Google Search Appliance Inquiries

Post date: Jan 03, 2011 6:29:48 AM

The new high-end Google Enterprise Search Appliance looks cute, like Swiss cheese!

GSA-related Q&A for Quora

"Are the Google Search Appliance and the Google Mini built in a Google factory?", I wondered. Does Google sell other hardware to enterprises? It was my second question on Quora, on 29 June 2010. I received a nice answer!

Myroslav Opyr, CTO of Quintagroup

1 upvote by Ellie Kesselman

As of 2005 and according to Gigabyte was actual producer. Hardware was sold exclusively via Google Store. New Generation Google Mini and GSA are most likely produced by Dell (see Dell prices are a bit cheaper then Google Store ones.

This was my very first question on Quora:

Is the Google Search Appliance the only Google hardware? If not, what other Google hardware products are available and for what purpose?

I received several prompt answers. The second was from Charlie Cheever.

Andrew Stagg, Xoogler (worked there for 1 year)

4 upvotes by Ellie Kesselman, Hema Manickavasagam, Patrick Harrington, and Kyle Hogan

Google builds their own servers and other data center hardware, but none of this hardware is publicly available.

I also have a Google branded USB mouse and USB flash drive, and I believe they may still be available at the Google Store, however, neither were developed by Google.

The Nexus One is Google branded. It is a smartphone that runs Android.

No. There are Chromecast and Nexus.

Charlie is gone. He left a long time ago. Of the two Quora founders, Charlie Cheever was the one who should have stayed. Unfortunately, I think Adam D'Angelo has most of the money, as Facebook's first CTO. I miss Charlie.