2019-12-07 Hallam
Many people in XR have been upset about Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam’s comments on the Holocaust. This free Empathy Cafe will use the process of the Empathy Circle for participants to express and dialogue about their feelings and concerns about these comments and their impact. This is an opportunity to: * Express, be heard and understood about your feelings and concerns. * Learn and practice the Empathy Circle process for constructive and healing dialogue. Facebook EventEmpathy Cafe: Share Feelings About Roger Hallam's Holocaust Comments.(View On Youtube and On Facebook)
Feedback on Empathy Circle From YouTube.
Stefania Czech
I am very grateful for these discussions made in empathy and for the empathy Circle regarding Roger Hallam remarks about the Holocaust. My grandparents we're both in prison and tortured in the concentration camps including Auschwitz. The generational trauma that has been passed down through our family has been traumatizing. I am glad this topic is being discussed and addressed. I would like to take part in one of these empathy circles but this topic is also very triggering because it hits very close to home.
As a member of XR Toledo and organizer I have been considering distancing myself from the movement based on Hallam to remarks and how it has caused ripples among our movement and with the population. It is of grave concern to me that Hallam does not really seem to understand or emphasize with How Deeply troubling and hurtful his comments were. I have concerns that our movement is headed in the wrong direction and is becoming increasingly exclusive rather than inclusive.