Diary Book for the Year 1911; Bennett L. Dean

January 1911

Sunday January 1 A new year and Today is cloudy and threatening rain, it is warm and the snow is packy. We have about 6 inches of snow and is good sleighing but one does not see many sleighs these days, it is all automobiles and wagons. People cannot afford Autos and sleighs too I suppose. I worked at the office this morning from 8 to 9:30. The windows did not open for the public to call. We start the new year in good health but Annas. I have worked so hard and been up so much nights lately that we feel the need of sleep and rest. Last night we were still up when the whistles and bells and guns began ringing out the old and in the new year. The children go the bed so early and then wake up and get up so early that it does not give us much chance. Laurence usually goes to sleep in his chair at the supper table and I undress him and put him to bed without his ever waking. And Howard and Bennett usually go at 7 oclock and Today they have been more strenuous than usual. Howard & Bennett had a terrible time getting ready for Sunday School. Howard is a great boy to want to wear some thing he ought not to or is inappropriate and Bennett went crying down the street because Howard went on ahead and so it goes always some thing doing with the children.

Monday January 2 The day started out with misty rain, wet and nasty, the snow was soft and slushy but it cleared and grew cold and by night was very cold. Today was a holiday but it was not much of a holiday for me, it took me 7 hours to make one trip. Home all the rest of the day. Read stories to the children and dosed, Etc. We ate the leavings of yesterdays pork roast dinner and just enjoyed life in a lazy way.

Tuesday January 3 Colder than Je hue Today, a fearful wind blew all day from the South West and it was the coldest I ever faced. but thank goodness we can keep the house warm, it was up to 70° in the house all day. The mail is dropping back to normal again, I almost made two trips today, the first time in over a week. School vacation is over and Howard and Bennett went back to school. Roy Kieffer has the mumps and of course we worry for fear we have got to have it 4 times over.

Wednesday January 4 Very cold, colder that yesterday by the thermometer, 6 to 16°, but it was bright and beautiful and I did not suffer half so much as I did yesterday. I put on my knit jacket yesterday for the first time this winter.

Thursday January 5 Coldest of the season, 2 to 13°, but it snowed a little fine snow. I went to Dentist over on Woodward & Milwaukee, McDermid. I wanted to have a back tooth filled and thought it would take but a minute but the pesky nerve has got to be killed before it can be filled and that means I have got to go several times.

Friday January 6 More snow and not so cold, 22 to 16°. I went down town at noon paid Gas, Elec lights, Groceries and bought myself 2 undershirts, 2 over shirts and two pair of socks all at a 1/3 off sale at Travers. It was quite an outfit for me but I need still more and now is the time to buy.

Saturday January 7 Quite summery Today, 16-36, misting at night. I do not feel well Today and all the afternoon I had a peculiar pain in my right arm at the elbow and it scares me stiff for fear it is rheumatism but I presume it [is from] carrying the heavy loaded sack on my shoulder.

Sunday January 8 Warm and raining. Fearful high wind and some snow at night. Howard and Bennett have just started for Sunday School. Laurence is trying to stand on his head by the couch, Anna is at work clearing the morning dishes, Louise is asleep in the buggy. Louise starts out the new year with 5 teeth, two up stairs and 3 down stairs. She looks fine and healthy now and I really believe she is getting fat. She weighs about 15 1/2 lbs. now.

Monday January 9 The wind was still blowing hard this morning but it went down and we had a fine day, not very cold. Anna went next door and called on the Richards. Mrs. Fey and baby and Mother was there, they did live next door down stairs, now the owner Mrs. Julia Bader just married to a Mr. Bell live there.

Tuesday January 10 Fine day, warm and bright, 21-40°. The snow is going fast and the streets are solid ice. I rode my wheel to work today the first time for quite a while. Howard scared us stiff to night. When I came from work Anna was in a great stew and crying. Howard had not come in yet and the boys around here said he had gone with some strange boys up on the Boulevard skating. It was dark and he never staid so before. So I started out inquiring as I went and found him up on Milwaukee at he head of Hecla at Allens playing in their house with the Allen twins. Things were not very pleasant the rest of the Eve.

Wednesday January 11 Rained all day since 8 a.m. and still raining outside 9 P.M., 42 to 32°. I have tramped and slipped and slid through the rain and water all day and I wish I had a gentlemans job but I guess I never will have it. I went to the Dentist again Today this time he pulled the nerves out of the tooth but I have got to go again to have it filled. Louise has been quite sick Today, it seems to be her stomach or teeth. She had a little fever this afternoon but it is gone again now and she is sleeping in the buggy. And the boys are all in bed up stairs.

Thursday January 12 Fine day. Belle called. Mrs Mamer called. Mrs Woehler called, all here at once. Anna said people will stay away for months then all come at once. Mrs Mamers name is Louise so she has interested herself in our Louise and has sent her a Xmas [gift] and has always said she was coming to get acquainted with baby Louise and so she came today.

Friday January 13 Warm and threatening but the cold wave the weather man said was coming did not come but I guess no one is sorry. Louise was quite sick yesterday but she is better today, just now she is sleeping in the buggy. The boys are up stairs in bed and Anna is in the kitchen ironing and it is 9 oclock.

Saturday January 14 Warm, 33 to 36°, a little rain and lots of slush and mud. Mrs Mamer called again Today. She thinks we ought to have a Dr. for Louise and insisted we get her [a] Dr. [which] made Anna a little mad. I went to the Dentist again Today, he patched up an old filling in my front tooth Today. There was a fig fire at Com. & R.R. Started about 4:30 P.M. I saw it as I was coming home and came home and took Howard. Bennett could not go because his rubbers was wet inside. Howard and I went and stood around watching it for about 1/2 hour, then came back to supper. Crowds and crowds of people were there. It was a very spectacular fire, lots of blaze. The building that burned was the old King Stock Yards Hotel, moved on to its present location from the old stock yards and was occupied by the Griswold Motor Body Co.

Sunday January 15 Colder, 29 to 22°, bright fine day. Home all day. Louise is better today but I guess we will have to get the Dr. for her. Her stomach and bowls are bad. She is very listless and unambitious. We think it is teeth and perhaps her food. We read in the morning paper that a fireman, Capt. Levi Fletcher, was killed at the fire last night at the Griswold Motor Body Co. fire. A wall of the old part fell over on him but we knew nothing about it untill this morning. Anna took the kids and Louise out for about a 15 minute walk this P.M.

Monday January 16 Cold but fine day, 11 to 18°. Bennetts birthday, 6 years old Today. He is 3 feet 7 1/2 inches tall. I wanted to get him a spelling board but they did not have any where I went so I finally got him a little wheelbarrow for 50¢ and at the dinner table when we were through I told him to shut his eyes and I got it and put it on the table in front of him and made believe it wanted to squeal and of course he was delighted and happy. And of course the rest want to see and try it, especially Laurence I felt sorry for him he wanted it so bad and whispered to me that he wanted one too. And for supper he had a birthday cake with 6 candles on it. We had the Dr. Today for Louise but she was so much better we were sorry we sent for him and he said she was getting along fine.

Tuesday January 17 As cold as yesterday, 12 to 21°, but clear fine day. Louise seems like her old self Today. We did not get any medicine for her at all. I am fearfully tired to night, dont see much use in living. I went to the Dentist Today noon but he put me off untill tomorrow. Anna is down on the floor in the play room trying to straighten up. It is after 10 and the kids are all asleep, the boys up in bed and Louise in the buggy.

Wednesday January 18 Cold, 18 to 30°, clear and fine. Went to the Dentist Today noon, he put in one gold and one silver filling Today. Anna and kids went and called on Anna Fry out on Milwaukee this afternoon.

Thursday January 19 Not so nice Today, not so cold but it has misted all day making the side walks very slippery. It is very hard walking and I am tired out pretty much all the time. Louise is sick enough Today to be very cross and tiresome. We are finding life very strenuous these days.

Friday January 20 Nasty day, misty and slippery in the morning, soft and slushy at night. Snow nearly all gone, the ground looks bare. Went to the Dentist again and he finished except the polishing of one filling. He put in 2 gold and 2 silver fillings, killed a nerve and charged $7. That seemed to me dear but I suppose as cheap as any one. I went in the first place thinking I had one cavity to be filled with silver to cost about a $1 and it cost $7 and I need the money for some thing else but that is the way it goes. I went to Dr. McDermid, corner Woodward and Milwaukee, he seemed to be very careful and thorough.

Saturday January 21 Colder, windy, the slush frozen. My tooth that was filled is fearfully sore I cannot step on it at all. Anna wanted to go down town to night and buy some linen at the linen sales but she was tired out after supper and Howard who goes with her when she goes for protection went to bed sick probably with a cold so she had to give it up. We scarcely can manage to get out to buy the necessities of life.

Sunday January 22 Nice day, cold and clear, down to 18°. Home all day, did not go out at all. Howard has a bad cold and is quite sick. Bennett went to Sunday School without him and of course felt big. Louise is getting better and her food seems to agree with her better than it did.

Monday January 23 Beautiful day, warm and fine. Anna and kids went for a walk over on 14th. They wanted to see Dr. Northrop who vaccinated Bennett and get his certificate but he was not in. They bought some pop corn at Nash Bros. and when I came home were popping corn and it was fine. We had not had any for so long we were all hungry for it.

Tuesday January 24 Beautiful day, warm. The mail was so light Today and I got home at 11 a.m. And Anna left for down town as soon as I got home. She went to Elliot, Taylor and Woolfindens Linen sale and bought sheets, towels, napkins, Etc. and got back at 1 oclock so I could go to work and that is the way we have to manage. They all took a walk in the afternoon. The streets are very muddy and nasty.

Wednesday January 25 Not so fine, very warm, almost rain this afternoon. And Louise has caught cold and is quite sick Today, she was just fine for a day or two and now sick again she keeps her Mother in constant hot water all the time. She is getting very cute and knows what we say. Knows when we say Howard, who he is, and Bennett and Laurence. She knows when they get ready to go by by and when I put on my coat she puts up her face to kiss with a wide open mouth. She waves by by with her arm straight out and wiggles her fingers a little bit.

Thursday January 26 Warm, up above 40° but damp, misty and cloudy, very nasty. And the streets oh how dirty and nasty. Went down town at noon paid water tax $1.82, bought groceries at Peter Smiths, meat and leaf lard at Goudies then I went up on Gratiot at a leather store and got some leather to fix the bottom in a little rocker chair and Laurences high chair. But oh how tired I am to night and I must go to bed early and rest up. Louise is better.

Friday January 27 Nasty day, some rain and very damp and cloudy, about 50°. We are having a January thaw all right. I never saw so much mud mercy it is fearful. So warm that I went without gloves and the fire in the furnace all but goes out. Howard and Bennett got a school certificate Today passing them into a higher grade. Bennett from Kindergarten to the first grade and Howard from A-3rd to B-4th. They both like their school and teacher. We made lard this evening and put a leather bottom in the Burns little rocker chair. The kids are all asleep and Anna is ironing and it is just striking 9 oclock.

Saturday January 28 Beautiful warm day just like spring, up as high as 50°. Put a leather seat in Laurences high chair Today noon. Bought a pair of rubbers for Howard.

Sunday January 29 Not a very pleasant day, cloudy and damp. I guess it rained in the night the walks were wet this morning. Home all day, not out at all. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. In the afternoon I shaved, read stories to the kids, we had pop corn towards supper time and supper, then the kids went to bed. Laurence was rather hoarse and had to be greased. He does not like that and always makes a fuss. And now the wind seems to be getting up a big blow about some thing, probably it is getting cold.

Monday January 30 Up and at work by 6 oclock Today. Ride over in the dark on my bike and this morning the wind was blowing a gale and it was fearful cold and seemed colder that it really was all day, 18 to 22°. The sun was bright but windy and cold. A little snow early. Went down and signed the pay roll this evening after work, came around that way on the car home.

Tuesday January 31 Cold and snowed all the forenoon but only about 2 inches came. Cleared and got warmer this afternoon. Bennett started in B-1 at school yesterday and he was as busy and important all day. He had to go to the store and buy an outfit of pencils, ruler, etc. then he must have 3 boxes and a pencil bag and with his outfit under his arm he trudged off to school as important as a professor. Bennett and Laurence both have bad colds and were sick last night.

February 1911

Wednesday February 1 Today not very cold from 27 to 30°. The streets are nasty and sloppy just enough snow on the ground to make it white. High wind by night. Laurence is quite sick with cold.

Thursday February 2 Ground Hog day and they say the sun shone at noon for a minute but I did not see it. Otherwise it was a gloomy day, 29-22°, threatened rain the A.M. and grew cold and windy in the P.M.

Friday February 3 Cloudy but not a bad day, 21 to 30°. The weather man said down to 10° above but I guess it is above 20°. Delia Hopkin and Mrs John Kerr called.

Saturday February 4 Fine day, not very cold, 35 to 25°. Grew windy and colder at night. Got to take a collection tomorrow night so I came home with bag and key, leggings and a new pair of rubbers prepared for the worst but hoping for the best.

Sunday February 5 Bright and beautiful, 13 to 21° but cold. The house was cold as any morning this winter and all the forenoon it was between 60 and 65°. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. Aunt Vina Joy and Lydia Joy McNab and baby Joy called this afternoon. I started out on my Sunday Collection about 6 P.M. and got home about 10. It takes about 1 3/4 hours to collect the mail, the rest of the time is consumed on the car sitting or facing the mail and getting home. The weather was cold and windy.

