Statistics Themed Everything

Post date: May 19, 2011 4:35:22 PM

Would you ever leave on a road trip without a map or GPS?

It is foolhardy and unwise.

Then why would you leave upon an adventure in probability distribution functions and moment generation functions without a map of the Univariate Distribution Relationships?

But where can you find such a map of the distributions?

Why here of course!

Dr. L. Leemis published the paper Univariate Distribution Relationships in The American Statistician available here:

In the paper is the most wonderful chart any statistician has ever seen.

With Dr. Leemis's permission we are able to bring you a full sized poster of the Univariate Distribution Relationships so that even though you may wander amongst the distributions, you are never lost.


All original work by NausicaaDistribution

via Etsy

My-my-my-my data hits me so hard

makes me say oh my Lord

Thank you for blessing me

with SAS to use and proc MC MC

It feels good

when you know you're done

A consistent sample from a target distribution

And its known as such

And this is a property u can't touch

I told you homeboy

u can't touch this

Yeah that's how we're samplin' and you know

u can't touch this

Look at my steps man

u can't touch this

Yo, let me reach the distribution

u can't touch this