The Long Now

Post date: Feb 29, 2012 5:35:53 AM

Source: The Long Now, on Flickr.

Many other photos and further information about this project may be found there.

Update (31 December 2012)

I read an article in The Wall Street Journal today. There seems to be a harmonic convergence of activity related to Amazon dot com. According to The Wall Street Journal, The Long Now is a project funded and sponsored by Jeff Bezos. It is not open to the public.

Items that I embed here occasionally go dark due to the vagaries of Google Sites' "no JavaScript" policy, or the source removes or restricts the original data e.g. for the list of U.S. Federal government websites associated with the White House, or something along those lines, which was the subject of one of my prior posts. I have embedded The Long Now slides once already, and lost access. If the image rectangle has gone dark, or blank, just click on the direct link to Flickr above.