Selly Oak

How many people have diabetes in Selly Oak?

About 584 in 5 practices (this seems quite low?)

It's easy to find the number of people with diabetes in Birmingham from the PCT level QOF tables 2010/11 - prevalence spreadsheet, column M tells you the numbers for the three PCTs in Birmingham (N&E, Heart of, and South) – it’s about 60,000 people.

There’s no mid-level data for ‘Selly Oak’, you need to combine the individual numbers for practices which are in that area, from Practice level QOF tables 2010/11 - prevalence. Column N has the numbers for each practice’s Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes) Register (ages 17+).

These two files live in the landing page called QOF prevalence data tables list

To find out which practice is in Selly Oak compared to others in South Birmingham PCT (but not actually in Selly Oak) use Gavin Jamie’s QOF gpcontract website. The relevant page for South Birmingham is here but it comes via West Midlands (which covers Birmingham) and that via England and ultimately via the top page. You have to scroll down the page to get 'member of this organisation' information...!

• South Birmingham Gp Walk In Centre

15 Katie Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6JG

• University Southgate Practice

University Southgate Prac, 11 Bournbrook Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 7BL

• Weoley Park Surgery

112 Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 5HA

• Selly Oak Health Centre

Selly Oak Health Centre, 15 Katie Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6JG

• Bournbrook Varsity Medical Centre

Bournbrook Varsity Mc, 1a Alton Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 7DU

Adding the figures for these 5 practices gave 584 people.