Monday February 6 Whew but what a day. I am glad we do not get many like this. I awoke about two A.M. and it was blowing and snowing and sifting right through the side of the house or windows. The wind was blowing against the front windows so hard that I expected it would blow the glass in. My but I hated to get out into it and go to work. It was drifted so bad I had to walk any old place to get through some times in the street some times on the walk. And it kept it up nearly all day. I guess about 6 inches came and I had to wallow through it all day long. And I can tell you I was tired out at night. And this is the day that Louise took a notion to walk the first step alone. When I came home about 5:30 P.M. she was walking a few steps back and forth from Mama to Howard and she was all excited and flushed and just screaming with delight. She has developed wonderfully in the last week or two, since her last sickness she has taken a big spurt. She is as cute as can be and seems to know all we say to her and knows how to make her wants known. When I put on my coat to go to work she always begins to hold out her mouth to be kissed and makes a grunt noise like um-um-um. She likes awfully well to get the basket of clean clothes when they come home from the wash and pull them all out onto the floor, then she hands each one to Mama and wants her to take them and she hangs to Mamas skirts when she is working and tries to keep up when Mama walks and is a nuisance.

Tuesday February 7 Well better than yesterday, 14 to 24°. Good enough weather, but hard getting around on account of the snow. I went down town at noon and paid the Gas and Elec light bills, ordered groceries at Peter Smiths and at night was tired and feeling old and stiff.

Wednesday February 8 Beautiful day bright and warm, 24 to 30°, snow beginning to go. Louise walks quite a lot now. She wanders around the house waddling very unsteady on her pins, her feet wide apart and her hands out stretched and a grin clear across her face just as though she knew she was the whole thing. She falls forward every few steps but gets up in her tracks and tries again.

Thursday February 9 Fine day, 16 to 34°. All the kids and Anna have colds more or less severe. Anna feels quite sick to night but she never has a chance to give up and be sick. She must keep going at any cost.

Friday February 10 Beautiful day, 23 to 27°. Anna is better Today. Anna has gone to a lecture at the school house to night. The children are all in bed. Howard has a head ache and did not eat any supper and has gone to bed feeling quite bad.

Saturday February 11 Beautiful day, 13 to 39°. Cold morning but fine and warm day. Howard seems all right Today. Got a letter from the Burns family who went to Florida last fall to run a garden farm. They do not like it and say they may come back.

Sunday February 12 Lincolns birthday. Cloudy, threatening, gloomy day and quite warm, 32 to 37°. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. I was home all day did not step out side the house. No body called.

Monday February 13 Half holiday Today. Cloudy, gloomy day, some rain. Mail not very heavy, home by 12:30. Anna went down town after dinner. I washed the dishes and took care of the kids. She does not get many chances to go down town. This is the first time she has been clear down town in nearly a year. She went and paid Dr. Bell what we owed him for Louises sickness. He charged $9.50 for 6 visits. He must have raised his price, he has always charged $1.00 a visit before. I guess we will have to find another Dr. I think there are as good Drs. for $1.00 as ten.

Tuesday February 14 St. Valentines day and what a day, 32-34°. I started out in the rain and wind and mud mercy what a day. It did not rain all the time but enough. Valentines are mostly post cards now which is some improvement at least. I bought the kids each a Valentine Card and they got one or two from the neighboring kids but not so many as they used to get down on Avery. Bennett took one to Dorothy Wachler over on Marquette over Hopcroft grocery.

Wednesday February 15 A little better Today but no sun, 28 to 33°. And it was awfully slippery this forenoon. Louise walks all the time now and just now she is bothering her Mama who is trying to finish up a waist for Howard. The rest of the kids have gone to bed.

Thursday February 16 Lovely day. Almost too warm, 31-45°, and mud mud I never saw the streets so nasty. Minnie Blair called.

Friday February 17 Very warm, 40 to 60°. Clothes uncomfortable. Rain and damp. Mud, mud, mud, mercy but it is nasty.

Saturday February 18 Rained nearly all night then turned to snow, about 2 inches of wet heavy snow on the ground. The trees are white with snow and very beautiful. Howard sick all day, nothing stays on his stomach not even a drink of water, it all comes up as soon as it gets down. His head aches and his throat is a little sore and he looks dreadful, no fever. Anna gave him Castor Oil and has him gargle his throat.

Sunday February 19 Quite a nice day but it has turned cold and seems quite cold. I had to go to the Drug Store over on the corner of 14th and Mil. to get Lime Water and Castor Oil and I found it was quite cold. Howard is no better Today and could keep nothing down all day Today. I guess some new microbe has got hold of him. Bennett went to Sunday School with Roy Keifer.

Monday February 20 Not a bad day. Cloudy and cold, 16 to 26°. Howard better Today things stay down on his stomach Today but he did not go to school.

Tuesday February 21 Beautiful day but cold, 14 to 21°. Howard on the mend but Laurence is sick Today, vomits and complains of his head and throat, lays on the couch and sleeps most of the time. Louise is crosser than sam patch and I guess she must have it. Bennett was a little sick yesterday but seems all right Today. Anna and I are both afflicted to some extent. I have a bad feeling and phlegm in my throat and I feel achey. We are a bum lot today but of course we have to keep moving.

Wednesday February 22 Geo. Washingtons birthday. I was through and home by 11:30 and it was a nice day partly cloudy and moderately cold, 24 to 32°. I took Bennett and went down town in the afternoon. I bought me a pair of shoes at Fyfes for $3 when I wanted a $5 pair and a rubber collar at Claytons when I wanted a linen one but you see we cannot have what we want. I got Laurence a couple pair of rompers when I would liked to have go suits, etc. I bought a pint of Castor Oil and then we took the car for home and got off at Farmers, cor. of 14th and Antoinette, and got a quart of ice cream and brought it home and we ate it after supper. Laurence was sick and had been teasing for it all day. Howard is still on the mend but is not very well yet.

Thursday February 23 Cloudy, not very cold, 19 to41°. Laurence better. Howard still unable to go to school, his throat is still sore and Louise has white spots on her throat Today. She cried nearly all night last night. Anna went to a concert at the Trumbull Church to night. She could not go alone so she got Mrs Woehler to go with her.

Friday February 24 Mild beautiful day. Anna took the kids and went for a walk this afternoon. And when she came home she could not make the key unlock the door. She tried and tried and got Harold Keifer to try but they could not make it work. The basement door was open, they could get into the basement but could not get up into the house so they had to wait for over a hour for me to come home. When I came into the basement with my wheel as I usually do there perched on the celar stairs was the whole family. We had a good laugh over it. After a few hopeless tries the key suddenly unlocked the door and our troubles was over.

Saturday February 25 Bright beautiful day, like a warm April day. I went to the Homer Warren Banquet to night given by the Post Office employees to honor our Post Master because he was so active and instrumental in closing the Post Office on Sunday. Detroit was the first large city to close. It was held at the Hotel Cadillac and was quite a swell affair. There was about 300 sat down to supper at $2.00 per. Of course I enjoyed the speaking, music and singing. The supper was nice but I have had as good at home. I sat at a table with Jack Pardee, John Waldron, Tom Flowers, Frank Dougherty and another man I did not know, all carriers. It was all very fine. I got home about 2 A.M. We heard from Homer Warren, Charles Swan, Mr Kelly Pres. of N.A.L.C., Frank Clark and many others.

Sunday February 26 Cloudy and some colder. Feel old and sleepy after my out last night. Home all day.

Monday February 27 Cloudy, threatening and colder.

Tuesday February 28 Beautiful grand day, 19 to 37°. Mrs Cushing who was doing our washing has quit us and Anna has done it alone Today. We got out the water Power washer, cleaned it up and it did fine work. Louise was fastened in a high chair watching proceedings.

March 1911

Wednesday March 1 March came in a little cold and a high wind but it was bright sunshine and clear. I went down town at noon and ordered groceries at Peter Smiths in the evening. I worked on Bennetts shoes, tapped and stuck a patch on them and sewed up a seam. I keep their shoes going a whole lot longer but it takes me a couple of hours to do what a cobbler would do in a few minutes. It usually takes me longer to find my tools and things to do any job than to do the job. The kids use every thing I got and when I want any thing it usually requires the whole family to find it.

Thursday March 2 Fine some times, snow some times. Any body would know it was March even if they just woke up.

Friday March 3 Beautiful day, 29 to 35°. Ground was white with snow this morning but was soon gone. The Burns family arrived this morning from Florida. They went with about 50 other families last fall down there to garden on a large scale and get rich but things were not just as they represented and this proved to be a bad year too so they gave it up, sold their 10 acre claim, Household effects and came back. They said the climate was beautiful but the land was Glade land and under water when they got there. The land out side of that was rock, rough gagged rock, lots of pests like flies, Mosquitoes, Red bugs, Roaches, scorpions, Toads and lots of all kinds of snakes. They went in Oct. and saw the best of the year in summer it is unbearably hot and the pests multiply a hundred times over. They were near Miami.

Saturday March 4 Beautiful day, rather cold, 25 to 33°, raw wind. Took Howard down town and bought him a pair of shoes at R. H. Fyfes $2.00, paid the Gas $1.84, and electric lights $1.37. The Burns are house hunting and that is discouraging work to find any thing desireable. 3 tons of Pocohontas coal was put in yesterday morning.

Sunday March 5 Cloudy, threatening, raw cold. Burns here and still house hunting. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. Laurence seems a little out of sorts but we do not know what is the matter with him. Began snowing like sixty about 5 oclock and kept it up all the evening.

Monday March 6 Beautiful day, but there is about 4 inches of snow on the ground which makes it bad walking. This is weighing time in the P.O. for six days we have to weigh count and time our selves. It seems all nonsense and it certainly is a nuisance.

Tuesday March 7 Rather cold and raw Today, about 20 to 30°. The Burns are here and going and coming looking for houses. It keeps us in a state of mind and in confusion but then I guess we are glad to help them. Mrs Burns has done a great deal for Anna. But I guess they have found a house at 1249 Trumbull, cor. of Marquette, only 3 blocks from here. I heard of it and in time so they were the first applicants.

Wednesday March 8 Cold and raw again Today, about 25°. The Burns have rented the house at 1249 Trumbull, the lower part of a 2 family flat for $15, which seems cheap. The people move out Today and the Burns can then have posession. It is no fun to find a suitable house to rent every thing desireable is taken before you know of it.

Thursday March 9 Beautiful day and as warm as May, between 30 and 50°. Snow all gone and mud in its place. The Burns took their first meal in their new house Today noon and we were back in our own number again. It seemed good to us and I presume it seemed good to them. It made a pretty big family for us. Bennett has a swelling behind his right jaw and we suspicion it is mumps as we have it in the neighborhood.

Friday March 10 Fine day, warm, about 37 to 57°. Bennett has the mumps all right on the right side, and he says he can feel it on the left side but it does not show yet on that side. He is not sick but we will have to keep him out of school and in the house as a precaution against cold. Howard and I went down to the Light Guard Armory this afternoon to see Moving pictures of Panama but we were a little late and so big a crowd that the place was filled and they would not let us and lots of others in. I got home early from work because my 40 hours was up.

Saturday March 11 Beautiful day, warm, 30 to 50°. Bennett has the mumps on both sides Today but he is not sick he plays as usual but we keep him in the house.

Sunday March 12 Cold nasty rain this morning, in the afternoon it rained mixed with a few flakes of snow, 26 to 43°. Howard went to Sunday School. Anna went to see the Burns in the afternoon the rest did not get out at all.

Monday March 13 Beautiful spring like day, 26 to 43°. Heavy load of mail put in 9 hours, fearfully tired. Bennett looks very strange and unnatural with his cheeks swelled out on both sides. He does not seem to mind them at all only he hates to stay in. Laurence has a breaking out between this fingers that looks like poisen or itch and we do not see what causes it but think it must come from a bad stomach. Anna puts Borax and Listerine and such stuff on it.

Tuesday March 14 Beautiful day, 33 to 52°. Anna washed Today and that means a hard day for her. Louise bothers so much she wants always to be right where Mama is and usually hanging on to her skirts and she is a large sized nuisance. Bennetts chops do not seem to stick out quite so far Today. Howard bought him a top and it makes him so mad that he just screams because it wont spin of course he thinks it is the tips fault. Laurence hands look a little better but they itch fearfully.

Wednesday March 15 Well of all the days a fearful wind from the North felt like a cake of ice against your face and went right through you, the temperature went down and down and at 7 in the Eve was only 7° above zero and it snowed perfect blizzards at times the house was colder than any time this winter. It was about 63° all day. I thought I would freeze on my route and blow away. We get very few worse days than this and we do not want them either.

Thursday March 16 Down to 8° above this A.M. but the wind was not so bad and the sun was warm but for all that it was a cold day for this time of year. Bennetts mumps are all gone but we wont send him back to school untill Monday. The teacher sent him his report card and he had all S's and he was as proud as could be. Told every body that came in etc. Went down town at noon and ordered groceries.

Friday March 17 Cold this A.M. but got quiet warm and rained late in the evening, 22 to 42°. Anna went with Mrs Burns to a concert at the school house this evening.

Saturday March 18 Beautiful day, quite warm, 31 to 38°. Mrs Burns comes in nearly every day. Edna appeared Today at noon and spent most of the afternoon with Anna. She comes so seldom and the rest of the family hardly ever come. Geo has never been here as long as we have lived in this house and he lives only a mile from here at 3 Milwaukee W. Erine and Herbert I hear from only through Mother and that is not very often. Herbert sent us a picture of Dorothy a few days ago but he never writes any more and since we moved from Avery up here it seems as tho we are out of the circle and have but few friends.

Sunday March 19 Beautiful day, 30 to 48°. Anna took a walk. Mrs. Fey and Mrs Richards called. Burns over in the evening. Had to get out and take a collection to night this time I took No 4 and it was not so bad, not as much mail and I was home at 9 oclock.

Monday March 20 Beautiful day, 39 to 54°. Anna found time to take a walk this afternoon. Louise is at a very cute age just now. Every body thinks her so little and tiny for her age and I guess she is. She expresses herself almost entirely with two little words "eh-tet" "eh-tet". And these words with various inflections and emphasizing accompanyed with expressions and gestures serve for the whole english language. She makes her wants known, coaxes and jaws and scolds and tells all about it many times a day.

