Market Cap Reference for Valuing Inflated Tech Companies

Post date: May 14, 2011 1:58:0 AM

* This is not very reliable data! It is probably at least three or four years old, although the article publication date is May 2011.

Why do I say that? Well, the market cap of AAPL (Apple Computer) was only $68 million, CVS and Caremark were reported separately (they completed a merger in 2007) and there is data for Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, yet both have been out of business for years. Also, the units look suspect. M usually means "millions". Which would imply that every one of these 200 companies had market caps greater than $10 billion, and many with market caps of $100 billion or more. That seems high, particularly for old data. Maybe I should just delete this entire entry....

Showing 200 out of 241 rows

Data Source: "Tree-Maps and Alternative Data Visualizations", Tableau Software Blog, 13 May 2011.

Complete data and original intent of post (use of Tree-Maps and other methods of data visualization) is available here: