedocles, in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 213, 2020, p. 11-15. (B 35.4, B 17.7-8, B 26.5-6, a(ii)19.)

Casadesús Bordoy, Francesc, On the origin of the Orphic-Pythagorean notion of the immortality of the soul, in: On Pythagoreanism, ed. G. Cornelli - R. McKirahan - C. Macris, (Studia Praesocratica, 5), Berlin - Boston: W. de Gruyter 2013, p. 153-176. (B 117, B 129.)

Casanova-Robin, Hélène, Reconstruire une poétique des Présocratiques : le feu dans les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 323-346. (B 3, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 62, B 73.)

Casella, Federico, Escatologia e conoscenza salvifica in Empedocle: una rilettura della metempsicosi alla luce delle teorie fisiologiche sulla mente, in: Elenchos, 40, 2, 2019, p. 265-296. (B 6, B 21, B 27, B 28, B 29, B 35, B 98, B 105, B 109, B 111, B 115, B 128, B 132, B 134, B 138, B 146, B 147.)

Platone e il vegetarianismo nel Timeo, Plato Journal, 21, 2021, p. 111-124.

Il cosmo come mezzo, il cosmo come fine: : il Timeo di Platone, Empedocle e Aristotele sulla relazione tra macrocosmo e microcosmo,  in: Thaumàzein 10, 2, 2022.

Casertano, Giovanni, Logistikon, thymos and epithymia before Plato, in: Archai, 32, 2022, p. 1-13. (B 6, B 128, B 136, B 137, B 145.)

Caston, Victor, The spirit and the letter: Aristotle on perception, in: Metaphysics, soul, and ethics in ancient thought: themes from the work of Richard Sorabji, ed. R. Salles, Oxford: Clarendon Press 2005, p. 245-320. (3.1 Aristotle vs. Empedocles: p. 293-295.)

– Perception in ancient Greek Philosophy, in: The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception, ed. M. Matthen, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015, p. 29-50. 

Theophrastus on Perceiving, in: Rhizomata, 7, 2, 2019, (Special Issue: Topics in Theophrastus’ De sensibus), p. 188-225.

Cavalcante de Souza, José & Remberto, Francisco Kuhnen (éd. and transl.), Empédocles de Agrigento, in: Os Pré-Socráticos, fragmentos, doxografia e comentários, ed. Cavalcante de Souza, J. et al., São Paulo: Editora Nova Cultural 1996.

Centrone, Bruno, Sopravvivenza dell’anima e luoghi dell’aldilà nella filosofia greca tra vi e v sec. a.c.: Eraclito ed Empedocle, in: La tomba del tuffatore: rito, arte e poesia a Paestum e nel mediterraneo d’epoca tardo-arcaica, atti del convegno internazionale, Paestum, 4-6 ottobre 2018, ed. A. Meriani & G. Zuchtriegel, Pisa: Edizioni ETS 2020, (Argonautica, 3), p. 335-346. (B 6, B 15, B 17, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 120, B 121, B 147.)

Chang, Lian, Articulation and the origins of proportion in archaic and classical Greece, diss., a thesis submitted to McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2009. (The cosmogonic theories of Empedocles and Plato: Chapter Six.)

Chilton, C. W. (ed.), Diogenis Oenoandensis fragmenta, Leipzig: Teubner 1967, (Biblioteca teubneriana). (Emp.: fr. 34 Chilton, p. 60.) 

Diogenes of Oenoanda. The fragments. A translation and commentary, by C. W. Chilton. (University of Hull publications), London-New York-Toronto: Oxford University Press 1971. (Emp. p. 5, 50, 85-87, 128-129; fr. 34 Chilton, and new fr. 2 Smith.) 

Χονδροκούκης, Μιχαήλ Θεόδωρος, Δαίμων και κόσμος: η ενότητα εσχατολογίας και κοσμολογίας στο έργο του Εμπεδοκλή, Diss. Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ΑΠΘ), 2020.

Chrysakopoulou, Sylvana, Théologie versus physique dans la poésie présocratique de Xénophane à Empédocle, Thèse de Doctorat (Directeur: G. Romeyer-Dherbey), Paris IV Sorbonne, 2003. (Empédocle et Xénophane: p. 219-316; Introduction à Empédocle: p.221-235; La physique d'Empédocle à la lumière de la physique xénophanienne: p. 236-258;  Démonologie et cosmologie chez Empédocle: p. 259-267; Démonologie et anthropologie chez Empédocle: p. 268-271; L'épopée d'Empédocle à l'encontre d'Hésiode: p. 272-300; La notion de bonheur divin chez Empédocle: p. 301-316).

The beauty and the beast: Aphrodite and Teratogenesis in Empedocles' Cosmogony, in: Hybrids and extraordinary beings: Deviations from ''Normality'' in ancient Greek mythology and modern medicine, ed. P. N. Soukakos, A. Gartziou Tatti & M. Paschopoulos, Athens: Kōnstantaras Iatrikes Ekdoseis 2017.

Chrysanthou, Anthi, Defining Orphism: the beliefs, the teletae and the writings, Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2020, (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes, 94). (B 115.) 

Ciampa, Chiara Raffaella, Eschatological visions in Pindar and Empedocles, in: Eschatology in Antiquity: forms and functions, ed. H. F. Marlow, K. Pollmann & H. Van Noorden, London: Routledge 2021, (Rewriting Antiquity), p. 131-143.

The Presocratics and the gods - Review of Saetta-Cottone R. (ed.), Penser-les-dieux avec les Présocratiques, in: The Classical Review, first view , 2022 (on-line), p. 1-4 .

Ciancaglini, Claudia, Angela, Aria e vuoto nella speculazione greca antica, in: Ethnos lingua e cultura. Scritti in memoria di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona, Roma: Il Calamo 1993, (Biblioteca di ricerche linguistiche e filologiche), p. 73-100. (B 100.)

Ciglenečki Jan, Empedokles. Fragmenti, Dopolnjena in razširjena izdaja, Ljubljana 2016.

Clark, Gillian, Porphyry. On abstinence from killing animals, London, New Delhi, New York, Sidney: Bloomsbury 2000, (B 124, B 128, B 139 - Reincarnation p. 125-126.)

Clayman, Dee, L., Philosophers and Philosophy in Greek Epigram, in: Brill's Companion to Hellenistic Epigram down to Philip, ed. P. Bing & J. S. Bruss, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2007, p. 497-517. (Empedocles: p. 503, A1.67.)

Clements, Ashley, On what-[it]-is-not: Gorgias and Empedocles, in: Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae: philosophizing theatre and the politics of perception in late fifth-century Athens, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2014, (Cambridge Classical Studies), p. 33-42. (A 92.)

Coates, Cameron, F., Cosmic Democracy or Cosmic Monarchy? Empedocles in Plato’s Statesman, in: Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek Political Thought, 35, 2, 2018, p. 418-446. (B 17, B 26, B 30, B 115, B 130.)

Coda, Elisa, Empedocle nel medioevo arabo attraverso la testimonianza di Temistio, in: Philologia Philosophica, 1, 2022, p. 167-180. 

Cohoe, Caleb, M. (ed.), Aristotle’s On the Soul: a critical guide, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2022. (A 86, A 92, B 6, B 23, B 84, B 96, B 105, B 107, B 109, B 110.) 

Review of A. G. Long, Death and immortality in ancient philosophy, 2019 and A. G. Long (ed.), Immortality in ancient philosophy, 2021, in: Journal of the History of Philosophy, 61, 3, 2023, p. 515-518.

Colangelo, Eleonora, Prolegomena a una nuova edizione dell’ Hymn. Hom. Ap. (III), Master (Laurea Magistrale) Università di Pisa, 2015. (B 6, B 29, B 134.) 

Neoanalisi e intertestualità dell’Inno omerico ad Apollo: modelli, immagini, stemma, in: Greaco-Latina Brunensia, 22, 2, 2017, p. 77-118. (P.  94-97: B 6, B 134.)

Cole, F.J., Aristotle’s lantern, in: Centaurus, 1, 4, 1951, p. 377 (in Varia). (B 84.)

Colli, Georgio, Empedocle, A cura di Federica Montevecchi, Milan: Adelphi 2019, (Piccola Biblioteca Adelphi, 746).

Colombani, Maria Cecilia, As relações entre poesia didática e filosofia. Hesíodo, Parmênides e Empédocles, in: Revista Heródoto, 2, 1, 2017, p. 147-164.

Cornelli, Gabriele, Aristotle and the Pythagorean Myths of Metempsychosis, in: Méthexis 28, 2016, p. 1-13. (B 126, B 129.)

Bearing with dignity your load of inalienable responsibility: The movements of the Pythagoreans’ Soul between Metempsychosis, Palingenesis, Anamnesis and Koinonia, in: Seelenreise und Katabasis: Einblicke ins Jenseits in antiker philosophischer Literatur, Akten der 21. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung vom 30. Juli bis 1. August 2018 in Tübingen, ed. I. Männlein-Robert, Berlin - Boston: W. de Gruyter 2021, (Philosophie der Antike, 40),  p. 107-138. (B 112, B 129.)

Cornelli, Gabriele, McKirahan Richard, Macris Constantinos (eds), On Pythagoreanism, (Studia praesocratica, 5), Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter 2013.

Cornford, Francis Macdonald, Mysticism and science in the pythagorean tradition, in: The Classical Quarterly, 16, 3/4, 1922, p. 137-150.

Mystery religions and Pre-Socratic philosophy, in: The Cambridge ancient history, 4, 1926, p. 522-578, 650-653. (Emp. p. 563-569.) Reprint in F. M. Cornford. Selected papers of F. M. Cornford, edited with an Introduction by A. Bowen, New York - London: Garland Publishing 1987, p. 36-98. (Emp.: p. 77-83.)

Corradi, Michele, La préhistoire de l’humanité dans le mythe d’Aristophane du Banquet de Platon, entre poésie, sophistique et philosophie, in: Miti e mitologie tra creazione e interpretazione, ed. R. Ruggiero & O. Vox, Lecce: Pensa Multimedia 2021, p. 97-136. (B 20, B 61, B 62, B 79.) 

Corrado, Alberto, Life, death, and lightning: an alternative edition of Empedocles B 9 DK with commentary, Classical Philology, 118, 3, 2023, p. 374-386. (A 85, B 9.)

Costa, Alexandre da Silva, review of Martin & Primavesi, L'Empédocle de Strasbourg, in: Letras Clássicas, 3, 1999, p. 319-325.

Um novo Empédocles?, in: Philosophica, 13, 1999, p. 125-130.   

Como e por que sobrevivem os pré-socráticos: os exemplos de Empédocles e Heraclito, in: Revista filosófica de Coimbra, 11, 21, 2002, p. 163-178. (Emp. Strasbourg.)

Die Unterscheidung der parmenideischen Vernunft in den Werken des Zenons und des Empedokles. Diss., Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, 2009. 

(B 6, B 7, B 8, B 9, B 12, B 16, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 23, B 27, B 28, B 29, B 33, B 34, B 35, B 89, B 105, B 109, B 115, B 127, B 128, B 136, B 146.)

Mito e filosofia em Empédocles. A redenção pelo saber, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, VI, 11, 2012, p. 99-110. (B 17, B 115, B 128, B 136, B 137.) 

Costello, Sean M., Aristotle on light and vision: an ‘ecological’ interpretation, in: Apeiron, 55, 2, 2022, p. 247-279. (A 57, B 84.)

Couloubaritsis, Lambros, Aux origines de la philosophie européenne. De la pensée archaïque au néoplatonisme, Paris-Bruxelles: De Boeck 20034, (Le point philosophique). (Emp. : p. 132-138.)

Les transfigurations de la notion de Physis entre Homère et Aristote, in: Kriterion, 122, 2010, p. 349-375. (B 8, B 110.)

Couprie, Dirk, L., Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology, From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus, New York - Dordrecht - Heidelberg - London: Springer 2011. (A 30, A 51, A 56, A 58, B 42.)

The spiral Movement of the Sun on an imaginary cylinder according to Empedocles and Anaximander, in: Philosophia Classica, 15, 1, 2020, p. 4-24. (A 1.77, A 50, A 51, A 54, A 56, A 58, A 60, A 61, B 44, B 45, B 46, B 48.)

Covotti, Aurelio, Le "Purificazioni" e la leggenda di Empedocle, in: Atti della reale... Napoli, 1923, p. 17 ff..

Crowley, Timothy, J., Aristotle, Empedocles, and the Reception of the Four Elements Hypothesis, in: Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought, ed. C.H Harry & J. Habash, Leiden: Brill 2021, (Brill’s Companions to Philosophy, 6), p. 352-376. (B 6, B 17, B 21, B 35.)

Cruz, Sebastiana Ferreira da, Cosmologia em Empédocles de Agrigento, Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT, TCC Monografia, Palmas, TO, 2019.

Cucinotta, Emilia, Empedocle e le guerre persiane, in: Cucinotta, E., Produzione poetica e storia nella prassi e nella teoria greca di età classica, Firenze: Firenze University Press 2014, (Premio Tesi di Dottorato; 40), p. 37-43 (chapter I.3). See:

Curd, Patricia, New Work on the Presocratics, in: Journal of the History of Philosophy, 49, 1, 2011, p. 1-37. (Emp.: p. 2-3, 26-27.)

– Empedocles on Sensation, Perception, and Thought, in: Ancient epistemology, 19, 2016, p. 38-57. (B 17, B 21, B 23, B 101a, B 105, B 106, B 107, B 108, B 109, B 110, B 132, B 133, B 134, B 143.)

Cursaru, Gabriela, Δίνη et στροφάλιγξ. La « théomachie » d’Empédocle et son modèle poétique homérique dans le chant XXI de l’Iliade, in: Gaia, 26, 2023, p. 1-21. (B 17, B 22, B 30, B 31, B 35, B 37, B 38, B 41, B 115, D73.)

Cusset, Christophe, Aratos de Soles est-il « naturaliste » plutôt que poète ?, in: L’homme et la science, ed. J. Jouanna, M. Fartzoff & B. Bakhouche, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2011, (Association Guillaume Budé), p. 257-266. (A 22.)


Daiber, Hans, Aetius arabus. Die Vorsokratiker in arabischer Überlieferung, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner 1980, (Veröffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission, 33). 

Darcus, Shirley, Muriel, Louise, The notion of self in Xenophanes and Heraclitus, Dissertation Ph D, University of Toronto, 1973. (B 17 : p. 354. B 29 : p. 320-322, 341-342. B 110 : p. 354. B 115, p. 319-320, 340-341, 361, 383, 471. B 129 : p. 469. B 134 : p. 320-322, 341-344. B 146 : p. 472-473.)

Dean, Stuart, Empedocles: The Greek Text of all of the Fragments (With Hyperlinks to annotations on each Fragment),, 2021.

De Crescenzo, Luciano, Empedocle, in: Storia della Filosofia Greca 1 - I presocratici, Milan: Arnoldo Mandadori 1983, p. 142-155.

Degani, Enzo, ΑΙΩΝ da Omero ad Aristotele, Padua: CEDAM 1961, (Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia. Università di Padova, 37). (Emp. p. 71-73.)

 Delattre Biencourt, Joëlle, Théon de Smyrne. Lire Platon. Le recours au savoir scientifique : arithmétique, musique, astronomie. Présentation, traduction et annotations par J. D. B., Toulouse: Anarchasis 2010, (Essais, série philologie).

[B 121.2: p. 271 ; B 143 : p. 39-40, 120.]

Delcourt, Marie, Héphaistos ou la légende du magicien, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1957, (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l’Université de Liège, 146). (B 111.)

del Lucchese, Filippo, Monstrosity and philosophy: radical otherness in Greek and Latin culture, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2019. (B 17, B 21, B 35, B 57, B 61,  B 62, B 73, B 75, B 87, B 97, B 115.)

del Pino, Matilde, La realidad en la sabiduría presocrática. Empédocles - Heráclito - Parménides, Barcelona: Vision Libros 1981.

Demulder, Bram, Plutarch’s cosmological ethics, Leuven: Leuven University Press 2022, (Plutarchea hypomnemata). (B 17, B 76, B 115, B 122.)

Desclos, Marie-Laurence, Les Nuées : l'autre apologie de Socrate, in: Filosofia, storia, immaginario mitologico. Nuovi approcci, ed. E. Berardi, M.P. Catiglioni, M.-L. Desclos & P. Dolcetti, Alessandria (It.): Edizioni dell’Orso2022, (Sophia, 3), p. 3-34. (B 112.)

Detienne, Marcel, Les maîtres de vérité dans la Grèce archaïque, Paris: F. Maspero 1967, (Textes à l'appui). (B 4, B 23, B 110, B 121, B 122, B 123, B 132.)

Διαμαντόπουλος, Άρης, Οι Έλληνες Φιλόσοφοι και η Φυσική - 5ος Τόμος, Εμπεδοκλής, 2015. On-line.

Diels, Hermann, Elementum: Eine Vorarbeit zum griechischen und lateinischen Thesaurus, Leipzig: B. G. Teubner 1899.

Der antike Pessimismus, Berlin: E.S. Mittler & Sohn 1921, (Schule und Leben, 1).

Di Iulio, Erminia, Gorgia e il materialismo empedocleo. Homologia, percezione e pensiero nel trattato sul Non Essere, in: La natura corporea delle immagini, da Empedocleo a Lucrezio, ed. F. Aronadio, E. di Iulio & F. Masi, Napoli: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici 2022, p. 39-78. 

Dillon, John, Review of Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic: Empedocles and the Pythagorean tradition by Peter Kingsley, in: Hermathena, 164, 1998, p. 122-124. 

Dombrowski, Daniel A., The Philosophy of Vegetarianism, Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press 1984. (Empedocles, p. 2, 21-22, 25, 32, 53, 55, 86, 90, 96, 99, 146. B 117, B 128, B 139.)

Dorandi, Tiziano, Diogenes Laertius. Lives of eminent philosophers, edited with introduction by T. D., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013, (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 50). 

Stobaeana. Tradizione manoscritta e storia del testo dei primi due libri dell'Antologia di Giovanni Stobeo, Baden-Baden: Academia 2023, (Diotima. Studies in Greek Philology, 9 ). (B 6, B 28, B 36.)

Dowdy, S. M., The bronze sandal, or a defense of cosmic refusal, in: Political Theology, 25, 2, 2024, p. 124-129. 

Drvota, Tomáš & Tomáš Vítek, Parménide DK 28 B 16 : un fragment méconnue [sic] d’Empédocle ? Part I : Parménide, in: Eirene, 56, 1-2, 2020, p. 179-240. (B 108, B 106, B 103, B 105, B 107, B 109, B 134, B 8, B 110.)

DuBose, L. Shannon, Aristotle's Doctrine of Elements, University of South Carolina, 1974. (The Open Repository@Binghamton. The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter. . 11 pages.)

Dupuis, Jean (transl.), Théon de Smyrne, philosophe platonicien. Exposition des connaissances mathématiques utiles pour la lecture de Platon, traduite pour la première fois du grec au français par J. D., Paris: Hachette 1892. [B. 121.1, B 143.]


Ebert, Theodor, The theory of recollection in Plato’s Meno: against a myth of Platonic scholarship, in: Gorgias – Menon. Selected Papers from the Seventh Symposium Platonicum, ed. Erler M. & L. Brisson, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2007, (International Plato Studies, 25), p. 184-198.  (A 92, B 8, B 15, B 117, B 129, B 146.)

Eckerman, Chris, Venus as Epicurean nature: Lucretius' Empedocles at De rerum natura 1.1-9, in: Eranos, 113, 2022, p. 99-118.

Edinger, Edward, F. & Wesley, Deborah A., The psyche in Antiquity. Book one, Early Greek philosophy, From Thales to Plotinus, Toronto: Innercity Books 1999, (Studies in jungian psychology by jungian analysts). (Emp.: p. 46-53.)

Einarson, Benedict, & Lacy, Philipp H., Plutarch's Moralia, XIV, 1086 C - 1147 A, London: W. Heinemann 1967, Cambridge (Ma): Harvard University Press 1986, (Loeb, 428).  (B 8, B 9, B 10, B 11, B 15.)

Elbert Decker, Jessica, I will tell a double tale: double speak in the ancient Greek poetic tradition, in: Epoché, 25, 2, 2021, p. 237-248. (B 17.)

Elbert Decker, Jessica, & Matthew Mayock, Parmenides and Empedocles, in: The Cambridge Handbook of Western Mysticism and Esotericism, ed. G. A. Magee, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016,  p. 26-37. (Influenced by P. Kingsley.)

The way up and down: liminal agency in the Homeric hymns and Presocratic philosophy, in: The Routledge handbook of women and ancient Greek philosophy, ed. S. Brill & C. McKeen, New York-Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2024.

El Murr, Dimitri, Friendship in Early Greek Ethics, in: Early Greek Ethics, ed. D. C. Wolfsdorf, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020, p. 566-592. (B 6, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 71, B 96.)

Emminger, Alphons, Empedokles, in: Die vorsoktratischen Philosophen nach den Berichten des Aristoteles, Würzburg: A. Stuber 1878, p. 55-66, 148-162.

English, Robert B., Empedoclean psychology, in: TAPhA, Vol. 45, p. XVI, 1914.

Enos, Richard LeoAristotle, Empedocles, and the notion of Rhetoric, in: In Search of Justice. The Indiana Tradition in Speech Communication, ed. Jensen, R.J. & Hammerback J.C., Amsterdam: Rodopi 1987, p. 5-21. (A 1.)

Greek rhetoric before Aristotle, Revised and expanded edition, Anderson (South Carolina): Parlor Press 2012, (Lauer series in rhetoric and composition). (V. Significant Contributors to Sicilian Rhetoric, Empedocles and the emergence of the sicilian sophistic, p. 110-142.)

Erro María Guadalupe, Problemas aspectuales del aoristo y su aplicación a la lectura de los filósofos presocráticos, Diss. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2013.

Evangelisti, Florestano, The concept of matter: a journey from Antiquity to quantum physics, Springer, 2023, (History of Physics).


Fabre-Serris, Jacqueline, La réception d’Empédocle dans la poésie latine : Virgile (Buc. 6), Lucrèce, Gallus et les poètes élégiaques, in: Dictynna  [], 11, 2014.

– Enjeux moraux et idéologiques des usages d'Empédocle au livre XV des Métamorphoses : une réponse d'Ovide à Virgile (Énéide VI et VIII), in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 303-319. (B 129, B 132, B 130.)

Fallas López, Luis Alberto, Mejor nosotros que otros. Empédocles en primera plural, in: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica, 62, 164, 2023, p. 63-79. (a(i)6, B 17, B 26, B 147.)

Falter, Otto, Der Dichter und sein Gott bei den Griechen und Römern, Diss. Würzburg, Würzburg: K. Triltsch 1934. (P. 40: B3.)

Faraone, Christopher A., Gli incantesimi esametrici ed i poemi epici nella Grecia antica, in: Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica,New Series, 84, 3, 2006, p. 11-24. 

Women and children first: the earliest evidence for ancient Greek body Amulets. Budapest: Phoibos 2019, (István Hahn Lecturers, 7).

Empedocles the Sorcerer and his hexametrical Pharmaka, in: Antichthon, 53, 2019, p. 14-32. (B 111, B 112.)

Fedorova, Olga (Фёдорова, Ольга, Борисовна), Четыре элемента Эмпедокла: текстологический анализ фрагментов, in: Вопро́сы исто́рии естествозна́ния и те́хники, 26, 2, 2005, p. 18-65. (B 6, B 9, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 29, B 38, B 57, B 84, B 96, B 98, B 117.)

Роль теории смешения в представлениях о цвете у Эмпедокла, Демокрита, Платона, in: История науки в философском контексте, СПб., 2007.

«Играющее дитя», или фрагмент Эмпедокла о дыхании в свете филологического анализа, in: Вестник Московского университете, 7 Философия, 2,  2010, p. 3-34. (B 100.)

Fehling, Detlev, Die Wiederholungsfiguren und ihr Gebrauch bei den Griechen vor Gorgias, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co 1969. 