Tuesday March 21 Beautiful day, just like spring, 39 to 58°. Anna washed this forenoon and this afternoon every body that had not been here for 6 months dropped in on her and visited with her, Mrs Jacobs, Aunt Dill, Inez Hart, Mrs Burns and besides she got a long looked for letter from Mabel in Los Angeles.

Wednesday March 22 Fine day, good weather to work and lots to do. My work is too hard I am always tired out when I get through and come home I am to far gone to enjoy life. I cannot even read because I go to sleep. I usually tend the furnace clean up a little around the basement and maybe read a story to the children. Then by that time it is time for them to go to bed. And my job is to undress and carry up stairs and put to bed Laurence who has usually been asleep since supper time. If he takes a nap in the afternoon he is wide awake enough but he is always to busy playing and does not want to take a nap. And that is the usually daily routine for me. I hardly ever go any where and [when] I do go is like pulling teeth to make my self do it.

Thursday March 23 Howards birthday, he is 9 years old my but how they do grow up. It is windy and cold Today, 24 to 33°. We think we must do some thing for each one on their birthday so we got Howard a new blue sweater, a box of candy and of course he must have a cake with candles on it. Mabel sent some tiny candles and rose bud holders from Los Angeles. And Anna had fine luck with the cake, round 3 layer cake all covered with pink icing. The candles were pink and when the cake with the 9 candles were brought in all lighted the other lights were all tuned out. And while the candles were burning we drank cocoa with a marsh mallow in it for cream. And the kids seem to appreciate it and enjoy it all.

Friday March 24 Fine day, cold morning, 20 to 32°. I got through work early Today because I had worked 40 hours this week and we must reserve 8 hours for Saturday. Anna was going to pay a call on Mrs Gray when I got home but Mrs Burns was here and Anna was ironing so she did not go.

Saturday March 25 Beautiful day just like spring, 28 to 56°. The children played out with only their sweaters. Anna took a walk with the kids in the afternoon.

Sunday March 26 Cloudy and threatening. Howard & Bennett off to Sunday School. Was not nice enough to take a walk. Home all day. Children strenuous. Anna does not feel well and the children have made life miserable for her Today. Howard is complaining, I guess he is coming down with the mumps.

Monday March 27 Cold and fearful windy, my how it does blow, it gets on your nerves when it blows so. Howard has the mumps on his right side. Bennett goes back to school Today and Howard stays at home. Bennett was out 2 weeks. Snowed hard about 6 P.M.

Tuesday March 28 Snowed last night, ground white with snow and ice this morning, about gone by night. This [is] my birthday. I am 43 years old. I am beginning to show age, hair gray around my temples. Anna says I am a little bald on the back of my head but I guess it does not show much yet. But I am having good health now and working hard. I am rather discouraged of ever getting rich, we are living on a pretty close margin but when I get the building & Loan paid up and some of my life insurance paid I ought to be considerably easier financially. Just now it takes all we can save to pay assesments. I weigh between 155 and 160, a good deal less than I used to.

Wednesday March 29 A regular March day. Snow, rain, sunshine and every thing else, mostly bad. We got news from Los Angeles Today that Flora Crosher, Annas sister, that she had a pair of twins, boy and girl born the 23 March, that is on Howards birthday. She has 4 kids now, two boys and two girls. Mrs Burns Mother died last night suddenly.

Thursday March 30 Ground covered with snow this morning, awful sloppy. Every body complaining of the weather. Laurence coming down with the mumps.

Friday March 31 The last day of March, it came out bright and fine but it was cold. This morning the ground was well covered with snow and the mud and water in the streets was frozen solid. Our fire is going nearly as hard as any time this winter. Howard and Laurence have the mumps. Howard complains more about their hurting and feeling bad, a good deal more than Bennett did or Laurence does. Anna went down to the corner of 12 and Warren to view the remains of Mrs Allen, Mrs Burns Mother. We got a letter from the Northville Building and Loan Today saying they wanted to pay us off on 12 shares that have run 8 1/2 years. That kind of upsets our plans, we expected of course that they would run 10 years and be worth $100 a share and all together we have 20 shares that would mean $2000 but this way we will get $900 now and about $600 more in six months longer. While of course we will not have to pay into it I feel afraid it will mean that we will stop saving that much and not have as much in the end as we would if they had continued.

April 1911

Saturday April 1 Very cold, 20 to 29°. Some snow on the ground and the mud and water frozen hard. Windy raw and disagreeable, not very encouraging for Spring. Aunt Cornelia came and spent the afternoon.

Sunday April 2 Cloudy, threatening and cold, 23 to 31°. Home all day. Bennett and Howard did not go to Sunday School. Anna and Louise went down and called on the Hardenbergs. The Burns called in the P.M.

Monday April 3 Windy and cold, 25 to 26°. Bennett has a sore throat and is quite sick and he worries Anna nearly to death. He is so hard to take care of he wont let you spray his throat or any thing and that makes it doubly hard. Voted Today.

Tuesday April 4 Well the least said about a day like this the better. It rained nearly all night and froze to the trees and walks so it was very slippery. And it rained all day with out a let up. Cold horrid rain. It did not stay slippery but was a most horrid day, 32 to 40°. I went down town at noon and paid Water Tax, Gas and Elec, ordered groceries etc. but my I am tired to night. Laurence is quite sick to night says his head aches and he dont feel good. Howard is about over the mumps and Bennetts throat is better but it keeps us constantly worrying and doing for them.

Wednesday April 5 Not so bad as yesterday, warmer. Rained a little once but was cloudy and threatening. Laurence is very sick, severe billious attack. He did not get up all day but lay in his own bed. Vomited every few minutes. Anna telephoned the Dr. what to do and he gave her a few directions and thought he would be all right but my he seems so sick and weak you would think he was dying almost. Mercy but it is always some thing on deck, never a let up.

Thursday April 6 Disagreeable some rain threatened all day. Warm untill about 4 P.M. then the wind turned cold. Laurence still sick in bed or on the couch, he does not eat and complains of head ache and his stomach hurts. He seemed quite hot still, we did not think he had a fever. I went and got some Ice Cream for his supper and he enjoyed and it seemed to do him good. He has not vomited Today and we suppose he is getting better but he does look so sick that we worry.

Friday April 7 Cold but clear and bright, beats the dutch how cold it is. Laurence up around Today but he looks as tho he had been sick a month. He looks tall and thin as tho some one had taken a hold of each end of him and given him a good stretch out. Anna took Louise and Laurence in the buggy and took a walk. I guess the mumps have about disappeared although Howard shows a little on his left side yet. Bennett, Howard and Laurence had them on both sides but Louise has not had them yet it seems funny that she should escape. Howard has been out of school 2 weeks and Bennett all this week because of his sore throat and next week is Easter vacation. The worst is having them around they get on your nerves. There is lots of scarlet fever around, I hope we do not get that because I would have to be quarantined out and the rest in for I would have to keep at work.

Saturday April 8 Still very cold, 33 to 40°, one is not comfortable with out winter wraps and even gloves. I still wear gloves and the fire has to go at a pretty good clip to keep the house warm. We have had 2 weeks of bad weather now and I think it might let up and have some warm spring weather. March was bad and cold and so far April has been worse.

Sunday April 9 Well it looks different out this morning, it is bright and beautiful but the house was as cold as ever and the fire had to be stirred up good and plenty, 31 to 45°. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. Afternoon the McLeods came and we are always glad to have them come. Mr McLeod and I came into the service the same day and were appointed regulars, after 2 1/2 years of subbing, the same day. Inez Hart called. Mrs Slater the nurse called. And we all walked part way with the McLeods when they went home.

Monday April 10 Warm and beautiful Today, 38 to 53°, really looks like spring. Anna did a big washing this forenoon and this afternoon she took the kids and went away out 14th in the country beyond the Boulevard looking for a Flying Machine that Howard said was going up. They found the tent it was in but it did go up. Then on the way back she stopped at Hughes on 14th and got some Rhubarb roots and I set them out after wards in our back yard. Morris chair came from Thomaus Today and it is fine.

Tuesday April 11 Beautiful day again getting incouraged, 38 to 58°. This is vacation week in the schools so the kids are home this week. They are pretty well over their ailments and it would be a relief to have them off to school. Louise gets cuter ever day and Today she has been out doors nearly every minute. Howard takes her riding, he is very good that way. Tom L Johnson of Cleveland Pie Plant is dead.

Wednesday April 12 Rained all day, 41 to 49°. It was fearfully dusty yesterday but I guess I would rather have dust than this it always makes me feel like 36 cents to work such a day as this. I say a skunk would crawl into his hole and stay there such a day as this but a man keeps going no matter what the weather and I wonder why. Base Ball was to begin Today but it was too wet.

Thursday April 13 Nearly as bad as yesterday, 49 to 56°. Rained nearly all day. It is warm but bad. The poor letter carriers are peddling Easter Cards and the card nuisance is a real burden to us it just about doubles our work every holiday or day of note.

Friday April 14 Raining when I went to work but it cleared into quite a nice warm day, 44 to 54°. We celebrated Good Friday by eating 2 dozen Hot + Buns. Anna took Bennett down town and bought him a cap, pants and shoes which he badly needed. Mrs Burns stayed with the rest of the kids while she was gone.

Saturday April 15 Bright and fine except a bad wind that blew and blew and when I came home from work about 5 it was snowing a regular blizzard. I was covered white from head to foot with wet snow when I got home. I took my lunch today on account of heavy Easter mail.

Easter Sunday April 16 This morning looked like winter. There was enough snow to make it look white and it was cold enough for winter wraps but the sun came out, the snow was soon gone and it was a fine day but a little too cold for Easter clothes, 32 to 45°. We all had to work at the office Today from 9:30 untill finished, it took me an hour and a 1/4. We had a little Easter fixings for the kids at dinner, Easter candy eggs, chickens and Bunnies. Mrs Mamer sent Louise a nest of candy eggs and chickens and I got a 5¢ bunny with candies in it for Laurence and they were all arranged in the center of the table and they were so tickled. Louise just screamed and pointed at them. For dinner we had Ham and Eggs, bananas with dressing, Mashed Potato, Bread & Butter and Ice Cream and cake. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. Bennett had his new waist that Anna made, new pants, shoes and cap and he looked fine. Anna and the kids took a walk while I was asleep in my new Morris chair. No body called except Mrs Burns.

Monday April 17 Cold morning, down to 32° but bright fine day. Anna washed and took a walk down to Burns. I am about all in to night, heavy mail mostly Easter Cards.

Tuesday April 18 Some warmer and fair day, 40 to 65°.

Wednesday April 19 Beautiful day, warm, 46 to 49°.

Thursday April 20 Rain and more rain. I do not think it stopped a minute from early morning till late at night every body and every thing was soaked but there is an end to all things so such a day as this does end in time, 41 to 60°.

Friday April 21 Showers Today but not as bad as yesterday, cooler. We mailed, by register letter, our 43rd series of the Northville Loan Certificates to Van Atta Today and expect he will send us checks for what ever they are worth. We figure they are worth just about Nine Hundred Dollars. Anna went down town after I got home and bought herself a couple of cheap house dresses. Minnie Blair up.

Saturday April 22 Cold raw day, some rain some snow and some nice weather, 33 to 50°. Anna got a letter from her Mother do day telling of Ruth Hastings marriage and a few other items of news. The letters are getting fewer and farther between. Soon they well be a separate branch of the family altogether.

Sunday April 23 Some rain, not so cold as yesterday. Home all day. Burns over in the evening. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School.

Monday April 24 Beautiful day, warmer, feels like spring. I went down town at noon put my Building and Loan check in the Peoples State Bank, $301.00. Van Atta sent them to us by Mail Today, mine was $301.00 and Annas was $602.00. I still have 8 shares in it yet. This evening I went over to Girm... and got a cactus tire put on my front wheel.

Tuesday April 25 Beautiful day as warm as summer in the middle of the day. We all went up to McLeods, 97 Scovel Place, and took supper. Anna went with the kids in the afternoon and I came on my wheel after work. Had a fine visit but the coming home is the worst of it. Louise and Laurence we put into the buggy and of course they were asleep before we got home. Howard pushed the bicycle all the way home, he wished he could ride it but he does not know how. Bennett was so tired he grumbled a good deal and wanted Howard to let him sit on the bicycle and Howard ride him. Howard thought he could but Papa knew better and so we came along the Boulevard from Grand River to 12th St. like a lost flock of sheep. People we met would count 1-2-3-4 and then say oh my. It was nearly 10 P.M. when we got home but then we do not go very often.

Wednesday April 26 Beautiful day, warm. Ed Risdon, a letter carrier, commited suicide night before last by shooting himself through the heart. Money and family troubles was the cause, he was fearfully in debt and I suppose he was so discouraged that life was not worth the living. Anna went down to he Peoples State Bank and deposited her Building and Loan money, $602.00. It was a great event in her life and she feels mighty big and important to think she has a Bank account all her own. McLeod came for some butter.

Thursday April 27 Beautiful day, really uncomfortably warm. Mrs Burns here.

Friday April 28 Beautiful day, warm, this is the first day that the furnace fire has been out all day since last Oct some time. Mrs Summers called. Uncle Henry Blair died Today, he has been sick for some time.

Saturday April 29 Some rain last night and evening but a beautiful summery day. Most too warm for comfort and the nights are warm too.

Sunday April 30 Beautiful warm day. Every carrier worked Today and will have to every Sunday in May because they are counting and time in the handling of the mail again. Home all day except we went down to the Burns after supper to get Howard. The Burns were here this afternoon and Howard went home with them. I put my summer underwear on Today so I suppose it will immediately get cold.

May 1911

Monday May 1 Bright, showers, getting windy and colder in the afternoon. Anna went down town after some dress fixing in the afternoon and then took them up to McLeods after supper. I staid with the kids. She took Howard for company and it rained pitch forks and was freezing cold in the bargain. And I had a sweet time with the kids. I left Bennett to watch Louise while I went to the basement to start a fire and he let her fall off a box and spill some water on her and she yelled and I came on a jump and never got the fire started. Laurence howled nearly all the evening because he did not kiss his Mama when she went away. I said "you did kiss her good" and he howled some more. But I finally read the story of the 3 pigs and the wolf, and they began to smile and all went to bed good natured.

