2020-02-23 MA PA

Extinction Rebellion MA Empathic Peoples Assembly

Facilitated by Rosa Zubizarreta

(Note: An Empathic People's Assembly (EPA) is when the breakout groups use person to person active-empathic listening (i.e. the empathy circle process) to discuss the topic, or the facilitator uses active-empathic listening with the participants to facilitate the topic discussion. Also, in the final full group process, the large group facilitator uses active-empathic listening to facilitate the full group feedback.)


MA Peoples Assembly Part 1 and breakout group 1 (2 hour)

Google Document

Open Doc

YouTube Generated Transcripts: This is a link to the raw YouTube generated transcripts. You can help clean up the transcripts.. When you watch the video, you can follow the transcripts and create full sentences, add punctuation, etc.

Google Document

Breakout Group 2

YouTube Generated Transcripts: This is a link to the raw YouTube generated transcripts. You can help clean up the transcripts.. When you watch the video, you can follow the transcripts and create full sentences, add punctuation, etc.