Ferella, Chiara, ‘A Path for Understanding’: Journey Metaphors in (three) Early Greek Philosophers, in: Chiara Ferella & Cilliers Breytenbach (eds.), Paths of Knowledge: Interconnection(s) between Knowledge and Journey in the Greco-Roman World, Berlin: edition Topoi 2018, p. 47-73, (coll. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, 60). (Emp.: p. 60-70, B 3, B 110.)

– Abstract of « The interaction between mind and soul in Empedocles’ philosophy », Session/Paper number 46.1, The Society for Classical Studies; 149th annual meeting abstracts; January 4-7, 2018, Boston, MA, printed in Pythagoras foundation, newsletter, 24, Mars 2019, p. 16-17. On-line:

Empedocles and the birth of trees: Reconstructing P.Strasb. Gr. Inv. 1665-6, Ens. d-f 10B-18, in: The Classical Quarterly (online 20 August 2019, p. 1-12), 69, 1, 2019, p. 75-86. (A 70, B 62, B 72, B 79, ensemble d–f.)

Early Greek medical metaphors and the question of deliberateness, in: Drawing attention to metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities, ed. C. Di Biase-Dyson - M. Egg, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins 2020, p. 131-161. (Figurative Thought and Language, 5).  (B 84, B 100.)

War steers the world: the metaphor domain of conflict in Heraclitus’ and Empedocles’ representations of the cosmos, in: Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, 30, 2020, p. 9-34. (Akan, 30, ed. J. Althoff, S.Föllinger & G. Wöhrle. Emp.: p. 20-29. ‘Empedocles’ Strife as a Principle of Generation’, ‘Strife and the Origin of the World’, ‘Moral and religious implications in Empedocles’ use of the military metaphor’. B 23, B 62, B 115.)

The Byzantine scholia to Aristotle and Empedocles’ cosmic cycle, in: Mnemosyne, 2020, p. 1-23, (ahead of print, online), Mnemosyne, 74, 6, 2021, p. 978-1000 .

The zoogonies of Empedocles reconsidered, in: Rhizomata, 9, 1, 2021, p. 1-26. (A 72, B 17, B 26, B 62, a(ii), c, d-f.)

Review of Tom Wellmann, Die Entstehung der Welt. Studien zum Straßburger Empedokles-Papyrus, 2020, in: Philosophical Papyri, 1, 2023, p. 185-190. 

Reconstructing Empedocles’ thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2024. (B 2, B 3, B 6, B 8, B 9, B 11, B 15, B 16, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 28, B 29, B 35, B 57, B 59, B 61, B 62, B 96, B 98, B 105, B 106, B 108, B 109, B 110, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 119, B 120, B 121, B 122, B 123, B 126, B 127, B 128, B 129, B 130, B 131, B 132, B 133, B 134, B 136, B 137, B 139, B 146, B 147, P.Strasb. a(ii), d-f.)

Fernández Fernández, Alvaro, Neologismos Caldaicos (I). Notas sobre καναχισμός, ἀείπολος, προπόρευμα, μηναῖος y ἐπιβήτης, in: Les Études classiques, 86, 3-4, 2018, p. 311-356.

Fernández Rivero, María Cecilia, Eros, visión y conocimiento: la concepción empedoclea transpuesta en los diálogos platónicos. Eros, vision and knowledge: empedocle’s concepts transposed to plato’s dialogues, in: Praesentia, 16, 2015, p. 1-18. (B 17, B 21, B 110, B 115, B 128, B 136.)

Festugière, André Jean, Le sens philosophique du mot αἰών. À propos d’Aristote, De Caelo I, 9, in: La Parola del passato, 4, 1949, p. 172-189. Reprint in Festugière, A. J., Études de philosophie grecque, Paris: Vrin 1971, p. 254-271. (B 6, B 7, B 8, B 9, B 11, B 12, B 15, B 16, B 17, B 26, Β 27, Β 30, Β 31, B 110, B 129.)

Finkelberg, Aryeh, Heraclitus and Thales’ Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study, Leiden - Boston: Brill 2017, (Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture, 23). (Plut. De esu carn. i, 996C1, Censorin. DN iv 7 [28 A 51], B 31, B 44, B 26.5, B 52, B 110, B 112.4, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 120, B 121, B 126, B 134.5, B 148.)

Fino, Antonello, La fontana arcaica di San Biagio ad Agrigento, in: Il restauro dei monumenti antichi. Problemi strutturali: esperienze e prospettive, Atti delle Giornate di Studio, Agrigento, 23-24 novembre, 2012, ed. M. Livadiotti & M.C. Parello, Thiasos, 3, 2, 2014, p. 67-91. (Nestis?)

Fleet, Barrie, Simplicius. On Aristotle, Physics 2, translated by B. F., London - New Delhi - New York - Sydney: Bloomsbury 2014, (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle). First published in 1997 by Gerald Duckworth. (Simplicius p. 259.1 - 393.1; B 50, B 53, B 61, B 62, B 75, B 85, B 96, B 98, B 103, B 104.)

Flores Rivas, María. Anima animalis: El alma de los animales en la Grecia arcaica. Madrid: Abada 2023.

All that glitters is not gold: the role of animals in the golden age through Greek texts, in: New Classicists, 11, 2024, p. 4-28. (B 128, B 130.)

Föllinger, SabineAristoteles’ Auseinandersetzung mit Empedokles in De generatione animalium, in: Rezeptionen der Vorsokratiker von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart, ed. O. Hellmann, & B. Strobel, Berlin - Boston: W. de Gruyter 2022, (Philosophie der Antike, 42), p. 87-102. 

Forcignanò, Filippo, Empedocle di Agrigento e Filistione di Locri, in: Storia della filosofia antica, I, Dalle origini a Socrate, ed. M. Bonazzi, Roma: Carocci 2016, (Frecce 209), p. 139-148.

– ‘Ponderare con cura fra i singoli sensi’. Alcune riflessioni sulla percezione in Empedocle, in: La natura corporea delle immagini, da Empedocleo a Lucrezio, ed. F. Aronadio, E. di Iulio & F. Masi, Napoli: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici 2022, p. 11-37.

Franz, Michael, Das Farbengleichnis des Empedokles, in: M. Franz, Von Gorgias bis Lukrez: antike Ästhetik und Poetik als vergleichende Zeichentheorie, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1999, (Literatur Forshung), p. 85-97.  (A 34, A 43, A 44, A 57, A 86, A 87, A 92, B 3, B 6, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 96, B 109. )

Freudenthal, Gad, Aristotle's theory of material substance: heat and pneuma, form and soul, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1995. (A 70, B 34, B 62, B 98.)

Furley, David J. & Reginald E. Allen (ed.), Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, I, The beginnings of Philosophy, New York: Humanities Press 1970, (International Library of Philosophy and scientific Method). (Reprints of Vlastos 1947, Vlastos 1952, McDiarmid 1953, Guthrie 1957, Lloyd 1964.)

Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, II, The Eleatics and Pluralists, Atlantic Highlands (N.J.): Humanities Press 1975, (International Library of Philosophy and scientific Method). (Repints of Solmsen 1965, Furley 1957.) 

Furth, Montgomery, A 'philosophical hero'? Anaxagoras and the Eleatics, in: Modern thinkers & ancient thinkers, The Stanley Victor Keeling memorial lectures at University College London, 1981-1991, ed. R. W. Sharples, London: UCL Press 1993, p. 27-65. (Emp.: p. 33-35; four roots and Parmenidean 'Ones', bone, blood.)


Gaertner, Jean Felix (ed.), Writing exile: The discourse of displacement in Greco-Roman Antiquity and beyond, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2007, (Mnemosyne, Supplements, 83). (B 115.)

Gagné, Renaud, Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece, Cambridge - New York:  Cambridge University Press 2013. (P. 461-463: B 115.)

Zeus Panomphaios : réécritures et traditions de l'exégèse, in: Les dieux d'Homère III, attributs onomastiques, ed. C. Bonnet & G. Pironti, Kernos, supplément 38, 2021, p. 55-79. (B 123.3.)

Gain, Frédéric, Aristote. Métaphysique, (livres Α α Γ Ε Ζ Η Θ Λ). Présentation, traduction et notes de Fr. G., Paris: L’Harmattan 2023, (Ouverture philosophique). (Important: without book B! Empédocle : 984a8, 985a2, 985a8, 985a21, 985a29, 988a16, 988a27, 989a20, 993a17, 1009b15, 1009b17, 1069b21, 1072a6, 1075b2.)

Garani, Myrto, The figure of Numa in Ovid's Fasti, in: The Philosophizing Muse: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry, ed. M. Garani & D. Konstan, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge scholars Publishing 2014.

Garbarino, Giovanna, Poetica esplicita e implicita nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio, in: Bollettino di studi latini, 37, 2, 2007, p. 504-516.

García-Bacca, Juan, David, Los Presocráticos. Traducción y notas, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica 19441 ; 1979², (Col. popular, 177), 2007: 10th reprint. (Emp. : p. 55-100, 173-224.)

García Escrivá, Vicente, Los nombres divinos de los cuatro elementos, in: Trama & Fondo - Revista de Cultura, 41, 2016 p. 79-86.  (B 6.)

García Gual, Carlos, “Empédocles de Agrigento,” Universitas Philosophica, 13, 25-26, 1996, p. 11-26.

García López, Yolanda, The subordination of the epic to mystic poetics: the example of Polyphemus in love, in: Ancient Epic: Linguistic and Literary Essays, eds. M. Díaz de Cerio Díez, C. Cabrillana & C. Criado, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2015, p. 101-136. (P. 107- 110: Ovid's Galatea and Empedocles' Muse, B 3, B 128, B 17; p. 112 : B 17, B 61; p. 119: B 110; p. 121: B 115.)

Garin, Marianne, Le Sage en homme de peu. Remarques sur la construction ancienne d’une “iconographie”, in: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, 47, 2, 2021, p. 15 à 38. (A 1.73, B 112.)

Garrido Clemente, Maria, Pilar, “El debate acerca del presunto influjo del Pseudo-Empédocles en el pensamiento de Ibn Massarra de Córdoba,” Revista española de filosofía medieval, 16, 2009, p. 23-34.

Gee, Emma, Dogs, snakes and heroes: hybridism and polemic in Lucretius’ De rerum natura, in: Latin Literature and Its Transmission. Papers in Honour of Michael Reeve, ed. R. Hunter & S. P. Oakley, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016, p. 108-141. (B 61. Emp.: p. 127-129.)

Mapping the afterlife: from Homer to Dante, New York: Oxford University Press 2020. (B 23, B 100, B 115.)

Gemelli Marciano, M. Laura, Catarsi, misteri, magia. Empedocle e la Sicilia nel V secolo a. C., in: Lezioni bellinzonesi vol. 10: Presenza del classico, F. Beltraminelli (ed.), Bellinzona: Edizioni Casagrande 2017, p. 100-121. (This article is signed: Laura Gemelli.)

Georgakellos, Nicos, I., Empedocles of Acragas: his Theory and the exact Sciences, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

George, Sarah, Human conception and fetal growth: a study in the development of Greek thought from the Presocratics through Aristotle, Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1982. (Emp.: Empedocles and the Hot/Cold Theory, p. 55-68. A 74, A 77, A 81, A 84, B 67, B 100.)

Genovese, Cristina, The ‘upper sanctuary of Demeter’ at S. Biagio in Akragas: a review, in: The Akragas dialogue. New investigations on sanctuaries in Sicily, ed. M. de Cesare, E. C. Portale & N. Sojc, Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter 2020, p. 169-200. (Nestis?)

Gheerbrant, Xavier, Empédocle, une poétique philosophique, Paris : Classiques Garnier 2017, (Kaïnon, anthropologie de la pensée ancienne, 6). - (Useful. An in-depth study of several fragments. B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 23, B 24, B 25, B 26, B 35, B 84, B 86, B 100, B 112, B 114, B 115, B 121, B 122, B 123, B 131.)

– Ritornell and Episodic Composition in Empedocles, in: Yearbook of Ancient Greek Epic, 2, 1, 2018, p. 40-77.

Théorie poétique, vérité et représentation du divin chez Empédocle et Pindare, in: Pallas, 108, 2018, p. 211-224. (B 3.)

Poetry and Philosophy in Empedocles: two poems, one project, in: Museum Sinicum (Fudan University, Shangai), 1, 2018, p. 169-214. (B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 26, B 71, B 107, B 112,  B 115, B 121, B 122, B 123, B 131, B 133, B 134, a MP.)  

Prose, poésie, modes de signification et modes de rationalité aux origines de la philosophie. À propos de : Sassi (M. M.), The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece, in: Revue des études anciennes, 121, 2, 2019, p. 467-484.

Traduire Empédocle, entre poésie et philosophie : comparaison de dix traductions en cinq langues (1838-2016), in: La traduction épistémique : entre poésie et prose, ed. Tatiana Milliaressi, Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion 2020, (Traductologie), p. 87-141. (B 2, B 3, B 6, B 17, B 20, B 61, φρήν, φρονεῖν, φρόνημα, φροντίς, etc. νοῦς, νοεῖν, νόημα, μέριμνα, πραπίδες.)

Addressees, knowledge, and action in Hesiod and Empedocles, in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 263-293. (B 1, B 2, B 15, B 17, B 20, B 22, B 24, B 110, B111, B 112, B 115, B 129, B 132, B 137, B 146.)

Gheerbrant X. & M. Laurent, Les syllabes et les sons chez Empédocle dans les travaux de Jean Bollack, in: Lire Jean Bollack – Jean Bollack lesen, ed. S. Cudré-Mauroux, Ch. König & M. Steinrück, Basel: Schwabe 2023, (Bollackiana, 1), p. 173-194. (B 15, B 21, B 17, B 21, B 35, B 39, B 110, B 111.)

Ghira, Danilo, Empedocle, fr. 20 e 115 DK : "l'intuizione del singolo", in: Maia, 67, 1, 2015, p. 25-35. ( B 6, B 17, B 20, B 115, B 188, B 124, B 134, B 135.)

Giardina, Giovanna, R., Jean Philopon, commentateur d'Aristote, Physique II 8, in: Revue de Philosophie Ancienne, 32, 2, 2014, p. 179-224. (B 61.)

– Empedocles and the other physiologists in Aristotle’s Physics II 8, in: Peitho, 7, 2016, p. 13-23. (A 48, B 53-54, B 62.)

Gibertie, Thomas, “Simonide Empédocle et Gorgias : l’héritage poétique dans la formation du vocabulaire en Grèce ancienne,” Mémoire de Maîtrise, Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux, 1999-2000. (Emp.: p. 34-55. La Muse. B 3, B 4, B 6, B 17, B 112, B 115, B 131.)

Giornetti, Francesco, El Empédocles inédito de Giorgio Colli, Universidad nacional de educación a distancia, Facultad de Filosofía, Trabajo fin de grado en Filosofía, Directora María Teresa Oñate y Zubia, Seville, June 2017.

Glénisson, Marine, Empédocle dans l’Icaroménippe : menteur invétéré ou plaisant démon lunaire ?, in: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé, 2, 2016, p. 64-78. (Lucian. B 112, daimôn.)

Görgemanns, Herwig, Philologos Kosmos. Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur, Naturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion, ed. R. Hirsch-Luipold & M. Baumbach, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013, (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 73). (B 42, B 100, B 106, B 115, B 118.) 

Görner, Rüdiger, Empedokles, in: Historische Gestalten der Antike: Rezeption in Literatur, Kunst und Musik (= Der Neue Pauly. Supplemente. Band 8), eds. P. von Möllendorff, A. Simonis, L. Simonis (Hrsg.), Stuttgart - Weimar: J.B. Metzler 2013, p. 405-412.

Golitsis, Pantélis, Un commentaire perpétuel de Georges Pachymère à la Physique d'Aristote, faussement attribué à Michel Psellos, in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 100, 2, 2008, p. 637-676. (91b R = Mansfeld-Primavesi.)

Gonçalves, Isabel, Cristina Rocha Hipólito, Necessidade e teleologia na teoria da natureza em Empédocles e Aristóteles, in: Pensando, Revista de Filosofia, 5, 9, 2014, p. 146-166.

González Martínez, Carmen, “Empédocles, Fausto y los "musulmanes" del Lager: la muerte a través del tiempo y la memoria histórica,” in: Miradas a la historia: reflexiones historiográficas en recuerdo de Miguel Rodríguez Llopis, ed. J. A. Gómez Hernández & N. Marín, Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2004, p. 39-56.

Gottlieb, Anthony, The dream of reason: a history of Western philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance, London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press 2000, Penguin Books 2001; New York-London: W.W. Norton & Company 2016². 

Gottschalk, H. B., Heraclides Pontus, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1980. (The apotheosis of Empedocles: p. 13-22., A1)

Graf, Fritz & Sarah Iles Johnston, Ritual Texts for the Afterlife. Orpheus and the Bacchic Gold Tablets, Abingdon - New York: Routledge 2007. 

Graham, Daniel W., Zachary Herzog & Michael Williams, Earth, wind, and fire: Aristotle on violent storm events, with reconsideration of the terms ἐκνεφίας, τυφών, κεραυνός, and πρηστήρ, in: Apeiron, 2021 (on-line), p. 1-26. [The four elements.]

Greco, Giovanna, La città di Empedocle: le evidenze archeologiche, in: Empedocle. Tra poesia, medicina, filosofia e política, ed. G. Casertano, Napoli: Loffredo 2007, p. 198-220. 

Greene, William, ChaseFate, Good, and Evil in Pre-Socratic Philosophy, in: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 47, 1936, p. 85-129. (Emp., p. 110-118.)

Gregory Andrew, Anaximander: a re-assessment, London - Oxford - New York: Bloomsbury 2016.

Gregory, Joshua, C., Combustion from Heracleitos to Lavoisier, London: Edward Arnold 1934. (Emp.: p. 11-16. B 6, B 17, B 100.)

Griffith, R. Drew, Oedipus’s bloodthirsty sons: Love and Strife in Pindar’s Second “Olympian Ode”, in: Classical Antiquity, 10, 1, p. 46-58. 

– Theocritus, Idyll 11.13–18: Galatea as Thetis Manquée, in: Mouseion, 3, 19, 2022, p. 1-23.(Thoosa. B 17, B 57, B 124, B 141.)

Griffiths, John, Gwyn, Plutarch’s de Iside et Osiride. Edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by J. G. G., University of Wales Press 1970.

Guimarães, Bias Busquet,  O poema de Empédocles: três linhas interpretativas em língua portuguesa, Monografia para a obtenção do grau Licenciatura em Filosofia, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2019. 

O Poema de Empédocles: Uma renovação da teoria do ciclo cósmico, Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia), Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2021. (Harmony - A 32, A 37, A 38, A 52, A 41, A 42, A 44, A 46, A 47, A 48, A 50, A 56, A 58, A 64, A 67, A 72, A 75, B 6, B 8, B 16, B 17, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 30, B 31, B 35, B 38, B 54, B 57, B 62, B 71, B 73, B 89, B 110, B 114, B 115, B 116, B 117, B 121, B 125, B 146 )

Gulley, Joshua, Mixture, Powers, and Reality in Empedocles and Aristotle, Dissertation at Purdue University, Department of Philosophy, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2017. (Chapter [3.5] has the title "The Empedoclean Roots as Power-Stuffs". The word "roots" is used many times, but fr. 6 is never quoted. For Gulley, the four roots are fire, air, water and earth.  Homer and Hesiod are never quoted for the understanding of Empedocles. B 8, B 9, B 12, B 15, B 16, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 22, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 27a, B 28, B 35, B 38, B 71, B 73, B 84, B 91, B 96, B 115, B 134, B 137.)

Guthrie, William Keith Chambers, A History of Greek Philosophy, I, The earlier presocratics and the pythagoreans, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1962. (A 85, B 26, B 52, B 62, B 96, B 109, B 115: p. 318-319, 482 - two souls, B 127, B 134, B 139, B 140.)

Gysembergh, Victor, Source et valeur des fragments antiques sans parallèle dans le Livre de l'Amour d'Agostino Nifo, in:  Revue de Philologie, 90, 2, 2016, p. 29-45. (A new account of Epedocles, p. 39. Good Love and bad Love.)


Habash Justin, Early Greek philosophy and the discovery of nature, Diss. McAnulty College, Duquesne University, 2016. (Emp. : p. 149-165.)

Hack, Roy Kenneth, God in Greek philosophy to the time of Socrates, Princeton: Princeton University Press 1931. (Chapter X: Empedocles and Anaxagoras, p. 94-117; Empedocles: 94-102.)

Halapsis, A. V., Divine evolution: Empedocles’ anthropology, in: Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, 19, 2021, p. 107-116. (B 8, B 11, B 12, B 23, B 35, B 112, B 117, B 126.)

Hall, Edith, Political and cosmic turbulence in Euripides' Orestes, in: Tragedy, comedy and the polis. Papers from the Greek Drama Conference: Nottingham, 18-20 July 1990, ed. A. H. Sommerstein, St. Halliwell, J. Henderson, B. Zimmermann, Bari: Levante Editori, 1993, p. 263-285. (Strife.)

Hall, Matthew, Plants as Persons: a philosophical botany, Albany (New York): State University of New York Press 2011, (SUNY series on religion and the environment). (Emp., p. 18-19, in a chapter called 'The roots of disregard'. B 21, B 107, B 136, B 140.)

Ham, Charles, Venus discors. The Empedocleo-Lucretian background of Venus and Calliope's song, in Metamorphoses 5, in: Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as philosopher, ed. K. Volk & G. D. Williams, New York: Oxford University Press 2022 p. 164-183. (B 6, B 17, B 115, B 128, B 131.) 

Hamelin, Octave, Les philosophes présocratiques. Introduction, références et appendices de M. Fernand Turlot. Préface de Clémence Ramnoux, Strasbourg: Association des publications près les Universités de Strasbourg 1978. (Emp.: p. 145-165. ‘Texte d’un cours professé à la Sorbonne, 1905-1906’. Elements, principles.)

Hankinson, R. J., Reason, Cause, and Explanation in Presocratic Philosophy, in: The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, ed. P. Curd and D. W. Graham, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008.

Hâncu, Mihail-George, The terminology of ancient Greek cosmogonies, Diss. University Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti 2019. (Emp.: p. 275-306. B 6, B 8, B 17, B 20, B 31, B 71, B 129, B 134. Pap. Strasbourg. Eros, ἔρως.)

Hardie, Alex, The Formation of an Augustan Elegist: Empedocles and Propertius’‘Monobiblos’, in: Word and context in Latin poetry, Studies in memory of David West, ed. A. J. Woodman & J. Wisse, The Cambridge Philological Society p. 61-87. [A 98, B 3, B 4, B 17, B 20, B 30, B 98, B 101, B 115, B 122, B 124, B 134.]

Hardie, Philip Russel, Virgil's Aeneid. Cosmos and Imperium, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1986.

– Lucretian receptions. History, the sublime, knowledge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2009. (B 8, B 17, B 30, B 61, B 112, B 115, B 146.)

– Horace et le sublime empédocléen, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 263-282. (B 23, B 61, B 77, B 117, B 129, B 134.)

Hardy, Edmund, Der Begriff der Physis in der griechischen Philosophie, I, Berlin: Weidmann 1884.(P. 21-22, B 8.)

Harvey, Edmund, Newton, A history of luminescence: from the earliest times until 1900, Philadelphie, The American philosophical society, 1957.

Hatem, Jad, Empédocle, Qohélet, Bar Hebraeus, Paris: Orizons 2015, (La main d'Athéna).

Heneveld, Amy, Concordia discors: l'harmonie de récriture médiévale, in: Médiévales (Presses Universitaires de Vincennes), 66, (Harmonie Disharmonie), 2014, p. 25-41.

Herington, C. J., A study in the Prometheia. Part I. The elements in the trilogy, in: Phoenix, 17, 3, 1963, p. 180-197. (B 6, B 17.)

Hermann, Gottfried, Draconis Stratonicensis liber De metris poeticis. Ioannis Tzetzae in Homeri Iliadem, Leipzig: Weigel 1812. (Exeg. In Iliad. 42.17-26: storm of the elements. A 66.)

Hernández Castro, David, El temenos de Apolo y Aristeas en Metaponto. Una aproximación a la influencia de Delfos sobre la Magna Grecia, in: ’Ilu (Madrid), 23, 2018, p. 111-128.

– Aphrodite Ζείδωρος: the subversion of the myth of Prometheus and Pandora , in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 13, 2, 2019, p. 430-450. (B 128, B 130, B 136, B 151.)  

