Google Video Player

Post date: Nov 23, 2010 12:29:28 PM


Chagrin: I am not so clever.

Google Videos are a discontinued product.

There is a Google Video blog describing the discontinuation in 2009. Well, I enjoyed the selection of Steve Ballmer videos. Several Oracle SQL Query Optimization lectures too. Most are 1 hour plus in duration, and feature blackboards and chalk. They aren't old though. I'm not complaining, merely remarking.


Google Video

I saw a Google Video for the first time today. I experienced some serious cognitive dissonance, trying to determine what was amiss. Prior to now, and without consciously realizing, I considered YouTube videos- produced by Google for public access, to be one and the same as "Google Videos". I was wrong. THIS is a true Google Video!

The googleplayer, as it is named in the embed code, is an entirely different creature from the YouTube video player. Ironically, it Shockwave Flash-based (*.swf) rather than HTML5. Perhaps there is an upgrade feature? At the moment, I am eager to see if it will embed correctly, as Data Anxiety is a Google site. Google allows neither iframes nor JavaScript, on Google site pages, to the best of my limited knowledge. Odd, because both are allowed, or rather, will load without any problem, on the Google owned Blogger * site pages.

The source of the video was Firetrust, a New Zealand information security and anti-malware company. The subject matter is more than slightly amusing: A 17-second clip of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer expressing his enthusiasm for developers at an unspecified conference in 2005.

EDIT: Video was removed