Tuesday May 2 Cold but bright, down to freezing. Had to start the fire again.

Wednesday May 3 Cold but bright. Belle Hardenberg called. Aunt Dill Hart called. Mrs E. E. Burns Called.

Thursday May 4 Bright and getting warmer.

Friday May 5 Fine warm day, a little fire morning and evening. Anna and children went for a long walk and she went and paid Bossardet the milk bill we owed him.

Saturday May 6 Beautiful warm day. Howards teacher took her room of kids and went with them to the woods some where out 18th St. Howard has been anxious for the time to come for several days and he had a fine time. He did not see any Bears but he saw a snake and got a few flowers. He took a lunch and was gone all the afternoon. Anna took a walk with the rest of the kids.

Sunday May 7 Fine day, warm, too warm for winter clothes and we have not got our springs togs so we had to stay at home all day. I worked a couple of hours in the morning. Mrs. McLeod made a coat for Anna and sent it over yesterday by Donald but Anna has no hat, we need every thing for every body.

Monday May 8 Elegant day, warm enough for shirt waists and every body wears them nearly. I did not because I was not fixed right. Annas Uncle Herbert Clarkson of Chicago dropped in on us this afternoon. He has been out at Northville for a day or two. He will stay here tonight and leave for Chicago tomorrow morning. He comes usually once a year but this is an extra visit on account of his having a few days extra vacation to pay him back for some over time he put in. He is an Ice Inspector in Chicago.

Tuesday May 9 Beautiful day. I wore my shirt waist Today for the first time this season. I went down town at noon to pay Gas and Electric light bills. Edna and Clarence up this evening. We had a good long visit, the kids were all in bed.

Wednesday May 10 Rained last night and this morning but was a fine day any way but the mail was heavy so I am very tired this Eve.

Thursday May 11 Beautiful day. The world is very beautiful these days, the trees, shrubs, lawns, Etc are just at their prettiest. Dandelions are in their full glory, lilacs are just coming out, tulips are out and it seems that just now is the very best of the year especially if the weather is fine there are no pests the flys and mosquitoes have not come yet. I think the Boulevard up above us here is a Beautiful place. I go over the ground from Woodward to 12 4 times a day to and from my route and I think it is worth a great deal just to walk over it and see the trees shrubs flowers and finely kept lawns all the way. Anna went down town and bought a new hat and is now worrying her self sick for fear she wont like it.

Friday May 12 Some what cloudy and threatening and fearfully windy. Father here Today, Mother is down at Ednas and will come up before she goes back to Plymouth. It is very hard for her to get around.

Saturday May 13 Fine day. Mrs Jacobs here a good share of the day, nuisance. Mrs Burns called. Anna Fry and kids here. Anna had swept the whole house in the forenoon and was most too tired to enjoy company but that is the time they all come. Anna wants to have them all dreadfully at times but it does seem as tho they all come at once and just when Anna wants to work or is too tired to visit. Annas hat came from Elliots and it is trimmed with green and Anna thinks she is going to like it. Well it is all right but mercy what creations they get up for the poor women to wear.

Sunday May 14 Rather cold last night we had a little fire to take a bath last night and are keeping it going Today. No work Today, they decided we could do the counting Monday morning with out working Sunday. Father and Mother and Edna came up this afternoon. Clarence came later. Father and Mother will stay a few days. Anna went to Church this morning for the first time in many a long day. Donald Burns joined the Church along with over 50 others and Anna wanted to see them.

Monday May 15 We had a little fire this morning but it was warm enough in the sun. Father and Mother here Today. Mother is quite feeble and shows her 74 years buy Father altho he is very deaf he is quite rugged and well looking for a man of 83 summers.

Tuesday May 16 Some rain but warmer. Father and Mother went back to Ednas this afternoon. Bennett did not go to School this afternoon. He is not well. He is as thin as a rail and he coughs at night untill he grieves every body distracted. And nothing seems to strike the spot that we can think of. I think it is from a bad stomach he does not eat but very little and then it is usually some thing we would rather he would not eat. Mowed the lawn for the first time this year.

Wednesday May 17 Well it was hot Today up in the eighties some where I guess about 88 and it seems to strike every body hard. Put up the screen door at the back and side. Washed windows and scrubbed porches. Anna did a big washing Today.

Thursday May 18 Hotter than yesterday fearful hot about as hot as we ever had it here. Got the windows washed and the screens in, the June bugs were just walking right in and making them selves at home. Flies are coming by the few, mosquitoes are not noticeable yet still I have seen a few.

Friday May 19 Hot, hearful hot. I cut Howards and Bennetts hair short Today and wanted to cut Laurences but he was not in the proper frame of mind and did not want it cut.

Saturday May 20 Still fearful hot. We bought Ednas Library Table and it came Today. We like the table but she wanted to sell us a chair too but we did not want it but she has sent that too and we do not want it at all. I cut Laurences hair short Today and it looks fine. Every body remarks about his beautiful white hair.

Sunday May 21 Very warm, I do not remember such a hot spell in May before. Thermometer gets up above 90° every day and that is pretty hot. I had to get out at 5:30 and take the Highland Park Collection. I went to Woodward and Church and then worked Woodward back to the City limits. There is only 7 boxes in the Park but it takes a good 35 min. to take them, then I worked at Hamilton & Oakland back to Boston Boulvd. 18 boxes in all then took the car to the Main P.O. got there 8:30. I met a big shower but the most of it went around me so I did not get very wet. I was home at 9 tired and hungry. I ate supper and went to bed.

Monday May 22 Hot, oh so hot. Shower in the evening but it does not cool off much. The nights are nearly as hot as the days. We sleep without covers. The thermometer goes as high as 94°. We have been giving Bennett worm medicine Dr Jaynes. I think and he is getting better . Does not cough but little now and has a better appetite. The school Dr. sent a card home with Bennett saying he ought to have a Doctor but we do the Doctoring ourselves as much as possible.

Tuesday May 23 Well it is some cooler Today, shower this P.M. I patched the screen door up stairs on the balcony and started a washtub bench that I have been going to make every since we lived here.

Wednesday May 24 Cooler, just dandy Today. Anna is washing every thing in the house I guess. The old water motor washing is chugging pretty much the whole time. If we ever got a bargain we got it when we bought that washing machine for $5.00. I finished the bench I started yesterday and considering the lumber I had to make it with I thought I did quite an artistic job. Anna and kids took a walk down to Burns this Eve.

Thursday May 25 Getting warm Today, my this weather beats all for May. Last May we had a fire a good share of the time. Anna & kids and Mrs Burns took a walk around here looking at houses that are being built. They went through one Mr Chipman is building up near Milwaukee. I came near buying one of his houses when I bought this.

Friday May 26 Too hot for comfort. I do not enjoy such weather I cannot eat enough when it is so hot to provide strength to do my work. I need a gentlemans job and I wish one would come trotting along for me.

Saturday May 27 Hot, awful hot, up near the 100° mark. I guess if it keeps this up we will be sighing for the good old winter time instead of the good old summer time. Anna took Howard for protection and went down town much against her will and desires because it was so hot and she so tired to get some necessary articles for the kids. Then she had to wait so long to be waited upon at Elliots that the time for closing came before she was thro so she came home about 10 oclock much disgusted. And Bennett in the mean time made it interesting for me by Howling first because he wanted to go and finally he Howled for every little thing he could think of. Laurence and Louise were exceptionally good.

Sunday May 28 Whew but it is hot, up to 86° in the house. I got up about 7 and came down and opened up every thing I could find that opened out doors, then I started breakfast shaved and laid around barefooted and in my undershirt all the forenoon. Golly but I guess we will all shrivel up if it does not get cooler. Anna got Louise a pair of stiff soled shoes, the first she has had and she slipped and fell a dozen times trying to walk in them. I took a sand paper and ruffed them up a little and she got a long butter. Howard & Bennett went to Sunday School. Nobody called and we heard nothing from the out side world all day. It cooled off in the Eve.

Monday May 29 Well it cooled off all right. I woke up some time in the night and began looking for covering and this morning it was really chilly. I do not see how it could change so it was 20% cooler in the house than yesterday.

Tuesday May 30 Decoration day and a Beautiful day, cool, bright and delightful. It usually rains on Decoration day but this was a fine exception. The mail was light so I was home early and had a good long afternoon off. I cleaned the furnace, spaded some garden, watered the back yard and read and snoozed the rest of the time. I suppose there was a parade down town but I never think it worth while to go. I guess I enjoy resting about as much as any thing. It always seems like a job to get ready and go anywhere.

Wednesday May 31 Rain, big shower forenoon.

June 1911

Thursday June 1 Cool, beautiful day. The Season is two or three weeks in advance this summer. May was more like July is usually, hot days and warm nights. Vegetation is away ahead of the usual time. The papers say Michigan straw berries were ripe the last of May the first time the oldest settlers remember their ever ripening in May. And shrubs and every thing are away ahead. Lilacs were in bloom about the 15th of May, Snow balls, Bridal wreaths and the like were in bloom about the 20th, lilies of the Valley were in bloom about the 20th of May. Peonies were in their glory the past week, we always remember 10 years ago when we moved from 87 Noble St. to 210 Avery on the 3rd of June the Bridal wreaths were then in full bloom so you see by that they are just about 2 weeks ahead of time this year. I do not think we had any severe frosts in May.

Friday June 2 Rather warm and rainy. Went down town at noon and paid gas, elec lights ordered groceries at Peter Smith & Sons bought me a pair of W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes Etc. Anna is trying hard to get some sewing done. Mrs Burns helps her lots. She is trying to get ready for childrens day a week from Sunday to have Louise Baptized.

Saturday June 3 Warm and rain. Had a few radishes out of our garden Today.

Sunday June 4 Cloudy and rain. Children did not go to Sunday School partly because every body forgot to get them ready and partly because of rain. We had a terrific wind and rain storm about 9 oclock this evening, lots of damage through out the country. But the afternoon was fine and Mr Summers across the street gave us a great treat, he took us all, 4 kids and Pa & Ma, with himself and Mrs Summers out for a long ride in his new Oakland Auto, out West Boulvd. to Clark Park and then to Belle Isle and around the Island then to the water works Park then home. We were a little crowded but we all enjoyed it so much it will always be an event in our lives. I makes me wish more than ever that I could afford one, but I am a long ways from that just now.

Monday June 5 Warm, showers. Mrs Burns staid with the kids and Anna went down to Elliots this afternoon. Signs of the storm last Eve. are on every hand, trees down, stick and rubbish cover the side walks and ground every where, wires down, the DuR is having its troubles.

Tuesday June 6 Cloudy, damp, muggy. Anna washed but the clothes would not dry.

Wednesday June 7 Not a very nice day.

Thursday June 8 I went down town at noon to look around in the windows to find a suit. I am thinking of buying a suit and I guess I could buy a House and lot easier.

Friday June 9 Fine day. Anna and Laurence went down town afternoon and got Laurence shoes, cap and Bennett a cap. And I went down after work and met them and we went to the House of Herbst Clothing store and I bought my self a suit. We looked at high and low priced and finally decided on a dark gray $15.00 suit, price, color and fit suited me best of any. And it has been so long since I had a new suit of citizens clothes it was a great event.

Saturday June 10 Whew but it was hot Today, thermometer up in the 90ties and every body complaining all over the country.

Sunday June 11 Fine day, just a little rain. Anna has been working night and day for two weeks or more and Mrs Burns has helped sew to get the children ready for Today "Childrens Day" at the church and we wanted to have Louise baptized. And this morning up early and pitched in. Hot, fearful hot. Howard & Bennett all fixed up fine Bennett in white with blue neck tie and linen hat went to thier Sunday School over on the corner of 14th and Antoinette and took part in the singing Etc. And Anna, Louise, Laurence and I finally got ready and slammed down the windows and doors and hurried out and down to the Trumbull Car. It was raining a little but we hurried on thinking we would surely be late and we got there after the rest to the babies and parents had gone in but a kind Elder hurried us in and we joined them on the hind end of the procession and we felt a little disgraced but any way Louise was baptized Helen Louise. Louise was in white and looked sweet and cute and behaved just fine. Laurence was in a white suit and white cap and he behaved fine. He went with and sat with cousin Belle Hardenberg. We stayed a little while to hear the exercises then came home. And in the afternoon because we were all ready we walked down and called on the Hardenbergs. It always seems like home down on Avery and I guess we will never quite get over a feeling of home sickness for that part of Avery, where we used to live, and Howard often says he would like to be back there.

Monday June 12 Well it rained and turned cool last night and Today was rather threatening and it did rain some. Anna cleaned the pantry.

Tuesday June 13 Cool rain and threatening.

Wednesday June 14 Cool fine day. Vacation starts Today. Gifford is carrying my route, he is an old carrier but is doing sub work for some reason unknown to me. I am not doing much but tinkering around and probably will not go much, I feel too poor. And then the children make it so hard to go any where. To go and take 4 kids is no snap.

Thursday June 15 Cool but warmer than yesterday, fine day. Nothing doing Today but canning strawberries, washing dishes, Etc. There is so much to do around the house that it is hard to get away any where.

Friday June 16 Threatening, cloudy. Went to the store in the morning, then hulled strawberries and went down town in the afternoon. Went to a 10¢ show but thought it no good. Bought a few necessary things and came home.