Buscando a Empédocles. Vivir y morir como un cantor de Apolo, in: Morir antes de morir. Ritos de iniciación y experiencias místicas en la historia de la cultura, ed. Javier Alvarado Planas & David Hernández de la Fuente, Madrid: Dykinson 2019, p. 117-142. (B 111, B 112.) -

Empedocles without Horseshoes. Delphi’s Criticism of Large Sacrifices, in: Symposion, 6, 2, 2019, p. 129-146. (B 128, B 137, B 139.)

– La estructura topográfica del pensamiento presocrático, in: Araucaria, 21, 41, 2019, p. 139-159. (A 1, B 17, B 55, B 112.)

Las Purificaciones de Apolo: revolución, ritual y mito en Empédocles de Akragas, in: Pensamiento al margen, 12, 2020, p. 135-203. (On-line journal ISSN: 2386-6098.  (Stimulating - B 1, B 2, B 3, B 17, B 21, B 29, B 111, B 112, B 117, B 115, B 129, B 131, B 132, B 134, B 137, B 139, B 146, d5-6 MP.)

Empédocles, cantor de Apolo. El lugar de la democracia y la estructura topográfica, narrativa y ritual de las Purificaciones, diss., Programa de doctorado en Filosofía, UNED, 2020. (A learned dissertation, 'sobresaliente cum laude'.)

The Theophania of Apollo: a new approach to the Proem of Parmenides and the topography of the sanctuary of Delphi, in: Erga-Logoi, 11, 2, 2023, p. 29-75. (On-line) (A 1, A 2, B 1, B 112, B 131.)

Herrero de Jáuregui, Miguel, Le pluriel de dédain dans la réflexion religieuse des Présocratiques, in: Revue de Philosophie ancienne, XXIII, 2, 2005, p. 53-74. (B 11, B 112, B 124, B 141, B 146, B 147.)

– Orphism and Christianity in late antiquity, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 2010, (Sozomena, Studies in the Recovery of Ancient Texts, 7). (B 6, B 17, B 115, B 117, B 126.)

Trust the god! Tharsein in Greek religion, in: Harvard studies in Classical Philology, 108, 2016, p. 1-52.  (The Muse. B 3, B 115, B 131.)

– L'hostilité des éléments cosmiques, d'Homère à Empédocle, in: Revue des études grecques, 130, 1, 2017, p. 23-42. (B 115.)

Ipsissima verba de la Musa: Empédocles B 3.6-13 y B 111 DK, in: Ratna: Homenaje a Julia Mendoza, ed. J. A Álvarez-Pedrosa, A. Bernabé, E. Luján, F. Presa, Madrid: Escolar y Mayo 2017, p. 233-241. (B 3, B 111, B 131.)

– Protreptic and Poetry: Hesiod, Parmenides, Empedocles, in: When Wisdom calls. Philosophical protreptic in Antiquity, ed. Olga Alieva, Annemaré Kotzé & Sophie van der Meeren, Turnhout: Brepols 2018, (Monothéismes et philosophie), p. 49-69. (The Muse. B 3, B 11, B 17, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 131, B 146, B 147. a(ii) 21-22 )

Eros en la literatura orfica, in: Eros en la literatura griega, ed. J. A. López Férez, Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas 2020, p. 1-14.

Herrero de Jauregui, M., et al. (ed.), Tracing Orpheus: studies of orphic fragments in honour of Alberto Bernabé, De Gruyter 2011, (Sozomena, 10).

Hicks, R. D., Aristotle: De anima. With translation, introduction and notes,  Cambridge: University Press 1907. (B 96, B 106, B 108, B 109.)

Hillgruber, MichaelDie pseudoplutarchische Schrift De Homero -  Teil 2 - Kommentar zu den Kapiteln 74–218, Stuttgart-Leipzig: Teubner 1999, (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 58). (B 6, B 17, B 22, B 42, B 65, B 71, B 128.)

Hladký, Vojtěch, Empedocles' Sphairos and its interpretations in Antiquity, III: zoogony and Plato's Symposium, in: Eirene, 52, 1-2, 2016, p. 359-383. (A 72, B 20, B 27, B 28, B 29, B 42, B 45, B 47, B 61, B 62, B 95, B 96, B 98, B 124.)

– Empedocles' Sphairos, in: Rhizomata, 5, 1, 2017, p. 1-24. (Wrongly given on-line in July 2018 by De Gruyter as Volume 9 – instead of 5 - A 47, A 50, A 72, B 6, B 26, B 27, B 27a, B 28, B 29, B 30, B 31, B 62, B 110, B 134.)

– Transmigrating Soul between the Presocratics and Plato, in: Aither, international issue no. 5, 2018, p. 20-49. 

Patrizi, panpsychism, and the Presocratics, in: Intellectual History Review, 2024 .

Höfer, Ferdinand, Zur Lehre von der sinnlichen Wahrnehmung im 4. Buche des Lukrez, in: Zu der öffentlichen Prüfung des Gymnasiums zu Seehausen in der Altmark und zur Vorfeier des Geburtsfestes Sr. Majestät des Kaisers und Königs und zur Entlassung der Abiturienten am 20. und 21. März 1872 zu ergebenst einladen Dir. Aug. Dihle, Stendal: Franzen & Große 1872, p. 1-24. (B 84.)

Holmes, Brooke, The symptom and the subject: the emergence of the physical body in ancient Greece, Princeton - Oxford: Princeton University Press 2010. (B 8, B 134.)

Holton, Stephanie, Sleep and dreams in early Greek thought: Presocratic and Hippocratic approaches, London-New York: Routledge 2022, (Medicine and the Body in Antiquity). (3.1.3 Empedocles: p. 80-83. More: p. 92-93, 126. 164-165. – 28 A 46b, 31 A 84, A 8, A 86, B 98, B 100, B 105, B 108, B 115, B 117, B 126. Blood and heat. Life, sleep and death.)

Hopkins, Phil, "As he says in his poetical Way": Anaximander and Empedocles on the Motive Forces of Kosmos, in: A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, ed. S. D. Kirkland & E. Sanday, Evanston: Northwestern University Press 2018, (Rereading ancient Philosophy), p. 53-66. (B 17, B 35, B 105, B 110, B 115, B 135.)

Horky, Phillip Sidney, Plato and Pythagoreanism, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2013. (Emp.: p. 179-183, 219-220. A 29, A 86, B 17, B 26, B 115.)

– Empedocles Democraticus: Hellenistic Biography at the Intersection of Philosophy and Politics, in: Bios Philosophos Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography, (Proceedings of the 2013 Diatribai di Gargnano), ed. M. Bonazzi - S. Schorn, Brepols 2016 (Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy Series, 4).

When did the kosmos become the kosmos, in: Cosmos in the ancient World, ed. P. S. Horky, Cambridge University Press 2019, p. 22-41. (A 47, A 50, A 58, B 26, B 53-54, B 100, B 115, B 134, B 136.)

Horsfall, Nicholas, Virgil, Aeneid 6, A commentary, volume 1: introduction, text and translation, Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter 2013. [B 121.]

Huby, Pamela & C.C.W. Taylor, Simplicius. On Aristotle, Physics 1.3-4, translated by P. H & C.C.W. T., London: Bristol Classical Press 2011, (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle). (Simplicius p. 102.16 - 179.19; B 8, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 26.)

Huit, Charles, La philosophie de la nature chez les Anciens, Paris: A. Fontemoing 1901. (Emp.: p. 300-306.)

Huffman, Carl, The Pythagorean conception of the soul from Pythagoras to Philolaus, in: Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy, ed. D. Frede D. & B.Reis, Berlin - New York: Walter de Gruyter 2009, p. 21-43. (B 115, B 135, B 138.) 

– (ed.), A History of Pythagoreanism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2014.

Hug, Johann, Leonhard, Untersuchungen über den Mythos der berühmtern Völker der alten Welt [...], Freiburg 1823². (First ed.: 1812; P. 102-103 in both ed.: Nestis, B 6.)

Hunter, Richard, Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica, Book IV, edited by R. H., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2015, (Cambridge Greek and Latin classics). (A 72, B 57, B 61, B 71, B 89, B 124.)

 Hesiod and the Presocratics: A Hellenistic perspective?, in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 57-78.  (A 1.57, A 21, A 22, A 25, A 27, A 37, B 55.)

Regius urget: Hellenising thoughts on Latin intratextuality, in: Intratextuality and Latin literature, ed. S. Harrison, S. Frangoulidis & T.D. Papanghelis, Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter 2018, (Trends in Classics, supplementary volumes, 69), p. 451-469. (A 72, B 3, B 23, B 57, B 61, B 111, B 112, B 114, B 115, B 117.)


Ierodiakonou, KaterinaReview of Kalderon M.E., Form without matter: Empedocles and Aristotle on Color Perception, in: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2016.01.32. 

Theophrastus on Plato’s Theory of Vision, in: Rhizomata, 7, 2, 2019, (Special Issue: Topics in Theophrastus’ De sensibus), p. 249-268.

Imhoof, Stefan, Review of Alain Martin, Olivier [sic] Primavesi, L'Empédocle de Strasbourg (P. Strasb. Gr. Inv. 1665-1666), in: Revue de théologie et de philosophie, 133, 51, 4, 2001, p. 513-514.

– Zeus ou tourbillon : querelle sur l'origine du monde, in: Revue de théologie et de philosophie, 149, 3-4, 2017, p. 273-290, (B 35, B 115.)

Inwood, Brad, Empedocles, c. 492–432 BCE, in: Oxford Classical Dictionary, Digital ed., New York: Oxford University Press 2016. (2 pages.)

Iribarren, Leopoldo, Fabriquer le monde : technique et cosmogonie dans la poésie grecque archaïque, Paris: Classiques Garnier 2018, (Kaïnon- anthropologie de la pensée ancienne, 11). (Empédocle: p. 165-209; B 2, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 84, B 100.)

Iribarren, Leopoldo & Hugo Koning (ed.), Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne Supplements, 455).

Işık, İlker, Empedokles Felsefesinin Kökenleri, The Origins of The Empedocles Philosophy, in: Turkish Studies - Social, 15, 8, 2020, p. 3565-3583.


Jabin, Misel, La métaphore vestimentaire dans le Timée de Platon : de l’anthropologie du corps à la cosmologie, in: Himation : métaphores du vêtement dans l'Antiquité classique et tardive, ed. Delalande J. et al., Pessac: Ausonius éditions 2024, (PrimaLun@ 30), p. 49-69. (Open access B 126.)

Jacobs, David, C., The Presocratics after Heidegger, Albany: State University of New York Press 1999, (SUNY series in contemporary continental philosophy).

Jaeger, Werner, Paideia: the ideals of Greek culture, I. Archaic Greece, the mind of Athens, translated from the second German edition by G. Highet, Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1946. (First English edition: 1939; second English edition with notes: 1945, third English edition: 1946. P. 169: Orphism and natural philosophy of Ionia, B 115; p. 295: philosophical centaur.) 

Jakoubek, Karel, Empedoklés a Sfairos, diss. Fakulta filozofická, Plzeň 2016. (52 pages. B 3, B 6, B 8, B 16, B 17, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 27a, B 28, B 29, B 30, B 35, B 54, B 57, B 61, B 62, B 63, B 64, B 73, B 109, B 110, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 128, B 133, B 134, B 135.)

Janko, Richard, Orphic cosmogony, hermeneutic necessity and the unity of the Derveni papyrus, in: Orfeo y el orfismo, nuevas perspectivas, ed. A. Bernabé - F. Casadesús - M. A. Santamaría, Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes 2010, p. 178-191.

Empedocles’ On Nature frr. B 8–9 in the context of Plutarch’s Against Colotes, in: The Classical Quarterly, 67, 2017, p. 1-6. (B 8, B 9.)

Jażdżewska, Katarzyna, Love in many dimensions: Hesiod and Empedocles in Plutarch’s Amatorius, in: The Dynamics of Intertextuality in Plutarch, ed. Th. S. Schmidt - M. Vamvouri - R. Hirsch-Luipold, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2020, (Brill's Plutarch Studies, 5), p. 459-474. (Eros and Ares, B 17, B 151.)

Jensen, Anthony K., Ratiocination and Socrates' Daimonion: A Practical Solution, in: The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter, 402, 2005, p. 0-12.

Jeremiah, Edward T., The Emergence of Reflexivity in Greek Language and Thought. From Homer to Plato and Beyond, Leiden-Boston : Brill 2012, (“Philosophia Antiqua”, 129), p. 198-199. (B 21.13-14, B 110.4-5.)

Joachim, Harold H., Aristotle: On coming-to-be & passing-away (De generatione et corruptione). A revised text with introduction and commentary by H. H. J., Oxford: Clarendon Press 1926. (B 21.)

Johansen, Thomas Kjeller, Aristotle on the sense-organs, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1997, (Cambridge classical studies). (Emp.: p. 51-58, 61-62, 64-73, 87-89, 98. A 86, B 84.)

The Principle that ‘Like Perceives Like’ in Theophrastus’ De sensibus, in: Rhizomata, 7, 2, 2019, (Special Issue: Topics in Theophrastus’ De sensibus), p. 226-248.

Johnson, Aaron P., Religion and identity in Porphyry of Tyre: the limits of Hellenism in late Antiquity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013, (Greek culture in the Roman world). (B 105, B 115.1-2. Stobaeus.)

Jolivet, Jean-Christophe, Hercule, Cacus et Empédocle, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 283-302.

Jones, Roger Miller, Posidonius and the flight of the mind through the universe, in: Classical Philology, 21, 2, 1926, p. 97-113. (B 119, B 147.)

Jori, Alberto, La teoria aristotelica dei colori tra fisica e fisiologia, in: Medicina nei secoli, 32, 2, 2020, p. 491-541.

(B 21, B 71, B 84.)

Jourdan, Fabienne & Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (ed.), Die Wurzel allen Übels. Vorstellungen über die Herkunft des Bösen und Schlechten in der Philosophie und Religion des 1.–4. Jahrhunderts. Ratio Religionis Studien III, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014, (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 91)

Journée, Gérard, Dualités présocratiques, in: Dualismes. Doctrines religieuses et traditions philosophiques, ed. F. Jourdan et A. Vasiliu, Hors-série Χώρα · REAM, 2015, p. 113-140. (Empédocle: p. 131-139.)

Judet de La Combe, Pierre, Zeus transformeur : Pourquoi les dieux changent-ils si souvent d’apparence ?, Montrouge: Bayard 2020, (Les petites conférences). (Emp.: p. 80-81.) 

Jurasz, Izabela, "Empédocle gnostique" et le dualisme selon Hippolyte de Rome (Refutatio VII, 29-31), in: Laval théologique et philosophique, 74, 3, 2018, p. 375-405. (B 6, B 16, B 17, B 115, B 110, B 131.)

Comment retourner à Ithaque ? Le voyage d’Ulysse selon les platoniciens, gnostiques et chrétiens , in: Revue d’études augustiniennes patristiques, 68, 1, 2022, p. 1-23. (B 20, B 110, B 119.)


Kahle, Madayo, Empédocles y la pañcāgnividyā, in: Esta Toledo, aquella Babilonia: Convivencia e interacción en las sociedades del Oriente y del Mediterráneo Antiguos, ed. J.-A. Belmonte & J. Oliva, Cuenca: UCLM, 2011, (Estudios, 131), p. 429-442. (B 115.) 

Kahn, Charles H., Panpsychism and Immortality in Empedocles, in: The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter, 94, Paper presented before the 1958 meeting of the Society forAncient Greek Philosophy in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1958.

– Writing Philosophy: Prose and Poetry from Thales to Plato, in: Written Texts and the Rise of Literate Culture in Ancient Greece, ed. H. Yunis, Cambridge University Press 2003, p. 139-161. (Empedocles: p. 158.)

Kaibel, Georg, Comicorum graecorum fragmenta, I, Berlin: Weidmann 1899, (Poetarum graecorum fragmenta, 6). (Tzetzes. B 122, p. 28.)

Kaianidi (Kayanidi), Leonid (Каяниди, Л.Г.), Vyacheslav Ivanov’s tragedy Prometheus in the light of ancient natural philosophy (Parmenides, Empedocles, Plato, Plutarch), in: Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya, 73, 2021, p. 191-208. 

Kalaš, Andrej & Panagiotis Geropoulos, Empedocles cosmic cycle and origin of life or from monsters to divine Sphairos, in: Hortus Graeco-Latinus Cassoviensis IV, Košice (Slovakia) 2024, p. 159-174. On-line. (A 1, A 28, A 72, B 17, B 27 B 29, B 61, B 62, B 115.)

Kalderon, Mark Eli, Form without Matter: Empedocles and Aristotle on Color Perception, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2015. (B 8, B 21, B 23, B 71, B 84, B 94, B 96. The bibliography concerning Empedocles in this book does not go farther than 2009, and is quite exclusively in English. As of 2000 only four names: Baltussen 2000, Ierodiakonou 2005, Inwood 2001, Kamtekar 2009, No Greek, just translations by Inwood.)

Kalligas, Paul, Some new Plotinian emendations, in: Emerita, 56,1, 1988, p. 95-102. (§ 6, p. 99-100 [Enn. IV, 8,1,17-20], B 115.13-14.)

The Enneads of Plotinus. A commentary, Volume 1, translated by Elizabeth Key Fowden and Nicolas Pilavachi, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press 2014. (Emp.: p. 488, B 115.5. P. 517, A 90, A 92, B 84. P. 521, B 6.) 

The Enneads of Plotinus. A commentary, Volume 2, Translated by Nickolaos Koutras, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press 2023. (Emp.: p. 201, B 115.4, 13-14.)

Kalogerakos, Ioannis G., Jenseits des Raums. Seelenreisen und Raumvorstellungen der Frühzeit, in: Seelenreise und Katabasis: Einblicke ins Jenseits in antiker philosophischer Literatur. Akten der 21. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung vom 30. Juli bis 1. August 2018 in Tübingen, ed. I. Männlein-Robert, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2021, (Philosophie der Antike, 40), p. 13-34.

Kaluđerović, Željko, Empedocles on ensouled beings, in: Conatus, 8, 1, 2023, p. 167-183. 

Kampakoglou, Alexandros, Danaus βουγενής: Greco-Egyptian Mythology and Ptolemaic Kingship, in: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 56, 2016, p. 111–139. (B 61.)

Karakirisidis, Ioannis, “The Sapphic Aphrodite: a multifaceted (ποικιλόθρονος) Divinity,” CHS Research Bulletin, 12, 2024. Online, no page numbering.

Karatzoglou, Orestis, Empedocles’ epistemology and embodied cognition, in: Ancient Philosophy Today, 5, 1, 2023, p. 1-28. (B 2, B 3, B 4, B 17, B 105, B 106, B 108, B 109, B 110, B 115, B 129, B 133, B 134, B 146.)

Karfík, Filip, Die Beseelung des Kosmos: Untersuchungen zur Kosmologie, Seelenlehre und Theologie in Platons Phaidon und Timaios, Munich-Leipzig: K.G. Saur 2004, (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 199). (B 38.)

L’âme du monde : Platon, Anaxagore, Empédocle, in: Études platoniciennes, 11, 2014, p. 1-23, [on-line in April 2015]  (B 134.)

Kaufmann, David, Pseudo-Empedokles als Quelle Salomon Ibn Gabirols, in: Studien über Salomon Ibn Gabirol, (auth.) D. Kaufman, Budapest 1899, p. 1-63.

Keaney J. J. & R. Lamberton (ed.), [Plutarch], Essay on the Life and Poetry of Homer, Atlanta (Georgia): Scholar Press 1996, (American Classical Studies, 40).

Keil, H., Ioannis Tzetzae scholiorum in Aristophanem prolegomena, in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 6, 1848, p. 108-134. (Tzetzes. In Mus. Rhen., B 122 p. 115. See also G. Kaibel, Com. 1899.)

Keith, Arthur Berriedale, Pythagoras and the doctrine of transmigration, in: Journal of the royal asiatic society, 1909, p. 569-606.

Kelly, Peter, Compounding Compound Creatures. The Catalogue of Hybrids in Tristia 4.7 and Empedocles, in: Mnemosyne, 71, 4, 2018, p. 667-687. (A 72, B 60, B 61.) 

Kerimov, Khafiz, Καθάπερ ἄνθρωπος φρόνιμος: Prudence in Aristotle’s ethics and biology, in: Apeiron, 54, 4, 2021, p. 519-543. (B 57, B 61.)

Kidd, Douglas, Alexander, Aratus. Phaenomena, edited with introduction, translation and commentary,  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1997, (Cambridge classical texts and commentaries, 34).

Kingsley, Peter, Michael, Catafalque: Carl Jung and the end of Humanity, 1 & 2, London: Catafalque Press 2018. (A lot of bibliographical references in vol. 2, in the notes, p. 403-800.)

Kingsley, Katie Scarlett, Herodotus’ historical inquiry and Presocratic Philosophy, Diss. Ph.D., Princeton 2016.  (B 2, B 3, B 8, B 9, B 110, B 135.)

– Herodotus and the Presocratics: inquiry and intellectual culture in the fifth century BCE, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2024. 

Kingsley, Katie Scarlett and Parry, Richard, Empedocles, in: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),

Kirsch-Klingelhöffer, Charlotte, Doxography and eschatology in Clement of Alexandria, in: Vigiliae Christianae, 2024, 78, 2, p185-209.

Kissel, Myriam, Empédocle mis en scène, in: Le dépassement des limites. Au-delà de l'humain : nouvelles recherches sur l'imaginaire, XLIII,  ed. L. Gourmelen, Angers: Presses universitaires de Rennes  2021, p. 307-320.

Kittler Friedrich, A., Das Alphabet der Griechen. Zur Archäologie der Schrift, in: Die Aktualität des Archäologischen in Wissenschaften, Medien und Kunsten, ed. Knut Ebeling - Stefan Altekamp, Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 2004, p. 252-260. Translation into English: The Alphabet of the Greeks: On the Archeology of Writing, in:The truth of the technological world:  essays on the genealogy of presence, Stanford: Stanford University Press 2013, p. 267-274. (P. 273: B 6.)

Kleczkowska, Katarzyna, Reincarnation in Empedocles of Akragas, in: Maska, 36, 4, 2017, p. 183-198. (B115, B117, B127, B146.) On-line:  .

Animals and vegetarian diet in Empedocles of Akragas,  in: Maska, 36, 4, 2017, p. 199-211. On-line:  . 

Kočandrle, Radim, Origins of the spherical earth in ancient Greek cosmology, in: Ancient Philosophy, 43, 2, 2023, p. 315-335.

Koetschau, Paul (ed.), Origenes Werke, 2, Buch V–VIII, Gegen Celsus, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs1899, (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 3).

Kojève, Alexandre,  Essai d’une histoire raisonnée de la philosophie païenne - Tome 1 Les Présocratiques, Paris: Gallimard 1968. (Emp.:  p. 286-294. Between Heraclitus and Parmenides, closer to Heraclitus. The Muse as a literary mask or a parody. Empedocles as a charlatan. B 2, B 3, B 4, B 5, B 11, B 12, B 13, B 14, B 15, B 16, B 17, B 24, B 25, B 27, B 29, B 30, B 53, B 96, B 98, B 115.

Kołakowska, Katarzyna, Orficki charakter poematu Empedoklesa, in: Orfizm w jego recepcja w literaturze, sztuce w filozofii, ed. K. Kołakowska, Kraków-Lublin 2011, p. 39-50. 

Empedokles nieznany: Carmen de septem planetis (Par. Graec. 3047), in: Littera Antiqua, 10, 2015, p. 294-307.

Dwa papirusy religijne: PDerv. w PHerc. 1428 fr. 14: porównanie, in: Littera Antiqua, 11, 2016, p. 22-36. (B7, B9, B 17, B 21, B 137.)

Empedocles of Akragas: Politician and Performer, in: Politics and Performance in Western Greece, Essays on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy, ed. Heather L. Reid, Davide Tanasi & Susi Kimbell, Sioux city (Iowa): Parnassos Press -Fonte Aretusa 2017,  p. 205-215. (B 1, B 17, B 112, B 114, B 145.)

