
Web Analytics

by @PostRank, 14 Jan 2010.

"@ViperChill I'll get the guys to look into why the Tour is showing 0%, cuz your Analytics look fine"

PostRank was acquired by Google in June 2011.

Oddly, their Twitter account, @PostRank, remains active, unlike other companies Google has recently acquired. Well, not for that reason alone!

Also, PostRank staff relocated from Ontario to Mountain View, CA.


As of yesterday (26 April 2012), according to a slightly snide @GEOpdx, PostRank services are being taken offline by Google. It was only a matter of time, I as I suspected. Still, I will miss PostRank and its widgets. I had a nice PostRank widget on my EllieAsksWhy Annex on Blogger, which showed what was going on at Blog Central on WordPress.

On an entirely different topic, here are some random assorted images I accumulated.

As usual, click on the image to view en-huge-ed.

Let's start with a silly periodic table of beers. The number of notations per "element" was impressive, though by no means meaningful. Well, they might be, I didn't check too closely, nor do I know enough to be able to determine veracity.

Next, a candid screen shot courtesy of IBM

They don't quite have the social networking thing down yet. When I tried to send the URL for the associated webpage, using the Twitter button as installed by IBM web developers, well.... it failed to include any URL whatsoever. Even worse: The content sent to Twitter was a dense mass of verbiage that was a full 468 characters over Twitter's 140 character limit. Oh, IBM!


I think the time has come to give up on Newsvine, the place where one is (or was) supposed to go to learn things.

I'll let the screen shot speak for itself.

Suffice it say that it is no wonder that I fail to attract any readers to my Newsvine column! Not with stories about anomalous trade patterns in metals, which I thought was very cool.

I don't think I am being elitist or highbrow or pretentious or arrogant or bad by posting that. I mean, lots of people like financial markets stuff, I think. I know!

I don't know.... sigh.

Okay, enough for today.

Yes, I am Liselotte too.

There's a story behind that, to be saved for another day.

Okay, after posting, I had a glance at the "auto-suggestions" for Newsvine on-site content that I might find interesting.

First, the content of the story I posted a few days ago, see below. (I used an image scraped from none other than... IBM sshhhhhh. If you look, you'll find it right here on this very website, in my "Copper Copy" post... literally).