Saturday June 17 Cool and rain. Well this morning we got up at 5 oclock and hustled to put up a lunch and get the children ready to go on the new steamer Put-In-Bay. We had to be at the boat at 8:30 and as usual we just got there after a mad rush and as soon as we landed on the boat the boat started as tho they were waiting for us. It was the boats first trip and all along the way passing boats and shore towns saluted with deafening whistling, canons, bells, horns and waving of flags. And at Put-In-Bay and Sandusky, altho it was raining constantly, there was immense crowds waiting to meet the boat. And there was speeches and flowers Etc there as long as the boat lay at each dock there was streams of people going through to see the boat. It rained every minute untill we started home from Sandusky then it stopped. We could not get off of the boat to see the towns because of the rain. And there was lots of delay for one reason or another. At Sandusky we stuck on the ground while making dock and we never got home untill 12 oclock at night. Laurence and Louise had to be carried to [the] car and home because they were asleep but the children at least had a high old time and we had a change anyway.

Sunday June 18 Beautiful day. I wish it had been such a day as this yesterday. We got up late and the children were pretty cross and every one had to be driven to take a nap. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School although they protested. Anna and I feel a little old but I guess we are glad we went any way but it takes nerve to go and take 4 kids.

Monday June 19 Beautiful day. Did not do anything but go over and get my money and buy a can of paint to paint he porches. Sent my last Loan & Building Certificate to Van Atta. I got a letter from him the other day saying they wanted to pay me off.

Tuesday June 20 Beautiful day. Went down town in the afternoon. In the forenoon I painted at the porches.

Wednesday June 21 Beautiful day. Painted forenoon. I have to paint one place and then let it dry, it will take all summer to get 3 porches painted.

Thursday June 22 Beautiful day. Finished painting porches Today. I painted the front and back porches.

Friday June 23 Beautiful day but fearfully hot, got up to 95° even with the hottest day so far. We thought we would go to the Island Today but we read it would be childrens day and for fear of crowds we did not go. I went down town and rented a vacuum cleaner and it came at noon. And we pitched in to use it all we could to get our moneys worth. Hot fearful, we worked and sweat. It does fine work and it seems mighty good to get the dust out of rugs, carpets, Etc. without making any dust in the house. I wish we could afford to own one.

Saturday June 24 Cooler and fine day. Finished cleaning with the cleaner and are overjoyed to know the rugs, carpets, mattresses are clean but we worked all right.

Sunday June 25 Rain last night and showers Today, cloudy and cool.

Monday June 26 Beautiful day, cool. This forenoon I took Howard and Bennett down town. We took the vacuum cleaner back, then went to the Gas office paid gas bill, then to the Elec, then to the Post Office sent money for butter, went up in the elevator and saw the Court rooms, then we went to the Peoples State Bank I deposited my Loan & Building check then we took the Belle Isle Boat for one trip, then bought a few things and came home. In the afternoon Laurence and I went to Plymouth to visit my Father and Mother.

Tuesday June 27 Beautiful day. Laurence and I at Plymouth. Visited, picked cherries, took a walk around the Village, called on Uncle Asa who lives at the cor. of Church and Adams, then came home on the 6 oclock car, got home about 8.

Wednesday June 28 Beautiful day, some cloudy. Worked around forenoon and tried to go to the flats in the afternoon but missed the Boat by about 3 minutes. Went to a 10¢ show, walked around town for a while and came home. Saw our first Flying Machine this afternoon about 5. St. Croix Johnston flew from the Fair Grounds out Woodward to Windsor and back, 24 miles in 22 minutes. Every body out and excited over their first sight of a Flyer. He was very high and looked like a bird. 10 or 12 years ago we ran out just so to see an Auto Mobile and now there are so many we have to run to get out of the way. Will it be so with Flying Machines?

Thursday June 29 Ideal day for a picnic, cool and delightful. We made another grand effort and took the children, cought the boat at 8:45 for Bob-Loo Island. The Trumbull Ave. Presbyterian Church Annual Picnic outing. We had a fine time. The Burns, Hardenberg, Hopkin, Lowe, Hanna crowd were all there. I rode on the merry go round with Laurence, went bathing with Howard and Sam H., it was Howards first time in swimming, it was rather chilly but we had a fine time, rode the toboggan Etc. Came home on the evening boat feeling as tho we had had a fine day of it. The children behaved splendid and that adds every thing to ones enjoyment.

Friday June 30 Cool fine day. Last day of my vacation. I thought I ought to do some thing to enjoy life but I did not, only rested. I felt tired out from yesterday so I just stayed at home and rested up.

July 1911

Saturday July 1 Got awfully hot Today. Went back to work, got awfully tired and by night was discouraged as ever. And by the time the children were bathed and in bed I was ready to sell out. It does seem as tho it required just a little too much of mortal man to earn his daily bread. Anna works and works as hard as I to keep up her end of the battle and gets completely tired out and so do I but I suppose the children are at the worst age not for work.

Sunday July 2 Hottest on record, 98° official and 111° on the streets and it was my fate to have to work in the office forenoon and to take a collection in the evening, 5 hours and 20 minutes all together. And it seemed to me as tho I could not possibly muster up enough energy to do it but I did and it is over. But hot my goodness it just burned, a great many people die and some are overcome. We just lay around with scarcely any clothes on and just ate enough to keep us alive. Howard went to Sunday School but Bennett backed out because it was so hot. And it is so hot nights you cannot sleep or rest. Anna and I stay up some times untill 11 or after, sit out on the porch and hate to go up stairs where it seems so hot.

Monday July 3 Well it beat yesterdays record. It was 100° at 3 P.M. at the weather office and 109 on the street, on the street means the kiosk on Woodward in front of the City Hall. Work whew I walked as slow as I could and felt as tho I had to carry my head mighty careful and steady. The shops are all shut down and every body seeks the coolest spot they can find and sits and pants and fans and cusses the weather. But it does not cool it off any as I can see to cuss. The children are cross and cry and quarrel and that makes it a little more interesting. The children tease for fire works but we believe in a sane 4th and try to teach them to give up fire works but of course they want what others have so I put 15 cents at Howards plate at breakfast and 10¢ at Bennetts and 5¢ at Laurences and went to work and they found [it] when they got up and was as pleased as tho it were a million.

Tuesday July 4 It did get a little cooler but we are in no danger of freezing yet, 94°. The children got up when I did, 5.30, and began firing torpedoes, but I am glad to notice that there is no where near as much noise as there used to be. I worked in the forenoon. The family and the Burns family went to see the parade over on 14th the North West end celebrated and have speaking Etc and fire works on the old D. M. Ferry Seed Farm, Grand River and Boulevard, the City has bought it for a High School site.

Wednesday July 5 Hot, up in the 90ies, 77-95°. Hard to keep going do not eat much or sleep much just keep plodding on and try to think of some thing else.

Thursday July 6 [not entry]

Friday July 7 Cooler but not freezing. Cut Bennetts hair short today.

Saturday July 8 71 to 90°. Cut Howards and Laurences hair short Today, looks fine and they say it feels fine.

Sunday July 9 It was 100° on the street and was so close it seemed a great deal warmer, 75 to 91°. I did not clean up untill night, the children did not go to Sunday School and not much doing around here.

Monday July 10 Very Humid, 78 to 88°. Every thing drying up, we need rain very badly. The water here is short also and restrictions have been placed on its use for sprinkling Etc.

Tuesday July 11 70 to 91° and the Humidity makes it see worse. I think I perspired more Today than any day yet. The papers say Forest fires are raging in the upper part of Michigan, Oseoda & Au Sable wiped off the map.

Wednesday July 12 Delightful change, cooler and cool breezes. Sent Father a lot of Post Cards. Today is his birthday, 83 years old, he lives in Plymouth, Mich. The Bells next door have had a falling out and he has gone bag and bagage. They have been married and lived here about 6 months, she was Mrs Bader and is as much as 50 any way he seems younger and claims he was never married. I guess money matters, she has some money.

Thursday July 13 Cool and fine, almost too chilly last night. But dry the grass is turning red and crops are spoiling. We have had an abundance of berries and fruit up to now but I guess things will be scarce from now on. Louise is beginning to say words now. She spies me coming up the street and says Papa and then motions me to come with her finger, very cute. She does not want her Mama to hold Laurence and proceeds to kick up a fuss when she does. Last night she plainly told him (by motions) to go and sit on Papa and she was so mad with him that she kissed all the rest good night but she would not kiss Laurence altho he tried and tried to get her to. Anna went down town this afternoon and bought a bargain dress, Mrs Burns stayed with the kids.

Friday July 14 [No entry]

Saturday July 15 Cloudy and threatening, sprinkled a little at times during the day and thundered some but did not do any good. I went down town in the evening, took Bennett with me. When I mention going any where it is can I go can I go untill you are beside you self. I took Bennett because he was cleaned up and ready and when I went out of the house Howard was crying to go too. I bought underwear, socks, Howard a pair of no. 13 Elkskins but they are to small and will have to be exchanged.

Sunday July 16 Quite cool, almost chilly and actually rain, not very hard but several showers. Home all day. Bennett and Howard went to Sunday School but nobody else ventured out. And it did seem so good to have it rain and cloudy that we enjoyed a day that usually is dull and bad.

Monday July 17 Very cool but a fine day. Slept under quilts last night and was none too warm. Anna done a big washing. Aunt Cornelia Blair called.

Tuesday July 18 Fine day. We are having a spell of cool weather. I took Howard down town from work and exchanged his Elk skin shoes for larger size. He took a number 1 and I had to pay $2.50 and that broke my heart and almost my pocket book too. Then we went over to the Post Office and I signed the Quarterly Pay Roll. We walked through the P.O. to see them working. Saw Sam Hardenberg and Peter Martin. Peter has just traded from a carrier to a clerk. Then we came home on the 14th car.

Wednesday July 19 Fine day. Anna finished the ironing and was proud to think she was through so early in the week.

Thursday July 20 Fine day. Having good cool weather this week.

Friday July 21 Fine day.

Saturday July 22 Looked like rain in the morning but turned out a nice day.

Sunday July 23 Not a very nice day, dark and threatening and rained at night. Very cool. Home all day and no body came. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School, they are the only members of the family to keep up the reputation.

Monday July 24 Cool, rainy and wind, whew, but it almost blows you off of your feet. Anna done a big washing and when she hung the clothes out on the line the wind whipped them so they all most blew to pieces.

Tuesday July 25 Cold, almost too cold for comfort. The storm yesterday was the worst for this time of the year ever known. On the Lakes in some places it blew 70 miles an hour. Boats were tied up and a number of small boat parties nearly lost their lives. Gifford, a carrier, was one of them. He was out and could not land all day Sunday and Sunday night when he made a landing and part of his party got off then to save the boat he was out all day Monday.

Wednesday July 26 Cold, threatening, a little rain, the thermometer in the house this morning was at 60. Anna and Louise & Bennett took a walk up to Chys. on Mil. this Eve. Howard has learned to ride my bicycle by standing on the peddles and he is at it every minute my wheel is home. It is wonderful what a kid will learn to do. The wheel is bigger than he is and yet he rides it gets up on the saddle and makes it go by giving each peddle a push as it comes up in reach.

Thursday July 27 Fine day. A load of sand came Today for the kids to play in. We have been going to get a load for a long time back but we just got it. It costs $3.00 a load and that seems a lot to pay but we thought it might keep the kids in the yard.

Friday July 28 Grand day. Anna and kids went up to Aunt Dills this afternoon and stayed to supper. And of course some body came as soon as she got away. Eva Joy Atkinson and now married to some other man and lives in San Francisco, Cal. is here on a visit. And she and Belle Hardenberg came but found no one at home. I met them as they were going away and they said they would come tomorrow.

Saturday July 29 Heavy showers this afternoon. Very warm and sultry. Eva & Belle and Harold, Evas youngest son, came and spent the afternoon and supper with us.

L to R: Anna McGee Dean with daughter Esther in her lap, Harold and Marjorie Joy Bosserman, Eva Joy Bosserman, Maggie Joy Dickerson, Ernest Asa Dean & Uncle Asa Joy. [Photo courtesy of Denise and Ray Everett]

Sunday July 30 Beautiful morning. Took a collection to night. My regular Sunday is two weeks more but I took it for Ditchfield because he wanted to go away. The Feys called this evening.

Monday July 31 Very warm and muggy. Anna washed. The Burns called in the evening and sat with us on the porch and talked future prospects. They are talking of going to Highland and building and running a grocery store.

August 1911

Tuesday August 1 Showers, one fierce at about 2 oclock but we went to Belle Isle just the same. Anna took all 4 kids and went on the 5 oclock boat and I took the 6 after work. We ate lunch on Casino porch. The occasion and party was in honor of Eva Joy Atkinson Bosserman. There was Sam, Belle, Roy Hardenberg, Aunt Vina Joy, Will, Mary, Kelby and Marjoie Perkins, Anna and Geo. Jr Dean, Edna and Clarence Mason, my whole family, Lydia, James and Kid Joy McNab and Eva and Harold Bosserman. After lunch we rode on the boat untill 10 oclock and then came home. Laurence and Louise were asleep and we started from the boat for the Trumbull Car. I was carrying Laurence and Anna was carrying Louise and we was bemoaning our fate but when we got to the top of the Woodward hill we met the Summers in their auto and they took us all in and brought us home, that was fine. Edna and Clarence have a new auto but when they are in it there is no room for any one else, and they are always in it so far.

Wednesday August 2 Hot and muggy. Earl Hastings that used to live in Northville but now of Los Angeles Cal. called here Today and took dinner with us. He has been here about 4 weeks but was to start back to night.

Thursday August 3 Hot, muggy. Heavy showers. Louise has got so she tries to say words. She can say Bye, Papa, Mama. She tries to say Howard, "Gah" for dog and Kittie. Mama knows when she says drink and bread and "all gone" with her hands held up. She is quite stout now and weighs over twenty pounds, we weighed her at the Island but we have forgotten how much.

Friday August 4 Fearfully Hot and muggy. The thermometer stands some where between 80 and 90° but it is the humidity that makes it seem so warm. A few showers. We enjoyed our boat ride the other day so much that we went again this evening. I got home early and we got ready and cought the 6:20 boat and rode 3 tips, 3 hours, and got home about 10 oclock. Bennett was sick and vomited several times, always some thing.