Koning, Hugo, H., Hesiod: the other poet. Ancient reception of a cultural icon, Leiden - Boston: Brill 2010, (Mnemosyne supplements.Monographs on Greek and Roman language and literature; 325). (P. 210-217: Revelation Modified [Parmenides and Empedocles]; B 3p. 166-170: B 115.)

Korab-Karpowicz, W. Julian, The Wisdom of Love: A Reflection Upon Empedocles’ Fragment 35, in: Dialectics and Humanism, 17, 3, 1990, p. 211-216.

The Presocratics in the thought of Martin Heidegger, Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften 2016. 

Kotwick, Mirjam, E., Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Berkeley: California Classical Studies 2016. (California Classical Studies, 4).

Aphrodite's Cosmic Power: Empedocles in the Derveni Papyrus, in: Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition. A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources, Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Trier (22–24 September 2016), ed. Ch. Vassallo, Berlin - Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2019, (Studia Praesocratica, 10), p. 252-269. (B 6, B 22, B 61, B 62, B 71, B 96, B 112, B 115.)

Kouloumentas, Stavros, της αγαπης αίματα: αναζητώντας την ενότητα τόυ εμπεδόκλείόυ εργόυ, in: Φιλοσοφία, 52, 2022, p. 335-358. (B 105.)

Kovalchuk, K. (Xenia) & Afonasina, Anna (Ковальчук К. С & Афонасина А. С.), Ριζωματα - четыре основания вселенной, in: Respublica Literaria, 3, 2, 2022, p. 5-18.  (A 30, A 85, B 6, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 35, B 45, B 48, B 55, B 56, B 62, B 67, B 73, B 76, B 81, B 85, B 96, B 109, B 112, B 115.)

Krell, David, Farrell, The Sea: a philosophical encounter, London- New York- Oxford- New Delhi- Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic 2018. (Emp.: p. 160-177; A 72, B 6, B 17, B 31, B 55, B 57, B 61, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 128, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger.)

Kroll, Guilelmus, Syriani in Metaphysica Commentaria, Berlin: G. Reimer 1902, (Commentaria in Aristotelem graeca, 6, 1). 

Külcü, Recep, Pioneers of scientific thought: Empedocles and Anaxagoras, in: International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 7, 9, 2023, p. 1252-1257. 

Kupreeva, Inna (Trans.), Philoponus: On Aristotle, On Coming-to-be and Perishing 2.5-11, translated by I. K., London: Gerald Duckworth 2005 (London - New York: Bloomsbury 2014, [Ancient Commentators on Aristotle]). (Refutation of Empedocles: p. 49-60. Plus notes.) 

Kyriakou, Poulheria, Narrator and poetic divinities in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica, in: Trends in Classics, 10, 2 , 2018, p. 367-391. (B 3, B 131.)


Lacaze, Grégoire, Turba philosophorum : Congrès pythagoricien sur l’art d’Hermès. Édition critique, traduction et présentation, Leiden - Boston: Brill 2018., (Philosophia Antiqua, 150). (Pandulfus-Empédocle, p. 236-253. Influenced by P. Kingsley. A 35, A 49b, A 50, B 6, B 52.)

Lachenaud, Guy, Review of D. O’Brien, Pour interpréter Empédocle, Paris 1981, in: Revue des études grecques, 96, 455-459, 1983, p. 307-308. 

Plutarque. Œuvres morales, XII², Opinions des philosophes, texte établi et traduit par G. L., Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1993, (Collection des Universités de France).

Lagercrantz, Otto, Elementum: Eine lexikologische Studie, Uppsala - Leipzig: Almqvist & Wiksell 1911. 

Laín Entralgo, Pedro, The therapy of the word in Classical Antiquity, Edited and translated by L. J. Rather and J. M. Sharp, New Haven - London: Yale University Press 1970. First published in Spanish: La curación por la palabra en la antigüedad clásica, Madrid 1958. (Emp.:  p. 43-44, 82-87.)

Laird Andrew (ed.), Ancient Literary Criticism, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2006, (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies). 

Laks, André, Sur quelques modalités de la raison pratique dans les cosmo-ontologies présocratiques, in: Nature and the Best Life: Exploring the natural bases of practical normativity in ancient philosophy, ed. G. Rossi, Georg Olms 2013, p. 15-41. (Empedocles: p. 30-38.)

Review of Hellmut Flashar, Dieter Bremer, Georg Rechenauer (Hrsgg.): Frühgriechische Philosophie. 2 Halbbde. Basel: Schwabe 2013. LIX, 1061 S. (Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Begründet von Heinrich Ueberweg. Völlig neu bearbeitete Ausgabe hrsg. von Helmut Holzhey. Die Philosophie der Antike. 1.), in: Gnomon, 2016, p. 481-485. (Primavesi: p. 485.) 

The concept of presocratic philosophy: its origin, development, and significance. Translated by Glenn W. Most, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press 2018. Title of the original edition in 2006 (Paris, PUF): Introduction à la “philosophie présocratique”.

Laks, André & Claire Millot, Réexamen de quelques fragments de Diogène d’Œnoanda sur l’âme, la connaissance et la fortune (NF 7, NF 19, NF 2-34 Ch., NF 20, 7 Ch., NF 1, NF 5-6, NF 13-12, 12 Ch.), in: Cahier de Philologie, 1, Études sur l’épicurisme antique, 1976, p. 319-357. (42 Smith, R34 LM.)

Laks, André & Most, Glenn Warren, Early Greek Philosophy, V, Western Greek Thinkers, Part 2, Edited and translated by A. Laks and G. W. Most, in collaboration with Gérard Journée and assisted by Leopoldo Iribarren, Cambridge (Ma.)/ London: Harvard University Press, 2016, (Loeb Classical Library, 528). (22. Empedocles [EMP.] : p. 317-733.)

Les Débuts de la philosophie. Des premiers penseurs grecs à Socrate, Édition et traduction A. Laks et G. W. Most, avec la collaboration de Gérard Journée et le concours de Leopoldo Iribarren et David Lévystone, Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2016, (Ouvertures bilingues), (22. Empédocle : p. 659-819.)

Lampis, Giuseppe, Empedocle. Una metafisica della colpa, in: Atopon, Quaderno 2, 2006, p. 5-59, (Roma, Edizioni Mythos). Edizione elettronica riveduta e corretta 2014, p. 3-109. (A 37, A 50, A 67, A 75, B 11, B 17, B 35, B 67, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 120, B 121, B 122, B 126, B 134, B 137, B 139, B 142, B 146.)

Lamprellis, Dimitris N. (Λαμπρέλλης, Δημήτρης N.), Ο Εμπεδοκλής και τα πέρατα του λόγου, Athens: Παπαζησης 2019, (Φιλοσοφική Βιβλιοθήκη / Μελέτες, 51).

Leâo, Eryc de Oliveira, Empédocles entre Mýthos e Lógos – Um estudo sobre a relação entre os poemas de Empédocles depois do papiro de Estrasburgo, Diss. (Mestrado em Filosofia) Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2013.

Lebedev, Andrei, V. [ = Лебедев А.В.], Фрагменты ранних греческих философов. Часть 1. От эпических теокосмогоний до возникновения атомистики, Moscow: Наука 1989. (Emp.: p.330-414. No Greek, only Russian translations. Fragments following numbering by Bollack for Physics (Origins according Bollack). Diels’s numbering for Catharms.)

– (1994) Orpheus, Parmenides or Empedocles? The Aphrodite verses in the Naasene treatise of Hippolytos’s Elenchos, in: Philologus, 138, 1, 1994, p. 24-31. (B 66, B 98, B 153, B 154d.)

«Теогония» Эпименида Критского и происхождение орфико-пифагорейского учения о реинкарнации // "Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология. Чтения памяти И.М.Тронского", 22 – 24 июня 2015 г. Отв. ред. Н.Н. Казанский. Институт лингвистических исследований РАН, СПб 2015, сс. 550-585 

= The «Theogony» of Epimenides of Crete and the Origin of the Orphic-Pythagorean Doctrine of Reincarnation, in: «Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology». Proceedings of the Tronsky Memorial conference 22-24 June 2015, Edited by N.Kazansky, Institute of Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, 2015, p. 550-585. (B 117 - Aelian and B 127. Selene, the Lion of Nemea, Aiakos and the reincarnation of souls. Access:, on-line.)

The Metaphor of liber naturae and the Alphabet Analogy in Heraclitusʼ logos- Fragments (with some remarks on Plato’s “dream theory” and the origin of the concept of elements), in: Heraklit im Kontext, ed. E. fantino, U. Muss, C. Schubert, K. Sier, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2017, (Studia Praesocratica, 8), p. 231-267.

The Aegean origin and early history of the Greek doctrines of reincarnation and immortality of the soul (Epimenides, Pherecydes, Pythagoras, and Onomacritus' Orphica), in: Myth, ritual and literature, ed.  J. V. Ivanova & N. B.Bogdanovich, Moscow: HSE University Press 2021, (Orientalia et Classica), p. 219-283. Reprint in МИФ, РИТУА, Л ЛИТЕРАТУРА, Festschrift в честь профессора Н.В. Брагинской, Moscow 2023, p. 238-299.

Lejewski, Czeslaw, The concept of matter in presocratic philosophy, in: The concept of matter in Greek and medieval philosophy, ed. McMullin E., Notre Dame (Indiana): University of Notre Dame Press 1965, p. 25-36.

Le Manchec, Claude, Empédocle, (?): Les Éditions du Cénacle 2015 (Fichebook). 

Lengauer Włodzimierz & Stebnicka Krystyna,  Empedokles i jego “Katharmoi ", in: Ars Regia 3/1 (6), 1994, p. 9-30.

Lennox, James G., Aristotle’s lantern, in: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 103, 1983, p. 147-151. (B 84.)

Leone, Giuliana, Empedocles in the Herculaneum Papyri: An update, in: Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition. A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources, Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Trier (22–24 September 2016), ed. Ch. Vassallo, Berlin - Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2019, (Studia Praesocratica, 10), p. 299-331.

Leone, Petrus Aloisius M. (ed.), Ioannis Tzetzae. Historiae, recensuit P. A. M. L., Napoli: Libreria scientifica editrice1968. (Tzetzes, Chiliades. B 122, B 134.)

Ioannis Tzetzae. Epistulae, recensuit P. A. M. L. Leipzig: Teubner 1972. (Tzetzes, Letters, n°98, B 134.)

Lesage Gárriga, Luisa, Plutarch: On the face which appears in the orb of the Moon. Introduction, edition, English translation, and critical commentary, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2021, (Brill’s Plutarch Text Editions, 7). 

Lethierry, Hugues (ed.), Empédocle : Amour / Haine. L’homme aux semelles d’airain, Paris: L’Harmattan 2021, (Ouverture philosophique). 

Libanio, Deodato, Rafael, Empédocles e a agonística da comunicação, in: Kínesis, 14, 37, 2022, p. 12-34.

Libhart, Garth, “‘I shall tell a double tale’: empedoclean materialism and idealism in the English renaissance,” Diss. in Philosophy, University of Maryland, 2022.  (B 17.)

Licciardi, Ivan, Adriano, Modi di guardare: su alcuni verba videndi omerici in Parmenide ed Empedocle, in: Percepire apprendere agire, La riflessione filosofica antica sul rapporto tra mente e corpo, ed. R. L. Cardullo and G. R. Giardina, Sankt Augustin: Academia 2016, (Symbolon, 43).

Lieu, Judith, M., Marcion and the Making of a Heretic: God and Scripture in the Second Century, New York: Cambridge University Press 2015. (Emp.: p. 90-92.)

Litwa, M. David, Refutation of all heresies. Translated with an Introduction and Notes, Atlanta: SBL Press 2015, (Writings from the Greco-Roman world, 40).

Hermetica II. The excerpts of Stobaeus, papyrus fragments, and ancient testimonies in an English translation with notes and introduction, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press 2018.

Empedocles as Daimon, in: M. D. Litwa, Posthuman transformation in ancient mediterranean thought: Becoming Angels and Demons, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021, p. 31-44. (B 17, B 111, B 115.)

Livrea, Enrico, Apollonii Rhodii Argonauticon, Liber quartus. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento, Firenze: La nuova Italia 1973. (Emp.: p. 205-209.)

Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard, Plato as a Natural Scientist, in: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 88, 1968, p. 78-92. (A 98, B 96, B 98, B 100.)

– Alcmaeon and the early history of dissection, in: Sudhoffs Archiv, 59, 2, 1975, p. 113-147. (B 84, B 100.)

Loew, Emmanuel, Die Vorsokratiker über Veränderung, Wahrheit und Erkenntnismöglichkeit, in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 81, 2, 1932, p. 104-128. (Emp.: p. 106-114, B 2, B 17, B 21, B 26, B 110.)

Long, Alex, G., Immortality in Empedocles, in: Apeiron, 2017, 50, 1, p. 1-20. (B 21, B 23, B 35, B 38, B 112, B 115, B 129, B 131, B 146, B 147.)

Death and immortality in ancient philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019, (Key themes in ancient philosophy). (Emp.: p. 22-27.)

Long, Anthony, A., Greek Models of Mind and Self , Cambridge (Ma.) - London: Harvard University Press 2015, (Revealing antiquity ; 22). (Emp.: p. 76– 80; B 115.)

Lorson, Thomas, Les Sélénites imaginaires habitants de la Lune dans le De facie quae in orbe lunae apparet de Plutarque, les Histoires vraies et l’Icaroménippe de Lucien, Mémoire de Master mondes anciens, Lyon III, 2019.

Lucarini, Carlo Martino, Il ciclo cosmico di Empedocle e l’esegesi del Papiro di Strasburgo (PStrasb. Gr. inv. 1665-1666), in: Philosophical Papyri, 1, 2023, p. 137-152.  (B 16, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 26, B 35, B 62, B 76, a(i), a(ii), c, b, d, f, Scholies.)

Zu Empedokles, D 100 + 178 b L.-M. (= A 66 D.-K.), in: Museum Helveticum, 81, 1, 2024, p. 31-33. (A 66. Tzetzes. φορᾶς instead of φθορᾶς.) 

Luchte, James, Pythagoras and the Doctrine of Transmigration: Wandering Souls, London-New York: Continuum 2009, (Continuum studies in ancient philosophy).

Lucking, David, "The Elements so Mix'd": Empedoclean Cosmology in The Tempest, in: Skenè, 5, 1, 2019, p. 23-43.

Ludwich, Arthur, De quibusdam Timonis Phliasii fragmentis, Königsberg: Regimontii, ex officina Hartungiana, 1903. (B 38.1.) 

Lumpe, Adolf , Der Begriff „Element“ im Altertum, in: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, 7, 1962, p. 285-293, (B 6.)

Luther Wilhelm, Wahrheit, Licht und Erkenntnis in der griechischen Philosophie bis Demokrit: Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des Zusammenhangs von Sprache und philosophischem Denken, in: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, 10, 1966, p. 1-240. (Empedocles: chap. IX, p. 124-137; A 86, B 2, B 3, B 17, B 23, B 84, B 89, B 90, B 109, B 110, B 131, B 132, B 133, B 134.)


Maass, Ernst, Commentariorum in Aratum reliquae, Berlin: Weidmann 1898. (P. 34: A 35; p. 31: B 6; p. 37: B 28; p. 43: B 45, p. 97: ad B27.) 

Macé, Arnaud, L'invention de la Nature en Grèce ancienne, Dossier HDR sous la dir. P. Demont, Université Paris-Sorbonne, 2013. (A 51, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 26, B 33, B 61, B 86, B 87, B 151.)

La fonction métaphysique de la poétique végétale d’Empédocle, in: Gaia, 26, 2023, p. 1-16. (A 70, A 72, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 26, B 57, B 62.)

Mackenzie, K. T. M. (Tom), The Contents of Empedocles’ Poem: A New Argument for the Single-Poem Hypothesis, in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 200, 2016, p. 25-32.

Empedocles, personal Identity, and the Narrative of the fallen daimōn, in: Phoenix, 74, 1-2, 2020, p. 111-130. (Published in January 2022 despite the date 2020. B 6, B 8, B 9, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 23, B 59, B 109, B 115, B 117, B 126, B 134, B 137, B 146.)

Poetry and poetics in the Presocratic philosophers: reading Xenophanes, Parmenides and Empedocles as literature, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press 2021. (Emp.: p. 102-176. B 2, B 3, B 4, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 27, B 35, B 57, B 59, B 28, B 38, B 71, B 76, B 83, B 96, B 105, B 109, B 110, B 111, B 112, B 114, B 115, B 117, B 122, B 124,  B 128, B 129, B 134, B 135, B 136, B 137, B 140, B 142, B 146, B 147.) 

Hesiod, the presocratic poets, Aristeas, Epimenides and the gold tablets: genre and narrative,” in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 81-103. (B 2, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 129.) 

Macris, Constantinos, Télaugès [de Samos], in: Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, VI, ed. R. Goulet, Paris: CNRS Éditions 2016, p. 722-731.

– Pythagore de Samos + Annexe II, Les Pythagoriciens anciens - Influence et réception du pythagorisme : tradition pythagoricienne, pseudépigraphie, revival, Nachleben, in: Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, vol. VII : D’Ulpien à Zoticus, avec des Compléments pour les tomes antérieurs, ed. R. Goulet, Paris: CNRS Éditions 2018, p. 681-850, 1025-1174.

(Emp.: p. 700-701 [B 129], 707 [Alciamas & Emp.], 714 [Héraclide & E.], 1095-1097 [réception du pythagorisme chez Emp.] et passim.)

Ascèse, pureté, abstinence et jeûne dans la tradition pythagoricienne, in: La dîme du corps : doctrines et pratiques du jeûne, vol. 1 : Jeûnes anciens et orientaux. Jeûnes d’islam, ed. H. Benkheira & S. De Franceschi, Turnhout: Brepols 2023, p. 125-175, (Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, Sciences religieuses, 201). (B 6, B 127, B 129, B 137, B 140, B 144.)

Maddalena, Antonio, I Pitagorici. Raccolta delle testimonianze e dei frammenti pervenutici, Bari: Laterza 1954, (Filosofi antichi e medievali). (4 elements. B 129: p. 64 n.3 and p. 343-346. Metempsychosis: p. 65 n. 4.)

Maggio, Alessandro, Sulle tracce della dea Nesti: Empedocle e Alessi, in: Incontri di filologia classica, 18, 2018-2019, p. 103-150. (B 6, B 96.)

Magnus, Hugo, Die Anatomie des Auges bei den Griechen und Römern, Leipzig: Veit & Comp. 1878. (B 84.) 

Die Augenheilkunde der Alten, Breslau: J. U. Kern’s Verlag (Max Müller) 1901. (B 84.)

Magomedov, Gamid A. (Магомедов Гамид Абдулганиевич), Единство и множественность космогонического процесса в поэме Эмпедокла, in: Идеи и идеалы, 15, 1, 1, 2023, p. 87-104. (= The unity and multiplicity of the cosmogonic process in Empedocles’ poem”, Идеи и идеалы  = Ideas and Ideals. B 17, a (i) and (ii) MP.)

Malcolm, John, On avoiding the void,  in: Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, IX, 1991, p. 75-94. 

Mann, Joel, E., All things never change: Circular time in Empedocles, in: Philosophical Inquiry, 43, 1, 2019, p 72-97.

Mansfeld, Jaap, Providence and the Destruction of the Universe in Early Stoic Thought, in: Studies in Hellenistic Religions, ed. M. J. Vermaseren, Leiden: Brill 1979, p. 129-188. Reprinted as Study I in Mansfeld, J., Studies in Later Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism, A selection of papers and reviews, with preface, index, addenda, and corrections, Collected Studies Series 292, London: Variorum reprints 1989. (Zeno of Citium and Empedocles: p. 170-173.) [Variorum Reprints is now Ashgate, in Aldershot.]

Heraclitus, Empedocles, and others in a middle platonist cento in Philo of Alexandria, in: Vigiliae Christianae, 39, 1985, p. 131-156. Reprinted as Study VII  in Mansfeld, J., Studies in Later Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism, A selection of papers and reviews, with preface, index, addenda, and corrections, Collected Studies Series 292,  London: Variorum reprints 1989.  Variorum Reprints is now Ashgate, in Aldershot.  (B 16, B 115, B 117, B 121.)

Aristotle, Plato, and the preplatonic doxography and chronography, in: Storiografia e dossografia nella filosofia antica, ed. G. Cambiano, Torino: Tirrenia Stampatori 1986, p. 1-59.

Physical Doxai in the Phaedo, in: The winged chariot: collected essays on Plato and Platonism in honour of L.M. de Rijk, ed. M. Kardaun and J. Spruyt, Leiden - Boston - Köln: Brill 2000, (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 100), p. 1-17. (B 35, B 71, B 96, B 105, B 107, B 109, B 115.)

Review of Flashar, H., Bremer, D., Rechenauer G. (eds.), Ueberweg. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Die Philosophie der Antike, Bd. 1, 2013, in: Mnemosyne, 68, 2015, p. 331-343. (Emp.: p. 340-341. O. Primavesi. The reconstruction of the double cosmic cycle. The concept of récit spéculaire (‘Spiegelerzahlung’). B17.7. The ‘we’.)

Echoes of Theophrastus’ De sensibus in Books 4 and 1 of the Aëtian Placita, in: Rhizomata, 7, 2, 2019, (Special Issue: Topics in Theophrastus’ De sensibus), p. 146-167.

Mansfeld, Jaap & Runia, David, Aëtiana, The method and intellectual context of a doxographer: II.1,The Compendium, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2009, (Philosophia antiqua, 114). (A35, A 49, A 50, A 51, A 52, A 53, A 56, A 58, A 59, A 60, A 61, B 84, B 109a.)

Aëtiana, The method and intellectual context of a doxographer: III, Studies in the doxographical traditions of ancient philosophy, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2010, (Philosophia antiqua, 118). 

Aëtiana V (4 vols.): an edition of the reconstructed text of the Placita with a commentary and a collection of related texts, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2020, (Philosophia Antiqua, 153 [1,2,3,4]). 

(Vol. 1: xxii, 717 pp.; Vol. 2: xviii, 628 pp.; Vol. 3: xviii, 711 pp.; Vol. 4: vi, 259 pp. – Emp.: B 6, p. 256-257, 261 // B 121-123, 367 // B 27, B 28, 399-400// B 23, B 21, B 6, B 71,  541-545 // B 8, 715  // Sun, 985, 1017-1019 //Soul, 1432 // Blood, 1481 // B 3, 1588 // B 84, 1636-1637 // B 99, 1676 // B 100, 1724 // Sexes, 1822 // B 62, 1942-1943 // B 96, 1970-1974 // A 85, 2004.)

Marcinkowska-Rosół, Maria & Raphaele Rosół, Diogenes Laertios: Epigramy o Empedoklesie (VIII 75), in: Meander, 1, 4, 2008, p. 125-128.

Marcinkowski, Alexandre (ed.), Clémence Ramnoux. Oeuvres, tome I and tome II, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2020, (Encre marine).

Margagliotta, Giusy Maria, Il demonico in Platone e la nascita della demonologia platonica, diss., Universität Freiburg i. B., 2017. (Emp.: p. 37-53. B 115, B 117, B 122, B 128, B 137, B 146, B 147.)

Margoliouth, D. S., The Poetics of Aristotle, Londres / New-York / Toronto : Hodder and Stoughton 1911. (B 138, B 143.)

Mariat, Lora, Résonance du corps, résonance de l’âme : le phénomène de l’écho entre physiologie et psychologie, d’Alcméon à Platon, in: Dialogues d’histoire ancienne, 48, 2, 2022, p. 53-72. (A 86, B 99.)

L’air, les âmes, les sons : conceptions matérialistes de l’invisible entre philosophie présocratique et médecine hippocratique, Diss. Université de Fanche-Comté, 2023. (Aristophanes, Clouds, meteorology. Soul, Anaximenes, Anaxagoras, Heraclitus, Diogenes of Apollonia, Empedocles. Pores and effluences. Hearing. Sounds. A 1, A 14, A 30, A 49, A 51, A 53, A 58, A 70, A 78, A 86, A 87, A 92, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 84, B 89, B 96, B 100, B 105, B 106, B 115, B 133, B 134, B 149.)

Marković, Daniel, Vergil’s Empedoclean Universe, in: Lucida intervalla,  43, 2014, p. 67-90.

