


Domination 'Power Over' - > to - > 'Power With'

  • Mutual and Integrative sharing of power and decision making

Hierarchy and Authoritarianism - > to - >Deep democracy

Isolation - > to - > Common Humanity:

  • People have the same feelings and needs

Individualism - > to - > Relationality

  1. We are all in it together.

  2. Systems awareness

  3. ecology

  4. Transcendent. Ability to see the larger system

  5. transformational.

  6. interconnectedness

  7. we are all in it together.

  8. interconnected web of feeling and effect. each move effects the other like standing on a trampoline.

Separation - > to - > Integration

Hidden - > to - > Authenticity of Feelings - realness, honesty, transparency, openness, congruence

  • hiding or preventing feelings from being known.

Indifference - > to - > Care

  • Ethics of Care - Caring about the feeling of well-being of self and others.

?? - > to - > Mutual Deep Listening and Dialogue

In-groups, Exclusion - > to - > Inclusion of All -

  • no enemy images. no us vs. them,

Self Interest - > to - >Mutual Support

  • support each other in spreading the vision

Ethics of Justice - > to - > Ethics of Care/Empathy

Detachment - > to - > Presence

Judgement - > to - >Empathy

Punishment - > to - >Restoration and Reconciliation

Commanding - > to - > Dialogue

Abstraction - > to - > Context

Competition - > to - > Collaboration


Culture of Empathy

  • is an umbrella term for the various empathy compents

  • Each person in the relationship can contribute to developing relational or a culture of empathy.

  • The social systems, institutions, processes, etc can be designed to nurture CoE.


"Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies. Culture is considered a central concept in anthropology, encompassing the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies." Wikipeda



Imaginative Empathy

Relational Empathy

  • "speaking" empathically as well as listening.

Empathic Creativity

When people deeply connect with each other and understand their needs, creativity emerges to address and solve problems. This deeper quality of creativity comes from deeply understanding and connection with each persons needs and desires.

Empathic Action

  • Taking appropriate action

  • Taking appropriate co-action


The foundation of a Culture of Empathy would be the empathic relationship between two people. It takes the intention of both people to create that relationship. Each person contributes to it. We need to articulate the nature of that relationship and how each person supports it.

A world that works for all,

A Way of Being

A culture that places empathy as a core way of being.


Everyone can fully and authentically express themselves.


Everyone feels they are included and belong.



How do we empathically deal with the relational conflicts that are sure to occur.


Feeling a scene of connection to the community.

Common Humanity

An awareness that people have a common set of feelings, desires and needs. Seeing that everyone has the same shared spectrum of feelings and needs of joy, pain, suffering, fear, sorrow, anger, security, tenderness, etc. etc as we ourselves do.

People say to find commonality with people by identifying more superficial commonalities, such as you are fans of the same sports team, or like the same color, etc. but the deep commonality that we all have is our common humanity.


having meaningful and constructive dialogue.

Full Humanity

Be willing to see and hear the full humanity of someone and society. Not closing off to parts of them.

Heard and Seen

Everyone feeling heard and seen.


Everyone belongs. Actively reach out and include everyone.


Worldviews, experiences are integrated.


Mutual empathy.

Everyone empathizing with everyone else.


It is a culture and society that is open to everyone



An awareness of not only ones own experience but of the relationship[s between all parts of the whole.

Relational Empathy

"In Rogers' original work a key component of the core facilitative conditions for individual growth is empathy. Empathy has since been shown to be the gold standard for effective facilitation in any growth-focused relationship. Empathy is commonly regarded as an individual-to-individual phenomenon in which one person senses the unspoken or inchoate thoughts or feelings of another. Our observations show that group or relational empathy may be even more important than individual empathy in the formation of conscious communities." Maureen O'Hara

"Empathy is then discussed in a more multi-leveled or holistic way as a way of being in, belonging to and knowing the relational contexts in which human beings find ourselves situated. Although the main arguments expand understanding of empathy as a therapeutic process the chapter concludes with a discussion of the social conditions of late twentieth century psychology. " Maureen O'Hara

Relational Empathy: Beyond Modernist Egocentricism to Postmodern Holistic Contextualism


Empathy is criticized in saying that a used car salesman will use empathy to get on your good side.

We Are All in it Together

build a global culture of empathy where everyone feels heard, seen and acknowledged. Where everyone's common humanity, needs and values, such as, connection, care, safety, belonging, community, freedom, creativity, meaning, etc. are met.

How to Build a Culture of Empathy


  • A COE is people holding constructive dialogues and people coming together to solve problems, and make a better life together.

  • Hold a conference and design group on designing the concept of a COE.