Saturday August 5 Thermometer about 89° but oh some muggy and sweaty and sticky. I never felt so dirty and uncomfortable in my life. It is about all one can do to keep going this weather.

Sunday August 6 Awfully hot and close, fearful uncomfortable weather. Howard went to Sunday School after making a fuss about it as usual. Bennett does not feel or act well so he did not go. No body came.

Monday August 7 Hot, awful hot, about 90° but so muggy and uncomfortable. I went down town at noon, paid City Taxes $21.06 and water tax for 6 months $3.64, Gas $2.32, Elec. $1.12 and bought $1.25 worth of sole leather to fix shoes with.

Tuesday August 8 Awfully hot and humid. Anna is trying an Electric Iron and likes it very much. It has such an even heat you can keep going and going and best of all it does not stick at all on starched clothes. The price is $4.25. In two hours of ironing she used almost 1 kilowatt hour of electricity. Anna went over and called on the Summers this Eve.

Wednesday August 9 Very warm but not so uncomfortable. Louise is sick at the stomach today.

Thursday August 10 Fearful close and hot, it just does anybody up. I get so tired and weak that I dont care whether school keeps or not. We sit out on the porch untill 10 or 11 every night and then crawl up stairs to bed and sleep without covers. The children get tired, cross and dirty. Barefoot and with scarcely any clothes they run all day.

Friday August 11 It rained last night and is much cooler Today and what a blessed relief. I guess Louise is cutting more teeth, she is sick cranky and cross and makes life miserable for her mother.

Saturday August 12 Although we had a few drops of rain it was a cool fine day. Saturday is always a hard tiresome day. And winds up with giving the kids baths and taking one yourself. Anna is usually pretty well done up when she finally gets to bed and Louise does not let her sleep well either.

Sunday August 13 Cloudy and cool. Whew but Louise is cranky and makes things interesting all around. Fred and Anna Fry and two kids were over and made us a good visit. They are going to move from Milw. to 852 Lawton.

Monday August 14 Fierce day, hard showers and sticky and muggy. Anna washed but clothes stayed out all night.

Tuesday August 15 Rained a little in the forenoon, nice afternoon.

Wednesday August 16 Fine but rather hot.

Thursday August 17 Hot day. Anna and kids went to see the Aeroplane. We hear it buzzing and most of the neighborhood started to see it. Some man has one up on the Commons North of the Boulevard and west to 12th St. When he tries to fly we hear the engine buzz. The McLeods called late this evening.

Friday August 18 Beautiful day, cool and delightful. Howard received a card from Inez Hart Today inviting him to come up and stay over night so he got cleaned up and started out alone for there. They live on Kirby near 23rd. After he had been gone an hour or so we got a telephone message through our neighbors telephone saying he had arrived OK. That is the farthest he has been alone. Anna and the kids took a walk after supper. I went down in the basement and put soles and heels on Bennetts sandals.

Saturday August 19 Fine cool day. Howard came home from Harts and Walter Nash and wife who live in Los Angeles Cal. came with him and made us a call.

Sunday August 20 Fine day. Howard [and] Bennett went to Sunday School and I took Louise for a long ride in her buggy so Anna could do her work. I went up to the Park in the LaSalle Gardens. I never was that far out that way before.

Monday August 21 Nice day, cool. Uncle Walter and Aunt Ellen came again this afternoon to stay all night.

Tuesday August 22 Fine day, cool and fine. Uncle Walter and Aunt Ellen stayed all night last night and left this forenoon.

Wednesday August 23 Cool and threatening. Howard and Bennett went up the Harts after dinner and from there went to the Island with them. It was the occasion of a party to Uncle Walter and Aunt Ellen, Harts, Freys, Etc. Anna went as soon as I got home from work with Laurence and left Louise with me. I walked around the neighborhood with her untill she went to sleep. They all came home about 9 oclock.

Thursday August 24 Rain gently but continuously all day. My feet and legs get wet on such a day and my arms ache carrying my umbrella all day long. It was so cold and damp this evening that we built up a fire and it felt good.

Friday August 25 Fine day. I went down town after work to see about a wringer. I went to T. B. Rayls and found the store closed. Then I remembered reading that they close Friday P.Ms during July and August. I bought a few groceries at Peter Smith & Sons and came back home.

Saturday August 26 Beautiful day, better. Louise is getting better but she has had a time with her bowels for over a week. Anna had to put her on Condensed Milk and scanty diet. Howard went for a ride with Roy Kiefer in his Papas auto.

Sunday August 27 Nice day. Uncle Walter and Aunt Ellen came to bid us good bye. Charlie Blair and wife came with them.

Monday August 28 Fine day, cool. Anna went down town this after noon. Mrs Burns stayed with the kids.

Tuesday August 29 Very cool this morning almost a frost. The thermometer was down to 56 in the house but was a nice day. Louise tries to talk some and has a few words that we can understand. Doll is all, dog is dah, and she held the Doll up to the window and said "all te dah." When she wants a drink she has a way of saying me that Mama understands. She says How O for Howard, but most of her language is made up of grunts and expressions and an occasional stamp of the foot that is as understandable as words. Anna and children and Mrs Burns went down and called on the old Avery Ave. folks this afternoon.

Wednesday August 30 Cool but getting warmer.

Thursday August 31 Fine day, warm I went down town at noon. Paid my New England Life ins. $50.50, paid the gas and elec. and bought Anna a birthday present, spent nearly $60. And came home feeling poor it is just all we can do to scrape up enough money each time to pay my life insurance as soon as one is paid we have to begin to save for the next it is pretty hard to keep up expenses of a family these days, every thing costs so much it is very discouraging.

September 1911

Friday September 1 Very hot Today, a regular sizzler. The Cushings had a blow out last night some say it was a wedding but I guess if it was it was not any of their family. But they kept the neighbors awake and finally Wilis in fun went out and fired off a gun two or three times and up came a policeman full tilt to see what was the matter. And he gave them a lecture and they never made a sound after he went away.

Saturday September 2 [No entry]

Sunday September 3 Beautiful day, warm day, cool nights. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School and in the afternoon we all went to the Water Works Park or Gladwin Park they have renamed it. We enjoyed it very much but of course it is tiresome and hard to take the children in the crowds.

Monday September 4 Labor day and a grander day could not have been made to order. And is the 16th anniversary of our marriage. We stayed home all the afternoon. I worked in the forenoon and we had intended going some where in the afternoon but we did not feel like it. So we stayed at home and I took a nap which I enjoyed and Anna found time to sit around a while which she enjoyed. She did a washing in the forenoon which she enjoyed after it was done.

Tuesday September 5 Rained nearly all day. Howard and Bennett started for school. Howard goes into the A 4th and Bennett goes into the A 1st and they are all excited and running to school, back home for money and off to Mathews or Campbells store to buy blank scratch pads pencils etc. etc. And it is Anna 38th birthday and of course we had to celebrate a little. When I was down town the other day I bought a present for each one of the kids to give her. And I took them up stairs when I came home and gave each a package and they much pleased tip toed and hid them in places to suit them selves and they all kept their secret and never told once. At the dinner table Today we all went up stairs and got our presents and came marching down and by her place we deposited each of our little packages. Laurence gave 3 kitchen spoons, Bennett two glass dishes, Howard two tin kettle covers. I gave her a leather hand bag bought at Tuttle & Clarks bargain sale, a $5 bag for $3.50 and of course Anna was very much pleased and every body was happy but Louise was asleep through it all.

Wednesday September 6 Cloudy, not a very nice day.

Thursday September 7 Warm and rainy, hard shower about 10 A.M. Anna and children went to Nash Bros grocery cor. of 14 & McGraw and had to stay there untill the shower passed over. Anna bought a bn. of peaches $1.85, pk. plums 50¢, pk. pears 25¢ and a bn. of tomatoes 75¢ all Today and is now up a stump to know how to get them all canned.

Friday September 8 Gloomy but warm. Anna in the midst of canning. I help some to peel but with the children always wanting some thing or in the way it is just fearful to get any thing extra done.

Saturday September 9 Beautiful day and very warm. Nothing doing but work and there is plenty of that around here these days. Mail is heavy and they have built so many new houses around here in my route that I am getting more than I can do and have to curtail quite a considerable every week. 3 new carriers was put on for Highland Park this week but we used as many more. The P.O. opened the P.O. Bank for the 1st time, I think yesterday was the 1st day.

Sunday September 10 Cloudy, cooler than yesterday but not chilly. Every body took a nap and that was about all the excitment for the day. Anna took a walk with the kids up to the Boulvd.

Monday September 11 Beautiful day, rain in the evening. Anna did a big washing and I put in 10 hours carrying a big load of mail. Anna went to Nashs and bought Tomatoes & Pears, more work.

Tuesday September 12 Cold, fire in furnace. Canned tomatoes.

Wednesday September 13 Bought more tomatoes. Sugar gone up in price untill the papers are crying famine. We paid $1.60 a sack of 25 lbs. and now it is 8 cents a pound.

Thursday September 14 Very heavy rain in the Evening.

Friday September 15 Beautiful day, curtailed most of my route this afternoon. Cleaned the Barn, mowed and raked the lawn.

Saturday September 16 Beautiful day.

Sunday September 17 Beautiful warm day. Took children and lunch and went to the Island. Got there about 2 P.M. and came home about 7. It was crowded coming home got into quite a jam getting on to the boat at the Isle. Laurence got scared and screamed and I had to carry him. We never went on a excursion on Sunday before but we get so few chances to go that we thought we would try it.

Monday September 18 Beautiful day, very warm. Looked like rain this morning but cleared up fine. President Wm. H Taft here Today. He arrived early this morning went to Pontiac by Trolley and back to the Fair grounds and opened the State Fair. Then came back to the City by automobile. I saw him as he came back by Auto about noon. I had just finished my forenoon trip in time to see him go by on Woodward. People were lined up along the street and yelled and tooted etc. There was no school Today because the President was in town but I worked over 10 hours of fearful hard work just the same.

Tuesday September 19 Fine warm day. Pay day. Paid $20.00 on coal bill and bought a pair of Elkskin shoes $2.50. Anna and kids except Howard went up and called on Mrs Woehler in their new cottage at 899 Milwaukee W. McLeod was over to our sta. Today noon. He is trying to sell razor straps getting desperate to make a living I suppose.

Wednesday September 20 Warm and beautiful day. The City woke up this morning and found no street cars running. The employees have gone on a strike for a raise in pay to 30¢ an hour. I am in sympathy with the men but it is a horrible time to go out now on account of it being Fair time and the City full of strangers going to the Fair.

Thursday September 21 Rain, rain all the forenoon and cloudy and threatening P.M. The Car strike is settled, they was out 18 hours but the pressure for settlement was too much. The Fair men and all business men, the Mayor and all, Judge Phelan covered him self with glory. He was the men or St. car employees arbitrator and he worked hard and was the chief factor in the final settlement. The employees got 29 1/2¢ instead of 30¢ asked. Everybody was glad it was settled and even the employees were pretty well satisfied I guess. It would have put the Fair out of business I guess and Today it rains so it will hurt the attendance so they are having hard sledding.

Friday September 22 Fine day, warm, good for the fair. I did not work this afternoon. I am putting in more time than the 48 hour law allows so I have to curtail this afternoon in order to have time to make a trip tomorrow. I tinkered around the house fixing electric lights fixures and water faucets and took care of the kids while Anna went down town. Canada defeated Reciprocity Today in their election and every body is surprised. I had thought if any body would benefit by it it would be Canada. But after the U.S. decided for it in a extra congress then the Canadians turn it down, that will be a hard blow for President Taft as he worked so hard for it.

Saturday September 23 Beautiful day, Grand, Warm. 60 thousand at the fair, I do not care to go. I had this afternoon off because my 48 hours was up at noon but I fixed the flashing around the chimney, it has leaked lately and I hope I got it so it will not leak any more.

Sunday September 24 Cloudy, warm. Miss Cushing next door took Laurence to Sunday School and he got frightened and she had to bring him home, he said they hollered so he could not stand it. We suppose they were singing. Howard and Bennett there too but not near him, it is rally day for them.

Monday September 25 Rainy, cloudy, threatening, warm. Anna did not wash. Bad Fair weather.

Tuesday September 26 Warm, cloudy and threatening. Anna washed Today but it was discouraging work.

Wednesday September 27 Heavy rain last night and this forenoon. Not feeling well Today, got some cold.

Thursday September 28 Rain, fire in furnace Eve.

Friday September 29 Not very nice or very bad. When there [is] sun it is warm, and cold and raw when there is not. My working time has accumulated over time so I can not work this afternoon. Spent the time mostly shingling bad spots on the roof and cleaning celar carrying out ashes and built a fire in the furnace for the Eve.

Saturday September 30 Pretty fair day. Home again, this afternoon my 48 hours was up at 12:50 and I just finished my forenoon work. I went down town in the evening and took Howard along. We went to Traver Bird and bought a pair of pants for Bennett then through the 10¢ store to see the sights. Howard bought a 5¢ grab bag and found a dirty picture and 2 cheap postcards. Then we went to Alexanders umbrella store on Monroe, got an umbrella for me and a little one for Bennett. Then we went to T. B. Rayls to get a bicycle lamp but did not get one. Then looked around a while and came home 10 P.M.

October 1911

Sunday October 1 It rained nearly all last night and all day. A nasty miserable day. The kids did not go to Sunday School and that makes a long noisy day. I did not get up untill 9 a.m., the boys all came and got in my bed and talked about the things we saw down town last night and wished they had this and that thing and how they would play with them if they had them. Values and money never enter into the wishes of kids, it would take a fortune to get the things they asked me to buy them but then it is fun to hear them talk and tell what they would do with them if they had them. I had to get out and take a collection this evening, it did not rain but was rather wet under foot. Papers say Austin, Pa. has a second Johnstown flood. A mill dam breaks and lets the water out suddenly and floods the town. Carries the houses and buildings away and kills hundreds of people.