Empedocles in the Aetna?, in: Lucida intervalla, 44, 2015, p. 77-91.

Marshall, Laura Ann, Uncharted Territory: Receptions of Philosophy in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica, Diss. Ph. D. The Ohio State University, 2017. (Chapter 2: Empedocles, p. 45-148. B 17, B 23, B27, B 29, B 35, B 52, B 62, B 115, B 124.)

Martano, Giuseppe, Introduzione, in: Domenico Scinà, Memorie sulla vita e filosofia d'Empedocle, Volume primo, (reprint of 1813),  Bologna: Cappelli 1987, (Universale il Portolano), p. V-XXXVI.

Martin, Alain, Review of Annette Rosenfeld-Löffler, La poétique d’Empédocle. Cosmologie et métaphore, in: L’antiquité classique, 76, 2007, p. 246-247.

Dans l’atelier de la traductrice, avec Marguerite Yourcenar, in: Le médecin et le livre. Hommages à Marie-Hélène Marganne, ed. Antonio Ricciardetto et al., Lecce: Pensa Multimedia 2021, (Fuori Collana), p. 531-544.  (B 20.)

Martínez Nieto, Roxana, Beatriz, “Novedades en los estudios de transmisión textual de Empédocles: los comentarios de Simplicio,” in: Dialéctica histórica y compromiso social. Homenaje a Domingo Plácido, 2, ed. C. Fornis Vaquero, J. Gállego & P.M. López Barja de Quiroga, Zaragoza, Libros Pórtico, 2010, p. 721-730.

Marzillo, Patrizia, Scaliger als Gräzist und Forscher antiker Philosophie, in: Mitteilungen 2, 2010, p. 35-43. (P. 39: Die pseudo-empedokleische Sphäre.).

‘Would you check my edition please?’ Scaliger’s annotations to some poetical/ philosophical texts, in: Para/Textuelle Verhandlungen zwischen Dichtung und Philosophie in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Bernhard Huss - Patrizia Marzillo & Thomas Ricklin, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2011, (Pluralisierung & Autorität 26), p. 399-427. (P. 402-413: 2.1 Empedocles; p. 422-423.)

Maury, Louis-Ferdinand, AlfredHistoire des religions de la Grèce antique. Tome troisième. La morale. Influence des religions étrangère et de la philosophie, Paris: Librairie philosophique de Ladrange 1859. (Emp. : p. 385-391.)

Mayaux, Catherine, Saint-John Perse lecteur de l’Empédocle de Jean Bollack, in: Les Lettres Romanes, 70, 3-4, 2016, p. 357-377.  (B 22.)

Mayo, Tyler, Edward, Research and Experiment in Early Greek Thought, Diss. University of Michigan, 2019. (B 100.)

Mcclay, Mark F., “"You fell into milk": Symbols and narratives of kinship in bacchic mysteries,” Classical Antiquity, 42, 1, 2023, p. 121-158.  (B 112, B 115, B 117, B 129, B 146, B 147.)

Méautis, Georges, Plutarque et l'orphisme, in: Mélanges Gustave Glotz, Tome I-II, Paris: PUF 1932, p. 575-585. (B 115.)

Meeusen, Michiel, Plutarch’s science of natural problems: a study with commentary on Quaestiones naturales, Leuven: Leuven University Press 2016, (Plutarchea hypomnemata). 

Megino Rodríguez, Carlos, El origen del hombre según Empédocles, in: Mitos sobre el origen del hombre, ed. A. Bernabé & J. Pérez de Tudela, Madrid 2011, p. 261-294. (B 8, B 9, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 26, B 35, B 59, B 62, B 71, B 96, B 98, B 111, B 115, B 121, B 124, B 128, B 137, B 139, B 140, B 145, B 147, Pap. Strasb.)

Ménard, Étienne, La séparation du ciel et de la terre. Du thème mythologique aux cosmogonies présocratiques, Mémoire de Master (Dir. Dimitri El Murr), École Normale Supérieure de Paris, 2020. 

Menn, Stephen (ed.), Simplicius. On Aristotle Physics 1–8. General introduction to the 12 volumes of translations, London-New York-Oxford: Bloomsbury Academic 2022, (Ancient Commentators on Aristotle).

Méndez Dosuna, Julián, Víctor, El secreto de sus ojos: niñas y pupilas en Homero Ilíada 8.168 y Aristófanes, Tesmoforiantes 406, in: Studia Philologica Valentina, 18, n.s. 15, 2016, p. 229-240. (B 84.)Méndez Dosuna, Julián, Víctor, “El secreto de sus ojos: niñas y pupilas en Homero Ilíada 8.168 y Aristófanes, Tesmoforiantes 406,” Studia Philologica Valentina, 18, n.s. 15, 2016, p. 229-240. (B 84.)

Ἀμόργινος and ἀμοργίς: the color of olive oil lees and Aristophanes, Lysistrata 150 and 735, 737, in: Classical Philology and Linguistics: old themes and new perspectives, ed. G. K. Giannakis, et al., Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2023, (Trends in Classics – Greek and Latin Linguistics, 1), p. 369-400. (B 84. Amorgos.) 

Mertens-Pack³ (Cedopal), P.Strasb. inv. G 1665-1666 (= Mertens-Pack 00356.110), P.Oxy. 73.4938 (= Mertens-Pack 00356.120).,

Meulder, Marcel, Empédocle FVS 31 B 115, 11 D.-K. : ἠελίου φαέθοντος ou ἠελίου ἀκάμαντος ?, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 94, 2016, p. 47-67. (B 115.)

Le vers 4 du fragment 115 d’Empédocle (FVS 31 D.-K.): proposition d’une correction, in: Elenchos, 37, 1-2, 2016, p. 33-68. (B 115.)

Micalella, Dina, Filosofia e linguaggio poetico: Empedocle nel giudizio di Aristotele, in: Aevum, 92, 1, 2018, p. 17-27.

Michel, Claudia, Blindness and Blinding in the Homeric Odyssey, in: Gaze, Vision, and Visuality in ancient Greek literature, ed. A. Kampakoglou & A. Novokhatko, Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter 2018, (Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes, 54), p. 61-87. (B 84.)

Mihai, Adrian, Soul's Aitherial Abode According to the Poteidaia Epitaph and the Presocratic Philosophers, in: Numen, Vol. 57, 5, 2010, p. 553-582. (Empedocles, p. 569-571: B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 146-147.)Mihai, Adrian, “Soul’s aitherial abode according to the Poteidaia epitaph and the Presocratic philosophers,” Numen, 57, 5, 2010, p. 553-582. (Empedocles, p. 569-571: B 111, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 146-147.)

– Ὁ ἐν οὐρανῷ Ἅιδης. La naissance du purgatoire dans l’Antiquité. Diss. EPHE Paris – Université de Montréal 2013.

L’Hadès céleste. Histoire du purgatoire dans l’Antiquité, Paris: Classiques Garnier 2015, (Kaïnon - Anthropology of Ancient Thought, 1). 

Miller, Emmanuel (ed.), ΩΡΙΓΕΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΟΥΜΕΝΑ Η ΚΑΤΑ ΠΑΣΩΝ ΑΙΡΕΣΕΩΝ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ, Origenis philosophumena sive omnium haeresium refutatio. E codice Parisino, Oxford: E Typographeo Academico 1851.

Miller, Joseph Gresham, Democritus and the Critical Tradition, Diss. at Duke University, 2013.

Minazzi, Fabio, L’eau comme bien commun: les raisons philosophiques, in: Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea (= RiMe), 16, 2, 2016, p. 227-238. (Emp. p. 229-230.)

Minon, Sophie, Στέργειν, στοργή : l’architecture du sens, in: Le voyage des légendes : hommages à P. Chuvin, ed. D. Lauritzen - M. Tardieu, Paris: CNRS Éditions 2013, p. 231-254. (B 19, B 22, B 26, B 35, B 87, B 109.)

Molinari, Nicholas, Concerning water as the archai: Acheloios, Thales, and the origin of philosophy. A dissertation providing philosophical, mythological, and archaeological responses to the neo-Marxians, Diss. Doctor of Philosophy, Salve Regina University, Newport (RI), March 2020. (Emp.: p. 219-224, A 1, B 61, B 117, B 128, B 129, "Empedokles was schooled in the Kypris-Acheloios tradition".)

Acheloios, Thales, and the origin of philosophy: a response to the neo-Marxians, Oxford: Archaeopress 2022. (Emp.: p. 150-155.)

Molinari, Nicholas, J. & Nicola Sisci, ΠΟΤΑΜΙΚΟΝ: Sinews of Acheloios. A comprehensive catalog of the bronze coinage of the Man-Faced Bull, with essays on origin and identity, Oxford: Archaeopress 2016. (Emp.: p. 27-28; A 1, B 61, B 128.)

Momigliano Arnaldo, The development of Greek biography, Cambridge (Mass.) – London: Harvard University Press 1993² (19711 in the Mededelingen – 34.7 – of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie). [A 1.57, A 1.63.]

Mondolfo, Rodolpho, La sfera infinita in Parmenide, Empedocle e Zenone, in: R. Mondolfo, L’infinito nel pensiero dei Greci, Firenze: Le Monnier 1934, (Studi filosofici), p. 276-284. (Reprint with the same title in: L’infinito nel pensiero dell’antichità classica, Firenze: ‘La nuova Italia’ editrice 1956, p. 363-372.  Reprint with same title in L’infinito nel pensiero dell’antichità classica, Milano: Bompiani 2012, (Il pensiero occidentale), capitolo VI, p. 363-372.

– “[Introduzione, 3] Il confronto con Empedocle: la « coincidentia oppositorum » e il ciclo cosmico, in: Eraclito. Testimonianze, imitazioni. Introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di Rodolfo Mondolfo e Leonardo Tarán, Firenze: La nuova Italia 1972, (Biblioteca di studi superiori, 59), p. cxxix-cxxxix. Reprint in Eraclito. Testimonianze, imitazioni e frammenti, con i testi greci, ed. R. Mondolfo, L. Tarán, & M. Marcovich, Milan: Bompiani 2007, (Il Pensiero Occidentale), p. cxxix-cxxxix. In that book see also “Imitazioni” for Empedocles, p. 194-198 (written by R. M.). (B 3.9-14, B 16, B 17.1-2 and 16-17, B 17.3-5, B 106, B 110.3-5, B 135.)

Il pensiero antico. Storia della filosofia greco-romana, Firenze: ‘La Nuova Italia’ editrice 19613. (19271, 19502.) 

Montano, Aniello, “Empedocle”, γραμματα, rivista di cultura umanistica, Rivista-annuario dell’Istituto di Istruzione secondaria superiore ‘Francesco de Sanctis’, Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, 2, 2000, p. 49-65.

Montanari, Franco, The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek. Editors of the English edition: Madeleine Goh & Chad Schroeder, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2015. (English translation of Franco Montanari’s Vocabolario della Lingua Greca. Look for the abbreviation Emped.) 

Montarese, Francesco, Lucretius and his sources: a study of Lucretius, De rerum natura, I 635-920, Berlin - Boston: W. De Gruyter 2012, (Sozomena, Studies in the Recovery of Ancient Texts, 12). (A 70, B 6, B 17, B 35, B 71, B 73, B 112, B 115, B 118-126, B 133, B 146, B 147.)

Montevecchi, Federica, Amore e odio: Empedocle e Freud, in: Il senso degli opposti, ed. F. Andolfi, Parma: Diabasis 2014

– Empedocle e Freud. Riflessioni su logica e linguaggio, in: Aretè, 2, 2017, p. 260-274. [Aretè è una rivista scientifica internazionale ... nata nel dicembre 2015. La rivista pubblica on line articoli (inediti) in italiano, etc.]

– Sull' Empedocle di Giorgio Colli, Milan: Luca Sossella 2018. (First part: about Nietzsche; second part, p. 33-63: Sull' Empedocle di Giorgio Colli.)

– Empédocle et Freud. Réflexions sur la logique et le langage. Introduit par André Laks, in: Savoirs et clinique, 24, 1, 2018, p. 106-120.

Modi di essere uomini: Parmenide ed Empedocle. Riflessioni sulla soggettività nel mondo antico, in Le vie dell’essere. Studi sulla ricezione antica di Parmenide, ed. E. Volpe, Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag 2022, (Supplementa Eleatica, 3), p. 45-62.  (B 112, B 115, B 117, B 123, B 126, B 146.)

Montiglio, Silvia, Wandering Philosophers in Classical Greece, in: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 120, 2000, p. 86-105. (B 20, B 57, B 58, B 115, B 121, B 126.)

Moore, Christopher, Calling philosophers names. On the origin of a discipline, Princeton - Oxford: Princeton University Press 2020.  (A 1, A 68, B 112, B 129, B 132.) 

Morales Troncoso, David Emilio, “La dialéctica del amor-odio en Empédocles y Schopenhauer,” Arbor: ciencia, pensamiento y cultura, 742, 2010, p. 311-319.

– “El poder de la indistinción en la filosofía de Empédocles,” Limes (Santiago), 23, 2010, p. 65-78.

Morand, Anne-France, Études sur les Hymnes Orphiques, Leiden-Boston-Köln: Brill 2001, (Religions in the graeco-roman world, 143). (B 141.)

Moreau, Alain, Quand Apollon devint Soleil, in: Les astres. Actes du Colloque International de Montpellier, 23-25 mars 1995, I, ed. B. Bakhouche, A. Moreau, & J.-C. Turpin, Montpellier: Publications de la Recherche. Université Paul-Valéry 1996, p. 11-35. (A 23, B 40.)

Morozov, Alexey, Le dossier de Simon de Samarie dans la Réfutation de toutes les hérésies du Pseudo-Hippolyte, in: Revue des études tardo-antiques, Collection Pierre-Louis Malosse 1, 2020, p. 3-220. (B 6, B 109.)

Mortley, Raoul, J., The Bond of the Cosmos: A Significant Metaphor (Tim. 31 c ff.), in: Hermes, 97, 3, 1969, p. 372-373. (B 17.)

Moscarelli, Enrico, Senofane ed Empedocle. Testimonianze e frammenti. Un confronto tra l'antica e l'attuale cosmologia. Saggi introduttivi e testo greco delle opere con traduzione a fronte, Pistoia: Petite Plaisance 2022, (Il giogo, 144). (Moscarelli follows the Greek edition by C. Gallavotti.)

Motta, Anna, Demiurgy in heavens. An ancient account in Plato’s Statesman, in: Plato’s Statesman revisited, ed. B. Bossi López & T. T. Robinson, Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2018, (Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volumes, 68), p. 141-156. (Emp.: p. 153-154. B 17, B 128, B 130.)

Moser, Marianne, Ovide lecteur d'Empédocle : pour une réinterprétation du fr. 6 DK, in: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé [BAGD], 1, 2017, p. 80-96. (B6.)

Motte, André, Les philosophes préclassiques, in: Philosophie de la forme, eidos, idea, morphè dans la philosophie grecque des origines à Aristote, ed. A. Motte, Chr. Rutten & P. Somville, Louvain-la-neuve - Paris - Dudley (Ma): Peeters 2003, (Aristote, traductions et études), p. 19-63. (Emp.: p. 30-36, 52-63. B 21, B 22, B 23, B 35, B 71, B 73, B 98, B 115, B 125, B 137.)

Mourelatos, Alexander, P. D., Empedocles of Acragas, in: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 4, ed. Ch. C. Gillispie, New York: Charles Scribner's sons 1971, p. 367-369.

Mras, Karl (ed.), et al., Eusebius Werke, 8, Die Praeparatio evangelica. Teil 1, Einleitung, die Bücher I bis X, bearbeitete Auflage herausgegeben von É. des Places, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1982², (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 43.1). First edition: 1954. Reprint of 1982²: W. de Gruyter 2012. (Emp. in Book I and Book V: p. 31 for A 30; p. 230 for fr. 115.9-12.)

Eusebius Werke, 8, Die Praeparatio evangelica. Teil 2, Einleitung, die Bücher XI bis XV, Register, bearbeitete Auflage herausgegeben von É. des Places, Berlin: Akademie Verlag 1983², (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, 43.2). First edition: 1956. Reprint of 1983²: W. de Gruyter 2012. (Emp. in Books XIII-XV:  p. 208 for μεταβολή des Alls ins Feuer with Clem. Alex. Strom. V, 14, 103.6; p. 296 for B 6; p. 401 for A 56; p. 403 for A 60 and A 53; p. 404 for A 54; p. 407 for A 47, p. 409 for A 49, p. 411 for A 35 and A 58 and A 50; p. 412 for A 51; p. 417 for A 61, p. 420 for A 66 or B 55; p. 421 for A 30.)

Muccioli, Federicomaria, Diventare un dio a Selinunte? Empedocle e la bonifica/purificazione della città, in: La città inquieta: Selinunte tra lex sacra Defixiones, ed. A. Iannucci, F. Muccioli, M. Zaccarini, Milano: Mimesis 2015, p. 261-284.

Mudry, Philippe, D’Empédocle à Galien (et Averroes ?). La parole qui guérit, in: Von der Antike begeistert! Philologie, Philosophie, Religion und Politik durch drei Jahrtausende. Festschrift für Christoph Riedweg, ed. C. Semenzato & L. Hartmann, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2023, p. 59-66. (B 112.)

Mueller, Ian, Heterodoxy and doxography in Hippolytus’ ‘Refutation of All Heresies’, in: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (ANRW), II: Principat, 36.6, (Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie [Doxographica (Forts.)]), ed. W. Haase, Berlin-New York: De Gruyter 1992, p. 4309-4374. (Emp.: p. 4341-4347.)

Musti, Domenico, Pitagorismo, storiografia e politica tra Magna Grecia e Sicilia, in: Tra Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Aspetti di interazione culturale nel IV secolo a. C, Atti del convegno, Napoli 19-20 marzo 1987, ed. A. C. Cassio and D. Musti, Pisa, 1989, (AION filol., 11), p. 13-56. (Emp.: p. 44-51.)

Magna Grecia: il quadro storico, Roma - Bari: Gius, Laterza & Figli 2005, (Storia e società). (Emp.: p. 179-183.)


Naddaf, Gerard, Allegory and the Origins of Philosophy, in: Logos and Muthos: Philosophical Essays in Greek Literature, ed. W. Wians, Albany (NY): State University of New York Press 2009, (SUNY series in ancient Greek philosophy), p. 99-131.

Νάτσου, Μάρια (Natsou Maria), Άνθρωπος και κόσμος, γνώση και πλάνη στη σκέψη του Εμπεδοκλή, Diss. Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ), 2017. 

Nelis, Damien, Patrick, Demodocus and the Song of Orpheus, in: Museum Helveticum, 49, 3, 1992, p. 157-158.

– Vergil’s Aeneid and the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, Leeds: Francis Cairns 2001. (Emp.: p. 96-112.) 

– Une certaine idée de la tradition épique, d'Empédocle à Lucain, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 247-262. (B 128, B 131.)

Nethercut, Jason, Scott, Provisional poetics in Lucretius’ De rerum natura, Dissertation at The University of Pennsylvania, Department of Classical Studies, 2012. (P. 44-63: Chapter 1.3 Lucretian radices and Empedocles’ ῥιζώματα ; p. 104-106: Chapter Empedocles.)

Empedocles' "roots" in Lucretius' De rerum natura, in: American Journal of Philology,138, 1, 2017, p. 85-105.

Newmyer,  Stephen, Thomas, Animals in Greek and Roman thought: a sourcebook, London-New York: Routledge 2011, (Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World). (Emp. p. 100-101, B 115, B 139.)

Plutarch’s three treatises on animals. A translation with introductions and commentary, London-New York: Routledge 2021, (Routledge classical translations).

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Nietzsche. La naissance de la philosophie à l’époque de la tragédie grecque, traduit par Geneviève Bianquis, Paris: Gallimard 1938, (Collection Philosophie). Several reprints. Reprint in Collection Idées, 196, (in 1969) with a different numbering of pages. (B 134.)

The Pre-Platonic Philosophers, translated from the German and edited, with an introduction and commentary, by Greg Whitlock, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press 2006. (Emp.: p. 106-119.) 

Friedrich Nietzsche. Les philosophes préplatoniciens. Texte établi à partir des manuscrits, présenté par Paolo d’Iorio & Francesco Fronterotta, texte traduit de l’allemand par Nathalie Ferrand, Combas: édition de l’éclat 1994. (Emp.: p. 110).

Nilüfer Akçay, K., Porphyry’s On the Cave of the Nymphs in its intellectual context, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2019, (Studies in platonism, neoplatonism, and the Platonic tradition, 23).

[B 115, B 120, B 128, B 130, B 136.]

Ní Mheallaigh, Karen, The Moon in the Greek and Roman imagination: myth, literature, science and philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, (Greek culture in the Roman world). (B 45, B 84.)

Novokhatko, Anna, You must not stand in one place’: seeing in Sicilian and Old Attic Comedy, in: A. Kampakoglou & A. Novokhatko (ed.), Gaze, vision, and visuality in ancient Greek literature, Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter 2018, p. 205-232. (P. 222-223: B 84.) 

Greek comedy and embodied scholarly discourse, Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter 2023. (B 8, B 9, B 105, B 133.)

Nuzzo, EnricoLe figure metaforiche nel linguaggio dei Presocratici, in: Studi Filosofici, 38, 2015, p. 9-37.


Obbink, Dirk, The Genre of Plataea: generic unity in the new Simonides, in: The new Simonides. Contexts of praise and desire, ed. D. Boedekker - D. Sider, Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press 2001, p. 65-85. (B 1, B 3,  B 4,  B 35, B 131.)

Obbink, Dirk & Gonis N. (ed.),  The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Vol. LXXIII. Edited with translations and notes in honour of Peter Parsons and John Rea, London: Publ, for the British Academy by the Egypt Exploration Soc. 2009. See: 4938 (1. Hälfte 2. Jh.) Empedokles, Φυσικά, ed. D. Obbink, p. 41-44. (B 88.)

Obenga, Théophile, L’Egypte, la Grèce et l'école d'Alexandrie : Histoire interculturelle dans l'antiquité aux sources égyptiennes de la philosophie grecque, Paris: L’Harmattan 2005. [B 6.]

O'Brien, Denis, Études sur Parménide, I, Le poème de Parménide, texte, traduction, essai critique par D. O’B. en collaboration avec Jean Frère pour la traduction française, Paris: J. Vrin 1987, (Bibliothèque d’histoire de la philosophie). (B 3, B 112, B 115.)

– Le Parménide historique et le Parménide de Platon, in: Platon, ed. A. Castel-Bouchouchi, M. Dixsaut & G. Kévorkian, Paris: Ellipses 2012 (reimpr. 2013), (Lectures de...), p. 89-106. (Emp.: p. 97-104; B 13, B 17.)

Empedocles on the Identity of the Elements, in: Elenchos, 37, 1-2, 2016, p. 5-32.

Empedocles' mountain path (Fr. 24): the perils of a metaphor, in: Elenchos, 38, 1-2, 2017, p. 1-22. (B 24.)

O'Brien Joan V., The transformation of Hera: a study of ritual, hero, and the goddess in the Iliad, Lanham (Maryland): Rowman & Littlefield 1993. (B 6.)

O' Keefe, M.D., The Search of Control: a study of the origins of the thought of Empedocles and Heraclitus, Diss. Michighan State University, 1969.

O’Meara, Dominic & John Dillon, Syrianus. On Aristotle Metaphysics 3-4, London: Duckworth 2008. Paperback Bloomsbury 2014. (B 30.)

Oostenbroek, Lucette Marguérite, Empedokles, in: Eris - Discordia: Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der ennianischen Zwietracht, Thesis in Leiden, Pijnacker: Dutch efficiency bureau, 1977, p. 26-48. (Die Entwicklung der Lehre von den vier Elementen, Der Einfluss des Pythagoreismus, Die mythographische Tradition.)

