
Post date: Jun 09, 2011 1:28:53 PM

By The Oatmeal a.k.a. Matthew Imnan

The broken arrow of my Klout timeline

* Click to view each image adjacent, and below, in full size.

Why 44 years?

Thales622 is very cheery. He has fully recovered from his radial keratotomy surgery last summer. He is a resident of Amsterdam, or AmsterDOOM, as he calls it.

Thales traveled to England for his surgery, as he had no one at home to tend to his needs while recovering. Brother of Thales lives in England, and is married. Thales's sister-in-law had the pleasure of nursing him back to health, seeing to his every need, for nearly three weeks. We were treated to frequent updates on the Twitter. Happily, all survived!

Google+ social snapshot

This sort of interaction, see below, is somewhat atypical for the usually staid Google+.

The most fun to be had on Google+ tends to consist of ridiculing non-technical types

with lots of social influence, yet lacking in basic tech familiarity. They try to fake it.

They fail ;o) Google+ is probably one of the worst venues to attempt such deceptive behavior.

Via Surveillance Daily

This is a product offering from a Surveillance Daily advertiser. See below for further details re Surveillance Daily. Bitcoin is accepted.

Anyway, the screen shot above features my (possibly) high school-age acquaintance, Chris Chinky Chao. His tagline is "I don't post regularly, but when I do, I spam". He had a big day at the reservation cigarette store, and shared with us. No, he doesn't smoke, nor do anything bad. He is a good student, and a nice young man.

Bill Gates on Twitter

This is the background image that Bill Gates chose for his Twitter account. All residual oddness is due to incongruity.

I guess.

I was a featured contributor on Surveillance Daily AGAIN! Clue: Look for Bill Gates, and you'll find me.

Reddit, naturally

If it were StackOverflow, the lines would be drawn freehand.

Finishing up

Blog around the clock at Scientific American

Though since discontinued, the blog entries will

remain online for posterity. I wish it had survived.