Monday October 2 Nice day. Very heavy mail, it takes me nearly 8 hours to make one trip now.

Tuesday October 3 Beautiful forenoon but by 12 oclock was raining and rained hard pretty much all the rest of the day.

Wednesday October 4 Fine day, except a very high wind. Pay Day. Went to the hardware store on Holden near Greenwood, Stewart Bro. and bought a bicycle lamp $1.50. The police are holding people up and fining them for running after dark without a light and I got scared and bought a light.

Thursday October 5 Seemed cold enough for a frost this morning but I did not see any. Threatening but did not rain. Fire in the furnace. Anna took a walk with the 2 small kids, called on Mrs Slater the nurse.

Friday October 6 Heavy rain, very hard about 2 P.M.

Saturday October 7 Home early and intended to go down town but did not get started.

Sunday October 8 Beautiful day. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. We all took a walk out 12 St. to Seward and it was more countryfied than any place we had been in a long time. It was beautiful and we enjoyed it very much. Louise in the go cart and when she enjoys anything so much she never says a word but just settles back and enjoys to the fullest.

Monday October 9 Cold clear morning and some frost the first we have seen. Big washing Today, the wringer got some thing the matter with it and I took it back where I got it only two months ago down on Grand River. They said they would either fix it or give me a new one.

Tuesday October 10 Rain all the forenoon but warm. We have a fire nearly all the time but it is because it is so damp. We are having an awful lot of damp and rainy weather. Anna and kids went to pay the gas bill at the drug store on 14th then with Mrs Burns down on Hecla to see a stove P.M.

Wednesday October 11 Bad day.

Thursday October 12 Beautiful day, warm and pleasant. Went down town after work. Bought groceries at Peter Smiths, Tea, Coffee and spices we think we must get there or they do not taste good. Then I wandered out Gratiot to Hasting and took the Hasting street line up to Boulvd. Went to the P.O.N.E. got my wheel and came home, it was dark and I had my lamp lit for the first time on my wheel.

Friday October 13 Beautiful day. But it must be raining in the east as the world series ball games are held up on account of rain and wet grounds. Louise wiped her first dishes Today. Mama was washing the dishes when Louise got a hold of a towel and stool up on a box by the table and got a spoon and began to wipe and so Mama gave her several and she wiped them and was as happy as could be over it but I presume that some day she will not think it such fun.

Saturday October 21 Nice day. Hard work, that is all for Today.

Sunday October 22 Rain, dark gloomy day. I intended to go to Plymouth Today to see Mother but it was such a horrid morning I did not go. I feel guilty [I do] not go out there oftener than I do. Home all day, every body else home. Howard went to Sunday School. Bennett is trying to be sick with a cold and did not go.

Monday October 23 Cold windy and wintry like and did part of the washing and she went down town at Elliots Taylor & Co. and bought a few things, couch cover, curtains for her room, stockings for the kids, etc., every thing she bought was at bargain prices. Howard stayed with the rest of the children untill I got home. Louise will stay with him better than she will with me. I guess she was always a little shy with me.

Tuesday October 24 Beautiful day. Anna finished washing, stretched a curtain and spent the entire evening mending curtains. We have a fire evenings always now and mostly all day. Louise has new words every day and is very interesting and cute these days.

Wednesday October 25 Nice day.

Thursday October 26 Beautiful day. Anna, Laurence & Louise went and called on Mrs Mamer. She has made a great deal of Louise because her name is Louise too. She has been here and has wanted Anna to call for so long that Anna took the time to go and call. The Phils Ball Team finished winning the Worlds Championship from the N.Ys Today. They won 4 games and the N.Ys two.

Friday October 27 Cold but fine. Rained last night, first hard white frost , looked like snow. The first time I have wore gloves but my hands are fearful ruff and I hear the whole family complaining of the same trouble. Anna cleaned the dining room Today and it was a hard job.

Saturday October 28 Nice, cold. Bennett and I went down town after supper. Got Bennett a pair of shoes and rubbers at Fyfes. I signed the Pay roll in the P.O. and we went through the 10¢ store to see the sights. Bought Louise a doll, Howard a knife and Laurence a funny face, candy for all , then came home. The children enjoy a trip down and I enjoy taking all I can manage in the crowds.

Sunday October 29 Fine day but a cold wind. Howard and I went to Plymouth today to see Mother & Father. We cought the 10:30 car and got there about 12:30. We found Edna and Clarence there, they drove out in their auto. We stayed untill the 5 car and came home loaded with a jack lantern pumpkin for 3 kids, squash and Howard had to bring a dirty old Bull eye lantern that I had when I was a boy.

Monday October 30 Cloudy, threatening. Anna washed. Louise has got to be fat and chubby and can almost talk. She says "up" for yes and if you call her she always says "Mimmy" for "in a minute", "PaPa dinny" for come to dinner, "How O" for Howard, "La La" for Laurence, "Be Be" for Bennett.

Tuesday October 31 Not very nice, cloudy threatening Halloween. Howard dressed up in some of my clothes rolled up at the trousers and sleeves and old derby hat and a dark lantern and went forth. Bennett and Laurence and finally Howard went to Kiefers and had a good time playing Halloween games and eating nuts Etc. They all had Jack Lanterns and false faces and had a fine time and was up untill after 9 oclock.

November 1911

Wednesday November 1 Cold, raw, damp, a little rain and bad. Not a very nice beginning.

Thursday November 2 Clear and cold, about 26°, froze ice. Put on my winter coat. Teachers are having a convention and the kids are out of school this P.M. and tomorrow.

Friday November 3 Clear cold beautiful. Home about 3:30 and I am working on a coal box but it is discouraging to try and make any thing because I always find I want some thing to do with that I have not got and what I have got I can never find.

Saturday November 4 Fair day. Nothing doing. Saturday is clean up day and is usually a hard day. I carry out ashes, clean the furnace and to night I worked untill after 10 oclock flooding and scrubbing the basement floor. And then took a bath and went to bed completely tired out. I have a cold any way and do not feel very good. And Anna dreads Saturday night because the kids all have to be bathed, nothing but work work and very few pleasures.

Sunday November 5 Fair but threatening. Clarence came before I was up and told us Mother and Father were quite sick and Edna went out yesterday. He offered to take me out in his Auto but I was not up and was not shaved so I did not go. They came back this was at night, and told us Mother and Father were better. McLeods called P.M. Burns called.

Monday November 6 Oh mercy the least said the better about the weather. It was raining when I got up and went to work in the rain and I worked in the rain all the forenoon. A big load of mail, wind and rain is enough to discourage any one. To work such a day as this makes me feel like 36 cents to think I have not got brains enough to get a decent job.

Tuesday November 7 Well a little better than yesterday. We had a little rain. It was a gloomy day.

Wednesday November 8 Fine day. Beautiful. Lydia Joy McNabb came to call but Anna was away for a walk and missed her.

Thursday November 9 Beautiful day, warm. The next door neighbors McLuistions moved this morning. I went down town after work, paid gas and Elec lights, bought 3 castors for my coal box, some groceries at Peter Smiths and came home on the car.

Friday November 10 Fine day. Nothing doing Today out of the ordinary. We have 4 new carriers at our station, that ought to help some but I guess we could use more just as well as not.

Saturday November 11 Cloudy threatening windy and hot, it was up to 64 and seemed very warm and depressing. Rain last night. Chicago records one heat prostration Today but a cold wave is predicted for tomorrow. I got my coal box done at last and put it into commission to night.

Sunday November 12 Well say the cold wave came all right and a fierce wind from the west always makes the house cold. Out side there was a little snow on the ground and it looked and felt like midwinter. I did not get out [of] the house except to wire up the back fence so it would not break down. The wind blew and blew and it was pretty cold. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. A regular hurricane and blizzard came in the evening. Colder yesterday afternoon it was up to 64°, this afternoon it is down to 17° above. I put the Reften gas burner on Today.

Monday November 13 Cold, about 18° above and 4 or 5 inches of snow on the ground. The papers are full of the destruction and damage done by wind, snow and cold all over the country especially the Northwest. Awosso seems to have suffered most by wind in Michigan. Houses, factories were blown down and many people hurt and some killed. The Lakes were fearful, boats reported the worst storm ever but I guess no big boats were lost, most of them sought shelter. Belle Hardenberg called this afternoon.

Tuesday November 14 Still cold but warmer than yesterday, between 20 and 30°. But mercy it looks like winter and every body is surprised and a good many unprepared for so severe a change and we are getting more snow to night. Anna is just about sick and has been for 2 or 3 days, billious I suppose. I had my route cut Today.

Wednesday November 15 A lot more snow this morning. Some sleighs are out but it is getting warmer and as soon as it clears up and the sun comes out it will make short work of the snow.

Thursday November 16 Fine day, snow going fast. Anna and kids went over to Mrs Burns, 1249 Trumbull. Men began digging for a house across the St., the last space that we can see through to Avery, Commonwealth and to Trumbull. When we came up here we could see every way to the Boulevard, to Trumbull, Lincoln, Holden. But now almost every lot has a house on it and we do not like it we want to sell out and go farther out.

Friday November 17 Rain, rain and wind almost every minute since early morning. I got wet this forenoon and wet again this afternoon and tired mercy I would sell out very cheap tonight. I did not come home for dinner and I hated to go to the store so I did not have any dinner except 3 cookies Anna gave me when I was here on my A.M. trip. So I am mad to night.

Saturday November 18 Snow all gone. I am not sorry for that but we are certainly having weather this month. Windy and cold and disagreeable Today. We want to get down town and get started at the Xmas things and take the kids down to see the toys but it is well nigh impossible we are so tired out all the time and then it is hard to get away any way. Sears disappeared again Today noon, he went away once before and claimed he did not know where he was untill he came to himself in a hospital down in Texas some where.

Sunday November 19 Gloomy day. Nothing doing except Howard went to Sunday School. The Burns family called this afternoon and Laurence was sick to his stomach this evening. Bennett has a cold and bad cough and coughs all night.

Monday November 20 Snowed all day Today a wet almost rain snow and sloppy walking fearful and big load of mail. I put in 9.20 Today. Tired out to night. Anna washed but the weather was so bad she could not hang it out.

Tuesday November 21 Beautiful day but sloppy walking.

Wednesday November 22 Fine day, weather between 30 & 40°. Mrs Wilson called, Mrs Burns called, Mrs Summers called. I got home early at noon so Anna took advantage of it and went down town at Elliots and bought stockings mostly, $2.50 worth of stockings and that for only 4 of us. It makes me feel as tho I had a large family on my hands.

Thursday November 23 Miserable rainy day. I am home for noon and dreading to go back to work. Howard and Bennett have just gone to school. Anna is clearing the table and Laurence is drawing Louise around in the go cart to get her to sleep, that is his job every day right after dinner and I believe he gets 5¢ a week for doing it.

Friday November 24 Cold and raw, about 32°. Mrs Burns stayed with the kids while Anna went down town this afternoon. She bought underwear for Howard and a Doll Go Cart for Louise. We would get her a Doll but we know Aunt Edna has one for her Xmas and she bought her a spoon for her birthday.

Saturday November 25 Ground covered with snow again. The thermometer hovers around the freezing point and the weather as a general thing is not very agreeable. I took Howard and Bennett down town this evening. I am most too tired to go but I think I must take them down at least once before Xmas to see the toys. We went through the 10¢ store and that is a great treat even to me. They have every thing on earth most and the children all enjoy it, if it was not for the crowds that are always in there we could see with more ease and enjoyment. Howard bought with his own money that he had saved from what Mama gives them for helping each week, a ball for Louise, Blocks for Laurence, and a picture book for Louise. Bennett had his own money too. I believe he had 51¢ in his pocket book. He bought a Jack in the box for Laurence, and a Music box and picture book for Louise, and to see them pick things out and then fish out their pockets books and hand out the money was worth a great deal. Went to Fyfes to get Howard rubbers, then to Heynes Bazaar and there spent an hour or more looking at the toys. Bennett picked out a sled and I bought it and a box of tools for Laurence when they did not know it. Then home at 10 P.M. happy.

Sunday November 26 Beautiful day, up late. All talk Today over what the kids saw last night down town. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School and Anna, Howard and Bennett went to call on Burns this afternoon. And I have to get out and take a collection at 6 and the time is drawing near. Well I did my collection stunt. Rode my bicycle with a light on as it is dark now at 5 any way. It was a fine night and not at all cold. But was nasty streets. The most of the mail was Thank Giving cards and nearly every one had a big Turkey on the back of it. Home at 9:30, ate a lunch and went to bed.

Monday November 27 Warm and Beautiful.

Tuesday November 28 Rainy and nasty. One fine day at a time is about all the weather man can dish up.