Osek, Ewa, The Orphic Diet, in: Líttera antíqua, 10-11, 2015, p. 25-200. (More than an article. It includes a vast collection of Greek and Latin texts with English translations. 20 pages of bibliography. Useful. Osek follows M.R. Wright' s numbering. A 1, B 115, B 117, B 127, B 128, B 135, B 136, B 137, B 139, B 141, R 47 LM.) On-line in a PDF searchable:


Palmer, John, Anderson, Presocratic interest in the soul's persistence after death, in: Philosophy of Mind: the history of the philosophy of mind, Volume 1, ed. J. Sisko, New York: Routledge 2018, p. 23-43. Also Abingdon, London, New York: Routledge 2019. (B 6, B 8, B 15, B 17, B 21, B 105, B 107, B 117, B 135, B 136, B 137, B 146, B 128, d5-6 MP.) 

Ethics and natural philosophy in Empedocles, in: Early Greek Ethics, ed. D. C. Wolfsdorf, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020, p. 54-73. (B 1, B 8, B 15, B 21, B 30, B 59, B 115, B 117, B 128, B 129, B 135, B 136, B 137, B 139, B 146.)

Palumbo, Lidia & Pepe, Lucio, Le parole, i dipinti e il mondo in un frammento empedocleo e in un passo platonico, in: Atti della Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche della Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Napoli [= AAN], 124, p. 155-167. (B 23.)

Panchenko, Dmitry, V., (Д. В. ПАНЧЕНКО), КОМУ И В ЧЕМ ПОДРАЖАЛ ЭМПЕДОКЛ (D. L. VIII, 56)?, in: Philologia classica, 9, 2014, p. 142-149.

– Empedocles’ Emulation of Anaxagoras and Pythagoras (D.L. 8. 56), in: Apeiron, 51, 4, 2018. 

Panou, Evangelia., Kalachanis, Konstantinos, et al., “On the unity of the elements of nature in Empedocles,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 1, 2015, p. 48-55. (B 6.)

Park, David, The fire within the eye: a historical essay on the nature and meaning of light, Princeton: Princeton University Press 1997. (P. 6, 35, 49, 345-347. B 6, B 84.) 

Passa, Enzo, Empedocles in the West, Panyassis, in the East: Doric and Hexameter Poetry in the Classical Age, in: The Paths of Greek: Literature, Linguistics and Epigraphy, eds. Enzo Passa & Olga Tribulato, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2019, (Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volumes, 85), p. 107-123. (B 17, B 20.)

Pellegrin, Pierre, Aristote. Physique. Traduction, présentation, notes, bibliographie et index par P. P., Paris: GF Flammarion 2000, (GF, 887). 

Pellegrin, Pierre & Catherine Dalimier, Aristote. Traité du ciel. Traduction et notes par C. D. et P. P., introduction de P. P., Paris: GF Flammarion 2004, (édition bilingue GF, 1036).

Pellò, Caterina, The Lives of Pythagoras: A proposal for reading Pythagorean Metempsychosis, in: Rhizomata, 6, 2, 2018, p. 135-156. (Emp.:  B 115, B 129, p. 148-152.)

Pépin, Jean, Mythe et allégorie: les origines grecques et les contestations judéo-chrétiennes, Paris: Etudes augustiniennes 1976. (A 33, B 6: p. 344 n.178; p. 406, n.64.)

L’initié et le philosophe, in: La pureté. Quête d'absolu au péril de l’humain,  ed. S. Matton, Paris: Éditions Autrement 1993, (Morales, 13), p. 105-130. (B 143.)

Perale, Marco, Adespota Papyracea Hexametra Graeca (APHex I): Hexameters of unknown or uncertain authorship from Graeco-Roman Egypt. 1, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2020, (Sozomena, 18). (Emp.: p. 49-50 B 146, B 6; p. 56 B 35; p. 58 B 100; p. 70 B 27, B 59; p. 79 B 100; p. 80 B 35; p. 89 B 100; p. 99 B 27; p. 104 B 17; p. 131 B 111; p. 150 B 35; p. 188 B 77-78; p. 279 B 112 ; p. 92 with Apollonius R. 1.496-498.]

Perceau, Sylvie & Gabrièle Wersinger Taylor, Phono-rythmie dans l’hymne des racines (Empédocle, F. 6), in: Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, 103, 3, 2019, p. 247-266. (B 6.)

Epistémologie et théologies : quand l’hexamètre dactylique oriente les listes divines (des Néréides d’Homère aux dieux racines d’Empédocle, quelques exemples), in: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte, 24, 1 , 2022, p. 97-127. (B 1, B 6, B 17, B 23, B 35, B 66, B 112, B 122, B 123, B 128, B 143, B 151.) 

Pereira, Ivanete, Sobre a (id)entidade divina das raízes empedocleanas no fragmento Dk 31 B 6, in:  Filosofia Antiga, XVII, 2017, p. 385-399. (B 6.)

Ριζώματα: Raízes na cosmologia de Empédocles, thesis, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Orientador: Mauricio Pagotto Marsola), 25 October 2019. (A 33, A 70, B 6, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 23, B 62, B 77-78, B 79, B 111, B 117, B 127, a[ii].)

Sobre o estatuto das formas de vida no legado de Empédocles, ou, sobre o amor, in: Perspectiva Filosófica, 49, 2, 2022, p. 298-317. (B 21, B 23, B 35, B 71.)

Contra a violência sacrificial: o fragmento DK 31 B 128 de Empédocles no contexto do Sobre a abstinência de Porfírio, in: Anãnsi, 2, 1, 2022, p.  83-105. (B 6, B 17, B 98, B 115, B 121, B 122, B 128, B 136, B 137.)

Peris, Merlin, The Divided Meadows of Aphrodite: Empedocles' Fragments 63-67, in: The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, 4, 1 & 2, 1978, p. 50-63. (Publisher: University of Peradeniya;  A 81, B 63, B 64, B 65, B 66, B 67.)

[Publisher: University of Peradeniya; A 81, B 63, B 64, B 65, B 66, B 67. See: and

– “Prolegomena to the study of the ancient Greek teachings of reincarnation,” The Sri Lanka Journal of the Humanities, 13, 1987, p. 1-58.

Of death and rebirth: the ancient Greek doctrines of reincarnation (from Orpheus to Plato), Colombo: S. Godage & Brothers 2018.

Petit, G., Sur la conception ancienne – anatomique, physiologique et psychique – du muscle diaphragme, in: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris, VII, 3, 1922, p. 48-54. (Might be useful for B 23, B 110, B 129, B 132, B 133, B 134, though not mentioned in this article.)

Petraki, Zacharoula, The poetics of philosophical language: Plato, Poets and Presocratics in the ''Republic'', Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2011. (B 23.) 

Petrovic, Andrej & Petrovic, Ivana, Empedocles on inner Pollution and Purity: Release from Suffering, Prayer, and mental Exercise, in: Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion - Volume I:  Early Greek Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016, p. 78-100. (B 3, B 110, B 112, B 115, B 128, B 136, B 137, B 144, B 145, B 146, B 147.)

Piano, Valeria, Il Papiro di Derveni. tra religione e filosofia, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki 2016, (Studi e testi per il corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini, 18).

[P. 159-160, 284-286, B 6, B 59, B 115, B 120, B 134.]

Piazzi, Lisa, Atomismo e polemica filosofica: Lucrezio e i Presocratici, in: Lucrezio. La natura e la scienza, ed. M. Beretta & Fr. Citti, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki 2008, (Biblioteca di «Nuncius», 66), p. 11-25. (Section 5: I motivi dell’ammirazione per Empedocle: p. 22-25.)

Picot, Jean-Claude, Penser le Bien et le Mal avec Empédocle, in: χώρα • REAM, 15‑16, 2017/2018, p. 381‑414. (B 4, B 6, B 19, B 23, B 27, B 38, B 56, B 62, B 84, B 96, B 109, B 115, B 122, B 127, B 128, B 132, B 134, B 135, B 136, B 146, B 147.)

Empédocle. Sur le chemin des dieux, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2022, (Anagôgê, 15).

(A 1, A 2, A 18, A 23, A 30, A 33, A 36, A 37, A 39, A 40, A 43, A 47, A 49, A 50, A 51, A 53, A 54, A 56, A 57, A 60, A 69a, A 70, A 72, A 86, A 93, A 98 , B 2, B 3, B 4, B 6, B 8, B 11, B 15, B 17, B 19, B 21, B 23, B 27, B 29, B 34, B 35, B 38,  B 59, B 62, B 71, B 73, B 84, B 96, B 98, B 99, B 109, B 110,  B 111, B 115, B 117, B 122, B 123, B 126,  B 127, B 128, B 129, B 131, B 132,  B 134, B 136, B 137, B 142, B 143, B 146, B 147, B 148, B 149.)

Κότος, le dieu de la rancune chez Empédocle (fr. 21 et 121 DK), in: Revue des études grecques, 135, 1, 2022, p. 21-41. (B 6, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 109, B 121, B 122, B 128.)

L’hymne à l’Amour d’Empédocle sur fond de violence épique (Homère et Apollonios de Rhodes), in: Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé, 2, 2023, p. 76-105. (A 50, B 6, B 17.)

Picot, Jean-Claude & William Berg, Apollo, Eros, and Epic Allusions in Empedocles, frr. 134 and 29 DK, in: American Journal of Philology, vol. 139, 3 (whole number 555), 2018, p. 365-396. (B 29, B 56, B 132, 134.)

Pigeaud, Jackie, La greffe du monstre, in: Revue des études latines, 66, 1988, p. 197-218. (B 20, B 23, B 57, B 61.)

Piergiacomi, Enrico, Chi respira e odora secondo Empedocle? Sul πάντα del fr. 96. 1 Gallavotti, in: Archai, 23, 2018, p. 135-166. (B 21, B 100, B 102, B 103, B 107, B 110, B 135.)

Pierrard, Aline, Versification formulaire, intertextualité et évocation poétique : éléments matrices de la poésie didactique de Lucrèce, in: Latomus, 61, 3, 2002, p. 589-607.

Пименова, А.А. (Pimenova, Alexandra, A), Учение Эмпедокла о возникновении живых существ, Diss. for the degree in philology, Saint Petersburg 2016. (L’enseignement d’Empédocle sur l’origine des êtres vivants.)

Истоки Эмбриологии: Эмпедокл о бесплодии мулов, in: Историко-биологические исследования (= Studies in the history of biology), 14, 4, 2022., p. 46-57. (Empedocles on the infertility of mules. A 82, A 89, B 3, B 91.) 

Empedocles on the inheritance of parental traits by offspring, in: Philologia Classica, 17, 2, 2022, p. 226-234. (A 81.)

Piperno, Daniel, Empédocle d'Agrigente (Ve siècle av. J.-C.) : les prémices de la pneumologie ?, in: La Revue du praticien, 46, 19, 1996, p. 2281-2284.

Pitt, Rafael, César, Elementos órficos na poesia de Empédocles, Diss. Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Faculdade de Ciências e Letra, Araraquara, SP 2022.  (A Coleção Archai da Cátedra UNESCO Archai sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental: No Annablume; 2023ª edição (5 janeiro 2023.) 

Pizarro Herrmann, Álvaro, The use of εἶδος and ἰδέα in the presocratic philosophy, in: Ágora, 22, 2020, p. 29‐46. (B 22, B 23, B 35, B 62, B 71, B 73, B 98, B 115, B 125.)

Polansky, Ronald, Aristotle's De anima, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Aristotle’s Parva naturalia. Text, translation, and commentary, Walter de Gruyter 2024.

Polyak, Stephen, Lucian, (edited by Heinrich Klüver), The vertebrate visual system, its origin, structure, and function […] preceded by a historical review of investigations of the eye […], Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press 1957. (B 84.)

Ponce, Emma, Empédocle dans la palinodie du Phèdre, in: Les Études philosophiques, 194, 4, 2019, p. 623-661. Résumé & Abstract: p. 667-668. (B 3, B 29, B 112, B 115, B 120, B 134.)

Review of Jean-Claude Picot, Empédocle. Sur le chemin des dieux, in: Revue de philosophie ancienne, 41, 1, 2023, p. 139-184.  (B 6, B 29, B 99, B 115, B 122, B 134, B 143.)

L’œil étincelant de l’amour : une nouvelle lecture du fr. 84 d’Empédocle, in: Revue des études grecques, 136, 2, 2023, p. 205-240. (B 84, B 96, fr. 100. Primavesi’s new edition of B 84 revisited.)

Popa, Tiberiu, Elements and their forms: the fortunes of a presocratic idea, in: Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought, ed. C.H Harry & J. Habash, Leiden: Brill 2021, (Brill’s Companions to Philosophy, 6), p. 323-351. (A 33, A 37, B 6.)

Portale, Elisa Chiara, Le nymphai e l’acqua in Sicilia: contesti rituali e morfologia dei votivi, in: Cultura e religione delle acque, ed. A. Calderone, Roma: Giorgio Bretschneider 2012, p 169-191, plus Tav. XVI-XIX. (P. 186-187: B 6.)

Porter, James, I., The sublime in Antiquity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016. (Emp.: a section p. 416-421. B 6, B 17, B 35, B 78, B 100, B 122, B 123, B 133, B 134.)

Preston, David, Empedocles’ big break - Pre-Socratic cosmology and the big bounce, in: Sapiens ubique civis, 1, 2020, p. 11-28.

Preus, Anthony, Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy, Lanham - Toronto – Plymouth: Scarecrow Press 2007, (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements, 78).

– Philosophy and Rhetoric in Western Greece: Focus on Empedocles and Gorgias, in: Politics and Performance in Western Greece, Essays on the Hellenic Heritage of Sicily and Southern Italy, ed. Heather L. Reid, Davide Tanasi, Susi Kimbell, Sioux city (Iowa): Parnassos Press -Fonte Aretusa 2017,  p. 193-204. (A 1, B 110, B 111, B 112, B 135, B 139, B 140, B 143, B 144.)

The techne of nutrition in ancient Greek philosophy, in: Archai, 29, 2, 2020, p. 1-34. On-line:   . (Emp. p. 5-7.)

Primavesi, Oliver, Henri II Estienne über philosophische Dichtung: Eine Fragmentsammlungals Beitrag zu einer poetologischen Kontroverse, in: The Presocratics from the Latin Middle Ages to Hermann Diels. Akten der 9. Tagung der Karl und Gertrud Abel-Stiftung vom 5.–7. Oktober 2006 in München, ed. O. Primavesi & K. Luchner, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner 2011, (Philosophie der Antike, 26), p. 157-196. 

Henri II Estienne on Greek Philosopher Poets: An Epistle Dedicatory as a Model of Early Modern Paratextuality, in: Para/Textuelle Verhandlungen zwischen Dichtung und Philosophie in der Frühen Neuzeit, ed. Bernhard Huss - Patrizia Marzillo & Thomas Ricklin, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2011, (Pluralisierung & Autorität 26),  p. 155-178. (P. 171-172: 3.9 Estienne’s encounter with an Empedoclean fragment; p. 173: 3.10 Lucretius on Empedocles’ poetical inspiration; p. 173-175: 3.11 Ex ungue leonem; B 110, B 112.)

– Der kosmische Zyklus des Empedokles und die pythagoreische Tetraktys, in: Die neue Rundschau, 2016 (3), 127, (Friedrich Kittler, "Dunkle Physis, lichter Kosmos"), p 242 - 255.

–  O. Primavesi: Zur Genese der Tetraktys-Hypothese, in: Götter und Schriften rund ums Mittelmeer, ed. Friedrich Kittler, Peter Berz, Joulia Strauss, Peter Weibel, zusammen mit Gerhard Scharbert, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink 2017, p. 83-103.

– Tetraktys und Göttereid bei Empedokles: Der pythagoreische Zeitplan des kosmischen Zyklus, in: Götter und Schriften rund ums Mittelmeer, ed. Friedrich Kittler, Peter Berz, Joulia Strauss, Peter Weibel, zusammen mit Gerhard Scharbert, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink 2017, p. 229-316.

– Das ewige Widerspiel von Liebe und Streit: Neues zum kosmischen Zyklus des Empedokles, in: der blaue reiter, 42 (title: Liebe), 2018, p. 63-67.

Pythagorean Ratios in Empedocles’ Physics, in: Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Presocratic Natural Philosophy in Later Classical Thought, ed. C.H Harry & J. Habash, Leiden: Brill 2021, (Brill’s Companions to Philosophy, 6), p. 113-192. (A 50, A 72, A 78, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 16, B 17, B 23, B 30, B 35, B 57, B 59, B 62, B 96, B 98, B 115, B 117, B 129, B 134, Scholia Rashed, fr. 91b MP [MP = Reclam].)

7. Kapitel: Empedokles, in: Die Vorsokratiker: Griechisch / Deutsch, ausgewählt, übersetzt und erläutert von J. Mansfeld & O. Primavesi, Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun. 2021, (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek, 14173), p. 392-563.

Zitatfragment und Textkritik. Empedokles’ Theorie der Augenfunktion und der Text des Laternengleichnisses, in: Lachmanns Erbe: Editionsmethoden in klassischer Philologie und germanistischer Mediävistik, ed. Bleuler A. K. & O. Primavesi, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2022, (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, 19), p. 427-572. (A 86; B 6, B 17, B 22, B 26, B 62, B 84.)

Review of T. Wellmann, Die Entstehung der Welt, 2020, in: Gnomon, 95, 2, 2023, p. 97-109.

Provenza, Antonietta, Soothing Lyres and epodai: Music Therapy and the Cases of Orpheus, Empedocles and David. The Charms of Music: Harmonia, Music Therapy and Musical Ethos, in: Music in Antiquity. The Near East and the Mediterranean, ed. J. Goodnick Westenholz, Y. Maurey & E. Seroussi, Berlin-Boston-Jerusalem: Walter de Gruyter, Hebrew University Magnes Press 2014, (Yuval, Studies of the Jewish Music Research Centre, 8), p. 298-339. (Emp. p. 314-323. A 1, B 112.)

Puett, Michael, J., To become a God: cosmology, sacrifice, and self-divinization in early China, Cambridge (Ma)-London: Harvard University Press 2002, (Harvard-Yenching Institute monographs series, 57). (Emp.: p. 88-93. B 6, B 27, B 29, B 111, B 128, B 132, B 134, B 136.)


Rambaldi, Simone, Empedocle e la bonifica di Selinunte: un breve riesame, in: Selinunte si racconta, cam 5 maggio 2010, Castelvetrano: Fondazione Kepha 2010, (Camcantiere, 3), p. 12-17.

Ramelli, Ilaria & Angello Tonelli (trans.), Empedocle, in: I Presocratici. Prima traduzione integrale con testi originali a fronte delle testimonianze e dei frammenti nella raccolta di Hermann Diels e Walther Kranz, ed. G. Reale, Milan: Bompiani 2006, (Il pensiero occidentale). (Emp.: p. 565-757.)

Ramnoux, Clémence, Philosophie de la philosophie, in: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 66, 92, 1968, p. 581-596. (P. 583. L’Œuf cosmique. Empédocle accommodateur.)

Ranjbar, Ebrahim, World creating Vortex: reconstructing the concept of δίνη in Empedocles’ cosmogenesis, in: History of Philosophy (Tarikh-e-Falsafe), 2023. 

Rappe, Guido, Archaische Leiberfahrung: Der Leib in der frühgriechischen Philosophie und in außereuropäischen Kulturen, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1995, (Lynkeus, Studien zur Neuen Phänomenologie, 2).

[Emp.: p. 170-200. B 6, B 110, B 115.]

Rashed, Marwan, (ed.) Aristote. De la génération et la corruption. Texte établi et traduit par M. R., Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2005, (Collection des Universités de France). (A 40, B 8, B 37, B 53, B 54.)

– La Jeune fille et la Sphère. Études sur Empédocle, Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, (Philosophies). (A 30, A 56, A 72, B 30, B 38, B 62, B 84, B 87, B 100, B 112, B 113, B 115, B 119, B 121, B 137, ens. d, scholies.)

Reale, Giovanni, Empedocle, in: Storia della filosofia antica, Vol. 1, Dalle origini a Socrate, Milano: Vita e pensiero 1987 (5th ed., 1st ed.: Vita e pensiero 1975), p. 151-161. (B 6, B 8, B 11, B 12, B 17, B 21, B 26, B 28, B 29, B 105, B 109, B 110, B 115, B 117, B 119,  B 134, B 146, B 147.) 

Reboredo Lemos, Luan, Três fragmentos de Empédocles (B 30, B 110, B 115): texto grego e tradução, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 15, 29, 2021, p. 169-173. 

Trois fragments d’Empédocle (B 30, B 110, B 115) : texte grec et traduction, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 15, 29, 2021, p. 174-178.

Le temps va-t-il disparaitre ? La doctrine d’Anaximandre sur la durée du monde et la durée des choses. Études grecques, Diss. Sorbonne Université & Philosophie, Universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2022. ( - Emp.: Χρόνος chez Empédocle : particulariser le temps, p. 161-177. – B 17, B 30, B 110, B 115, θεόθεν.) 

Renan, Joseph, Ernest. Mélanges d'histoire et de voyages, Paris: Calmann Lévy 1878. (P. 103-104. Newton and Cagliostro.)

Renehan, Robert, Hera as earth-goddess: a new piece of evidence, in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, 117, 3-4, 1974, p. 193-201. (B 6.)

Renger, Almut-Barbara & Alessandro Stavru (eds.), Pythagorean Knowledge from the ancient to the modern world: Askesis, Religion, Science, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2016, (Episteme in Bewegung, 4).

Repici, Luciana, Uomini capovolti. Le piante nel pensiero dei Greci. Rome: Editori Laterza, 2000, (Biblioteca di Cultura Moderna, 1152).  (P. 69-76: a section called “Empedocle: (I) storie di piante e di antiche mescolanze”. – P. 77-82: a section called “Empedocle: (II) storie di piante e di anime in pena. – P. 82-88: a section called “Empedocle: (III) storie di piante e di amore conteso”. A 35, A 70, A 72, A 86, A 87, B 6, B 7, B 20, B 21, B 22, B 37, B 39, B 54, B 57, B 58, B 59, B 60, B 61, B 62, B 77-78, B 79, B 82, B 89, B 90, B 105, B 107, B 109, B 115, B 117, B 127.) 

Rexine, John E., Daimon in classical Greek Literature, in: Platon [Πλάτων] 37, 1985, p. 29-52. (B 59, B 115, B 122, B 126.)

Rey, Abel, La science dans l’Antiquité. La maturité de la pensée scientifique en Grèce, Paris: Albin Michel 1939, (L’évolution de l’humanité, I, 3).(Emp.: p. 94-136. A 30, A 49, A 86, B 6, B 7, B 8, B 9, B 11, B 12, B 13, B 14, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 26, B 27, B 27a, B 28, B 29, B 30, B 31, B 71.)

Rhees, Rush, In Dialogue with the Greeks, Volume I: The Presocratics and Reality, ed. D. Z. Phillips, Aldershot: Ashgate 2004. (Empedocles: "Indestructible Roots", p. 45-54, B 6.)

Rhodes, Peter, John & Robin Osborne, Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 BC, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003. (P. 247: B 6.)

Rider, Zackary, The Failure of Sacrifice in the De Rerum Natura, in: TAPA, 149, 2019, p. 1-26. (B 128, B 137.)

Riedweg, Christoph, Pythagoras: his Life, Teaching, and Influence, translated by Steven Rendall, Ithaca - London: Cornell University Press 2005. (B 129.)

Ríos Gutiérrez, Iván de los, El pluralismo jonio: azar y necesidad en la filosofía presocrática, in: Taula: quaderns de pensament, 39, 2005, p. 23-39. (Emp.: p. 27-30.) 

Risch, Ernst, Wortbildung der homerischen Sprache. Zweite, völlig überarbeitete Auflage, Berlin-New York: W. de Gruyter 1974. (P. 171-172, § 63b. Useful for B 84, κύκλοπα.)

Rivaud, Albert, Le Problème du devenir et la notion de la matière dans la philosophie grecque depuis les origines jusqu'à Théophraste, Paris: Alcan 1906. (Emp.: p. 179-189.)

Les grands courants de la pensée antique, Paris: Armand Colin 19291, Paris: Armand colin 19383, Paris: Armand colin 19414, Paris: Armand colin 19536 (Section de philosophie, 118). (Emp. : p. 51-54.)

Robin, Léon, Quelques survivances dans la pensée philosophique des Grecs d’une mentalité primitive, in: Revue des Études Grecques, 49, 230, 1936, p. 255-292. (Emp.: p. 261, 263-265. B 6, B 117, B 126, B 127, B 141. Lévy-Bruhl.)

