Welcome to Edgewood West
Park Association

Website Overview

Projects, activities, and policies of the EWPA, the organization charged with improving and maintaining association trails and common areas.

Homeowners: New to the HOA? 

Volunteer? Click here to log your hours!

Realtors:  Click here for closing/title/dues information.

2025 Dues

EWPA dues invoices were emailed to residents on January 2 in alignment with Article XII of our bylaws (must be sent out in January; last year, our invoices went out late). If you did not receive a dues reminder or wish it to be sent to a different email address, please contact us. Thank you in advance for promptly paying your dues.

January Trail Closure: Upper Brae Burn & Normandy Trail

 The highlighted trail shown in the image is currently closed.

Crews are working to replace the bridge, add railings, remove asphalt, and repair and replace the footpath. It should be completed by the end of January. 

 Thanks for staying off the trail until the work is completed.

President's Message

Edgewood West Park Association is a special place to live — located in south Eugene, our neighborhood is characterized by tall trees, wide streets with sidewalks on a single side of the street, and the well maintained EWPA trail system, which provides a safe and peaceful means of walking the neighborhood.

The EWPA Board is tasked with maintaining the common areas in accordance with the EWPA By-Laws and Amended Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions that homeowners receive when purchasing a home. Often, these documents are overlooked or are not understood, since they simply provided as a part of the paperwork that homebuyers receive from realtors. 

If you have misplaced your copy, or would like to view an online copy, click here to view them on the Documents page of this web site. Take a moment to read through the Amended Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions document, as it contains established policies to keep our neighborhood an enjoyable place to live and applies to all properties within the EWPA HOA. We encourage all residents to adhere to these policies so that everyone will continue to enjoy this very special place.

The Board is working to make our little HOA a more connected and welcoming place to live. This includes everything from the re-imagined "Welcome Wagon" to doing more to create a sense of community within the neighborhood. We have increased communications with and between members via in-person contact, informational postcards, website awareness and trail work events. The very best way to contact the board is through the website using the Contact Us link. If you ever hear of a neighbor that has a question, please direct them to the website.

 Our 2023/2024 accomplishments include:

Out for a walk? See a new face or even an old one? Stop and say hello. Building a sense of community, and rejuvenating that neighborhood feeling of years past, is vital to the well-being of a safe and healthy neighborhood.

Therese Bauer
President, EWPA

EWPA Board