Wednesday November 29 Beautiful, clear, bright and cold, about 28 above. And this is Louises second birthday and it has been a happy day for every body. Every thing went fine Today. The boys enjoyed the day and were good to Louise and they say Louise did not cry once all this day. And she seemed to have a quiet wonderment about every thing. She received for presents a Birthday spoon from Mama and Papa, a gas ball from Howard, a post card from Bennett, a card from the Trumbull Ave Presbyterian Church cradle roll, a card from Dorothy Woehler, a card from Irene Fuller and a rag doll and candy from Mrs Mamer, and a box of stick candy from Aunt Edna who brought it and ate dinner tho the rest of us were through when she came. Louise is not much as she was one year ago, she was then thin and tiny and now she is plump and ruddy and healthy looking. She is 31 1/2 inches tall but weighs more than our scales will weigh, probably about 27 lbs. She has 12 teeth and two stomach teeth are all most through. This morning when Anna and I were eating breakfast about 6 A.M. and still dark and the rest of the kids in bed, Louise appeared as she often does, out of the darkness of the hall without a sound. There she was holding her nighty high in front of her smiling eyes looking through a tangled mass of hair. She appears that way often and some times fairly frightens us, not a sound do we hear all of a sudden we see her standing there grinning. We had a nice dinner and of course at supper a birthday cake, pink and white, covered with white frosting and two tiny candles burning on top. Louise does not talk connectedly yet but says a good many words. Howard is "How O", Bennett is "bah bah", Laurence is "La La', Doll is "oll", good is "mum mum", minute is "mim mim" and every time you call her she says "mim mim" especially if you want her in a hurry. She has one peculiar trait, she can tell the owner of any garment in the house, I guess. Undergarments, shoes, slippers, hats, caps, gloves or anything. I asked her whos little shoe that was then I said was it Howards? She says no, I said "La Las", "up" says she (up is yes). And she can nearly dress and undress herself. She will work and fuss and really gets them on in their order, and on right too. And she is very good about playing alone, and amusing herself. Laurence plays with her a great deal but he is a great tease and usually keeps her whining and protesting. But the boys all seem to think a great deal of her and Howard some times says aint we glad we got her Mama? And just now the day is over, the boys are all up in their beds and Louise is sleeping in her go cart with her new Doll hugged up tight. Mama is dozing in her chair and I in mine and it is 10 oclock. Louise has a cute way of excusing herself from the table, she stands up in her chair and looks at each one in turn with her head on one side bird fashion and makes a questioning "um m" "um m". Each one of us says yes untill she gets to Bennett, and he to tease says no then she will stamp her foot and say "Bah Bah" "um um."

Thursday November 30 Thanksgiving. Rather cold, about 30 but raw and threatening. 1/2 holiday. Chicken dinner, cran berries, celery and squash and squash pie.

December 1911

Friday December 1 Not so nice, about 30°. Heavy mail.

Saturday December 2 Cloudy, some what threatening. Anna finished Laurences overcoat Today. It has worried her for 2 or 3 weeks. We got a tailor to put in the pockets and it is quite a fine looking coat but I do not believe it pays especially if you do not have any more time than Anna has to sew. Bennett and Laurence took supper with the Burns to night. They live at 1249 Trumbull just 3 blocks. Anna and Howard went down town after supper and I stayed with Louise and Bennett and Laurence came back soon. The papers are full of the confession of the McNamara Brothers who are on trial in Los Angeles Cal. for whole sale dynamiting extending back over 5 or 6 years and especially for blowing up the Times Bldg. in Los Angeles and killing 21 people. Tense feeling existed between Capital and Labor over the arrest and trial. Labor unions blamed Capital and Capital blamed Unions for the outrages. The Bros were big Union men.

Sunday December 3 About 2 inches of new snow covered the ground this A.M. Howard has a billious spell and did not get up untill after dinner. Nobody went to Sunday School Today. Quiet day, nobody came and nobody left the house. Such days we read stories to the children and read for ourselves. Howard loves stories and is always teasing for someone to read to him. He can read pretty well himself but likes to hear someone read better. Bennett has got to that stage where he is continually spelling words out of paper Etc. and asking what that spells.

Monday December 4 [No entry]

Tuesday December 5 Beautiful day. Mrs Slater the nurse called.

Wednesday December 6 Beautiful day and warm. Anna took a sudden resolve Today and got all the children dressed up in their prettiest and took them down to Sargents, cor. Grand River and 14th, and got their pictures taken in a group. She had to telephone to them and make an appointment for 11 A.M. then telephone to the school to have Howard & Bennett sent home, then get them ready and to the car all alone is a mighty undertaking. I got home and had dinner nearly ready when they got home. Anna said getting Laurences overcoat done and getting them to the photographers was two mighty big jobs done. I guess if the pictures should have to be taken over again for any reason she would give up in despair.

Howard (Back), Bennett (Left), Louise (Center), Laurence (Right)

Thursday December 7 Beautiful day and warm like spring. Streets muddy. I took a trip down town at noon Today. Paid state and county taxes, Gas and electric lights, bought a few little Xmas things and was tired out at night. It always nearly does me up to go down town extra.

Friday December 8 Nasty day, regular Spring rain and fearful muddy. Anna went to call on Mrs Burns this Eve. Mrs Burns has been sick, Anna is there now. Howard just put Louises nighty on and then put her into her go cart and got her to sleep then went to bed himself. Bennett went up stairs to bed some time ago and Laurence as usual eats his supper and goes to sleep most always in his chair at the table. Some times he manages to get to the couch, then I have to undress him and carry him up and put him to bed and he hardly ever knows a thing about it, he never wakes up through it all.

Saturday December 9 A little rain, damp, nasty, warm, nearly up to 60°. Mrs Mamer called this afternoon. Anna and Howard, for a protector, went down to Elliot Taylor Wolfendens to make a few Xmas purchases. Of course all the children want to go every time but Annas time is well nigh limited to Saturday night, the worst time for any body to go and especially bad to take children because of the crowds so we have to resort to all kinds of strategy to get away. Louise had to [be] put in her go cart to go to sleep. Laurence was on the couch asleep as usual and Bennett had to be coaxed and promised. And by the time Anna is able to get away she has put little time to spend down town.

Sunday December 10 Damp, rainy and windy. I suppose that means it will get cold. Howard & Bennett went to Sunday School. Home all day.

Monday December 11 Rainy and horrid. Big load of mail and had to carry an umbrella too, that makes it a great deal harder.

Tuesday December 12 Still wet and nasty. Streets are fearful dirty and nasty. A miss Fifefield from Los Angeles called here Today. She is acquainted with Annas sister there. She is attending the Thomas Normal Training School here.

Wednesday December 13 Bright and beautiful Today, seems good to see the sun. It has been about 5 days I guess since it was bright. White frost this morning but is unusually warm for Dec. Anna and children took a walk P.M., Mrs Burns went along.

Thursday December 14 Cloudy, not near so nice as yesterday. Christmas is getting so near and we are still worrying about what to get for the kids. Howard wants a bicycle, Laurence wants a big auto wagon built like an Locomotive Eng. that costs $12.00. Bennett wants a sled which he will get. But the others will have to come down, $2 a piece seems like a lot to spend on toys and I guess it will cost us more than that just to get what seems like a few little things. Laurence has a birthday too. We have got him a little gold ring and probably a box of candy and a candle cake will be the extent of that. Every thing costs and what is more makes lots of work and running and worry.

Friday December 15 Cloudy, not at all cold. Well I did a big stunt this evening and before I got home I thought I would have to call an ambulance. I took Bennett and Laurence back to the P.O. with me on my afternoon trip and from there we took the Woodward [car] down town. We got down town about 5 and home a little after 8. We went first to Peter Smiths looking into toy windows on the way. We ordered Nuts, Raisins, currants, figs, oranges, citron, candy sugar, mince meat, Etc. Then we went across the street into Jos. Hudsons toy department and I just followed the kids around and kept track of them and let them look to theirs hearts content. Then we went to Heynes Bazaar and again they looked and looked over two floors of toys. Then we went to the 10¢ store as well as any place and there they bought a few things with their own money that they had earned helping their Mother. Bennett a pretty basket for Mama and a mouth organ for Howard, Laurence a funny doll and a dog, Holly paper napkins for Mama. Then we got a bag of candy and I was so tired I could stand it no longer so we came home happy, ate our supper and went to bed.

Saturday December 16 Wet, rainy, snowy, awful sloppy. We seem to have so much nasty weather this year. I do not believe Bennett (Bah Bah) and La La know any more what they want than they did before they went down town. They see so much that they cannot choose. Bennett sticks to his sled and now he wants a spelling board. Laurence wants an old pumping toy, it looked to me as though they must have had it in stock for years. It was a pump set in a sort of pail, put the water in the dish and then pump it out into a couple of little pails that hung on the spout. Of course they wanted this and that all around but out side of the Locomotive Wagon that Laurence wants and I cannot afford to buy, they do not seem to stick to any one thing that they want. But they always have liked what we get them and guess that is the best way just get them some thing that we think will amuse them the most. If they saw only a few things I think it would be more satisfactory.

Sunday December 17 Cloudy, not very pleasant. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School. Home all day. Burns family dropped in this afternoon. They are building a store in Highland Park, cor. of Buena Vista & Hamilton, and expect to move in in another month.

Monday December 18 Beautiful day, not cold at all. Bright and clear. Anna did a big washing. Irene Fuller here while her mother went down town to buy Xmas presents.

Tuesday December 19 Another beautiful day. I hope it stays this way until after Christmas. Not a bit of snow but there is lots of mud. The Post Office is having the calm before the storm, the mail is unusually light.

Wednesday December 20 Another fine day, good every day like this takes one away from winter. A few packages in my mail Today but it is coming slow. Howard and I went down on Grand River to night to finish buying Xmas things. We enjoyed looking at things. Howard bought his Mama a vegetable brush for Xmas. I bought a book "Motor Bay" and a few little things. Howard went up in front while I bought things.

Thursday December 21 Not so fine, damp and raw, threatening. The mail is coming now all right. Anna and kids went to 14th to buy supplies this afternoon.

Friday December 22 Not a very nice day, warm enough but sloppy and soft. An express wagon brought my packages over here Today and I delivered them from here.

Saturday December 23 Damp again, some rain. Mail heavy, had help Today besides having my packages brought over here. I went down town to night to buy a camera. Mabel sent the money to buy a $3.00 camera so I could take pictures of the children and send them to her. I bought it at Blacks. I bought a top, a toy pump and a toy decoration. It was fearfully crowded and the stores looked littered and picked over and thinned out.

Sunday December 24 Beautiful day, warm and pleasant. I had to go to work Today from 7 to 11:45. I took a nap in the afternoon while Anna and kids took a walk. The children hung up their stockings and went to bed in high excitement and declared they would get up at 4 oclock. Anna and I fixed the tree to look quite pretty decorated with strings of colored corn and tinsel and ornaments with a electric light at the very peak of the tree. The children had strung the corn some then we put a few things with candy and nuts, orange and apple in their stockings and closed the parlor doors so they could not see the tree untill we were ready. The children thinks Santa puts the things into the stockings but Papa and Mama puts the things on the tree. And the things they get out of their stockings they say Santa brought them and the things they get off of the tree they say Papa and Mama or Auntie Etc brought them.

Monday December 25 Dark and cloudy, only one or two steaks of sun all day long. Not at all cold, about 40° above and not a speck of snow or winter like at all. I got up soon after 4, the children were all awake but I would not let them get up untill I had got the furnace a going and it was warm. When the clock struck 5 they all began to holler Merry Christmas every body. And out they got and made a rush for their clothes in the bath room they always use for a dressing room in the winter because it is warm and then down they came and made a grand rush for their stockings to see what they got. They were having a fine time. I ate my breakfast and went at 6. They are to wait untill I get through home to have the tree it seems a shame to make them wait but seeing them get the things is all the fun there is in it. I had a long hard day of it. I had no help to speak of. Howard and Bennett took the baby buggy full of pks and followed me down 12 and back and up Hecla, that helped a good deal and finally I got home about 3:30 and we had dinner by 4 oclock. And then we were ready to open the doors. I had taken a picture with my new camera and the kids were just wild by that time so we opened the doors and the kids did not make a rush but held back a little to see what Louise would do. The tree looked very nice and Louise saw the Doll in the Doll buggy the first thing and it was a pleasure to watch her she was so pleased. She peeped under the top at the Doll then took hold of the handles then peeped again and so on then she stuck her head under the top and kissed the Dolly and kept saying "wease". The boys had a fine time and began by guessing which was theirs, then getting one at a time and enjoying it all to the full. We made no mistakes each one got their own and it was easy for them to guess which was theirs. Bennett got his sled, Laurence went for the Auto. And they got so many things it seemed as tho they could not enjoy them all but when we asked them which they liked the best, they said they liked them all the best. They got about 10 presents each and Howard was so surprised and delighted when he found his watch, almost the last one on the tree, it was from Auntie Edna and was an Ingersol Junior. He got a hockey stick, a bow and arrow, Motor Bay book, games, Etc. Laurence got toy Auto, tools, toy pump, picture books, blocks, Etc. Bennett got sled, games, top, jumping bunny, climbing monkey, horn, Etc. Louise got buggy, Doll, picture books, music roller and things besides candy, nuts, canes, Etc. I got a pair of slippers, gloves and a few useful things. And Annas were all useful things. We all got about 10 each. And we certainly had a very pleasant Christmas and the children went to bed early tired out with excitement and very happy which was good to see. They each one carried every present they had up stairs and layed them beside their bed on the floor and went to sleep.

Tuesday December 26 Not a very nice day and it rained hard in the Eve. Inez Hart and a friend of hers called. The kids were all happy Today over their Christmas but they had all the excitement they could stand and by night was pretty cross and cranky and each one went to bed as soon as they had their supper. And Papa and Mama had all they could stand too and were glad when they were all in bed and it was quiet for the first time in all day.

Wednesday December 27 Fearful wind from the N.W. and getting colder all day and by night it seemed dreadful cold. And a wind from the N.W. seems to blow right through the house and it is the hardest to keep the house warm then.

Thursday December 28 Cold Today, the coldest this month, about 15° above this A.M. and considerable wind. Made two trips Today for the first time since last week.

Friday December 29 Beautiful day, froze hard last night. A little snow flurries but the ground has not been white with snow this month as I can remember. And it has not been cold enough to freeze the mud. I never knew a December like it. I made two trips Today.

Saturday December 30 Snow this forenoon turning to rain and it was a miserable rainy and sloppy afternoon. I had a big mail and made two full trips and came home tired out. Anna was tired out and I do not know how the kids got to bed. I was asleep in my chair untill 10 oclock and when I awoke Anna was asleep in her chair and we was both mad because we had not gone to bed to do our sleeping.

Sunday December 31 Rain, slush in the morning. Wind, cloudy, growing cold P.M. Every body had to report at 8 A.M. this morning and set up their mail and it was not at all necessary as there was no excess mail. And we just had to sit around and wait for the Clerks to get the mail distributed. Howard and Bennett went to Sunday School.