Roche, Paul, Citing Empedocles: A bilingual pun at Ovid Met. 15 5, in: The Classical Quarterly, 68, 2, 2018, p. 552-556.

Rodríguez-Moreno, Inmaculada, “Retórica y taumaturgia: el poder de la palabra en Empédocles,” in Actas: Primer encuentro interdisciplinar sobre retórica, texto y comunicación: Cádiz 9, 10, 11 de diciembre de 1993, ed. A. Ruiz Castellanos, Cádiz, 1994, 1, p. 32-38.

Roguin, Claire-Françoise, Les querelles d'Océanos et de Téthys : de l'Enûma Elish à la cosmogonie d'Empédocle, in: κορυφαίῳ ἀνδρί. Mélanges offerts à André Hurst, ed. A. Kolde, A. Lukinovich, A.-L. Rey, Genève: Droz, 2005, (Recherches et rencontres 22), p. 377-384.

Rolle, Alessandra, Il blitum. Un ortaggio a immagine d’uomo, in: Cahiers de l’ILSL (Université de Lausanne), 60, Mélanges de linguistique, de philologie et d’histoire ancienne offerts à Rudolf Wachter, ed. M. Aberson et al., 2020, p. 49-54.

(B 62.)

Ross, George Robert Thomson, Aristotle: De sensu and De memoria. Text and translation with introduction and commentary, Cambridge: University Press, 1906. (B 84.)

Ross, William David, Aristotle's Metaphysics. A revised text with introduction and commentary, Volume I, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1924. (B 6, B 8.)

– Aristotle's Physics. A revised text with introduction and commentary, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1936. (B 53, B 61.)

– Aristotle: Parva naturalia. A revised text with introduction and commentary, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955. (A 73, B 84, B 100.)

Rossetti, Livio, Caratteristiche tipologiche dei trattati Περὶ φύσεως nei secoli VI-V a. C., in: Nova tellus, 24, 2, 2006, p. 111-146.

– Un recente libro su Empedocle, in: Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica, 121, 1, 2019, p. 145-150. (Review of Xavier Gheerbrant, Empédocle, une poétique philosophique, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2017.)

Ροσσος, Ευάγγελος, N., Προσωκρατικοί, τόμος Δ: Eμπεδοκλής, Αthens: Stigmi Editions 2007, (Βιβλιοθήκη Αρχαίων Συγγραφέων, 25).

Якубанис, Генрих Иванович, (Rozhansky), Эмпедокл философ, врач и чародей, Ун-та св. Владимира, Kiev: H. Т. Корчак-Новицького 1906.

Rowett, Catherine,  La naissance de la philosophie, in: Histoire de la philosophie, ed. Pradeau J.-F. , Paris: Le Seuil 2009, p. 9-36.

Analytic philosophy, the ancient philosopher poets and the poetics of analytic philosophy, in: Rhizomata, 8, 2, 2020, p. 158-182. 

Review of M. Rashed, La jeune fille et la Sphère. Études sur Empédocle, in: Philosophie Antique,  21 (Les éléments), 2021, p. 269-272. .

Rudin, O. V., Рудин О. В., The great Greek “charlatan”: Empedocles, in: Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies, 38, 1, 2022, p. 52-63. Великий греческий «шарлатан»: Эмпедокл, Вестник СПбГУ. Философия и конфликтология. 2022. Т. 38. Вып. 1.

Rudoph, Kelli, Sight and the Presocratics: approaches to visual perpception in early Greek philosophy, in: Sight and the ancient senses, ed. Michael Squire, London-New York: Routledge 2016, (The senses in Antiquity),  p. 36-53. (B 84.)


Saetta Cottone, Rossella, Le soleil comme reflet et la question de la connaissance dans la pensée d'Empédocle: aux origines d'une image , in: χώρα • REAM, 15‑16, 2017/2018, p. 415‑444. (A 30, A 56, A 57, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 28, B 29,  B 44, B 109, B 112, B 131, B 133, B 134, B 135, B 146.)

Review of Giorgio Colli, Empedocle, a cura di Federica Montevecchi, Adelphi, Milan, 2019, in: Anais de filosofia clássica, 13, 26, 2019, p. 187-195. (B 3, B 29, B 105, B 110, B 115, B 134.) on-line:

Soleil et Connaissance. Empédocle avant Platon, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 2023, (encre marine). (A 30, A 56, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 6, B 27, B 29, B 38, B 44, B 59, B 62, B 84, B 105, B 109, B 110, B 112, B 131, B 134, B 135, B 146.)

De la Sphère à la pensée : le sens d’une reprise (Empédocle, fr. 29 et fr. 134 DK), in: Lire Jean Bollack – Jean Bollack lesen, ed. S. Cudré-Mauroux, Ch. König & M. Steinrück, Basel: Schwabe 2023, (Bollackiana, 1), p. 135-152. (B 29, B 44, B 134.)

Salles, Ricardo (ed.), Cosmology and biology in ancient philosophy: from Thales to Avicenna, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. (A 30, A 74, A 86, A 97, B 57, B 61, B 63, B 100, B 105, B 136.) 

Sallis, John, The figure of nature: on Greek origins, Bloomington- Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2016, (Studies in Continental thought). (Emp.: p. 37, 42-57, 91-92; B 3, B 6, B 8, B 21, B 22, B 23, B 38, B 63, B 98, B 110.)

Sánchez i Bernet, Andrea, “Afrodita demiurga en Danaides (fr. 44 Radt): ecos presocráticos en Esquilo san tra filologia e dialettologia : alcune riconsiderazioni su una variante omerica,” Sileno, 49, 1/2, 2023, p. 219-234.

Santamaría, Marco Antonio, Divine crime and punishment: breaking the cosmic law in Hesiod’s Theogony 783-806 and Empedocles’ fragment DK B115, in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 294-312. (B 5, B 6, B 84, B 115, B 116, B 117, B 118, B 122, B 126, B 136, B 139.)

Santaniello, Carlo, Plutarco e i presocratici, in: La biblioteca di Plutarco, Atti del IX Convegno plutarcheo (Pavia, 13-15 giugno 2002), ed. I. Gallo, Napoli: M. D’Auria 2004, (“Collectanea”, 23), p. 107-133.

Working on Empedocles in Plutarch’s Days (Fac. lun. 926D ff.), in: Plutarc a la Seva Època: Paideia i Societat. VIII Simposio Español sobre Plutarco (Noviembre de 2003), ed. M. Jufresa et al.,  Barcelona: Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas 2005, p. 445-451. 

Are Empedoclean Daimons really made of anything? The Nature of the Daimon and Fragment 115, in: Penser les dieux avec les Présocratiques, ed. R. Saetta Cottone, Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm 2021, (Études de littérature ancienne, 28), p. 143-159. (A 85, A 98, B 9, B 23, B 59, B 115, B 117, B 129, B 146-147.)

Empedocles Democraticus?, in: Our beloved polites: Studies presented to P.J. Rhodes, ed. D. Leão, et al., Oxford: Archaeopress 2022, p. 256-271. (A 1. A 1.52, 63-67, B 6, B 30, B 111, B 112, B 146, B 147.)

Putting fragments in their places: The lost works of Empedocles, in: Elenchos, 43, 2, 2022, p. 197-228. (A 23, B 2, B 3, B 6, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 34, B 35, B 39, B 96, B 98, B 111, B 115, B 121, B 123, B 128, B 131, B 132, B 133, B 134, B 142.)

Empedoclean epistemology, in: Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 31, 2022. p. 1-24. (B 2, B 3, B 131, B 133, B 134.)

Empedocles B30: ἐθρέφθη or ἐρέφθη? παρ᾽ἐλήλαται or παρελήλαται?, in: Emerita, 91, 2, 2023, p. 251-270. (B 17, B 27, B 30.)

Sassi, Maria Michela, The Science of Man in ancient Greece, translated by P. Tucker, Chicago - London: The University of Chicago Press 2001. (Originally published as La scienza dell'uomo nella Grecia antica, Torino 1988. Emp.: A 81, A 83, B 63, B 67, B 82.)

Parmenides and Empedocles on Krasis and Knowledge, in: Apeiron, October 2016, 49, 4, p. 451-469.

The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece, translated by Michele Asuni, Princeton-Oxford: Princeton University Press 2018. (Originally published as Gli inizi della filosofia in Grecia, 2009 by Bollati Boringhieri. "Empedocles and His Daimōn": p. 129-136. P. 150-151. "Between Muses and other Gods": p. 160-167. B1, B2, B 3, B 8, B 105, B 107, B 109, B 112, B 115, B 117, B 118, B 129, B 131, B 138, B 146.)

Blood and the awareness of perception. From early Greek thought to Plato’s Timaeus,  in: Apeiron, published online May 2, 2022, p. 1-24. Printed version: April 2023, 56, 2, p. 163-186. (A 86, B 100, B 105, B 143.)

Philosophical theories of colour in ancient Greek thought – and their relevance today, in: Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi, 4, 2, 2022, p. 155-175. (A 69a, B 6, B 23, B 71, B 84, B 90, B 96.)

Saudelli, Lucia, Monde, abîme, corps : le fragment 163 des Places (p. 62 Kroll) des Oracles chaldaïques, in: Oracles chaldaïques: fragments et philosophie, ed. A. Lecerf - L. Saudelli - H. Seng, Heidelberg: Winter 2014, (Bibliotheca Chaldaica, 4), p. 43-56. (p. 55-56: B 121.)

Les « plaies » d’Empédocle et la mythologie infernale chez Philon d’Alexandrie, in: Philo of Alexandria and Greek Myth: narratives, allegories, and arguments, ed. F. Alesse – L. De Luca, Leiden -Boston: Brill 2019, (Studies in Philo of Alexandria, 10), p. 252-270. (A 49, A 66, A 72, B 12, B 43, B 115, B 121.)

Scalas, Giulia, ‘Le anime sono sangue’ (ref. I 22, 5 = 340 Usener): una testimonianza ‘Ippolitea’ sulla psicologia di Epicuro, in: Lexicon Philosophicum, 3, 2015, p. 199-226. (A 30, A 97, B 105.)

– Le fer et l’aimant : l’explication épicurienne des phénomènes d’attraction dans le De naturalibus facultatibus de Galien, in: Les études philosophiques, 144, 1, 2023, p. 111-140.  (A 89.)

Scapin, Nouria, Review of Saetta Cottone, Soleil et connaissance. Empédocle avant Platon, in: The Classical Review, 2024, published online 27 March 2024, p. 1-2. 

Šćepanović, Sandra, Αἰών and χρόνος. Their semantic development in the Greek poets and philosophers down to 400 BC, Thesis at Jesus College, Oxford, 2011.

Schaerer, René, L’homme antique et la structure du monde intérieur, d’Homère à Socrate. Paris: Payot 1958. (Emp.: p. 158-162. B 6, B 17, B 23, B 27, B 31, B 35, B 57, B 61, B 115, B 116, B 121, B 128, B 130, B 136.)

Scheier, Claus-Artur, Mython akousas. Zum Grund der Dichtung bei Parmenides und Empedokles, in: Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik, 5, 2022, p. 327-350. (B 2, B 3, B 120, B 131, B 137.)

Schibli, Hermann, Sadun, Pherekydes of Syros, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1990. (B 6, B 115, B 120, B 121.)

Schiefsky, Mark, JohnHippocrates On ancient-medicine: translated with introduction and commentary, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2005, (Studies in ancient medicine, 28). (A 51, A 70, B 6, B 17, B 23, B 84, B 86, B 100.)

Schirren, Thomas, Empedokles. Das Handwerk der Sinne, in: Aisthesis vor Platon: Eine semantisch-systematische Untersuchung zum Problem der Wahrnehmung, von Thomas Schirren, Stuttgart - Leipzig: B. G. Teubner 1998 (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 117), p. 213-236 (Fünftes Kapitel). (A 86, A 89, B 2, B 3, B 17, B 71, B 75, B 84, B 88, B 89, B 106, B 109, B 110.)

Schmalzriedt, Egidius, ΠΕΡΙ ΦΥΣΕΩΣ: zur Frühgeschichte der Buchtitel, Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 1970.

Schmidt, Yasmin,  Ovids Epos und die Tradition des Lehrgedichts: Mythos und Elementenlehre in den 'Metamorphosen', Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2021, (Hypomnemata 210). (Empedocles often cited. Apollonius Rhodius is also cited, mainly for Orpheus’ song. A 72, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 20, B 21, B 22, B 27, B 35, B 38, B 55, B 59, B 62, B 112, B 115, B 128, B 129, B 137, a MP. )

Schmitz, Hermann, Der Weg der europäischen Philosophie: Eine Gewissenserforschung. 1 Antike Philosophie, Münich, Karl Alber, 2007.

[Emp.: p. 106-118.]

Scott Wilson, Emmons, Elements of Presocratic thought in the "Histories" of Herodotus, Diss. Indiana University, 1990.

Sedley, David, Neil, Plato's Cratylus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2003, (Cambridge studies in the dialogues of Plato). (B 9.)

– L'allusion empédocléenne en Lucrèce II, 1081-1083, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 145-159. (Pap. Stras. 391-300 = a(ii)21-30, B 17.26.)

–  An Empedoclean allusion in Lucretius (2.1081-3), in: Euphrosyne: Studies in ancient philosophy, history, and literature, ed. P. Burian, J. Strauss Clay and G. Davis, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2020, (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 370), p. 15-28. (English version of ‘L’allusion empédocléenne en Lucrèce II, 1081-1083’ in Les Présocratiques à Rome, Paris, 2018, p. 145-159.)

Semenzato, Camille, La divine parole d'Empédocle, in: C. Semenzato, A l’écoute des Muses en Grèce archaïque : la question de l’inspiration dans la poésie grecque à l’aube de notre civilisation,  Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter 2017, p 308-327. (In a chapter entitled "Parménide et Empédocle, deux poètes-penseurs")

Séris Émilie, Renaissance de la poésie didactique : Homère philosophe et Empédocle poète, in: Itaca. Quaderns Catalans de Cultura Clàssica, 35-36, 2019-2020, p. 193-207.

Sezgin, Fuat (ed.), (Pseudo-)Empedocles in the Arabic tradition: texts and studies collected and reprinted, Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the history of Arabic-Islamic science 2000, (Islamic philosophy, 109). (D. Kaufmann 1899, A. Nagy 1901.) 

Sforza, Ilaria, Gli attorioni molioni e la categoria del «doppio naturale»: Omero, il mito e le immagini, in: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, Serie IV, 7, 2, 2002, p. 297-320. (B 60, B 61.)

Shaw, Michael, M., Architecture and Eternity: Physis in Nietzsche and Empedocles, in: Ontologies of Nature. Continental Perspectives and Environmental Reorientations, ed. G. Kuperus - M. Oele, (Contribution to phenomenology, 92), Springer International Publishing 2017, p. 3-27. (B 6, B 8, B 17, B 26, B 35, B 110, B 112, B 115, B 153.)

Sound, water, and the unity of life in Empedocles, in: Hearing, sound, and the auditory in Ancient Greece, ed. J. Gordon, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2022, (Studies in Continental Thought), p. 21-58. (A 70, A 86, A93, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 49, B 72, B 84, B 89, B 99, B 109, B 152.)

Shields, ChristopherAristotle: De anima. Translated with an introduction and commentary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2016.

Sider, David, The Epigrams of Philodemos. Introduction, Text, and Commentary, New York - Oxford: Oxford University Press 1997. (P. 94: B 98. P. 215: B 96.)

Ordovico or Viricordo: Empedocles and the seim anew, in: Song regained: working with Greek poetic fragments, ed. M. Alexandrou, C. Carey & G. B. D’Alessio, Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter 2022, (Sozomena, 20), p. 55-76. (B 3, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 25, B 35, B 62, B 71, B 73, B 76, B 96, B 100, B 110, B 115, B 139, d5-6.)

Review of T. Mackenzie, Poetry and poetics in the Presocratic philosophers: reading Xenophanes, Parmenides and Empedocles as literature, in: BMCR, 04.04 2022.

Siebeck, Hermann, Geschichte der Psychologie, Erster Theil, erste Abtheilung: Die Psychologie vor Aristoteles, Gotha: Friedrich Andreas Perthes 1880, p. 49-55, 106-109 (108: B 84), 126, 145, 150, 152, 266, 270, 272.

Sieben, Karen, Empedocles: Nietzsche’s Failed Reformer, in: Conflict and Competition: Agon in Western Greece, ed. Heather L. Reid, John Serrati, Tim Sorg, Sioux City: Parnassos Press – Fonte Aretusa 2020, p. 251-266.

Silk, Michael, S., Pindar, Olympian 2.5-7, Text and commentary–with excursions to ‘Perictione’, Empedocles, Euripides’ Hippolytus, in: The Classical Quarterly, 70, 2, 2020, p. 499-517. (B 112.3.)

Silva, Robert, Brenner, Barreto da, A homologia entre o pensamento do intelecto e os inteligíveis: a abordagem de Plotino no tratado v.3 [49] e um diálogo possível com Empédocles de Agrigento, in: Kínesis, 12, 33, 2020, p. 248-260. 

Simon, Gérard, Le regard, l’être et l’apparence dans l’optique de l’Antiquité, Paris: Seuil 1988, (Des travaux, 7). (B 84.)

Siqueira-Batista, Rodrigo, A. P. Gomes & R. S. Batista, Lições de ‘fisiologia’ – pelo médico-filósofo Empédocles de Agrigento, in: Alétheia, 2, 2, 2011, p. 105-111.   

Siracusano, Anna, Il santuario rupestre di Agrigento, in località S. Biagio, Rome: G. Bretschneider 1983, (ΣΙΚΕΛΙΚΑ, 2). (Nestis: p. 67.)

Skarsouli, Pinelopi, Review of X. Gheerbrant, Empédocle, une poétique philosophique, 2017, in: Revue des études anciennes, 2021 on-line, in ‘Notes de lecture’. 

Review of Jean-Claude Picot, Empédocle. Sur le chemin des dieux, in: Philosophie antique, on-line May 2024,

Skoda, Françoise, Médecine ancienne et métaphore : le vocabulaire de l’anatomie et de la pathologie en grec ancien, Paris: Peeters/Selaf 1988, (Ethnosciences, 4). (Might be useful for B 84, B 99, B 100.)

Smith, Andrew (editor), Porphyrii Philosophi fragmenta, ediidit A. S., fragmenta arabica David Wasserstein interpretante, Stuttgart – Leipzig: B. G. Teubner 1993, (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). (A 1, A 2, B 96, B 105, B 115.1-2, B 117, B 126.)

Snell, Bruno, Die Ausdrücke für den Begriff des Wissens in der vorplatonischen Philosophie (σοφία, γνώμη, σύνεσις, ἱστορία, μάθημα, ἐπιστήμη), Berlin: Weidmann 1924. (B 109, B 129.)

Solmsen, Friedrich, Aristotle's System of the physical world: A comparison with his predecessors, Ithaca - New York: Cornell University Press 1960, (Cornell studies in classical philology, XXXIII). (A 30, A 52, A 53, A 56, A 67, A 70, A 78, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 27,  B 30, B 31, B 35, B 37, B 48, B 56, B 71, B 73, B 90, B 96, B 98.)

Sorabji, Richard, Matter, Space and Motion: theories in Antiquity and their sequel, London: Duckworth 1988.

Sousa, Eudoro de, Empédocles, in: Filosofia grega, ed. G. Cornelli & M. Mota, Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília 2013. p. 46-57.

Souza, Jonathan, Almeida de, A harmonía na cosmogonia de Empédocles de Agrigento: um procedimento de Amor e de Ódio, in: Para uma primeira história da harmonía: das musas à música, Diss. (Mestrado em Filosofia) Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2018, p. 46-59. 

Spantidaki, Stella, Textile production in Iron Age Greece: the case of the Amorgina textiles, in: Origini, 40, 2017, p. 293-303. (B 84.)

Speakman, Caleb, Mathew, Empedocles θεός: the poetics of divinity in Empedocles and his reception, Master's Thesis, Department of religious studies and classics, The University of Arizona, 2021. [B 1, B 4, B 6, B 17, B 20, B 23, B 24, B 109, B 111, B 112, B 115, B 119, B 128, B 130, B 134, B 146, B 142. Ovid.]

Squillace, Giuseppe, Menecrate di Siracusa. Un medico del IV secolo a.C. tra Sicilia, Grecia e Macedonia, Hildesheim: Olms 2012, (Spudasmata, 141). 

Da Alcmeone di Crotone a Empedocle di Agrigento, in: Wall Street Journal, scienza e tecnologia, 19/01/2016.

Filistione di Locri. Un medico del IV secolo a. C. tra Grecia, Magna Grecia e Sicilia, Hidelsheim - Zürich - New York: Olms 2017, (Spudasmata, 170). (Mainly p. 36, 54, 73.)

Stace W.T., A Critical History of Greek Philosophy, London - Basingstoke: Macmillan 1920. (Emp.: p. 98-102.)

Stamatopoulou, Zoe, Constructing other eras in didactic poetry: Two Case-Studies, in: Teaching through Images: Imagery in Greco-Roman didactic Poetry, ed.  J. S. Clay –  A. Vergados , Leiden/Boston: Brill 2021, (Mnemosyne, Supplements, 450), p. 39-62.  (A 72, B 57, B 61, B 62.)

Star, Christopher, Apocalypse and Golden Age: The end of the world in Greek and Roman thought, Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press 2021. (B 128.)

Šťáva, Robert, Proč Slunce svítí a hřeje? : Empedoklés: Oheň? Ano, opět oheň!, in: Studia philosophica, 70, 2, 2023, p. 95-100. 

Stavru, Alessandro, Socrate psuchagogos. À propos d’Aristophane, Oiseaux, v. 1553-1564, in: Penser les dieux avec les Présocratiques, ed. R. Saetta Cottone, Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm 2021, p. 209-226. (Emp. p. 217: B 111.)

Steel, Carlos (ed.), Aristotle’s Metaphysics Alpha. Symposium Aristotelicum, with a new critical edition of the Greek text by Oliver Primavesi, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012. (B 17, B 21,  B 22, B 96, B 98.)

Steiris, Georgios, Pico della Mirandola and the Pre-Socratics, in: Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 70, ed. K. Boudouris, Charlottesville: Philosophy Documentation Center 2018, p. 27-37.

Strauss Clay, Jenny, Commencing cosmogony and the rhetoric of poetic authority, in: Cosmologies et cosmogonies dans la littérature antique, ed. P. Derron, Vandoeuvres: Fondation Hardt 2015, (Entretiens sur L'Antiquité classique, 61), p. 105-137. (Empedocles: p. 125-134).

Hesiod reads Empedocles, in: Hesiod and the beginnings of Greek philosophy, ed. L. Iribarren & H. Koning, Leiden-Bristol: Brill 2022, (Mnemosyne supplements, 455), p. 198-217. (B 3, B 6, B 17, B 21, B 23, B 111, B 129, B 131, B 146.)

Stuhr, John, J., The permanence of change: Empedocles, Dewey, and two kinds of pluralist metaphysics of force, in: Cognitio (São Paulo), 17, 2, 2016, p. 349-362.

Suárez de la Torre, Emilio, La noción de “daimon” en la literatura de la Grecia arcaica y clásica, in: Seres intermedios: ángeles, demonios y genios en el mundo mediterráneo, ed. G. C. Andreotti & A. P. Jiménez,  Malaga: Ediciones Clásicas 2000, p. 47–87. (B 115.)


Tamás, Ábel, Reading Ovid reading Horace. The Empedoclean drive in the Ars Poetica, in: Materiali e discussioni 72, 2014, p. 173-192.

Tanga, Fabio, Esule-Isola: Esilio ed insularità nel De exilio di Plutarco, in:  Plutarco y la insularidad: XIV Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas, ed. M. J. Martínez Benavides & L. M. Pino Campos, Madrid: Ediciones Clásicas 2022, p. 165-176.(B 115.)

Tankha, Vijay, Chap. 7 Empedocles of Agragas, in: Ancient Greek Philosophy: Thales to Gorgias, New Dehli: Dorling Kindersley (Pearson Education - Longman) 2006, p. 187-223. There is a second edition (in 2014 - 408 pages vs 351) with the title Ancient Greek Philosophy: Thales to Socrates; Empedocles: p. 187-223.

