2020-05-03 Hallam

Empathy Circle with Extinction Rebellion (XR) Co-Founder Roger Hallam, to dialogue about his book, Nonviolent Rebellion and the Role of Empathy.

View Video ON FACEBOOK or ON YOUTUBEpage short url: http://bit.ly/ECHallam

Common Sense for the 21st Century:

Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse

"We must adopt the most successful model for regime change shown by the social scientific research – the civil resistance model. This involves mass participation civil disobedience: tens and hundreds of thousands of people blocking the centres of cities to demand change"

Google Document


Roger Hallam - Extinction Rebellion Co-Founder and author of, 'Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse'

Edwin Rutsch - XR Empathy Circle Work Group and Center for Building a Culture of Empathy.

Karolina Kubiak - XR Empathy Circle Work Group

Marta Neto - XR Empathy Circle Work Group

Video Transcripts

YouTube Generated Transcripts: This is a link to the raw YouTube generated transcripts. You can help clean up the transcripts.. When you watch the video, you can follow the transcripts and create full sentences, add punctuation, etc.

Comments From Views

"For me, this was the most interesting empathy circle I have watched so far. It focuses on Roger's view of strategy and discusses a few disagreements. The discussion between XR America and XR US is touched on ever so briefly. I just wish more people could spare the 2 hours needed to watch this. It's great modeling for how to dialogue. "

Doug Nielson

"This is so awesome! Thank you for sharing! I'd never heard of Empathy Circles before and this seems like a really great way to communicate with people who have opposing views, really productive and effective! I'm going to try to work this model into how I communicate with others from now on. "

Ryley Ricks