More Data About Data Anxiety

My occupational areas of expertise are risk management and quantitative analysis. I use probability and applied statistics to detect anomalies, confirm regulatory compliance, and do due diligence. My most recent job titles were "financial risk manager", "bank model governance lead", "financial economist", and "data governance manager". 

My interests are eclectic. I am analytical, and have a hobbyist interest in formal and informal markets, public policy, 19th to 21st geopolitics including wars, and technology trends. I like historical context. Current events insofar as they impact public health, financial markets, and political economy are on my mind a lot. I like writing, reading, talking, and swimming. 

I'm running Windows 10 64-bit using Google Chrome browser.

I am most active as @EllieAsksWhy on Twitter. I read and comment on many corporate and personal websites I spend time on StackOverflow and Quora, but less so than in the past. I edit Wikipedia and I want to be the asset manager for the WMF Endowment fund. I use Mendeley and diigo often, Pastebin and Pinboard occasionally, and politely lurk on Github. I have a YouTube channel. I miss my iPod shuffle and Second Life. I do not use Facebook. I am an inactive, but current member of American Mensa. I was KA5JQF.

I like ironic humor, faith, and tradition. I love short haired German pointer dogs. Piggies and sheep are cute.  Word games are fun. I recently discovered Arena of Valor (League of Legends on mobile) and enjoy playing with the Angry Birds.

N.B.  I am unemployed and need to find work, as life will soon be very dire