Тантлевский, И. Р, (Tantlevskij, Igor), A worldview dialogue or parallel development of thought: ancient parallels to the book of Qoheleth 12.7, in: ΣΧΟΛΗ, 17, 1, 2023, p. 340-350. (B 8, B 9, B 11, B 15. For just Empedocles: not developed… not useful…)

Tarrant, Dorothy, Aristophanes, Birds 700, in: The Classical Review, 37, 5/6, 1923, p. 113.

Teodorsson, Sven-Tage, A commentary on Plutarch’s Table Talks, I, (Books 1-3), Göteborg: Acta universitatis gothoburgensis 1989, (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, 51).

Thein, Karel, The Presocratics, Plato, and Aristotle’s biology, in: The Cambridge companion to Aristotle’s biology, ed. S. M. Connell, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2021. 

Therme, Anne-Laure, Empédocle, France-Culture, 24 novembre 2016,

– Figures présocratiques de l’enfant. La συμμετρία et le jeu, in: Archives de philosophie, 80, 4, 2017, p. 633-657. (B 6, B 100, B 143.)

review of X. Gheerbrant, Empédocle : une poésie philosophique, in: Philosophie antique [on-line], 18, 2018, p. 281-283.

Φιλία et δίκη dans les fragments présocratiques, in: Philia et Dikè. Aspects du lien social et politique en Grèce ancienne, ed. A. Jaulin - M. Crubellier, P. Pellegrin, Paris: Classiques Garnier 2018, (Kaïnon - Anthropologie de la pensée ancienne, n° 10; Symposia, 1), p. 169-190. (B 21, B 17, B 22, B 33, B 87, B 96.)

Héphaïstos dans les forges de Cypris: La fonte des bronzes vivants d’Empédocle, in: Philosophie antique, 21 (Les éléments), 2021, p. 87-117. (B 57, B 61, B 96, B 98.)

Les vivants, empreintes de leur biotope (Anaximandre, Démocrite), in: Cahiers Philosophiques, 172, 1, 2023, p. 11-24. (A 70, A 72, A 73, A 77, B 20, B 62, B 66, B 81, B 84, B 126.)

Thibodeau, Philip, The chronology of the early Greek natural  Philosophers, North Haven (Connecticut): 2019. 

(Biographical chronology. The vital dates of all known pre-Aristotelian Greek natural philosophers. Emp. p. 177-187. Dates for Emp.: birth in 496 – death in 436 .)

Thillet, Pierre, Aristote. De l'âme. Traduit du grec par P. T., édition établie, présentée et annotée par P. T., Paris: Gallimard 2005. (Folio essais, 448).

Aristote. Météorologiques. Traduit du grec par P. T., édition établie, présentée et annotée par P. T., Paris: Gallimard 2008, (Tel, 356).

Tilliette, Xavier, Empédocle, le héros tragique de Hölderlin, in: Gregorianum, 80, 3, 1999, p. 525-538. 

Tor, Shaul, 6.2 The daimôn and Muse of Empedocles, in: Mortal and divine in early Greek epistemology, by Shaul Tor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 318-339. (B 2, B 3, B 11, B 17, B 21, B 62, B 106, B 108, B 115, B 117, B 127, B 129, B 131, B 139, d MP.)

Empedocles the wandering daimōn and trusting in mad Strife, in: Phronesis, 2022, 28 Nov. online ahead of print p. 1-30, Phronesis, 68, 1, 2023, p. 1-30.  (A 46, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 11,  B 17, B 20, B 21, B 22, B 26, B 27, B 35, B 62, B 71, B 75, B 95, B 109, B 110, B 111, B 112, B 113, B 115, B 117, B 120, B 122, B 124, B 126, B 127, B 128, B 129, B 130, B 131, B 136, B 137, B 139, B 145, B 146, d 5-6 MP.)

Torres Guerra, José Bernardino (ed.), Lucius Annaeus Cornutus. Compendium de graecae theologiae traditionibus, recensuit José B. Torres, Berlin/Boston: W. de Gruyter 2018, (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana, 2027). (P. 25: Emp. B 123.)

Trépanier, Simon, Empédocle: Les pommes de la discorde, in: Phoenix, 58, 1, 2004, p. 131-142. (Review article/Discussion. (1) Empédocle. Les Purifications, par J. Bollack, 2003. (2) Aevum antiquum, N .S. 1 Forum-Sul nuovo Empedocle, 2001.)

Empedocles, in: New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 2, Detroit / New York / [etc.]: Thomson - Gale 2008, p. 395-398. (See Mourelatos 1971 for a previous article.)

From Hades to the Stars: Empedocles on the Cosmic Habitats of Soul, in: Classical Antiquity, 36, 1, 2017, p. 130-182. (B 2, B 6,  B 9, B 15, B 17, B 21, B 111, B 115, B 118, B 120, B 121, B 126, B 134, B 135, B 139, B 142, B 146, B 147.)

Empedocles, On Nature 1.273-287, Place, the Elements, and Still No ‘We’ in: Mnemosyne, 70, 4, 2017, p. 562-584.

– Empedocles, the love poet - Review of X. Gheerbrant, Empédocle : une poétique philosophique, in: The Classical Review, 68, 2, 2018, p. 342-344.

– Empedocles on the Origin of Plants: PStrasb. gr. inv. 1665-1666, Sections d, b, and f, in: Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition. A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources, Proceedings of the International Workshop held at the University of Trier (22–24 September 2016), ed. Ch. Vassallo, Berlin - Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2019, (Studia Praesocratica, 10), p. 271-297. (A 30, A 70, A 72, B 9, B 17, B 20, B 30, B 53, B 62, B 73, B 75, B 76, B 83, B 84, B 86, B 96, B 98, B 115, B 118, B 121, B 139, B 153b, B 154, d MP, b MP, f MP.)

Review of X. Gheerbrant, Empédocle, une poétique philosophique, 2016, in: Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 117, 1, 2019, p. 155-158.

The spirit in the flesh: Empedocles on embodied soul, in: Heat, pneuma, and soul in ancient philosophy and science, ed. Hynek Bartoš & Colin Guthrie King, Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press 2020, p. 80-105. (A 85/text 4 Vítek, B 2, B 9, B 17, B 100, B 105, B 106, B 115, B 128,  B 133, B 134.)

The soul and the celestial afterlife in Greek philosophy before Plato, in: Immortality in ancient philosophy, ed. A. G. Long, New York: Cambridge University Press 2021, p. 12-40. (A 62,  B 8, B 9, B 23, B 26,  B 59, B 112, B 115, B 118, B 121, B 126, B 134, B 138, B 146, a(ii) 2 MP.)

Review of R. Saetta Cottone, Soleil et connaissance. Empédocle avant Platon, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, BMCR 2024.06.07, 2024,

Tricot, Jules (transl.), Aristote. Traité du ciel, suivi traité pseudo-aristotélicien Du monde, traduction et notes, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin 1949.

– Aristote. De la génération et de la corruption, traduction nouvelle, et notes, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin 1951.

Aristote. Parva naturalia, (De Sensu, de Memoria [...] de Vita et Morte), suivis du traité pseudo-aristotélicien De Spiritu, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin 1951.

Aristote. La Métaphysique, Tome I. Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue avec commentaire, Paris: J. Vrin 1966, (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques). (Books I-VII.)

Aristote. La Métaphysique, Tome II. Nouvelle édition entièrement refondue avec commentaire, Paris: J. Vrin 1966, (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques). (Books VIII-XIV.) 

Trompoukis, Constantinos & Dimitrios Kourkoutas, Greek mythology: the eye, ophthalmology, eye disease, and blindness, in: Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 2007, 2007, 42, p. 455-459. 

Туренко В. Е. (Turenko, Vitali), Феномен любові у ранніх давньогрецьких філософів: від міфу до логосу , in: Гуманітарні студії, 21, 2014, p. 93-100. ( = The phenomenon of love in the early ancient Greek philosophers: from myth to logos, in: Humanitarian Studies, 21, 2014, р. 93-100.)

Епіменід vs Емпедокл: як ранні давньогрецькі філософи боролися з пандеміями, in: Філософська думка, 4, p. 39-49. (= Epimenides vs Empedocles: how early Greek philosophers fought еpidemics, in: Filosofska dumka, 4, 2020, p. 39-49.

Vocabulary of φιλία in the Hesiodian works, - 280-Chapter Manuscript-16005-1-10-2022.

Tzamalikos, Panayiotis, Anaxagoras, Origen, and Neoplatonism: The legacy of Anaxagoras to classical and late Antiquity I, Berlin-Boston: W. de Gruyter 2016, (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 128.1). (B 6, B 12 supposed to be by Anaxagoras, B 117 with full references including George Cedrenus, B 127. Achilles Tatius (Isagoga Excerpta, 3) about τὰ τέσσαρα στοιχεῖα, καὶ τὸ μὲν πῦρ καλεῖ Δία καὶ αἰθέρα. Sphaerus. Love and Strife. 1814 pages. Learned.)

Guilty of Genius: Origen and the theory of transmigration, New York: Peter Lang 2022.

Origen and Hellenism: the interplay between Greek and Christian ideas in late Antiquity, Peter Lang 2022.

Tzetzes, J., Chiliades or Book of Histories, English translation from the original Greek of T. Kiessling’s edition of 1826, by several authors, 2016 (free online).


Ueberweg, Friedrich, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, I, das Alterthum, Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn 1871, 4th edition. (Emp.: § 23, p. 64-67.)

– A History of Philosophy from Thales to the present time, I. History of the ancient and medieval philosophy, translated from the fourth German edition by Geo. S. Morris, London: Hodder and Stoughton 1871, 1872. (cf. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, I, das Alterthum; Emp.: § 23, p. 60-63.)

Ueberweg, Friedrich - Praechter, Karl, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie, fortgeführt von Max Heinze, I, das Alterthum, Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn 1920. (Emp.: § 23, p. 104-110.)

Usener, Hermann, Kallone, in:  Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Neue Folge, Vol. 23, 1868, p. 316-377. (B 6: p. 316-317. B 105.)

Götternamen, Bonn: F. Cohen 1896. (B 123.3: p. 267, n.51.)

Ustinova, Yulia, Caves and the ancient Greek mind: Descending underground in the search for ultimate truth, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009. (Emp.: p. 209-215; A 72, B 3, B 35, B 57, B 61, B 111, B 112, B 120.)


Vahlen, Jan, Jacob, Eine Miscelle zu Aristoteles Poetik, in: Zeitschrift für die österreichischen Gymnasien, 24, 1873, p. 658-659.

van Binsbergen, Wim , M.J., Before the Presocratics: Cyclicity, transformation, and element cosmology, The case of transcontinental pre- or protohistoric cosmological substrates linking Africa, Eurasia and North America, in: Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy/ Revue Africaine de Philosophie, 23-24, 1-2, special issue published on the occasion of the journal Editor’s 65th birthday, 2009-2010. (Publication in 2012, reprint in 2015. Empedocles: p. 149-178; B 6.)

van der Ben, Nicolaas, Empedocles’ Poem on natural philosophy, I – A radical edition, Posthumous writings of N. van der Ben, gathered in 2018, published by Jean-Claude Picot with the help of Klaartje and Simon van der Ben, Google Sites, empedocles.acragas, 2019. 

Van der Horst, Pieter Cornelis, Les vers d’or pythagoriciens, édités avec une introduction et un commentaire, Leyden: E.J. Brill 1932. (B 115.)

van Kasteel, Hans, Hippolyte de Rome. Réfutation de toutes les hérésies. Introduction, traduction et notes de H.v.K., Grez-Doiceau: Beya 2019, (Beya, 25). 

van Luijn, Nathasja, “The playful role of the girl in Empedocles B 100,” Rhizomata, 9, 1, 2021, p. 27-49.

van Noorden, Helen, Playing Hesiod: The 'Myth of the Races' in classical antiquity, Cambridge University Press 2015, (Cambridge Classical Studies). (Emp.: p. 151-152. B 23, B 128, B 130.)

Vassallo, Christian, Una nuova raccolta di saggi presocratici e platonici: Problemi di papirologia filosofica e di storia delle idee, in: Peitho / examina antiqua 1 (4), 2013, p. 283-295.

Towards a Comprehensive Edition of the Evidence for Presocratic Philosophers in the Herculaneum Papyri, in: The journal of juristic papyrology, Supplements, Proceedings of the 27th international congress of papyrology 2013, XXVIII, 2016, p. 315-345. (Empedocles: p. 317-319, p. 327-331, A 33, B 111, B 137.)

Catalogue of the Evidence for Presocratics in the Herculaneum Papyri, in: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, Aug 2016, 62, 1, p. 78-108.

Review of T. Wellmann, Die Entstehung der Welt - Studien zum Straßburger Empedokles-Papyrus, in: BMCR, 2021.03.35.

The Presocratics at Herculaneum: A Study of early Greek philosophy in the Epicurean tradition. With an Appendix on Diogenes of Oinoanda’s Criticism of Presocratic philosophy, Berlin - Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2021, (Studia Praesocratica, 11). (Emp. p. 188-209, 458-488, 613-620. B 2, B 6, B 8, B 17, B 21, B 96, B 98,  B 100, B 111, B 112, B 128, B 134,  B 142.)

Vergados, Athanassios, The Homeric Hymn to Hermes. Introduction, Text and Commentary, Berlin - Boston: De Gruyter 2013, (Texte und Kommentare, 41).

Versnel, H.S., Coping with the Gods: wayward readings in Greek theology,  Leiden - Boston: Brill 2011. (p. 464-465: B 112, B 146, B 147.)

Vian, Francis, Apollonios de Rhodes. Argonautiques, I, chants I-II, Texte établi et commenté par F. V., traduit par E. Delage, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1974, (Collection des Universités de France).

Apollonios de Rhodes. Argonautiques, II, chant III, Texte établi et commenté par F. V., traduit par E. Delage, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1995², (Collection des Universités de France).

Apollonios de Rhodes. Argonautiques, III, chant IV, Texte établi et commenté par F. V., traduit par E. Delage et F. V., Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2000², (Collection des Universités de France).

Vidal Triñanes, Ángela, Empédocles, Deus suposto: O filósofo, o poeta, o taumaturgo e o home, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de filoloxía, grao en filoloxía clásica, 2016.

Videau, Anne, Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide, une cosmogonie originale, in: Les Présocratiques à Rome, ed. S. Franchet d'Espèrey & C. Lévy, Paris: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 2018, p. 347-361. (Emp.: p. 356-357, 361.)

Viltanioti, Irini-Fotini, L’harmonie des Sirènes du pythagorisme ancien à Platon, Boston - Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2015, (Studia Praesocratica, 7). (Tetractys. A 1, B 6, B 32, B 42, B 115, B 117, B 129.)

Vlastos, Gregory, The physical theory of Anaxagoras, in: The Philosophical Review, 59, 1, 1950, p. 31-57. (P. 34, 37-38: B 6. – P. 37: B 35, B 17, B 26. – P. 45: B 98, B 96.)

Volf, Marina N. [Wolf, ВОЛЬФ M. H.], Early Greek Philosophy and the Iranian Dualism: Parmenides and Empedocles, Paper presented at the 2nd World Congress on Mulla Sadra. Tehran, 2004 (May 21–25, 2004 Tehran - Iran), 2004, p. 1-14. (Downloadable from .)


Von Fritz, Kurt, ᾿Εστρὶς ἑϰατέρωθι in Pindar's Second Olympian and Pythagoras' Theory of Metempsychosis, in: Phronesis, 2, 2, 1957, p. 85-89. (B 115, B 146.)

Voultsiadou, Eleni & Chariton Chintiroglou, Aristotle’s lantern in echinoderms: an ancient riddle, in: Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 49, 3, 2008, p. 299-302. (B 84. Cf. Lennox 1983.)


Wachsmuth, Curt (ed.), Ioannis Stobaei anthologium, Eclogae Physicae et Ethicae, I, Berlin: Weidmann 1884. 

Wash, Leon, Avery, Fruit of the mind: metaphor and the concept of nature in Pindar and Empedocles, Diss. Department of Classics, The University of Chicago, June 2021. (B 6, B 8.)

Artfully false duals in Empedocles’ painters simile (fr. 23 DK) and the hexameter tradition,” in: Symbolae Osloenses, 2023, on-line, p. 1-32. (B 23, B 128, B 137.) 

Empedocles’ account of wine (fr. 81) and premodern oenology, in: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 64, 2, 2024, p. 162-194. (B 78, B 79, B 80, B 81, B 91.)

Wellmann, Tom, Die Entstehung der Welt: Studien zum Straßburger Empedokles-Papyrus, Berlin - Boston: W. de Gruyter 2020, (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 142).

Schuldhaftes Handeln in Empedokles’ Physika und Katharmoi, in: Praxis – Handeln und Handelnde in antiker Philosophie: Akten des 6. Kongresses der Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie 2019, ed. F. Buddensiek & S. Odzuck, Berlin-Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2023, (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 397), p. 15-32.  (B 20, B 35, B 112, B 129, B 135, B 136, B 137, B 139, d1-7 MP, Physika I, 291–300. Proposal of edition of d7: [οὐδ]ὲ μάτη[ν ἐν] τῷδε νο[μῷ κατέδ]ευσα παρειάς.)

Welsh, Jarrett, T., Giovanni Aurispa’s Manuscript of Empedocles, in: Mnemosyne, 2020, p. 1-5 (Online Publication). Mnemosyne, 73, 5, 2020, p. 826-830 (Printed Publication). 

Wersinger, Anne Gabrièle, "Les portes du Jour et de la Nuit" : Rôle et fonction des colonnes de contraires (sustoichiai) dans l'histoire du catalogue, in: Textuel, 56, (L'Enonciation en Catalogue, ed. E. Valette, C. Calame, F. Dupont), 2008, p. 235-253. (P. 250-251: B 122, B 123.)

Wersinger Taylor, Gabrièle, Κατελεξα chez Empédocle: Le Fr. 35 dans la perspective du Κατaλεξαi homérique, in: ΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΙΑ, 50, 2020, p. 57-68. (B 8, B 17, B 35.)

– See also titles with Perceau, Sylvie.

Westman, Rolf, Plutarch gegen Kolotes: seine Schrift ‘Adversus Colotem’ als philosophiegeschichtliche Quelle, Helsinki: Societas Philosophica 1955, (Acta philosophica Fennica, 7). (A 14, B 8, B 9, B 10, B 15, B 17, B 21, B 22, B 23, B 33, B 34, B 35, B 60, B 61, B 89, B 95. B 96, B 111.)

Wheelwright, Philip, The Presocratics, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Educational Publishing 1960. Reprint in New York: The Odyssey Press 1966 . (Emp.: p. 122-154. Translation of 105 fragments and 52 testimonia.)

Whitman, Cedric.H., Hera's anvils, in: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 74, 1970, p. 37-42. (B 6.)

Wilcox, Joel, Empedocles, in: Ancient Greek authors, ed. W. W. Briggs, Detroit - Washington D.C. - London: Gale research 1997, (Dictionary of literary biography, 176), p. 128-133.

Williams, C. J. F.Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione, translated with notes, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1982, (Clarendon Aristotle series).

Wolf, Marina N., see Volf.

Wolfsdorf, David, Trials of reason: Plato and the crafting of philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008. (A 95.)

Pleasure in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2012, (Key themes in ancient philosophy). (A 86.)

Woodbridge, Frederick J.E., The dominant conception of the Earliest Greek Philosophy, in: The philosophical Review, 10, 4, 1901, p. 359-374. (B 8.)

Wright, Maureen Rosemary, Cosmology in Antiquity, London-New York: Routledge 1995, (Sciences of Antiquity). (B 6, B 17, B 22, B 23, B 30, B 35, B 38, B 55, B 73, B 82, B 100, B 109, B 134.)

Is Presocratic Cosmology atheistic? in: Penser les dieux avec les Présocratiques, ed. R. Saetta Cottone, Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm 2021, p. 15-27. (Emp.: p. 23-24; B 3, B 6,  B 21, B 27, B 59, B 131, B 134, B 146.)

Wrotkowski, Wojciech, … τῇ μὲν ἡλικίᾳ πρότερος …τοῖς δ' ἔργοις ὕστερος…: relacja między Anaksagorasem i Empedoklesem według Arystotelesa, kilku zapomnianych komentatorów antycznych i niektórych słynnych uczonych współczesnych, in: Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej, 63, 2018, p. 299-326.

(The relation between Anaxagoras and Empedocles according to Aristotle, Several forgotten ancient commentators and some famous modern scholar.) 


Xylander, Guilielmus (Wilhelm Holtzmann), Plutarchi chaeronensis, Moralia, Basel: Thomas Guarinus 1570. (P. 555. Latin edition, B 115, De exilio. Reprint in 1572.)

Plutarchi chaeronensis, philosophorum & historicorum principis varia scripta, Basel 1574. (P. 428. Greek edition, B 115, De exilio.)


Yourcenar, Marguerite, Empédocle d’Agrigente, in: Revue générale. Perspectives européennes des sciences humaines, 1970, 1, p. 31-46.

Empédocle, in: La Couronne et la Lyre: poèmes traduits du grec, Paris: Gallimard 1979, (Poésie), p. 174-192.


Zanatta, Marcello, Empedocle, in: M. Zanatta, Storia della filosofia antica, Milano: Rizzoli 2012, (Biblioteca Universale, Bur), 2012, p. 58-61.

Zatta, Claudia, Plants’ Interconnected Lives: From Ovid’s Myths to Presocratic Thought and Beyond, in: Arion, 24.2,  2016, p. 101-126.  (A70, A 72, B 79, B 82, B 83.)

Interconnectedness: The Living World of the Early Greek Philosophers, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2017, (International Pre-Platonic Studies, 7). (P. 30-37, 41-43, 46-47, 61-62). 2nd revised edition, Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag 2019, [387 pages vs 1st ed. of 305 pages].

Aristotle on the "Sweat of the Earth" (DK 31 B 55), in: Philosophia, 48, 2018, p. 55-70. (A 30, A 56, A 66, B 52, B 55, B 68, B 79, B 82, B 84, B 96.)

Is matter alive? Between roots and daemons: Empedocles' philosophy of life, in: Civiltà e religioni, 6, 2020, p. 49-72. (A 70, A 72, B 3, B 6, B 8, B 9, B 15, B 117, B 115, B 146.)

Aristotle and the animals: the logos of life itself, Abingdon - New York: Routledge 2022, (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies). (A 72, A 73, A 77, A 78, A 86, A 89, A 90, A 91, A 92, B 63, B 77, B 79, B 82, B 84, B 90, B 96, B 100, B 102, B 105, B 106, B 107, B 108, B 109.)

Plants and vegetal respiration in early Greek philosophy, in: Ancient Philosophy, 43, 1, 2023, p. 251-272. (A 70, A 72, A 73, A 74, B 55, B 62, B 77, B 78, B 79, B 82, B 100.)

Early Greek philosophy on the question of life: plants’ physiology and life from the Presocratics to Aristotle, in: Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 72, 189, 2022, p. 262-303. (A 70, A 72, A 74, A 86, B 62, B 3, B 77, B 79, B 82, B 99, B 100, B 102, B 109, B 110.)

Empedocles on plants’ fructification, in: Φιλοσοφία, 52, 2022, p. 387-391.  (Article published in 2024.)

Zeller, Eduard, & Rodolfo Mondolfo, La filosofia dei Greci nel suo sviluppo storico, I, I, V, Empedocle, Atomisti, Anassagora, trad. di D. Musti, testo della 5 edizione tedesca con nuovi aggiornamenti, ed. A. Capizzi, Firenze: La Nuova Italia 1969.

Zehner, Joseph, Genealogy in Early Greek Philosophy, Diss. University of Virginia, 2020.

Zeyl, Donald, J., Empedocles, in: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, ed. R. S. Bagnall et al., Oxford: Blackwell 20131, p.  2390-2392 (Printed edition). Later available on Wiley online library.

Zhmud, Leonid, Pythagoras and the early Pythagoreans, translated from Russian by K. Windle and R. Ireland, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012, (First published in Russian in 1994). (Orphism. Metempsychosis, transmigration. A 70, B 112, B 129, B 137.)

– Physis in the pythagorean tradition, in: Philologia Classica, 13, 1, 2018, p. 50–68. (B 8.)