Creating eProjects 4 Learning

Post date: Mar 11, 2012 5:48:49 PM

Creating eProjects 4 Learning

*Introduction to Electronic & Web-based Projects

Learn at your own pace!

Description of the Presentation:     

eProjects can either be electronic projects on computer or projects created on the web.  These projects, used in leu of the traditional school report, are designed to demonstrate mastery of the state standards and content area information being learned within the curriculum.  Research shows that students who create multimedia projects that incorporate the higher level of Bloom's Taxonomy (such as the levels of applying, analyzing, evaluation and synthesis) and also incorporate multiple learning modalities, retain information longer and perform remarkably better on standardized tests.  

What you will need:  

Internet Connection

Laptop computer, I Pad, or I Touch with Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G capability

Download presentation materials

thumb drive or storage space in a computer drive for free downloads and electronic info


   Purpose of the Workshop:


To Learn how to create multimedia student eProjects such as eBooks and storybooks using Powerpoint.




Learning at Your Own Pace:

1)  Visit the following web links on the eClassroom 4 Teachers website to learn more about  creating eProjects at   

      your own pace. 

Specifically Visit these following web links:

reating eProjects:


Digital Storytelling


 Creating student eProjects.   

      A) View the Creating eBooks Activity.ppt

      B) Create a Storybook using one of these templates:  Storybook template.ppt or Parchment Paper Template.ppt

Please visit the following web link to download the following files for your activity:

*Take an Educational Website Tour:  The eClassroom 4 Teachers Website


*Visit the following link for free templates and resources!


eClassroom 4 Teachers Website:

The Marketplace 4 Teachers (for eBooks in PDF format, lessons, Powerpoints, printables, guides, eBooks, activities, games for purchase)

eBooks 4 Educators Website (eBook Publishing for Educators)


For eBooks on Kindle & (eBooks)

Writing To Learn: Strategies For Improving Writing Across The Curriculum is a teacher's guide that discusses the importance of writing across the curriculum in light of the Common Core standards and presents strategies for improving student writing in all disciplines. The writing strategies discussed include: current research about the use of writing as a learning tool, the use of Bloom's taxonomy for developing writing assignments, and creating writing projects such as eBooks, websites, blogs, student writing portfolios, student writing galleries, and examples of writing assignments to be used to strengthen and enhance writing skills across the curriculum.

Teaching Students Thinking Skills (eBook)

Teaching Students Thinking Skills is an essential curriculum development guide that discusses the importance of teaching students critical thinking and problem solving skills. This eBook gives teachers strategies and ideas to embed and integrate into their daily instruction. Topics discussed include Bloom's taxonomy as it relates to thinking skills, inquiry learning, interactive notebooks, writing across the curriculum, creation and design of authentic learning projects such as eBooks.

Teaching the 21st Century Curriculum eBook is a guide for educators and schools discussing the development of a curriculum for 21st century learners. This guide is vital for any educator or school wanting to transition from a tradition teaching model to a student-centered, collaborative learning model and transform their curriculum using computer and web-based technology in the classroom. Important topics covered include: the 21st century learning model, curriculum development, standards-based lesson development, collaborative learning, interactive learning, inquiry learning, web-based learning, and the use of websites, blogs, eBooks, and other web-resources.

For eBooks in PDF Format written by Monica Sevilla Visit: